Sage Emperor

Chapter 832 Energy Index

Yankee cultivation takes the luck of the entire Patriarchal Alliance and infuses into the body. Absolutely not to take half the faith, but to put all the previously collected beliefs into the body of the immortals.

The immortal was given his power to the roof, and he was given the powerful faith of the heavens and the earth. He moved slightly and raised his hand and threw between his feet, and he had the strength of the heavens and the earth.

In this month's time, the cultivation of the immortal split has improved a lot, and the realm even improved, every cultivation will emerge from the deep of the immortal king, an extremely great shore of divine power, impact into his body, so that his realm is raised, such as bamboo breaking, is not as difficult as Yang Qi's.

Now that Yang Qi has reached the highest peak of the realm of the Nine Heavenly Hongs, one step away, you can see many secrets on the immortal ladder step, step into the first step, the courage step, the realm of this small step is more powerful than the mythical realm, because this is the beginning of the path of climbing the divine.

At the same time, it's very difficult for people like Yankee.

Generally speaking, he must accumulate endless energy to be able to break this threshold and realize the immortal ladder of the divine realm.

But now, with the Alliance of Escorts, the luck of a hundred trillion immortals, he gathered on his body, which accelerated his repair. In that year, deep in the circle of Heavenly Immortals, Yang Qi plundered the true divine character, but it was the result of the luck condensed by the resources of a fairy world, and it was nothing.

And now, hundreds of trillion immortals, how much can it produce?

“The world of Heaven and Immortality! ”

He watched the festival climb to the immortal body, and Wangtu left him alone. Suddenly he reached out and grabbed it toward the sky. Between moments, deep within the entire Ecclesiastical Alliance, powerful fluctuations of magic are impossible to transcend any ancient antiques.

Everyone saw a big hand running through the temple from Heaven's Way, and it rose.

This big hand is bigger than all the fairy realms of level 33, went directly into the chaos, grabbed the fairy realm of level 33, and led the fairy realm.

Now, the whole Tudor Tianxian world has lost its master, Ye Shao Ye has escaped, although he is the heir, has not refined this fairy world, and cannot take away this fairy world.

And the Emperor of the Immortal Realm, the Lord of Tudor Heaven, was also killed by Yang Qi, and his position as Patriarch of the Patriarch was changed. So there's no real grip on the whole world of poker fairies.

This fairy kingdom, is a tremendous wealth, Yang Qi must acquire in hand, not to mention, deep in the center of the poker heaven, there is a Chaos Gate growing the "Longevity God Tree”, which can absorb luck and obtain fruit.

This is an important strategic commodity.

Yankee can't let anyone get it. So he wants to refine a fairy kingdom, a 33rd level fairy kingdom, in front of the public, and show off his strength to many people who want to cut the side of their hearts. Repression of some heretical presence.

Refining a 33rd level Immortal Realm, especially an Upper Ancient Immortal Realm named Hervé such as Tudor Heaven, must have the strength of God.

He is now going to proclaim to the world that he is God, a God in the Immortal World, and that no one will challenge me.

Huge arms, bright and immense, directly caught deep in chaos, wrapped the world of pioneering fairies, deep in that fairy world, breaking the roots made the whole fairy world and chaos unconnected.

“What is this? ”

“Is the Alliance mainly refining the 33rd level fairy kingdom, leading the way? How is this possible? ”

“It's impossible. It takes God's power to refine it. ”

“Now that the Allied Lord has done so, he must be able to do so, otherwise it will not be possible to act in public.” ….. some of the deep antique discussions, the mountains shake, the energy storm, the deep chaotic ancient gas produced a series of explosions, each explosion, do not know how many tangible and intangible beings to destroy, from the deep chaos, some broken chaotic ancient beast corpse rainfall generally fell, so that some simple disciples of the Escort League, the cactus realm fracture level modification characters, all hailed vigorously, they got the body of the chaotic ancient beast, amounted to a fortune.

Yang Qi's big hands, such as the tens of millions of Zulong, gathered together and grabbed deep into the ancient atmosphere of chaos, using violence to tear the roots of the whole poetry sky, while the whole poetry sky was shaking.

“Swallow Heavenly King! ”

A giant chaotic ancient snake appeared, congealed into a shape deep in chaos, dead wrapped around the crystal wall system of the pocket heaven, and then opened his mouth, like a giant snake swallowed an elephant, swallowing it down one bite at a time.

Deep in the world of Tianjin, there were countless creatures, cactus, but now they are all moved out, Yang Qi's powerful mindset, shot the whole fairy world, every creature deep in the fairy world is moved unreservedly into the Ecclesiastical Alliance, and arranged.

As for their wealth, they just don't want to, and all belong to Yankee.

