Sage Emperor

Chapter 736: Evergreen Tree

“Good, I mean the same thing, anyway, Ye Shao Ye is basically dying this time! ”

Yang Qi's face flashed out sharply, his hands waved, a magic bladder went into the hands of Miss Green Incandescent: “Here, loaded with many pills, can quench the Fae Qi, you can sell half of it except for your own training and taking, every pill, now is the price. You trade more for Falborough, grow your power, buy people's hearts and minds everywhere, and then I can give you control of the Green House and even get more. ”

“Yes, the master is well-planned, invincible, and the whole fairy world, even the past and the future, must belong to the master. ”

Young Lady Green knelt down again and hurried off.

Within a few hours, she came back again and said, "Master, I have everything arranged. Now you are a little genius in our Green Family, please put some strength on you. Fabao, Fu Lu is sealed, especially not being able to fluctuate xenophilosophy. Otherwise, at the time of the examination, it is likely to be discovered. You will then be disqualified from the appraisal and will not be able to approach the Evergreen Tree. ”

“Our appraisal is strictly forbidden for any old antique aided fraud. ”

Yang Qi had long known that this assessment was some genius assessment on the ninth floor of the chisel. It was actually a low-level assessment, but it was dangerous. Billions of geniuses, actually wiped out, some horror.

If there are some ancient antiques in it that help people, then attach to the Numen, or put them on others, then it is easy to test them.

Therefore, it is absolutely forbidden for such a thing to happen.

Billions of geniuses, such as a poppy in the ocean, are described in trillions, not to mention trillions, even in the green family's mastery of the city.

He stood up and walked out of the maiden room with Sister Green. Through the transmission array, he came to a square. In the square, he also stood a team of thousands of people, large and small, all of whom were the children of the Green family who were going to take the assessment this time. They all felt that they had some difficulty in impacting the mythical realm, or wanted to get surprised, quickly impacting the mythical realm, before going to the assessment.

Some Green elders stood in front of these disciples, talking.

“You are all elite children of our Green Family. To truly stand out, you must cultivate to reach the realm of mythology!” Once an elder has shot at everyone, a smile appears on his face: “You are all brave people who dare to take the exam. In fact, after the exam, most of you will die and not even leave any of you behind, but if you have the luck, once you succeed, the achievement will be higher for others. Because, the power of the Divine Seed is so great that when you get it, you can use the power and virtual divine character of the Divine Seed to not only impact the mythical realm, but will also remain unhindered in the future! ”

“Those who do not dare to take the assessment want to reach the mythical realm with their own qualifications, even if they succeed, they will exhaust their potential, and there will be no day after that! ”

“Only by passing the examination and obtaining the seeds of Shinto can we advance to a higher level. I now declare that as long as one of you passes the examination, he will immediately become the son of our Green Family and enjoy a very high status. ”


The elder was very inspiring and, in a word, moved everyone's killing machines.

“Let's go! ”

In succession, everyone walked into the transmission array. As the transmission array sounded violently, enormous energy erupted, and after a few hours, everyone's eyes lit up, and they had reached the top of a huge square. The square was bigger than any other ocean. In the center of the square, a chaotic portal was erected, above which the gas of chaos swallowed up and spread, and the vicious God's evil breath was transmitted from it.

Shh shh shh shh!

In the square, many transmission arrays went out, and came out a young man, none of whom were master of the mythical realm, all on the ninth floor of the shredder.

Yet Yankee looked a few times and found that some of them were masters, hidden in strength, and some people, even those who could slaughter the God of chemistry, the unpowerful who broke God, like himself, were people with unparalleled strength. It was difficult to break through the mythical realm, and wanted to get the seeds of Shinto in order to break through.

The stronger you are, the harder it is to break through. Only opportunity and foreign objects can be obtained. Otherwise, you will have to stay in that realm for the rest of your life. Closed doors and cars will not succeed.

The scene, with billions of people, is still growing, coming from big cities, big families.


Next to the Gate of Chaos, an ancient antique came, Yang Qi frowned and saw that this group of ancient antiques in purple clothes, are all masters above the realm of Hao Shen, mythology seven heavens old ancestors, as soon as they appeared, one of the ancient ancestors shouted: “Every time an examination is held, everyone has become accustomed to it, so if there is any excess, I will not say, one word If you go into this gateway of chaos, the gateway of chaos will automatically detect that you are hiding heresy. No, if you do, you may be wiped out. If you don't, you will get a chaotic charm and enter the vast miracle behind the door, as long as you can find the Everlasting Divine Tree, climb the Divine Tree, and take a divine species from it. Son, you will be promoted to the mythological realm. At the same time, that chaotic charm will send you out naturally. The rest depends on your chances? ”

“All right, let's do it! ”

An old ancestor gave the order.


