Sage Emperor

Chapter 843: Great Emperor Divine Worm

A great emperor-level godworm, no ordinary man can handle it at all, and the battle power of the great emperor godworm is astonishing, and the telescopic bullet shakes, making it unpredictable, no one can grasp the direction of the Tai Ancient godworm between attacks, because the Tai Ancient godworm is an ancient ancestor of the creation of space-time wormholes, the technology of space-time jumping, no one can compare.

In the depths of Wangtu, Yang Qi obtained many too ancient divine worms, the mythical realm of the ancient divine worm ancestors are not a few, occasionally can even catch the mythical realm of the Nine Heavens, the Hongjin realm of the divine worm ancestors, but none of the divine worm ancestors at the Great Emperor level was discovered, now in this mysterious tomb, the Great Divine Worm actually appeared from the beginning.

This great emperor godworm cannot be taken away by these people of the future world. After surrendering themselves to harvest, the Guardian Alliance will come out of the depths of the great emperor rank of master, and is not the average emperor, to repair and even surpass Qingshi Ancestor.

Great Emperor level master, is a rolling shaft thing.

Look at the power in an alliance, mainly the high-end fighting power, the great emperor level master.

Only by standing on the ninth small step of the immortal ladder, the step of the vacuum, the invincible character who reaches the peak of power, and is qualified to enter the powerful presence of the ancient path of the gods, can one party be protected and his subordinates be given peace.

But instead of collecting the Divine Bug Emperor, Yankee triggered fragments of the Energy Testing System's civilization when many warships were dealing with the Divine Bug Emperor.

One of the benefits of God's engine is that if you encounter any disc fragments of civilization, you can collect them at once, and God's engine has an unspeakable appeal to any fragment.

The disk fragment of civilization flew over to Yang Qi and turned into a stream of light. It was like a moth flaming. Yang Qi reached out and grabbed it. He grabbed it with a thunderbolt and melted into his heart.

Deep in his heart, many of the prohibitions on the disk fragments of this civilization burst apart at once, containing the great will of a leader. Unfortunately, in front of the seals of the gods, this great will is nothing. The little golden man activated a little gold light and melted into the disk fragments of civilization, and the light brain made a sound: “Didi, Didi..... discovered the great ruler, Didi, the true man. Original host, disengaged, recognized new owner, new owner, is the eternal owner! ”

Ka Cha

One of the great ideas was smashed clean, and Yankee felt that the biogenetic system, the matrix manufacturing system, and the three pieces of this energy detection system spinning around God's engine, began to combine into half a piece of snow-white debris, flying saucer debris.

Civilization plates, gradually began to improve.

“Get it! People grab the disk fragments of civilization, they can't refine it at all, but they have to suffer a backphage, but I have the engine of God, and it makes sense, and it occupies a big name. By a single command, the heavens and the earth were blackmailed to order.” Yang Qi laughed furiously: “Now, the people of the future world almost lost their wife and broke the army, I want to see what this energy detection system is, observation! ”

Di Di, Di Di...

The energy detection system of the disc debris of civilization sounded: "Detection, detection, there are powerful enemies ahead. Energy index, combined to thousands. ”


As Yankee scanned slightly, the scan in this energy detection system was based on a master of the Great Emperor level, a Great Emperor, with a base figure of ten.

Thousands of energy indexes, that's hundreds of great emperors. This is the future world, and the combined energy of the Machines, not as many as hundreds of great emperors.

“Change the energy base! The power of a great emperor, one!” Yankee changed the base figure again, and one of the great emperor-level masters was, the other masters under the great emperor, nothing to him, negligible, under this “one”.

Suddenly, the energy detection system changed again.

“Detect yourself! ”

Yang Qi sent out an instruction not to use the Immortal King's seal, the Gods' imprint, any magic treasure, is purely his own cultivation, refinement, Yuan Gods, soul, blood... He wants to see how many emperors he equals.

DiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDi... ”

This energy probe gradually becomes clearer.


Yang Qi nodded, very satisfied with his own cultivation. During this time, he closed down, refined the beast king's body, plus enlightened the mystery of Wanjie Wangtu, accepted the beliefs of luck, and cultivated the qigong of the 72nd king into much enlightenment. Although it was impossible to really reach the level of mastery, the furnace fire was pure green, but the various physiques melted into a furnace, and the Divine Elephant Township was cultivated to reach the limit. Absolutely to enter the first realm of the immortal ladder, but this first small step, the heavenly robbery is more fierce, Yang Qi doesn't want to waste the power of the heavenly robbery, he has to choose a big scene, completely bury some master, last time he passed the great robbery in the temple of the Heavenly Path, defeated the heavenly court four emperors, big brother B, Ye Xiao Ye, this time more ambitious, want a blow collapse Future worlds, too ancient times, the League of Witches, and some of the best antiques the tigers have ever seen.

