Sage Emperor

Chapter 770: Saman Comes

“Even if your civilization's disk is full of debris energy, I've got you today! ”

In Yankee's senses, General Samantha's flying saucer, and the faint Immortal King tokens coming out of his body, all intoxicated him, these things he dreamed of. Once obtained, you can fully climb the heavens step by step and restrain the leaves. Extremely cheap in subsequent practice.

Despite the fact that General Saman's civilizational disc fragments were very fast and Yankee fragments could not fly as fast as he could, he was now promoted to the realm of the Double Heavenly Refinery and cultivated into a rapid advance that could almost blow up the heavens and the earth and transcend the universe.

That angel's wings converted into free wings were almost the fastest in the world, and no one but God was able to compete with Yankee Speed right now.

Besides, the fragments of the civilization disk, the part that General Samantha owns, are nothing more than a matrix manufacturing system, powerful and powerful, but imperfect power systems.

If there was a god engine, Yankee would not be able to catch up with even ten more pairs of free wings with the current fix.

Unfortunately, in those eight heavenly realms, deep in the temples of the Dragon Clan, God's engine dominates the ancient passage, and there is no way to move.

So, Yankee unfolded the wings of freedom, a little bit of movement, the energy transferred out, all over endless space-time, a step earlier intercepted not far from the pocket entrance, a huge piece of chaotic debris deep.

Around the fairy world of level 33, all are chaos debris, behind it is chaos, very dangerous, chaotic storm sweeps all over the years, encounter the most intense chaos storm, even the mythical Jiuzhi Tianhong god realm of the monks to temporarily avoid the sharp rays. Rumor has it that there is a wind in the chaos storm that buries the gods, even if they bury them, and that is to avoid them far away.

Some chaotic debris was blown down by the storm, floating on the cosmic surface of the higher fairy kingdom, arranged into natural formations, some condensed into an extinct atmosphere, rare people, even the poker masters are reluctant to come out randomly, but rather build transmission formations.

Yang Qi had long prevented General Saman, a little movement, many chaotic debris moved over and formed a natural formation, these chaotic debris were very huge, often as big as the 20th level fairy kingdom, it was basically impossible to move, unfortunately Yang Qi Hu was too big, a little movement, the chaotic plate moved according to his will.

He was born with the ability to communicate with chaos.


A flying disc seemed to feel something. It came out of a parallel universe, stayed outside the Great Battle of Chaos, and did not rush into it. It seemed that the flying disc was too powerful to feel the danger ahead of time.

dī dī dī dī, dī dī dī dī...

Deep in the Frisbee, some future warriors are nervous busy, inputting energy, then the light brain violently shook: “Dangerous ahead, extremely dangerous, please turn around, scanned for dangerous unknown creatures, level unlimited...... energy index, unlimited, combat index, unlimited.........”

General Saman stood up from the high throne and said faintly: "What happened? ”

“General, many of the chaos debris in front of us formed a seemingly natural formation that blocked our path, and our shuttle system felt the extreme danger in it, so it immediately stopped and there was a powerful unknown creature hidden in the chaos debris. ”

A powerful future warrior has reported that this future warrior has a space-time passage, the smell of the future, the special physique, and the powerful ability of the life gene to modify it, revealing the invincibility of killing Buddha.

These future warriors, as long as they reach the present, are futurists, crossing the space-time channel, cultivating many times more, transforming their bodies to intercept the heavens and to accommodate themselves, every luck as intense as a flame, plundering all the material energy and changes of the Immortal Fairy Realm.

“Unknown powerful creatures hiding?” General Saman cold-blooded: “Well, let me see, what is that unknown and powerful creature? How dare you stop us here? ”

Between words, suddenly in his body, a faint shadow flew out and covered his body with a layer of light film, lightning penetrated, flashing and shaking, killing directly into chaos fragments.

The big shock of the chaotic debris seemed to stop it, but the light film suddenly rotated and cut the formation directly into it.

This is General Saman's invincible division, which can break through all obstacles and kill.

However, as soon as this invincible split entered, the invisible crowd saw a giant snake-shaped thing, seemed to open its mouth, swallowed the optical film in one place, and then a crackling noise, and the optical film split disappeared.

General Saman's body moved and the eagle hook nose and eyes were super sharp.

“General Samantha, the unknown creature is Chaos Ancient Snake! A giant ancient snake, it seems, has begun to grow up, not in its infancy.” Some future fighters pass light brain analysis, fierce path.

