Sage Emperor

Chapter 795: Light Embassy Legion

“Endless Gate of Hell, come out! ”

Yankee's body shook, and between moments, a stacked Gate of Hell flew out over her body. I don't know how many layers, I can't see the edge at all. Deep inside each heavy Gate of Hell, it's a hell, absolutely different, some white bones, some flames, some blood, some destruction dark.

As much as hell, as many gates of hell as Hengsha.

Yankee decided to summon hundreds of billions of Hellbillies and turn them all into too ancient angels. Then form an immense corps of light, and now throughout the Ecclesiastical Alliance, the resources are being distributed, the benefits are being divided in large quantities. Whether it is the Angry Emperor, the leader of the Alliance or the Messenger of Light and Darkness, the Nine Patriarchs, the Twenty-four Gods will all pull together the elders, turn to themselves, make their corps huge, and once a huge corps has been built, the power will come out.

Unfortunately, Yankee didn't have to pull any elders together to build his own legions.

He has now approached the mighty one at the top of the mythical realm of the five layers, and his inner Qi can shatter everything, powerful summoning power, and even summon the demons of Hell in the realm of the Nine Heavenly Hungs.

In other words, he could totally and directly form a group of bright legions in the realm of the Hongjin God.

The realm of the Hongjin God is Nine Heavens. Although not treading on the small steps of the immortal heavenly ladder, all men are invincible. They are absolute ancestors and antiques in the Ecclesiastical Alliance, noble status, holding power, and cannot be ignored now.

Even the Patriarchal Pope, able to get tens of thousands of old antiques from the Hongjin realm, is not an easy thing, know that behind every old antique from the Hongjin realm, there is a huge amount of power. These antiques rely on one person wherever they are, and there are definitely a lot of requirements.

In short, these people have to bleed hard to pull together old antiques.

Yankee did not have so much trouble, summoned directly, and the devil was loyal. Strong fighting power, you don't need anything. Only dedicates, not asks.

Neither does he need too many Nine Heavenly Horn leaders to build millions of armies in the moment.

The Million Horns realm of God is enough to rock the heavens and the earth, so that the entire Guardian Alliance is totally rocked, and if the Million Horns realm of God is united, the provocation of the Great Battle is almost indestructible and unbreakable.

Though there are more than a million experts in the realm of the Horn God, there will never be a single person in the entire Ecclesiastical Alliance who will have them all.


The Gate of Hell was activated, the whole energy burned, the deepest summons emanated from Yang Qi's body, and then countless wild calls rolled from his mouth, a powerful too ancient Pluto emerged, these too ancient Pluto are no longer the color of dark gold, but stripes on their bodies, platinum color, as if blood had been repaired white, with a sacred atmosphere, and began to return home.

This is the characteristic of too ancient an angel, with the appearance of platinum sanctimonium in his body.

“Too ancient tribes, your body is an ancient angel, corrupted and corrupted by hell. Return now to the glory of the Lord, to the glory of the Lord. Come, I will purge your hair thoroughly and even strengthen you. Your strength, though mighty, is nothing compared to that of an ancient angel. ”

Yang Qi's halo, which is the Everlasting Heaven Song, was distributed.

Now Eternal Heavenly Song, because he has reached the peak of the realm of the Pentagon, Qigong form has long greatly increased, roaring violently, infiltrating into the bodies of these Taigu Pluto people, a large amount of black blood in the Taigu Pluto people evaporated, transformed into magic purified, or transformed into a special force, infiltrated into the imprint of the gods, converted again into a high energy true Qi.

Yang Qiheran felt that every time he purified one of the Too ancient Pluto tribes, his cultivation into real Qi would improve one, and his energy concentration would also increase very quickly. This was actually much faster than his own sitting Qi practice. He believed that it would not take long, so as to purify it, he might reach the realm of dry gods.

“What's going on? My purification used to be the consumption of Qi, but now it improves Qi. The Gods' imprint seems to have changed somewhat?” Yang Qi shook his heart and immediately looked at the Gods' imprint. Indeed, he found some obvious signs of change on the Gods' imprint, apparently due to the absorption of the seeds of Gods' Hell.

“Yes!” Yang Qi suddenly had a slight realization in his heart: “It must be so, too ancient statues, which existed in the absence of the Lord to suppress Hell. His ability, in addition to suppressing Hell, is to save the Fallen God. These too ancient Pluto are the Fallen God, the descendants of the Too Ancient Angels. Every time I save one now, the exorcism from them, is to get their roots, to get the tasks set by the Lord, Qigong is inevitable. ”

And this was all through, and for a while he had a powerful and thorough understanding of the Imprint of the Gods, of immortality.

