Sage Emperor

Chapter 794: Returning the Tiger to the Mountain

After surrendering the six men, Yang Qi asked about the whereabouts and details of their brother "B”, but the more alarmed the more he asked. The Big Brother “B” cultivation can almost defeat the Angry Heavenly Emperor and counteract any of the four emperors of Heaven joining forces, but not God.

But this man and the Lower God are not much different.

There are people in the world who are truly human beings, and there are heaven and earth.

At the moment, Yang Qi conceived a plan: “Go back now and still look for your big brother B, saying that the remnants of his body were discovered by the Angry Emperor, who joined forces to hunt him down and take him away. At the same time, the fiery Emperor of Heaven has already known his existence and has joined hands with the Four Emperors of Heaven against him. You have barely escaped your lives. ”

“Yes, master! ”

The six men surrendered and obeyed everything Yankee, there would never be a point of disobedience. They immediately obeyed the orders, and then flew up and ran out. The whole person disappeared into the heavenly fairy realm outside the sky, passing through the crystal wall system, and went out from outside.

Yang Qi's move was to let the tiger return to the mountains, and Big Brother B's Qi Kung was deeply unstoppable. He felt that the best way was to lead this man and the Four Emperors in Heaven to kill each other. Both sides were injured, and then Yang Qi could profit from it and seize the power of the Patriarchal Alliance.

“Looks like the outside world is not insured. The average Hongjin realm strong can't come in, but the ancient antiques that reached the height and climbed the immortal ladder step are able to come in and steal my treasure. I have to speed up, refine the origin of the entire heavenly world, and inflate this immortal realm. ”

Yankee grabbed five pieces of the diagram.

Deep in the ocean ahead, the ancient temple became clearer and more palpable.

He now fully understands that the core of the heavenly immortal world this day, is the ancient divine hiding at the core of this huge ocean. This divine hiding is not visible to others, only those who hold the remnants can see it.

Hidden in the ancient gods, hidden is the source of the intense exotic celestial fairy realm. Once you master the core of this source, you can completely control the entire fairy realm, even enrich the fairy realm, making the huge exotic celestial fairy realm smaller, the crystal wall concentrated hundreds of times, creating a huge fortress, no one but the gods can enter it.


Yang Qi's five residual diagrams in his hand, practiced the ancient Heavenly Dao life and extinction of Xuan Gong, and gained the luck of Heavenly Leader Yuan God. In a sense, he was originally the owner of the ancient god hiding, as well as the owner of the heavenly world. It is more unique than any master.

He crossed the distant ocean directly and landed on an island in the heart of the ocean.

As he crossed the ocean, he felt the depths of the ocean, many too ancient chaotic beasts, and some ancient forms of warfare shooting ideas into his body, and when he discovered the luck and breath of his celestial leader, and the mysterious power of the remnants, he shrunk back.

Otherwise, the attack together, even if Yang Qi is now mending, will be difficult to carry on.

On landing on the island, Yankee saw that the island was not large, about a hundred miles square. In the middle of the island, a temple stands, well structured, all in a bronze colour. It seems to be a pure copper made temple, not of course a secular copper, but a kind of copper, only in the divine realm.

The temple's gates, just closed.

Yang Qi flied out with the residual figure in his hand and was embedded on the temple gate. The whole temple made a squeaky noise, which emitted an ancient breath. The energy tide shocked out like a wave, and the path hit Yang Qi's body.

dī dī dī dī dī dī dī dī...

The disk fragment of civilization begins to release two main functions: “Feel the energy of the divine realm, fits 150 percent, please absorb, please absorb..."

“Absorb, of course.” Yankee disc fragments of civilization are now in a dormant state because the matrix manufacturing system and the life gene system coincide and consume a lot of energy. They cannot be activated, and must be supplemented with powerful energy in order to show the ultimate strength of the ancient civilization.

Unfortunately, he received the ancient energy and the energy of the future world. It was all a cup of water truck salary, and I'm afraid it would take thousands of years to fill it up, but now he's in front of this pure copper temple. The energy of the divine realm brought about by the remnants of the image flying out of the temple actually fits very well, and the energy is huge, which immediately makes him unexpected.

If he had enough energy, he wouldn't have been afraid of the Great Emperor of Fury.

Suddenly he sucked energy violently between them, he observed the changes in the temple, and found that the temple door began to distort, seemingly creating a passage, his own will of divinity infiltrated, and he felt the ancient heavenly ways in which they continued to perish, reproduce, circulate, and operate. The scent of many powerful artifacts is hidden therein, and as long as you can enter it, you will receive many treasures of the Divine Dane and the Gods.

Unfortunately, because of the lack of two pieces of residue, Yankee is now powerful but unable to refine the entire temple.

