Sage Emperor

Chapter 834: Divine Realm Grave I

The ancient antique camp of the Machine Clan is very powerful, with more than a dozen masters comparable to the Great Emperor. Especially one of the kings, a small body, a beard almost pulled to the ground, an elderly man, wearing a robe, holding a staff, seems to be the wise man of the Machine Clan as a whole.

He makes noises like Hung Zhong Dalu, the ghost is unpredictable.

“Our ancestors in the divine kingdom conveyed ancient prophecies, the divine kingdom turbulent, about to descend, on the ancient path of God, the most ancient treasure of God, about to descend. ”

"The prophecy is true," said the wise man, "so we are looking for the greatest treasure beyond the ancient path of God. Build a base and wait for the treasure to arrive. ”

“The treasure, which descends from the ancient path of the gods, is an ancient prophecy, and not far from it. ”

“What treasure is it exactly? ”

“It is said to be a treasure that can be changed from day to day and can save the treasures of this era. ”

“Do we, the Machine Clan, really gain dominance over this treasure? Achievement of the Supreme Divine? ”

“It seems that we can greatly enhance the power of our Machine Clan, break the heavens and be invincible. Domination of this era has made all races slaves and subordinates of our Machine Clan. ”

“Yes, what kind of protection alliance, the Wicked Alliance, the future world, too ancient masters, all die in the hands of our Machine Clan, our Machine Clan will build a great unified empire, everyone is king, leading the magic of Immortal Dao. Those who are above us will always be our slaves. ” …………

Hearing the voices of the wise, many of these masters, they float and become so excited that they cannot help themselves.

The Machine Clan also has ambition, and they also have technology, as well as all kinds of means to modify the life gene, making themselves unmatched. Although their understanding in the realm is not human and the demons are powerful, with the aid of the life gene modification and the mechanical armor, their fighting power will exceed that of ordinary Immortals and demons.

Now, the prolonged Machine Clan base is built deep in the ancient atmosphere of chaos, close to the ancient road of the gods. There was no glimpse of the head at all, nor how many Machines bred in it, forming one of the strongest camps.

These Machine Clans, who are constantly building bases, building law formations, forging law formations by their means of manufacture, are incredibly sophisticated and will not have any leaks at all.

Huge power, using the attractive power of the ancient path of God, slowly running, the entire Machine Clan deep in the base immediately felt a divine power on the body, practicing at incredible speed, exquisite.

“Our Law Front, our base, has finally been built successfully!” The great wisdom of the leader of the Machine Clan cheered: “Gentlemen, please enjoy yourselves, the gift of God, this energy is the energy in the ancient path of God, finally used by us. You see, how powerful the law, divinity, immortality smells in this silk energy? This is immortality! ”

Between the words, he reached out and grasped, the threads of silk wrapped around his hands. Suddenly, the energy was like silk, extremely fine, extremely lubricated, presenting an immortal color, inhaled into his nose.

At this moment, every breath of the Machine Clan is like silk thread, long, sucked into its own body, forever, immortal, which is the deepest realm.

This silk thread-like energy, this blank, dense cloth, it's like a den of gods, like a spider web, and it won't let anyone in at all.

The base of the Machine Clan gradually succeeded.

And I don't know how long it's been since the people of the Machine Clan have all advanced in Qi Kung, and some wise men, leaders, and royal clans are constantly summoning, transmitting, trying to summon the immortal will from the depths of the ancient path through God.

At this point, the whole ancient path of the gods, deep down, sent out the sound of the rumbling, shocking the heavens, nothing has appeared yet, all the heavens and the universe seemed to tremble, all the space, the universe, the chaos, all the shaking.

crackle and rattle!

An object, like floating garbage, lasers over, is floating in the ancient path of the gods, some falling master carcasses, objects, ancient beasts, ores... all kinds of things, everything.

These things, the rain point general laser, all entered the base of the Machine Clan, some fell below, into the fairy realm of various constant sand, into a lot of space.

The ancient road of the gods, is the most mysterious road in chaos, directly leading to the divine realm, rumored to be above the ancient road, there are countless miracles. Since the Tai Ancient Era, before the eternal era, it is not known how many masters have entered it, some have fallen, some have entered the divine realm, some have even settled in the ancient road of the gods, constantly exploring, trying to enter the divine realm, the gods have also left countless traces in the ancient road of the gods.

So, every time the heavens and the earth change greatly, the strongest energy will be transferred through the ancient path of the gods, bringing down some matter, magic, dandruff, ore, treasure, corpse, master magic treasure, and the people who get it will be greatly repaired and encountered.