Magic is divinity, and between each other, the process of conversion, conversion, releases powerful energy, or absorbs powerful energy.

When divinity, depravity becomes magic, it absorbs the source of chaos in the universe, the highest divine energy, so the more depravity, the greater the power of hell.

And when magic is transformed into divinity, it releases powerful energy, so that the highest energy rises to the divine realm, or enters the body of the savior, and the power of hell is diminishing.

Every time Yankee saves an ancient Netherworld, his cultivation improves a lot, that's why.

Now, he spares no effort to start saving.

After not knowing how long, finally here is a dense and numb army of angels, full of millions, all clear colors are too ancient Pluto, the invincible and powerful of the Hongjin realm. Some, even the peak of the Hongjin God, are about to step on the steps of the immortal heavenly ladder, these characters are practically comparable to some ancient antiques, because the body of the Too Ancient Pluto does not lose to any strong man with a special body.

Angel Legion, brings powerful beliefs, purity, purity, light, holiness, a little prayer, muttering, whimpering, whimpering... just at the moment of prayer of a million Angel Legions, powerful beliefs are born, they penetrate through nothingness, forming a fierce jump form, perfusion. Enter the Hongjin realm of immortality sitting in the town in the Ecclesiastical Alliance.

At this moment, the Immortal Split is talking to some old antiques who have come to seek medical attention. These antiques suddenly saw the Immortal Split shaking, a heavenly breath brewing over his head, actually began to climb the first small step, the step of courage.

“What's going on? His cultivation actually improved so quickly, as if the mythical realm had never arrived before. In the temple of Heavenly Path, that is, the realm of the Triple Heavenly God, it is now the realm of the Hongjin, and in the first small step impacting the immortal ladder. ”

Some ancient antiques do not know the connection between the immortal and the true body, and the knowledge of Yang Qi is even more mysterious.

“Fear not, gentlemen, for this day's robbery will not do me any good.” The immortal spoke separately, a hole in the top of his head, absorbed all the power of the heavenly robbery, and then shocked, the whole human atmosphere flew and stood up, such as the reign of the heavens. The promotion reached the first level of the immortal ladder, the step of courage, the temporal infinite innate courage descended from the void, infiltrating into the depths of his soul, so that both the soul and the flesh swelled massively, with a kind of courageous refinement, the ultimate temperament. This courage, which is the courage of the innate, in the underworld, without the courage that exists in the divine realm, represents one of the best qualities in the world. Once this small step is taken, the endless courage of the innate gods can not only be upgraded to cultivation, but can also bring the realm to a new level, and all sorts of moral difficulties are solved.

“The Messenger of Light, I wonder when you will start forming the Corps of Light. We, the men who have received your grace, want to turn to you, now the Messenger of Darkness, the Nine. The Pope, the twenty-four angels, are allocating resources, pulling together various elder figures, establishing legions, especially the allied lord, angry heavenly emperor, established immortal legions, now there are enough elders in the realm of 30,000 hung gods, willing to be an army soldier, and the power is still expanding, and the Dark Legion's Napoleonic Witch, also pulled together many evil monks, these days should have nearly 10,000, every evil monk, has the ultimate power. ”

An ancient antique persuaded Yang Qi: “You are a bright messenger, above 10,000 people under one person, and you need to distribute power, you can't concentrate on one person, you hold power, you can only create dictatorship, so you are a key figure in the fight against the Angry Emperor, you can't do nothing here, you have to act. ”

“This, my own idea, Legion? I've built the Light Legion, gentlemen! ”

Boom Lung!

The immortal stood up and pointed deep into the sky.

Many of the ancient antiques present stood up and looked at the depths of the past, and suddenly saw endless lasers of holy light, all dazzling and forming the avenue of light, and then the dense and numb too ancient angels flew over, strictly forming an army, one by one, undisturbed and seemingly alone.

These ancient lights tomorrow make everyone so tall, armed, flashing their wings, mighty as God, body like crystal glass, you can't see any impurities.

Moreover, they move at the same rate as they breathe, swallowing energy between them, creating a huge swirl of energy, and the same frequency of wings flapping.

“This is the Corps of Light I founded, each strong in the realm of the Hongjin God, and the fighting power is more than waiting for the immortal ladder, there are millions of people, what do you think of the Alliance Master?” Yankee looked at the shocking faces of these old antiques and had to laugh.

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