“Forward Battleship, Energy Index, Ten! ”

Yang Qi shot again, but his heart was shocked. The other side's future world, the dozens of emperors, the energy index was a little more than a little, some two points, three points, that is, the equivalent of three emperors, but the battleship, the power was enormous, and the energy contained was equal to ten emperors.

Energy in the field, together, in the hundreds.

Together, this group of people is almost nowhere to be found, there is nothing broken, but Yang Qi is quite a challenge, but Yang Qi knows that the seamless, after all, is a group of people, not a whole person, but the master of this future world has lived through hundreds of battles, and they only work closely together.

There is a certain pattern of warships running between them, but the disc fragments of Yankee civilization are the most powerful warships, the pinnacle of science and technology, the technology of the future world can't be surpassed, he believes that after some time of research, he can crack the mystery of these warships' connections.

“Damn it!” At this moment, the great emperor-class masters on the entire future world warship fleet are almost insane, and each of these marshals is furious, "who is it? Who robbed us of the disk fragments of civilization? As a matter of fact, the disk fragments of civilization have recognized that the Lord cannot be taken away unless he encounters the legendary engine of God! ”

“It's Yankee! ”

“It is the leader of the Patriarchal League, and we have received the news that he obtained the engine of God from the Taikou League, which we were going to tell him, but we were delayed because of the coming of the tomb.” A number of intelligence agents shouted.

“Kill...” Several marshals were so angry, they killed some shouting intelligence agents on the spot, blood flowing on the battleship, "Damn, he tracked us all, turned on the search system, a parallel universe infiltration, and found his exact location! ”


Buzz... the whole huge battleship is combined again, making a huge sound, the sound waves are transmitted in the tomb, illuminating the surrounding area, directly illuminating Yankee's position.

Yankee is nowhere to hide. The combined energy of this battleship is so huge that it is equivalent to hundreds of great emperor leaders. If it were out there, Yankee would be able to travel through parallel universes without being searched, but in ancient tomb tunnels, space was limited, and he would bounce back when he touched the wall, inevitably revealing his true form.


The battleships roared, and suddenly a ray of light killed and locked Yang Qi. The ray of fire, extremely powerful energy, almost instantaneously, reached Yang Qi's body.

Yankee had not reacted yet, and the whole man was hit, but his body flew with the light of the cannon, like a leaf in the autumn, drifting with the waves.

Energy bombardment reached his body and was absorbed constantly, swallowing the King of Heaven Fu Xiao helped. Tung Tian Wang Fu Yu, now 3,000 pieces gathered together, more concentrated by Yang Qi, subjugated the will of the Tung Tian Wang, almost merged with his own qi and blood, the power of Tung Tian Wang Fu Yu is one of his strongest treasures.

The fire appeared to bombard his body, but it was actually all absorbed by the King of Heaven, converted into a massive amount of natural weather energy, input into his cave know-how sea, made his spiritual power more powerful, seemed to be greatly remedied.


Yang Qi rushed over and bombarded a huge battleship, killing it hard on the battleship energy shield, that punch penetrated into it, the energy shield made a clicking sound, the first layer of energy shield broke all.

The entire battleship's chief ship is shaking violently.


"This man is so strong, he's so much stronger out there than the Ming tide, obviously he's hiding his strength. In this bombardment, we lost a lot of energy, and our artillery shelling on his body, he doesn't seem to have been harmed, it's abhorrent! ”

“No wonder we have endless energy and denser artillery. Can I see how he can bear it? You can't absorb it all!” The Great Marshal of the Realm coldly said: “Turn on the Cellular Artillery! Use reserved energy, perpetual power cooker! ”


Boom, boom!

Suddenly, the entire vast battleship was spinning violently, forming a flying saucer shape. The dense and numb cannons were derived from the energy shield, and the powerful energy force field squeezed Yankee apart. Subsequently, dense artillery fires lock Yankee, such as anger from the gods, such as the collapse of the universe, such as the landing of the Divine Stone Planet in the divine realm, all to Yankee.

Bang, bang, bang...

Countless dense artillery, every bombardment, can destroy a fairy realm, between moments, hundreds of consecutive bombardments, all bombarded Yankee chest, the degree of energy concentration, can not be dissolved in a short time.

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