“Chaos Viper? Adult chaotic ancient snakes, very powerful, almost comparable to the gods. In ancient times, Swallow King was transformed into a chaotic ancient snake, but there was nothing without adults. This time we came out, we have used enormous energy to fill all the energy reserves in the system of manufacture of civilized disc mother system. Whatever unknown creatures you encounter, you can hang them and start now! ”

General Saman issued an order: "Chaotic ancient snakes, caught in one place, take advantage of great value, especially for our material-making systems, but in our time, there will be no future chaotic ancient snakes. ”

“Yes, General! ”

“Energy level upgrade, system upgrade! ”


The entire disk fragment of civilization expanded dramatically, and between moments, it almost expanded to the 30th level fairy world mouth, but half of the body, hidden in a parallel universe, underneath the disk, appeared a large mouth, suddenly began to inhale energy.


“Chaos, it's an energy, and it's an advanced energy, and we suck up all the chaos debris and see what the ancient chaos snake inside is hiding? ”

“Yes, our space manufacturing technology has reached the point where it is impossible to reverse it, the energy reserves are full, and now this disc fragment of civilization can create a 30-grade fairy world, the disc fragment of civilization in ancient times, but rumor has it, the Supreme Spirit, the system created by the Lord of Civilizations. ”

“Successful energy reserves are indeed amazing. This time we came out, it was easy to use the Hongmeng Jingjing in the storage warehouse to make the energy reserves of this debris complete. Otherwise, where would it be so easy?" …

Some powerful future fighters excited the way.

That chaotic debris, swallowed up like this, was very fast. Even a master in the realm of the gods, it would take 100,000 years to refine and build these chaotic debris, but this disk fragment of civilization would soon succeed.

That is the horror of a satisfactory energy reserve.

Think about it. How much energy did Yankee get? That ultimate reserve is only one percent, and it's still a long way from full, really big and full, so that the debris can unleash incredible power.

Not long ago, all chaos fragments were swept away, but there was no trace of the ancient chaotic serpent in front of them.

There was a strong light in General Saman's eyes: "Huh! This ancient chaotic snake is cunning, but it shrinks, and follows the ancient chaotic atmosphere into the virtual space-time space we make? But why didn't Hikaru call the police? Even if it changes into a particle, into our virtual space-time, this light brain can be scanned. Start, eventually scan the system! ”


Some future warriors are typing nervously again.

dī dī dī dī.

All of a sudden, the light brain alarmed.

“Foreign invasion inside! Defense, defense, energy.....”

“Hmm?” General Saman glanced: “Open defense system, internal defense system, enemy invasion inside! ”

“What creature is it that invaded the interior? ”

“Check, where exactly did the invasive foreign energy reach? Close!”

“Start, start! ” …………..

Although there are small vulnerabilities, these future fighters are undisturbed. They have lived through hundreds of wars, nine deaths and one life, all of them came out in a bloody storm. This little situation is as simple as a child's home for them.

Countless lights flashed, countless energies lasered, and many powerful biochemical beasts were created in the blink of an eye, deep in the disk fragments of civilization, swimming in many spaces, as soon as the enemy was discovered, he went up and slaughtered them.

The space inside the entire disk fragment of civilization is the equivalent of many giant fairy worlds united, incredibly large, but how big is the mind, how big is the imagination, how big is the world.

But! All the energy reserves, all the defenses were activated, and the intruder could not be found, but the optical brain continued to scan, and there was an overwhelming warning, “Invasion, invasion! Approaching the main control room, extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous.....”

The sound became more and more impatient, and finally some future fighters appeared in a panic.

Invisible enemies are the most terrifying.

If the enemy is not caught, they are very worried in their hearts and cannot see the enemy, then the fear of the unknown arises in their hearts.

“Okay, stop searching!” General Saman suddenly opened his mouth and a cold smile appeared on his face: “Open the main control room door and we welcome visitors! ”

“General!” Some future fighters said fiercely.

“Execute the order! ”

General Saman said four words, immediately these future fighters stopped talking, resolutely executed, not long after, the entire main control room door opened, many space doors stacked open.

“General Samantha, do you know that the disk fragments of this civilization can't control me, so open the door to greet me? Unfortunately, no matter what gesture you make, you will not escape destruction today. ”

Yankee emerged from the space gate and walked in.

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