Sage Emperor

Chapter 835: Divine Realm Grave II

“Alliance Master, I just got a magic treasure, and now I'm offering it to lead by example. ”

Just as Yankee announced the order, the elders of the great fairy kingdom, disciples must not automatically rob Fabao, each strictly guard their posts, when arranging the Great Array, a god will come up and hold a Fabao with both hands. This Fabao is an octagonal, an artifact with an angle on it, a mirror is general, slightly spinning, lasered out eight kinds of divine light, each kind of divine light greatly helps.

Yang Qi waved his hand and took this artifact over and looked at it slightly. He knew immediately. The eight kinds of divine light were: purity, nature, power, enlightenment, protection… similar to his own Tai Ancient divine art, which is the artifact of holding.

As soon as he dropped it, he entered the treasure trove and looked at the god and nodded his head: “Yes, Incendiary God, you are very good. The so-called Timekeeper is for Junjie. This is how you contributed the first artifact. I earn the treasure. Although I don't need it myself, I must reward you. This is my true condensation. The cultivated spark is evolved in the five-line divine Qigong of the Central Great Brahma Heaven Punishment. It has been condensed countless times, infused with the infinite mystery of the ancient and uncivilized civilization. It is the flame of civilization! Your body, which is an inflammator, one of the 3,000 constitutions, got the spark of my civilization, built to be even higher, impacting the sixth small step of the immortal ladder is no longer a problem. ”

In front of us, this god will also be an ancient antique, called the Incendiary God General, himself made to be very powerful, refined with infinite divine fire, occupying one side of Hell, was once a 30-class fairy kingdom, Emperor of Flaming Heaven, relied on Yang Qi, competed to reach the position of the gods general, established the Flame Corps, now loyal to Yang Qi, loyal to himself.

Yankee immediately gave him enough.

This fire of civilization entered his body, and immediately people felt that his momentum was completely different and that there had been an overturning change.

The spark of civilization is much more powerful than the artifact to which he contributed. It is much more useful for him. Everyone sees this Yankee and knows that he is buying horsebones in thousands of gold, which means that he does not need any contribution. As long as he obeys himself and obeys the law, he can reap many benefits.

Now, many Heavens Divine General, Patriarch Pope understood in his heart.

Some ancient antiques, Elder Wang also entered the Temple of Heavenly Path, saw all this, nodded, understood Yang Qi's mind.

“We would like to abide by the Alliance's main thrust and make sure that the entire Alliance of Patriarchs is in control and perfectly performs this task, taking advantage of this opportunity to put the entire Alliance of Patriarchs in order. ”

At present, all the high levels gathered in the Temple of Heavenly Motion of the entire Guardian League were deterred by Yang Qi, who sent out words, and then Thunder stormed out and began to convey Yang Qi's message.

Now, like the sound of thunder, it's coming out of the center of the Escort Union, radiating all fairy worlds, one transmission array traveling. Flashing and ringing, deep in these transmission lines, Yang Qi's orders were also transmitted.

“The Allied Lord has decreed that no one shall seize treasures falling from the ancient path of the gods in chaos, accepted by the Legion, seized treasures, surrendered by all! ”

“Once handed over, in exchange for contribution, this is an order, the will of the Alliance Lord, whoever dares to resist the order, no matter what! You must guard your posts before the enemy invades! Got it? That is the most important thing." …….

The Ecclesiastical Alliance is very large, hundreds of trillion immortals are connected, deeply rooted into the depths of the void, all kinds of dense and numb, the continental plates are connected one by one, even the master of the general mythological realm, flight lifetime, death cannot reach the end of the flight.

But since the establishment of the Ecclesiastical Alliance, whether Angry Emperor or Yang Qi has focused on construction, opening up various transmission formations, ancient fairy roads, gap channels between the universe and the universe, from one fairy realm to another fairy realm very quickly, instantly.

The various transmission formations are dense and numb, the number of constant sands and the traffic is extremely convenient, but because of the size of the place, many remote places still cannot be taken care of, now throughout the chaos, falling all over the place, pharmacopoeia, psychotropic drugs, artifacts, as if it were raining, immediately started to cause massive disturbances from the most remote places.

One fairy kingdom and another, in order to compete for the artifact, actually began to kill each other, the storm of terror.

In remote places, a 20-level fairy world called "Lonely Soul Sky” and a 21-level fairy world called “Zhenhai Sky”, killed each other, a venerable ancestor fought deep in the sky, it was truly tragic, there were many cactus deaths all the time.

At this time, the Alliance Master's orders were passed on.

