Sage Emperor

Chapter 740: Eating Up

“I swallow, I swallow again! ”

A chaotic ancient snake, wrapped around the trunk, Yankee swallowed another Shinto seed inside his body, rolled and refined, energy filled every inch of skin, many particles and constant sand numbers in his body more closely connected to hell. Even his every power, not to change into an idol, but to change into a little hell.

His particles, there's a process of change.

First, all the particles wake up, turn into the power of the Ancient Giant Elephant, then turn the Ancient Giant Elephant into the Ancient Dragon Elephant, and finally, after promotion to the Immortal Path, they will turn into the Elephant, the Ancient Elephant, and finally, instead of turning into the Idol, they will again be reduced to the Particle, condensed into a Hell Embryo.

At the end of the day, the power of the number of constant sands all over Yang Qi became the Hell of the number of constant sands. These hells reached their highest peak and were completely combined with all the origins of Hell, so that they could become idols, transcend the gods, become the most powerful realm of the gods and become the incarnations of the dominion.

Now, Yankee's whole body is microscopic, shaped like hell's prototype.

Later, when he strikes, the hundreds of millions of Hengsha Hell will crush the enemy, that spectacular amount will bring Hell to the real world, no one can fight him.

This particle changes to hell, and in addition to absorbing its origins, Yankee himself needs extremely powerful energy. Since practicing, Yankee has been unable to muster so much energy to practice, and now he finally finds an absolute good opportunity.

After devouring dozens of fruits, his power has become unstoppable, a little roll of long tongue, the tongue of the ancient chaotic serpent can roll a Shinto seed silently into the mouth, it is invincible, the people below 36 ancestors are beating to death, constantly breaking through the gate, while he is easily promoted to cultivation.

Moreover, this fruit only works for people below the mythical realm. It has little effect on thirty-six ancestors. Their realm is too high, even if they continue to take it, it is a waste.

Under the sky, there are only freaks like Yang Qi who can take so many Shinto seeds, and Daoguo is still expanding without collapsing.


Below, thirty-six ancestors conveyed stronger power. The whole ancient tree of everlasting life was shaking violently. Many leaves fell, and the planetary world on top collapsed. I don't know how many creatures died between moments.

“True Riddle! ”

Thirty-six Journeys sprayed simultaneously, suddenly a giant piece. Fabao was sacrificed, and the entire space-time channel seemed to have been bombarded and the purple airflow passed in.

“The Tree of Everlasting Life is a poisonous tumor in itself. It is so easy to take the luck of countless young disciples of the immortal world and achieve itself. It has been sucked away by the ancient antiques of the dynasty, and want to achieve immortality.” Thirty-six ancestors: “Ye Xiao huddled the infinite origin and turned it into a truthful decree of poetry, hurry as the decree! ”

Purple airflow shocks down, is the original will of the Tudorian heavens in the fierce operation, in the course of which the entire world above the ancient trees, some chaotic antiquities explode, chaotic antiquities are also dispersed.

“What an opportunity. What an opportunity! ”

Yang Qi chaotic ancient snake body twisted everywhere, constantly wandering between the trunks, successive successive consumed fruit, at the same time, he could not digest the fruit for a while, there was a fragment of civilization disc, later to be swallowed by the people under him, his father, brother second brother they did not promote to the mythical realm, now is really too low, can not be human in the future in the Ecclesiastical Alliance.

Just a few hours later, Yang Qi ate at least thousands of fruits into his body, and when he arrived, the power of the fruit grew more and more, and he swallowed it almost without feeling.

That's power closing in on saturation.

Nevertheless, he still feels that every time he swallows a fruit, his power grows slowly, especially his own fateful fruit, becoming stronger and stronger, with many mystical patterns permeating it, giving a feeling that even God cannot destroy it.

An aroma of vajra seeds, born on doughnuts.

In addition to devouring thousands of mythical seeds, Yankee herself has stored thousands of seeds in the disk fragments of civilization. When she returns, her disciples will surely be promoted to the status of the mythical realm as if they were spring shoots after the rain.


I don't know what magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic magic trickle down the whole ancient tree.

Yang Qi sucked more comfortably this time, and suddenly tens of thousands of Shinto seeds were sucked into the body, condensing into a giant swirl.

Many particles in the body began to explode, metaphoricalized to hell. Now if the world's best man in the realm of the gods of Tao, or the realm of the gods of Hongjin looked at the past, it would be discovered that Yang Qi is no longer a human being, but a ray of radiation from all kinds of hells, an energetic body that, in order to shake him, had to destroy countless hells, and was something that could not be accomplished by the rulers of that time. Hell can only be repressed and not eliminated.