Now, things have changed differently. It seems that a huge thing is about to come down from the divine realm. From the ancient road of Tongjin, the whole ancient road has been shaken. Between the rumbling sounds, some miracles deep in the ancient road, some babies, have all been shaken down, so that the strange encounters happen continuously.

“Artifact, 360,000 knives! ”

When the wise men of the Flying Clan saw the “rainfall” falling all over the sky, they saw a total of 360,000 rays descending towards the bottom.

He recognized that this was too ancient, a master beyond the realm of the Great Empire, before entering the ancient path of the gods, a set of weaponry refined by God!

This divine weapon, Hehwei name, deterred the world of heaven. Unfortunately, it disappeared as the master entered the ancient path of the gods. Now it is not known whether this master has finally achieved the realm of the gods or has perished, but from now on, it is the ultimate death, and it has completely descended.

The wise man had just gone to grab him, and put on a no-go technique, but a spiritual rush came up many times stronger than him, just one package, wrapped 360,000 large knives, and then landed, disappeared, apparently a no-good expert.

“Is that an invincible strongman in the Escort Alliance? is the leader of the Patriarchal League.” At first glance, the wise man was astonished, "No, this vibration was too great. My God, what is it that came, the ancient wise man passed out the minds. Didn't he say that this belonged to our Machine Clan? But how can there be such a big movement, things haven't passed yet, and the Pharaoh in the ancient path of the gods has landed! ”


Stronger oscillations come from deep into the ancient path of the gods.

The wise know that now these magic treasures, the miracle falling, are all pediatrics, a sign that a giant thing is about to land, all of which are stored in the ancient path of the gods, just shocked down by the momentum of a giant thing.

What the hell is that?

What Colossus?

Is it possible to have such a great reputation and momentum? Can't imagine a wise man being a true god? But even a true God cannot have such momentum and great power.


In the Ecclesiastical Alliance, Yankee practiced deeply opened his eyes, he reached up to the virtual grasp, and then spread his hand, and in that palm, there appeared a 360,000 point jumping light, like a galactic swirl, flowing constantly in the palm, and if you look closely, you can see that 360,000 point is a star-like light, which is 36 kamikaze, which is very powerful, slightly moving, can evolve into a virtual universe, arranged into a kill knife array, although not to hurt yourself, but can kill the great emperor.

It was the weapon that flowed from the depths of the ancient road of the gods, the "great knife".

Yankee was awakened from the process of shutting down and felt a change in the ancient path of Tongjin, countless powerful magic treasures, miracles, corpses, ores, psychotropic drugs, treasures….. Once he landed, he felt the most powerful breath, so he immediately took the most powerful thing temporarily, 360,000 large knives in his hand.

“Bad, bad...... ”

At this time, the heavenly way runs deep in the temple, many angels will appear, the Patriarch King, to Yang Qi: “The Allied Lord, bad, deep in chaos, the most powerful, the most mysterious of the ancient path of the Passion has changed, it seems that a huge amount of things are about to come, a chaos between heaven and earth, countless artifacts, treasures, Pharaoh has landed from the ancient path of the Passion, now it has become messy, our Patriarch Alliance countless masters have flew out, grabbed treasure, even among future warriors, there are also many masters grabbing treasure, Hell demons, demons, various antiques, some races deep in the world, the focus is on the Passage of the Ancient Road. ”

“I know, it's strictly forbidden! I can't rob it, I can send out the Corps of Light. Pass it on immediately. All the masters, it is strictly forbidden to rob the treasures falling from the sky, let the Corps go, the treasures obtained, the treasures entered the treasure trove, and then distribute them, all the masters, must be strictly defensive, guard against the future world, too ancient masters come to attack, better guard against the demonic league people on board, now we need to stabilize the situation, rectify the law! ”

Yankee immediately ordered it to go on, and now it's undergoing a big change. It's an extraordinary period, and of course a good opportunity. Faced with temptation, some people in the Escort Alliance disobeyed orders, scattered the sand, went out and grabbed it, and lost their jobs.

In such a situation, Yang Qi must rectify, strictly enforce the law, unify the decree, otherwise, the alliance will sooner or later be dispersed, and the situation of fragmentation will be completely changed.


All the Patron King, as well as the angels, will see Yang Qi's face, all in the heart, knowing that Yang Qi is genuine this time, must kill several disobedient orders, otherwise it is difficult to deter Qun Xiong.

In the Ecclesiastes Alliance, there are still countless disobedient, actually not united wallgrass, to take this opportunity to make a rough fix.

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