Everyone saw an unforgettable scene of eternal life. Snake the King of Heaven and Yang Qi's bright hand joined together, a broken foundation, a dead devoured, and not long after that the world of celestial fairies was swallowed up, gradually the whole world lost its purple color. Tudor is purple, in which the soil is purple crystal color, very concentrated energy, unfortunately it is now swallowed up so much.

The flames of chaos are burning.

Once again, Yang Qi's big hand was pulled down by the sudden spearhead of Tianxian Realm. With great oppression, he entered the Temple of Heavenly Trail Operation and disappeared.

A 33rd level fairy world, that's how it was collected.

At this time, it was believed that Yankee had unparalleled power comparable to that of the gods. This power far surpasses the Emperor, and even practicing to reach the realm of the Great Emperor will not be able to fight him.

Originally, Yang Qi did not have the strength to refine the 33rd level fairy realm, but recently he did, especially began to refine the body of the complete Beast King, who was alive, the strength equivalent of the twelve great emperors united to be suppressed by Yang Qi, but with the increase in luck, the Yang Qi Goddess Township became stronger and stronger, so he began to refine the Beast King, some of his strength poured into the body, at the same time Yang Qi even got part of the blood of the eternal, the maker.

This caused him to change bones again.

However, there is no complete fusion of the blood genes of the Eternal, the Maker, and he is constantly analyzing them with the vital genetic system, deep in the disk fragments of civilization, in the depletion of energy, once the mysteries of the Eternal and the Maker have been solved, there is absolutely nothing wrong with his repair to the next level.

Thirty-three levels of fairy realm, Tudor heaven into the bag, Yang Qi began to cultivate again.

At this moment, in the future world, deep in the world of Brahma Immortals, many battleships flew out, powerful power came to the entire world of Brahma Immortals, the future world of the camp, outburst with astonishing thunder.

Dozens of marshals arrived. It is the equivalent of dozens of powerful men of the rank of Emperor, even stronger than the Emperor. But as soon as the ships came out, those marshals saw an ancient serpent, a bright giant, deep into the chaos, caught into the fairy kingdom of level 33, and ravaged the connection between the fairy kingdom of level 33 and the chaos. This behavior was an ordinary man, pulling out a thousand years old tree directly.

“The power of such a great shore, such a powerful power, is like the next god, what is the energy index, the speed measurement energy index! ”

“How terrifying! Why do we see this as soon as we get out? Is this the energy that can erupt in the Immortal World? This energy, I'm afraid, can only be countered by our leaders! ”

“Is it too ancient a master? ”

“It came from within the Patriarchate Alliance. ”

Some of the grand marshals gathered in haste to look at the chaotic ancient snake and the major players and pulled the fairy kingdom straight down, calming the entire breath, but their minds could not calm for a long time.

“The energy index cannot be measured! When measuring, our instruments explode directly.” A marshal-level expert respectfully said to dozens of great marshals: “Your marshals, the power of this man has transcended the immortal ladder, above the ninth small step! Infinitely approaching the inferior God, belongs to divine power, divinity, divine origin, divine character. ”

“How was your war with the Patriarchal League sitting here in town? What do you got? How about an energy index test?” A grand marshal asks the marshal.

“Report!” said the marshal: “Since Yankee became the leader of the Alliance, surrendering to the Angry Emperor, the happier and more prosperous, the unified decree has become a vast empire, not the direction of our history, deviating from the historical track, destiny has evolved in another direction. ”

Between the words, the marshal paused and said again: "With the Grand Marshal as his blueprint, the Angry Emperor's energy index is nine. Our marshal has an energy index of ten. In the Ecclesiastical Alliance, besides the immeasurable cultivation of Yang Qi, the leader of the Alliance, there are six people with more than nine energy indices, in addition to the Angry Emperor. That is, six strong men of the rank of Marshal. ”

“Our energy index, all above ten.” A grand marshal's chief said that he was the Great Marshal of the Realm, embroidered with countless faces on his uniform robe, the world.

He spoke softly, and sounds seemed to reach infinity, infinity.

“We now have dozens of great marshals, who can be completely thrilled to annihilate the Patriarch Alliance. Unfortunately, the Alliance Master's energy index is immeasurable, which far surpasses ours. Except for the leader's hand, we will not be able to shake him, we will only be able to observe his change. ”

“Heard there's been a League of Witches lately, any of them good?” A grand marshal has spoken, he is a grand marshal in the sky.

“In the League of Witches, one of the best, the energy index reaches thirteen, called the Ancestors of Hell. In addition to this, there are more than ten leaders with energy indices of more than nine, which are difficult to test.” The Marshal respectfully reports.

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