Sage Emperor

Chapter 830: The Great Pattern

A repression subdued Fury Heaven Great Emperor and changed to Yang Zheng.

And the four Hell Lords were transformed into Yang Mahou, Yang Ah-nosed, Yang at ease, Yang Wusheng. Four more Emperor-level masters emerged, the Prestige of the Guardian League is extremely strong, and has reached the peak of glory, not only Yankee, many of the antiques present, the Ancestors, feel that they are in a time of good luck, as members of the Guardian League, they are feeling that the absolute glory of the Immortal Age is coming, and that he is able to reap a lot of benefits under the leadership of Yankee.

The original brothers of the Four Emperors of Heaven were all cleansed, and a number of meetings were held, and Yang Qi added some more ranks to the Patron King.

Below the Allied Lord, are the two Messengers of Light and Justice, and below are the four Great Heavenly Kings, the Yang Mahou... these four Great Demon Lord, and the Patriarch King have also increased to eighteen, and the angels have increased to thirty-six.

Below is again the hierarchy, the vast presbyterian class, formerly the cavities of the entire league, basically powerless, and sharing everything that the league brings.

Now that Yang Qi has come to power, a system of contributions has been established. According to the regulations, monthly elders must pay how much to the League's treasury, otherwise they will be dismissed, devalued as disciples, and subjected to harsh penal laws.

Of course, he is not a cruel criminal law, he is also tempted to stipulate that if anyone pays how much, he can be here to exchange cultivation methods, dandruff, secrets, even to teach qigong himself, to cultivate the roof.

Incentive and punitive systems have been introduced.

Soon the entire Ecclesiastical Alliance began to come together as a whole, less fragmented and fragmented than before. Now whoever it is, it's all around Yankee.

Because under the Alliance Lord, the Messenger of Light is Qing Shi Ancestor, a supporter of Yang Qi's iron rod. The Messenger of Justice, also a converted believer of the Angry Emperor of Heaven, Yang Zheng, once Yang Qi's followers, up the sword mountain and down the sea of fire, all defend Yang Qi.

Apart from that, the next four Great Heavenly Kings are all Demon Lord Changes. Great Emperor. The Patron of the Patriarchate, the gods, are all supportive of Yang Qi, the high level is all unified, Thunder is strong and windy, the decree is out of one door, how the people below are tormented is unjust.

If the original four Great Hell Lords were the four Great Heavenly Kings, many elders would have microwords and deep belly defamation in their hearts, but now, they are no longer demons, everyone can see clearly, by Yang Qi in the divine way, wash magic, become true angels of the divine realm in mythology, this is the unruly gateway to saving the demons of hell, purifying hell.

Those who know many of the ancient hearts know that Yankee may be the one who will save God, the true person of the heavens and the earth.

“Ladies and gentlemen, now that the Guardian Union has been established, there are strict rules and regulations, all my holy regiments are made up of hell, corrupt angels, now they are angels of the Divine Kingdom, they have no greed, no impurities whatsoever, the only thing is obedience, so it's best to be a law enforcement force, but, and you don't have to worry about becoming cannon ash, this hellhole that manages the number of constant sands, can be infinitely summoned to the demons of Hell to save Heaven, save this era, the future world, even if there are more armies, can be more than Hell Corps? ”

The words went out, and many people put their minds down.

Indeed, almost all of Yankee's bright legions are pure angels transformed into hell demons. These angels are extremely capable of fighting, and even a few of the brothers of the same kingdom can't fight.

Why do you need your own Immortals as cannon ash for such a strong fighting power?

“Now that you are comfortable, all you have to do is practice, develop, accumulate energy for me, and I know that all of you here have more or less mastery of many fairy worlds, fairy worlds, countless monks, these monks have to take advantage of, I need faith, huge faith, so now we have to develop the Holy King's Party, the Temple of the Holy King, and build into all fairy worlds! ”

Yankee finally started setting up her own plans.

In fact, the entire Patriarchal League, for him, was not the most precious of these old antiques, but the fairy world behind them, the human base in the vast fairy path.

Now, he gradually counted the hundreds of trillion people in the fairy kingdom that joined the Patriarchal League. In every fairy kingdom, there are countless monks. If faith is built, temples are built in every fairy kingdom, so that practitioners believe in him and consider him a divine worship, how many times can it be raised in a short time?

Even, in the future, there will be tremendous benefits.

“The greater the faith, the more demons of hell I can summon, the more angels I can transform into, the more capable I can defeat the future, the demons, and the armies of Tai Ancient.” Yankee tone is bright: “Now, the elders go back and build me a temple of faith, which is also a contribution. ”


These elders look at each other in opposition and can only do so when they think about it.

