Sage Emperor

Chapter 831: Demon Masters

It was a heartbeat for everyone to see the luck of the Guardianship League. Hundred trillion fairy worlds united, everywhere began to build Yang Qi's temple, a little faith force converged into a flood flow, all gathered to the center to add to Yang Qi's cultivation.

Faith, not only a power, but also luck, is not the luck of the dynasty, the heart of man, but a complete and pure luck, when the whole person devotes everything to one person, that person is like God.

Faith, is a wholehearted devotion, without any impurities, no brothers or sisters, no father or mother can compare to the faithful. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Crazy, pure, with irreversible, unstoppable great power.

And faith has to do with deity, immortal throne.

Over the years, countless masters have studied faith, but this power is neither thorough nor manageable, accepting the beliefs of countless human beings once they have gained control, while also wrapping their causes and consequences around their bodies.

When the cause and effect of these people are placed on the body, they inevitably die from fire and demonization, leaving impurities in the depths of the mind and the sea.

Once upon a time, countless antiques had established a variety of denominations to gather faith, but none had come to a good end. Afterwards, faith went silent, and the frenzy of faith practice gradually disappeared. Only in the world, some monks who did not know the power, continued to use it. The masters basically absorbed chaos and refined the energy of pure origin.

But now, Yankee doesn't care about these things, and directly builds faith, which is something frightening and horrible.

“Establishing faith, so many people wrapped around their bodies for cause and effect, and accepting their faith is tantamount to accepting cause and effect, Yankee will definitely not die well in the future!” Ye Shao Ye has no avenue of hatred.

“It's not necessarily that simple.” Big Brother B's divine state of condescension said: “This man's cultivation is much higher than ours, and he knows much more about what is wrong with his faith. He will not fail to know. Cause and effect wrap around his body, even the gods will inevitably corrupt. Even the gods will suffer when the spiritual faith is intense, that is, when it is corrupt. This is the truth that is absolutely counterproductive, that prosperity is absolutely decaying. No being can disobey this truth, even Heaven's way, even the gods. But he did the opposite, surely with some great secrets and conspiracies. ”

“This man is horrible!” The Great Emperor of the Universe says: "Having plundered the luck of our Patriarchal Alliance, and having established our faith naked, we all dare to concentrate only our luck and not our faith. Faith is a divine right, luck is a royal right, two different things, not a true great god, cannot do that. And when he did so naked, he would surely suffer the reward of the Spirit. ”

Luck, is imperial power.

It's like in a secular world, Your Majesty the Emperor, concentrating all popular luck, Golden Mouth Yu Yan, a word that can change the fate of man and be the Lord of creation.

However, His Majesty the Emperor could not establish faith, so that all the people worshipped Him like God. In this way, the children and grandchildren would not be tranquil because of the wrangling of the cause and effect, the reward would be heavy, and hundreds of millions of hells would be difficult to accommodate.

Faith can raise strength to the limit in a short time, but after strength increases, causation follows.

“Let's see what happens to this eventually!” The Great Emperor of the Black and Yellow Sea said harshly: “I rushed to complete it, and greed came in. It will surely die. ”

“What do we do now? Even if he gets caught up in the cause and effect in the future, it will be many years from now. We are not his opponents at all. He practiced successfully and will definitely come to kill us. What shall we do?” The Nine Extremes Supreme Great raised a question: “Are we going to hide in chaos for the rest of our lives? ”


Just between the Nine Extremes Supreme Great Emperor speech, a voice sounded out.

Where did the crowd not find this voice? Suddenly, even Brother B shook his mind: “What man, I didn't find, the realm is higher than mine, I am already the peak, the figure of the ninth small step of the immortal ladder, the step of the vacuum. Is there someone higher than me? ”


“It's me…”

At this moment, an elderly man appeared in a strange costume with a high crown. The elderly man's face was straight, pale and thick in color. It seemed that the power of Ten Thousand Juns had solidified on his body, his eyes like the sea, unpredictable, and revealed the ancient path of God, leading to the distant realm of God. The smell is positive and negative, as if it were evil. One true evil, one true demon.

“Who are you?” Big Brother B takes a step forward and fights this old man.

When the old man's sleeve was blown, Big Brother Ethan felt the potential rush, like a flood, could not resist at all. The whole person had to take two steps back, his face was extremely ugly, and his strength was stronger than his own.

“I am the ancestor of the town.” The old man identified himself.

