Sage Emperor

Chapter 741: Finally Profitable

Looking at the dense and numb golden divine seed fruit, Yang Qi saw the highest top, a fruit hung on it, this fruit appeared, the colour of all the fruits.

This fruit, not big, is like a baby, crystal transparent, bright, crystal clear, no impurities at all, seems to contain nothing, nothing energy, but! A pair of eyes of the baby fruit, but the only adornment, a pair of black eyes, can see through all the illusions and truths of the world, and all the energy, the universe is born and destroyed.

If you look closely at the past, you can see in the eyes of this fruit baby the immortal extreme changes of the universe, and you can even see the shadows of countless people, the lifetime and the adventures of countless atmospheric fortunes.

Rather than being the fruit of the true divine character, it is better to say that it is a holy baby.

This baby fruit, which corresponds remotely to the holy baby in the sea of Yang Qidan Tian, appears to be a pair of twins.


Yang Qi fluttered violently, the whole person carried the breath to the extreme point, horror very much, he devoured so many Shinto seeds, Qigong reached the peak, fateful idle fruit could almost any time crack open explosion, infinite divine power on his body can not appear, now as soon as he saw this baby fruit, semi-finished authentic character, immediately erupted the strongest blow, to capture into the hand.

Once this thing is obtained, he will complete the hegemony business and can leave many people far behind, even if Ye Xiaoyi has no way to cultivate into the realm of Hongjin.

“Holy baby in one, divine bears, this thing is destined to be mine, I don't know how many geniuses luck, condensed into this semi-finished product of true divinity, it belongs to me. The ancient antiques of the Emperor of Rudolph Heaven are closed for a while. Ye Shao Ye has no choice. At this time, I suppressed the ancient trees of the Evergreen, but I took advantage of the cheap ones. It's so refreshing! ”

If it weren't for Ye Shao and thirty-six ancestors, Yang Qi would never have seen the infant's semi-finished authentic character.

The real finished product cannot be condensed.

Even with more luck, you can't condense into shape.

Yankee this is a complete struggle, exerting its own energy, it is horrible, between moments, all the forces are motivated, turned into a straight line, directly impacted on the semi-finished product of the Holy Baby God.


In the air, a corrugation appeared, and the corrugation erupted into infinite divine sound waves, blocking Yang Qi from moving forward. But Yankee pointed and said, "The gods' imprint, break it! ”

The imprints of the gods in his body moved. This sound wave broke as soon as it broke. Yang Qi directly tore it apart and instantly arrived in front of the god. He grabbed it with his big hand, and God's hand set out, countless notes descended in the sky. Heavenly Girl scattered flowers and flooded the earth with gold lotus.

“Bold! ”

At this moment, an angry voice rang out, and an invincible old man's voice appeared in the void: "Holy crap, riding me close to death, hiding the gates of chaos and breaking in! ”

In the voice, a fist, no sign at all, hit Yang Qi's body. This fist is equivalent to a blow by a master of the Hongjin realm. If it was before, Yang Qi would certainly have been blown up with one punch and no remains, but now a punch on his body just disintegrates him, turning into a trillion hells, black air diffuses, “Hell slaughtered God, the divine character corrupted! His voice came out, and the number of incarnations of Hengsha was Hell, wrapped in the true divine personality in a single moment, and then the whole glow of the Evergrande Divine Art dimmed.

As divine as it is, Yang Qi felt that deep in his air and sea, another divine infant, opposed to his concentrated holy infant, two pairs of opposites, seemed to merge.


He laughed, a bite of blood sprayed out, felt the true pure power of the divine character transmitted over the Holy Baby, between moments, countless atmospheric luck carried over his body, so that he was fully restored in an instant of repair, just wounded by a punch, but now many times more powerful than before the punch wound.


He felt that in the depths of the infinite nothingness, an ancient antique seemed to break away from the state of death and forcibly damaged to cross the infinite space of time and time to kill him.

When the opportunity was immediately determined, his whole person, using superior energy, suddenly shook the Immortal King Fu Lu, and suddenly a channel was opened, and the power of Wangjie Wangtu connected here.

His body moved and he had entered the depths of the Wangjie map, and the entrance was closed again.

At the moment of closure, he even saw 36 ancestors, and an elderly figure, crossing time and space, slaughtered hard, but the moment the bombardment reached the map of the kings of the universe, all dissipated, and the channel behind it burst, unfortunately they were not gods, unable to open the map of the kings of the universe.


Yang Qi sat in the map of the kings of the universe at the end of his ass, breathing and spinning, turning his whole body, it didn't take long to calm down, and running the coordinates, he reached the Green Family's city pool.