As if the gate was flooded, all the expert geniuses flew up and flew towards the Chaos Gate, rolling the flood, are the geniuses of the fractured realm, the breath combined, also created a considerable threat.

Boom, boom, boom...

Many people went through the Chaos Gate, and suddenly some people screamed and blew their bodies to shreds, turning into bloody rain, and several ancestors laughed: “This is punishment, you fools, always thought you could escape the Chaos Gate examination, carry Fae Ideas into it, think the ancestors behind you could shelter you, tell you that this Chaos Gate, is an ancient artifact, can detect everything! Even the ancestors behind you will be attacked by the gates of chaos and severely injured. ”

Yankee heard the words, his heart darkened vigilance, his body moved and turned into a subtle light, passing through the Chaos Gate.

Indeed, during the shuttle, suddenly a light lashed down, ancient ideas, shooting all over his body, an inch of skin, an inch of meridian, even penetrating deep into the sea of knowledge, leaving him with nothing.

But who is he?

The Imprint of the Gods, the Immortal King Fu Lu is the greatest existence, and the fragments of the disc of civilization are even more unusual, but between moments, they have been turned into unknown unknown little points, not in this time and space, deep in another universe, constantly jumping, it is not worth mentioning what the art of space is in front of this jump of the universe.

The ancient idea of the gates of chaos also jumped, searching many universes around Yankee in the blink of an eye, not catching him as powerful. The breath of Pharaoh and the Fae, after a long time, turned into a rhubarb and landed on his hand. This is the proof of the proximity to the Evergreen tree. Without these certificates, the Evergreen tree will not be climbed up casually.

Yang Qi grabbed Fu Luo and smiled slightly, then through this chaotic gate, rushed into endless chaos.

At this moment, a large number of geniuses are also rushing into it.

Three days and three nights later, all these people entered, and the gates of chaos slowly closed. Several old ancestors of Hao's realm laughed: “Ha ha, ha ha! I can't believe there are so many people taking this exam. I even saw some of these special bodies, many of the 3,000 bodies, frozen people, witches, clotted people... These people will all become nourishment for the Evergreen Tree. ”

“Yeah, every year so many geniuses, taking the exam, they all get surprised, powerful, often in shattered realms, they can defeat many mythical realm masters, some even with divine power, refined into virtual deities, but that's why it's almost impossible for them to impact the mythical realm, and they have to ask for the seeds of Shinto. Unfortunately, where are Shinto seeds so readily available? ”

“Yeah, every time, there are a lot of young geniuses who have been encountered, come to the examination, each time only a few people, have obtained the seeds of Shinto, there are a few times even completely extinguished, these young geniuses who have been encountered, their luck, their encounters, will be absorbed by the ancient gas of chaos, converted into nutrients, precipitated underground, absorbed by the Evergreen Divine Tree, so that the Divine Tree can thrive! More Shinto seeds condensed out, collected by our dynasty. These people think it is the gift and assessment of our dynasty, but they do not know that these feed the Everlasting Divine Tree. At the end of each assessment, this is the good time for our great harvest. ”

“It's really cool that we lead the Emperor Dynasty, how many lucky young people, these people are likely to become King Chengbao in the future, now they are all strangled, the rule of our dynasty is like gold soup. ”

“Unfortunately, a long time ago, that leaf did not escape a robbery, it was not absorbed, and the seeds of Shinto were successfully harvested, making him now grow up and unable to be strangled. It is a shame that he did not know if he could go to the origin test to obtain the great recognition of the origin. Once obtained, our dynasty was truly passive. ”

“It is no wonder that, even if he had passed the acknowledgement of his origin, he would not have been in the immortal realm of the gods, and it is uncertain who this world of heaven and fairies belongs to. At best, it's just an old ancestor. Our dynasty has plenty of opportunities to confront him, possibly even strangle him outside and plunder his luck! ”

“Not bad. Over the years, the Evergreen Tree has plundered the luck of countless talents and turned it into nutrients. It should change this time..."

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