“What, the Demon Nation's number one expert? Old Hell Joe?” Ten Thousand Laws to Heaven Great Emperor Fiercely said: “What do you intend to do here? ”

“Nature is the alliance, don't be nervous, we have a common enemy, that is Yankee. This man's means are extraordinary, he obtained the Light Corps, the ancient gods hidden, and fought against our demonic alliance, breaking down dozens of demonic fairy kingdoms, causing heavy losses to our demonic tribe. I recently heard that a month ago, he staged a coup d 'état, kicked you out, and imprisoned the Angry Emperor! If you want to deal with him, you can't. Work with us demons. Now the eight fairy realms of the Dragon Nation also work with us demons to open the Tai Gu passage. Soon, too ancient masters will join our demonic clan to slaughter the Pathway Alliance, compete for control of Heaven Pathway, and roll under luck. Nobody is our opponent. ”

The elders of the township whistled: “How about that? ”

“In that case, I promise.” Ye Shao Ye turned his eyes a few times and said faintly: “I will kill Yang Qi. As long as I can kill this man, even if I sink forever, I will not be able to do so. ”

“Well, since the ancient masters are coming, I'd love to.” Big Brother B also said.

He had escaped from the tunnel.

The Third Emperor of Heaven looked at me, and I looked at you. They were the ancient leader of Heaven, joined the demonic tribe, some couldn't help but think, but now that Ye Shao and Big Brother B joined, the weaker they became, the more people had to lower their heads under the eaves.

“Okay, we're in.” The three emperors thought for a while and promised to come down.

“Very well!" said the old man in prison, smiling. “I will not disappoint you. When too much ancient energy falls, you can also divide a spoon. Many of the masters of too ancient times have been severely oppressed by the future world, can not breathe. Now there is a rush to come here. In the coming time, a great deal of energy will be dedicated to the function of sacrifice. We've multiplied our fixes a few times. ”

“I know that.” Big Brother B: “In order to open the passage, many masters must sacrifice at the same time. Once sacrifice succeeds, the power of sacrifice opens to reach this era, energy is almost comparable to that of the gods, but I was involved in a passage by accident. Too ancient for my mastery. ”

“Then let's go! Remember, we're cooperating. You're working alone with my old man in hell! The rest of the demon antiques, the dragon antiques, they're looking for you, and you say they're my old man's rod friends in Hell. You know what I mean? ”

The words of the ancestors of the township quickly made these people understand that the struggle for power in the demonic alliance is more intense, there is a struggle, there is a chance, he is most afraid of the great unity, one person is higher, say the same, rule everything, then there is no chance at all.

And now, when the situation is chaotic, we can let them fish in troubled waters and profit from it. This is what Ye Xiaoyi is best at.

“Yankee, wait, I joined the Tai Gu camp... you will surely get all kinds of surprises, then it will be your time of death, you will be wrapped up for cause and effect, you will surely be corrupted forever. ” …………..

Thus, the five great experts and the elders of the town disappeared into the depths of chaos.

Now, the camp is basically divided. The demons have united the Dragons to become the Taigu camp, summoning the Taigu masters, and will soon succeed. The future world is a camp, now the Patriarchal League, is the Immortal Dao camp of this era.

The three main camps, the Great Ages, slowly opened their doors in order to compete for the ancient path of God.

At this moment, Yang Qi is still practicing. I don't know that these people have joined the League of Witches, but these people are his defeated generals and don't care at all. All he has to do now is keep gathering faith and practicing immortality.

Yes, it's practicing the immortal body. It's not practicing itself. The power of those faiths is all in the immortal body.

The Immortal Split, more and more powerful, the power to run the Wangtu of the World is also more and more powerful, the first layer of mystery is unlocked.

Yang Qi saw that Xianxian was sitting in the depths of Wangjie Wangtu, sitting quietly on his knees, all sides like cloud fog, such as manna, such as the long rainbow faith, all infused on his body, so that his body was being cultivated as, erupting into a breath of astonishing motion.

Pure faith, transformed into true qi, transformed into boundaries, transformed every piece of flesh, every inch of skin, every inch of power.

However, in the course of Yang Qi's careful observation, he found that deep in faith, a hint of the force of cause and effect, accompanied by it, is an inevitable cause and effect.

Accepting the beliefs of all beings, you have to endure the causes and consequences of all beings, which are terrible. Spread into the body of the immortal. Scanned by the eyes of the Lord, it is clear, the blood is flowing, eventually united with the causal souls of all beings, no longer inalienable, unsealable, indestructible.

This is a time bomb that explodes when the force of cause and effect reaches a certain level. And the gods shall be corrupt.

However, this is Yankee's method.

He will accumulate sufficient cause and effect. Waiting for the resurrection of the Immortal King.

Once the Immortal King is resurrected, bear this cause and effect, and when that happens, it will erupt completely and fall again. Everything belongs to Yankee himself.

“When I gather the figurines, O Immortal King, I shall see if your resurrection can withstand the causes and consequences of all beings.” Yang Qi grinned in his heart: “It's only when you fight that you have some flavor. The others, they're not my opponents. ”

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