The ancient antiques of the two great days of God stunned at the same time, and then a "bam” sounded: “Mother, do you want us to hand over Fabao? Whoever took what landed in the sky belonged to, did you really take the Alliance Master seriously? The mountains are high, the emperor is far away. What is the Alliance leader? Brothers, go on, the winner is the king, this time is the chance of heaven. Whoever gets the artifact, maybe he can climb to heaven step by step, surpass that bird hair alliance lord, become the alliance lord himself, kill and kill... ”

“Yeah, kill! Rebellion, we quit, what is the Alliance leader of the Patriarchate League, why don't we become, kill! ”

Suddenly, a group of people were ravished.

Rebellion has begun.

It's just an abbreviation, the Guardian League, a hundred trillion deep in the fairy world, and it's happening all over the place, basically in flames, out of control.


Just at the beginning of this insurgency turmoil, it killed sexually, plundered artifact treasures everywhere, even began to kill immortals, captured spiritual exercises of Qigong's lonely Catholic emperor, suddenly a spear passed through his chest.

His breath began to dissipate, his eyes stared wide, and he could not understand what was happening. He saw a great light coming tomorrow, and then the infinite flood of angel armies drowned everything.

“Thief, it's a shame to die!” The angel slaughtered him and gave the order: "Whoever is a rebel, slay them all, leave none behind, rebel fairy kingdom, refine, destroy! ”

“Yes, yes, yes... ”

Countless angels, starting to roar and make sounds that shook the heavens and the earth, sang aloud at the same time: "My Lord, in charge of everything, my Lord, in charge of the gods, where the will of my Lord reaches……..”

Robust, neat, prestigious.............. voices overwhelm everything.

Screaming even, flesh flying, instantly, all the rebels in this area were killed, at the same time, part of the angel army was left behind, each angel emitted a bear holy fire, a 20-grade fairy world, the lone soul suddenly, origin into liquid, fluids. And then it shrunk, and everything turned to ash, and it became Shelley's source, and it was refined.

Thereafter, this twenty level immortal world was eliminated from the world and could no longer exist.

Rebellion, blooming everywhere, but infinite armies of angels, blooming at this moment! In addition to repressing the insurgents everywhere, many voices flush over and over: "The insurgents die, the allies die, the disobedients die…. ”

Yankee, at this time, the Legion Angel played a role, and he was on the edge of the entire Escort Alliance, actually running long ago, ambushing a large number of armies in parallel universes, which were supposed to guard against some intrusion. Incitement to insurgency is now at stake.

“Kill everyone, don't listen to him, grab things, we get the artifact, we can be invincible! Destroy the Temple of Heavenly Path directly, which contains treasures…..”

In yet another marginal area, an ancient antique sent out business, roaring and roaring, stirring people up. After the incitement, he saw that the people in the sky went mad and seemed to rob Fabao, and killed each other. He lurked down, and his body changed. He was a demon tribe, invisible and invisible.

“Phew……. I am the spiritual ancestor of the demonic race, good at stealing, inciting and touching fish. The ancestors lurked here, not knowing how long, finally found the opportunity to make the Ecclesiastical Alliance a mess, and the ancestors hid and secretly absorbed the soul. ”

After the incitement, the old antique changed into a guinea pig, entering the deepest core of a twenty-ninth level fairy kingdom. Observe the change.

But then he made a mistake.

Boom Lung!

At a moment when he had just incited rebellion, suddenly countless armies of angels appeared! Countless seditious rebels have died, and the flood of angelic armies has arrived here, and everything has been turned to ash.

“What the hell is going on here? Why did the oppressed army come so fast?” The rat Ancestor was shocked and had to drill out from the depths of the Immortal Realm to see exactly what was going on, but found that countless angels surrounded the Immortal Realm and started the spell Holy Fire, the whole Immortal Realm began to melt, he could not go out at all, and the tremendous pressure was crushing his body.

“Ah, you demons want to refine the whole fairy kingdom, what do you want?” Mouse Ancestors float and rush out.

But it didn't work at all, and those angel armies didn't give a damn what he said, the only thing they did was execute, kill, destroy, destroy, burn.

Even a god, blocking in front of an Angel Legion, is a tear!

The spiritual mouse ancestor, this provocation, is becoming more and more amazing, “I am the messenger of the League of Witches, you cannot do this to me, the two kingdoms fight, do not chop to make...”

Ka Cha

His voice became weaker and weaker, and then the whole fairy world was destroyed, and so was he. The rebels in the Immortal Realm, all dead, refined and destroyed by the great army of angels.

At this time, looking at the past from the center of the entire Ecclesiastical Alliance, some of the star fire rebellions on the edge were suppressed, one fairy kingdom was refined, destroyed, Yankee's angel army would never have any mercy, one word, killed!

This cruel tactic finally suppressed those who were ambitious, the rebels.

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