Hell has existed since ancient times. It represents evil.

“Good, tens of thousands of Shinto seeds sucked into my body, my energy is even more powerful. Now I can blow up the Seven Heavens empty-handed, without any power, the powerful in Hao's realm. ”

In the past, Yang Qi, for the powerful in the Seven Heavenly Hao realm, such as the Dancer of Heaven, had to introduce him into the disk fragments of civilization, then trigger the Gods' imprint, and finally start them all in order to be able to work together.

And now, he doesn't apply anything.

Gods' imprints, fragments, Immortal King's Rufu, Swallow the Heavenly King's Rufu. No magic treasure is needed. With the strength of his own flesh, he can punch out and completely destroy the Dancer of Heaven.

It can be seen that he devoured many of the seeds of Shinto this time. To what extent did his power increase?

If he swallows it like this, he thinks that even if he doesn't crush Daoguo fruit and achieve mythology, he can still resist the character in the realm of the gods of Tao! He swallowed it all the way upstream, silently and silently, and his power had climbed to its highest peak.

He was traveling all the way to reach the summit and seize the true deity that had not yet gathered to form. This is the most important thing, and even tens of billions of Shinto seeds cannot be compared.

This thing falls on an ancient antique at the level of a demigod, and the consequences are unimaginable. Impact the realm of the True God, and you can wait! Nor can he fall into the hands of Young Master Ye. Otherwise, he himself will have no way to live.

“I have to get the God of God! After absorption, the fisherman did not use any means of clam and clam fighting each other for the fisherman's benefit, directly bombed Ye Shao and General Saman, went to the future to make a big fuss, and at the same time, established the foundation industry here for all eternity. ”

Yankee rushes fast, eating fruit, faster, such as wind like electricity, running branches, to take the lead in the capture of fruit.

This Evergreen Tree does not know how tall it seems to never be able to reach the end, but Yankee feels that the more it reaches the top, the bigger the seeds of the Divine Path are, the purer the divine power and luck it contains, and there seems to be a force stopping itself from rising, and the laws of space have solidified.

“Civilization Disk Fragment.....”

“Cosmic Shuttling Systems On... ”


Keep going, keep shocking, keep eating.

Yankee now seems to feel like a snake eater, all the task is to eat and eat, eat and eat, eat and still eat.

Finally, I don't know how long I ate it, my fateful fruit actually has a slight swelling feeling. He immediately rejoiced in his heart, knowing that he is likely to tear up again to produce traces, and finally reached the mythical realm.

“How much energy can you explode in an instant by eating hundreds of thousands of Shinto seeds and storing hundreds of thousands of Shinto seeds in the disk fragments of civilization and taking them to the Ecclesiastical Alliance? ”

Yang Qi's face revealed a smile, his power, again multiplied many times, now even the genius of the Seven Heavenly Hawks realm, special physique, peak cultivation, can all be killed in one stroke, clean, without dragging water.

Previously, he was able to blow up only the ordinary physical Hao Shen mighty, and now the special physical can be extinct once and for all.

Even if there were no leaves before closing, wins and losses would not necessarily be known.

This time, he came to the right place, to reach the poetry of the sky, to achieve such an achievement, now even if nothing is obtained, to return satisfied, the harvest is absolutely stubborn.

Next, the battle sound of thirty-six ancestors was still transmitted, still tangled with the ancient tree of everlasting life, slowly rising, nobody knew, but Yang Qi was silent and began to climb first while promoting his strength.

“Gold Fruit! ”

Suddenly, Yang Qi seemed to see the dense hemp leaves deep, there was a bright light appearing. He immediately saw the surrounding Shinto seeds, which turned into golden yellow colors. It seemed that a golden Buddha sat in them, and he immediately began to devour them. The golden Shinto seeds, which contained a great deal of luck, were devoured, and then suddenly the whole person felt that they seemed to be embraced by Heavenly Blessings. Once they walked out, they would encounter each other and even kick into the artifact, and pick up something randomly, which was a treasure of the world.

After eating tens of thousands of golden divine seeds continuously, Yang Qi felt that his fateful fruit was getting bigger and bigger, and even had some pain, as if a pregnant woman was about to give birth to a son.

His strength, growing and full of explosive power, seemed uncomfortable without spilling out.

“Good, soon. Once it splits, it is not far from the realm of mythology. It can even stand and congeal itself into a virtual divine character. Kill all 36 ancestors and cut off the arms of the leaves.” Yang Qi was happy and went up again.

Resistance grew, but his power grew stronger and stronger, and every step further, he opened the heavens and the earth in chaos.

Suddenly, Lord Yang Qi's eyes widened and he saw a fruit hanging at the top of the Evergreen Tree.

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