Sage Emperor

Chapter 769 Plunder

Two young girls and young Dragon masters didn't even know that they had become puppets of others. They thought it was heaven who blessed them and practiced them constantly.

Boom Lung!

Just for a moment, they broke through to the realm of God, and the power of swallowing was even greater. The ancient energy transmitted from that too ancient era is much more intense than it is now, almost a kind of flying speed, not even sky robbery has appeared.

The more they feel that they are blessed, the greater the gods are blessing themselves.

And so, cultivation became more painstaking.

But they didn't know that the ancient energy and essence, almost 99 percent, went into Yankee's body.

Because, on the surface, there are 300 charms swallowed, but actually there are 1,800 charms shaking in Yankee bodies.

In Yang Qi's body, there are 2200 charms, leaving 400 in the future world energy channel, but now all the other charms are pressed here.

1800 sheets, plus 300 sheets, total 21100 sheets.

It all swallowed energy from the Tai Ancient Era, all combined, not knowing how much bigger than the original swallowing, to know that the swallowing of the King of Heaven Ruyi is not twice as much, the swallowing is twice as much, but growing at a rate that transcends geometry.


Yankee body, countless hellish energies, in different peristalsis, particulate hell, grow again, fix to improve.

Unconsciously, he had reached the realm of the Second Refining God, and it was time to make a breakthrough.

But there is no breakthrough here, because although he crushes one way of heaven, he can only make others not feel heavenly, and without heavenly robbery, he is different. Who is he? The cultivated Supreme Lord Qigong, Fate Nothingness, is no longer the wrath of Heaven, but an ancient divine robbery. A heavy divine robbery came upon him, causing him to bear the wrath and oppression of the gods.

This number of hijackings, in an instant, can detonate the entire space, even the universe.

However, he began to seal his own cultivation, breathing enough energy here. Besides, three days later, General Saman would arrive in the world of Dori Tianjin, grind his own knife, wait for this man to arrive, and he would surely kill this man in time to plunder the disk fragments of his civilization.

But now that we know that the whole palace is deep and has something like "God Engine”, Yang Qi has in his heart a comparable mind about this thing, the fragment of the complete civilization disc, everyone knows that it has a great power, which is exactly what Yang Qi needs to become a god.

“Energy changes, one thousandth of the reserves… ”

“Energy changes, reserve of one percent……..”

“dī dī dī dī dī dī dī dī…. Energy reserve reaches one percent, system upgrades again, changes. ”


Two days later, the disk fragments of civilization absorbed two days of too ancient energy, and just momentarily, a huge transformation occurred, and countless lights were emitted from the mind and transformed into many individual light men.

This light man, is made up of a piece of too ancient particles, particles of light, arranged in a fantastic way, combined, transformed into something that resembles a symbol, and finally formed a human form, a blood vessel, a heart, a limb, a brain, and finally a whole life form.

“Angel of Light, gather to succeed. ”

In an instant, countless angels of light entered the disc fragments of civilization into various positions, carried out in an orderly manner, repaired, controlled the system, so that Yankee could control the disc without any notion.

“Energy, storage, conversion, manufacturing….” When the voice of the light brain reappeared, Yankee felt that, under that powerful energy, some of the little loopholes, little secrets, on the disk fragments of this civilization were all filled, and then became an indestructible, indestructible boundary.

Many mysteries have been developed, life gene systems, more powerful.

“Dí dí...... The vital genetic system, undergoing transformation, can make angels of light, can modify human genes and make them photogenic...”

The so-called photoluminescence is the flesh and blood of the whole human being, in the event of excitation, turns into a light, which flashes between the flashes of light and no attack reaches the effect.

It's a powerful biogenetic energy that can even absorb any light into its own true qi, incredibly powerful.

“Well, the energy reserve of the Civilization Disk Piece has finally been promoted on a massive scale, and some of its little vulnerabilities have been fixed, but at this point, I can't peek, or wait for the last minute to get out! Get out of here and leave something behind. Anyway, this pair of young men and women have become my puppets. Anytime, anywhere, I can come down here with a strong will to capture the arrival of King Tung Tian Fu, wait for that moment, and I will take the engine of God again! ”

Yankee waited for the head of the third day and suddenly jumped out of here.

His speed was almost invincible, and in an instant, eight celestial fairy realms exited, then traveled through multiple universes, reaching the entrance of the celestial fairy realm outside the sky, and his body flashed into the depths of this unmanned fairy realm.

Suddenly huge amounts of energy poured into the roof.