The power is concentrated in the hands of Yang Qi alone, but it does not kill them. For them, the monks in the Immortal Realm, like crops, cut a batch of chairmen.

Today, the fierce Temple Faith Campaign unfolds in the Ecclesiastical Alliance, a hundred trillion fairy worlds. Hundreds of trillions of fairy worlds, what's the concept? In those days, the fairy kingdom of Taiwanese heaven was just a first-level fairy kingdom, and none of its population counted.

And now there are dozens of fairy worlds in Level 33 in the Patriarchal Alliance.

Other than that, the 20th level fairy world is innumerable.

More than a dozen levels of fairy kingdom, that's so much constant sand. And with the strengthening of the Ecclesiastical Alliance, more fairy worlds will come. After all, the fairy age, too many fairy worlds.

Yankee issued a series of orders and Thunder went wild.

Besides the bright messenger, the righteous messenger and the four great heavenly kings under his command are strictly executed, the disciples of the Yang family also have great power in the Patriarchal Alliance, strictly patrolling some fairy realms and building the temple.

Just between this moment, the Patriarchate League and Yankee are no longer inseparable.

Yankee, once again entering the deepest level of closure, felt that with the establishment of those temple beliefs, his luck would be pushed to a new level, and the future would become increasingly difficult to figure out. It is important to improve your strength to the greatest extent possible so that you can build yourself into a new realm.

It's been over a month since Yankee cultivation.

Deep in the ancient atmosphere of chaos.

Five men emerged viciously and harshly, and they also woke up from the depths of an old lair, in the deepest setting. It was the five people who were defeated by Yang Qi and fled, Wanfa Tongtian Great Emperor, Nine Poles Supreme Great Emperor, and Xuan Huang Canghai Great Emperor, Big Brother B, Ye Shao Ye no dao.

The five men fled at that time, and were also severely injured. They finally fled to the chaos, which stabilized them, searched for a secret place to practice.

It took more than a month for the five of us to recover their injuries and wake up to each other, all feeling tragic, lonely and hopeless.

They were separated from each other by the rampant Beast King and plundered by Yang Qi. They were increasingly not rivals of Yang Qi.

“We must take the Beast King back, otherwise, this Yang Qi refined the Beast King's identity, we are not opponents at all.” It is unfortunate that Ye Shao Yip still has the lowest degree of cultivation and relies entirely on the beast king to separate himself. Once he disappears, he's in this world, almost inch by inch.

Tulip Day is now in Yankee control, and he can't take it back. One can only watch Yang Qi gradually devour the origins of the Tu Tian, he can sense that overnight, in the depths of the Tu Tian, countless temples of the Holy King rose and many believed in Yang Qi.

“The Beast King is not so easy to refine. He has our blood, the Eternal Creator, but once refined, Yankee will have the Fate Nothingness, the more difficult the Eternal Creator will be.” Big Brother B: “Let's see, how's Yankee's luck? Is the Guardianship League fighting internally now, or is he getting cleaned up? ”

“Yes, knowing and knowing each other is enough to win 100 battles.” Wanfangtong Heaven Emperor: “I don't know what happened to Angry Heaven Emperor, this person knows many of our secrets, once captured, tell us some of our secrets, the consequences are unimaginable. ”

Heaven's Four Emperors, originally a combination of interests, now angry Heaven's Great Emperor has suffered, Ten Thousand Laws Tongtian Great Emperor first thought that his interests will not be damaged, not the safety of the other party.

These words make Big Brother B feel a little cold in his heart, and he thinks that the Great Emperor of Heaven and China is really cool. Difficult to be a companion, can not be said when it is implicated together, but now it is difficult not to join together, and it is difficult to resist Yang Qi.

“Well, let's work together on spells and see how the Patriarchal Alliance is doing. ”

Black and Yellow Ocean Great Emperor Road.

“Fine! ”

The five men put out their own means, and then, immediately, in the depths of the chaos, a mirror appeared, and the situation under the chaos appeared in the mirror, and the guardian alliance in the mirror, a hundred trillion of fairy realms appeared, like a vortex of stars, one layer at a time, in a spiral, at the center of the vortex, was endless light, difficult to spy on, and couldn't see any of the changes.

And also, as the light in the center spreads out, countless fairy worlds grow bright seeds, and then breathe and grow. Light was born, too.

Many fairy worlds, born with the power of faith, began as a trickling stream, but grew larger and bigger, eventually converging into boundless long rivers, converging towards the center.

The majesty of these beliefs makes these great emperors cold.

“Damn, Yankee this kid, he actually built his faith so quickly, with the passage of time, faith in his fairy world is growing, these forces can push him to a peak. ”

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