However, because of the five pieces of remnants, he studied the many energies and secrets of the temple in the presence, sitting at the lower end, beginning to operate wisdom and cultivation, controlling the heavenly fairy realm outside the sky.

The whole heavenly fairy realm outside the sky is huge, even if Yang Qi now fixes, it cannot be fully explored, but now he has caught the core, like a fast knife to cut hemp, start to control the temple, as long as the temple is controlled, the energy of the heavenly world outside the sky can be massively run.


His real breath ejected out, and suddenly his real breath revealed a divine light, wrapped around the temple, and he drank violently: "The luck of the celestial leader assisted me in taking control of the temple. ”

Suddenly, the fire burned, the luck of the celestial leader was caught in the fire, and many lights erupted above the pure copper temple, all penetrating deep into Yankee's mind and mind. Yankee felt that his communication with the entire outside world had become incredibly tight and strong.

Squeak, squeak...

The pure copper temple began to shake, spinning, every time shaking, more ancient divine realms emerged deep throughout the temple, absorbing deep into the disc debris of civilization and Yankee's body, and Yankee Qi's Qi Power began to grow again.

At the same time, the heavenly fairy world has undergone an overwhelming change. The whole chaotic energy is shrinking indefinitely. The mountain river and the earth and the grass are all together. The crystal walls at the depths of the void are clicking. The original laws are very tight, but now they are tighter, and a little moving, and even a crystal wall at the depths of the void universe comes out of a condensed chain and law.

At this moment, the entire kingdom of heavenly fairies, embedded in chaos, shrank at least tenfold. In other words, all the laws of energy, mountain rivers, vicious regions, storm oceans have shrunk, the laws have concentrated tenfold, the people in the Hongjin realm have entered the difficult, but now, the people in the Hongjin realm are simply unable to enter.

Even if those seven people, big brother B's faithful dog slaves, it is impossible to get into it.

In fact, they arrived here with the power of four remnants of the map, otherwise they would never go deep inside and come to the ancient ocean to see the hidden islands of the ancient gods.

“Very good, very high, I am now between the Refining and Chemical Temple to start mastering the energy of the whole heavenly immortal world. Although the whole heavenly immortal world cannot be completely mastered by me, nor can I master the ancient hidden relics, open the gate, get the baby, but the two relics are in the hands of Young Master Ye, sooner or later will I get them. Not in a hurry. ”

Yang Qi sensed the change, joy in his heart, if he could bring the Fury Great Emperor into the heavenly world, his fighting power would surely soar, it is not impossible to completely defeat the Great Emperor.

Of course, it would be more convenient to introduce the Great Emperor into the map of kings of all worlds, but the anger of the heavenly emperor, the means, the mind is close to the immortal throne, a little movement can understand what Yang Qi is deeply thinking. It is difficult to lead him into a dangerous Jedi, and there is a good chance that he will be caught up in each other's tricks.

Yang Qi is practicing continuously here. Between cultivation, he controls the energy of the heavenly fairy world outside the sky and feels very comfortable. At the same time, he gradually sees the essence of the whole fairy world. Of this fairy world, the most is not chaotic ancient beast, nor mountain river grass and tree sea, but the Tai Ancient Divine Front. Everywhere, it is the Tai Ancient Divine Front. Even deep in the earth, deep in the ocean, above the sky at great altitude, the formations of the ancient gods are infinite, and ghosts appear everywhere unpredictable and powerless.

This fairy kingdom, unlike the ordinary natural fairy kingdom, is like a giant spaceship! Similar to the disk fragments of civilization, the ancient gods built it to cross chaos, to guide the past, the present and the future, is completely different from other natural states of the fairy world, which makes Yang Qi very confused.

However, before he opened the ancient divine hiding place, he was unable to spy on the nature of the heavenly fairy realm. He continued to practice. Unconsciously, he cultivated his realm to reach the peak of the realm of the Five Tennessee God. There was about a breakthrough to reach the realm of the Six Tennessee God.

However, this dry god realm is very difficult to break through, and it is also a huge barrier. Yang Qi feels that he continues to practice like this. At best, he has more and more control over the heavenly and exotic fairy realm, but it does not help his realm to break through, because the concentration of energy is limited.

Of course, as long as it opens the ancient god's hiding place, the deep energy of the god's hiding place will surely enable him to break through.

So, his goal was to target Young Master Ye's remnants.

“Hmm, I'll still go find Young Master Ye, from him. Plundering to reach the map, now my strength far surpasses him, seeing him can make him cruel, so that he can finally take control of me, what is he now the true king, forming a corps of magicians, but how can it compare to my Corps of Light? ”

Yang Qi thought, “I am still here to summon the demons of Hell and gather them together into a multitude of lights tomorrow to build a powerful legion of lights. ”

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