Return to the attic of the Grand Lady.

Behind that Chaos Gate, it was a closed world, and no one could enter it without the fragments left behind by the Chaos Gate. Unfortunately, the power of the Wang Dynasty Map was so great that it could suppress all ancient gods, so Yang Qi entered the Wang Dynasty Map with the energy of the four Immortal King Fu Dynasty, and successfully escaped.

This can be called a great success. As long as the character is slowly refined, not only can the mythical realm be accomplished, but even the realm of the future can be continuously shocked. Depends on the degree to which the divine form of energy supports you?

“Damn, damn...”

In that chaos, on the ancient tree of everlasting life, thirty-six Zuqi roared, they had just rushed up, saw a light, wrapped the divine character around them, and made them return without success. They were angry, and they wanted to kill those who had taken the divine character. Unfortunately, the man was torn into nothingness, disappeared, and then an incarnation of an elderly man came, and the old man wore a crown, and when he arrived here, he gave them a fierce hand.

This old man is an ancient antique, sitting dead and walking with the incarnation of the Numen, infinitely powerful, can break the ancient and transcend any substance in the world!


“You, you scum! How dare you take my hard work and breed hundreds of millions of years of things! Damn you, all of you!” The old man was furious, completely irrational, and killed against the pain of thirty-six ancestors.

“Lord of the Tudor Dynasty! You're wrong, we didn't take this thing away. We have to work together now to trace the man's whereabouts and get the gods back!” Thirty-six ancestors knew at this time, hurriedly shouting out loud.

“Neither are you good things. Although my husband is an incarnation, it's more than enough to kill you. Wait for me to kill you, then kill that little bastard Ye Wudao, and chase you down! ”

The old man, without the majesty of the emperor, did not distinguish between red and white, and again hurt the killer.

Thirty-six ancestors were defeated in an intense slaughter.


Just as they were in danger, a cold hum sounded out, great power turned into a purple bridge, suddenly flew in and blew up this space, the thirty-six ancestors connected to the bridge: "Enough! Ben Shao is now understanding the origin, there is no time to chatter with you, I already know, it is one of my greatest enemies to take away the divine character, you quickly find him, his incarnation, is the Holy Pharmaceutical Patriarch in the Ecclesiastical Alliance, Long Ao Tian, kill him! Then you can take back your character! ”

Ye Shao Ye's impudent voice.

Thirty-six ancestors were then taken away, the old man's identities were helpless, and he could see that this great purple bridge was actually the highest origin of the podium heaven, if outside he was not afraid, but now it is in the podium heaven, deeply restrained, even a miracle, can not play the greatest role.

“Humph! In that case, I'll send someone to find Dragon Awesome! If you're wrong, I'll destroy your Ye family! See what you can do when you get out. Even if you get the origin of Tulip Heaven, you can't temporarily become the climate. Although I can't kill you, the master of Tulip Heaven is still me, and the Dynasty is still me. Over the years, the number of antiques in our Dynasty can flood you and kill all of you! ”

The emperor growled furiously.

“Old man, when I solidify the source, I will fight you to see if you are good or I am good.” Ye Shao Ye's invincible voice is also cruel and fierce: “I am invincible in this pocket of heaven. Under the gods, no one is my opponent. ”

“Then take a look! You ruined my great plan, and this account, sooner or later, if it weren't for you, that Long Aotian would never have gained the divine character I had brewed.” The emperor jumped like thunder.

“In order to cultivate this character, you made us lead a bunch of geniuses to die and plunder their luck. You are the biggest culprit, how much sin you have made for becoming a god!” Young Master Ye's voice ironically said: "Your demise, in the midst of the underworld, there is a certain number of times. If you get this character, luck will hold on to your body and make up for your sins, but if you lose your character now, that sin will not be eliminated. Next, you will make painstaking moves, God forsake, and play the Dynasty, which is not an orthodox dynasty, and you will not want to rule the whole fairy kingdom. It is unthinkable. Enjoy your last moments, you will not have many days. ”


The Emperor was furious, the Seven Tips were smoking, and for a while, throughout the chaotic space, paleontology screamed, not knowing how many had been killed.

At this moment, Yang Qi enjoyed herself making tea in the Green Sister's maiden room, cultivating it, and appeared a slight golden light on her face, wrapped in a layer of silky crystal liquid.

Young Sister Green stood opposite each other, deeply in awe of her face, she has now received the news, this assessment has made a big thing, the whole Tudor dynasty in the general meeting, many literary and martial arts officials have gathered.

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