“Divine Refinement, No Law, Coming! ”

Yang Qi did not want to think, fingers by finger, suddenly the ancient gods plunged down, the shadow of the ancient gods appeared in it, fiercely attacked him, a palace of gods appeared, there were also the guardians of the gods, even the Buddha Golden People.


A Buddha, huge palm of his hand, violently filmed, Yuan Qi concentrated like Kong, beating Yang Qi's protective Qi dimension exploded, but Yang Qi opened his mouth, flying up to the sky, and ate the Buddha.

Later, his whole person, changed into a too ancient dragon, a roll of nose, a suction, those ancient gods in the void were sucked into his nose, and then swallowed, Tuna! Tuna, the heavens and the earth are all floating up and down between his breaths.

A divine robbery came to his head, immersing him completely in the great idea of communicating with the gods.

crackle and rattle!

His body, once again changed for many particles, became powerful for hell, and the energy from hell was transferred, this time no longer a fine line, but a large column of energy, representing many times the enhancement of his repair.

The semi-finished product of the true divine character kept shuttling, shaking, and infiltrating the Yankee Hell with countless amounts of energy. Suddenly, the hundreds of millions of Hengsha Hell's shadows condensed a glorious illusion of the underworld.

Hundreds of millions of underworld gods sing in the Sanskrit, all sing in praise of the great lord.

Yankee has congealed up virtual deities, these meditation deities, which are virtual deities. Now, the realm of purification is becoming clearer and clearer.

When they reach the realm of the gods of chemistry, these gods become clearer and unrivalled.

Heavenly Robbery's energy is gradually absorbed.

Shortly afterwards, Yang Qi arrived in the realm of Refinery God with a shock.

And he stood up, and the whole human being crackled, and between the sounds, every explosion could blow up a fairy kingdom. Many of the chaotic ancient beasts, ancient creatures, that grew up in the heavenly fairy kingdom outside, were frightened away, and deep in their memories of life they seemed to recognize, that God was coming.


Yang Qi leaned toward the sky and roared. Soon after, the thrones of the gods appeared on his head, leading directly to immortality. He was promoted to a level again, and seemed to have understood some of the delicacies that had reached the strength of the Town of God, as well as much more about the path to becoming God.

At a time when the realm of “Peeping God” was heavy, he surrendered to Lord Jiuyang, slaughtered the Dragon King, without the power to blow ashes, and pursued some semi-god antiques directly. Now, his strength has been enhanced a lot, even in the face of some old antiques, don't be afraid, even the siege of two old antiques, he can get away smoothly, even take every opportunity to behead.

At this moment, sitting in a Tai Ancient Divine Front, Xian Xian is still practicing. After obtaining the luck of the seventy-one ancestors, his cultivation has advanced rapidly. Even the breakthrough has now reached the realm of the five heavenly gods. Soon, it will reach the realm of the six heavenly dry gods, so that even the realm of the nine heavenly gods can wait.

This speed of cultivation has made any genius in history unprecedented and unprecedented.

Yankee ignored him, his body moved again, out of the heavenly fairy realm.

This Immortal Realm, which contains endless great mysteries, belonged to the celestial leader, but now holds it, but still can only explore the edge. Only by cultivating it to further grow, and perhaps reach the realm of the Hongjin God, can it fully grasp the origin, and bring the entire Immortal Realm into its sphere of influence. By then, it will have a level 33 Immortal Realm, and no longer have to hide in the East.

The 33rd level fairy kingdom, at the peak of the entire fairy path, naturally has an indestructible energy essence. Except for the coming of God, there is no energy to destroy the 33rd level fairy kingdom, and there is no power to move this fairy kingdom.

Because behind this fairy world is chaos, endless chaos with no opening.

Thirty-three levels of fairy kingdom are rooted in chaos. Cannot pull up.

“It's time for General Saman to come out. Civilization Disk Pieces, and the Immortal King Ruhui, are about to fall into my hands. This time, we can't let all this stuff get away. ”

Yankee eyes stood on a piece of chaotic debris at high altitude, looked down, his eyes did not know how many bits penetrated, and he saw that in the world of Brahma Immortals, now deep at the base of the future world, a huge channel deep, the energy flashed slightly, huge flying saucers went into the depths of parallel universes, and began to travel towards the world of Doodle.

“So fast! ”

Yang Qi's heart shocked, the fragments of this disc of civilization were incredibly fast, and if he hadn't just advanced to the realm of divine refinement, he wouldn't even be able to feel the trajectory of operation.

But the next moment he was released.

The disk fragments of one's civilization are only one percent energy reserves, and the other side must be full! Naturally different.

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