Sage Emperor

Chapter 844 Metal Gas Disassembly

Boom Lung!

Continuous and dense artillery fire erupted from the depths of the battleship, bombarding Yang Qi's body, but he opened Tun Tian Wang Fu Luo, energy detection system, hands shook continuously, punched out Tai Gu 72 Wang's scholarship, dispersed the energy in the artillery fire, repressed, and scattered into various cave know-how surfaces of the body.

All over his body, he came out with the purest power of hell, twisting the light, putting some of the artillery together.

Everyone saw him jumping, shuttling, resisting the light in his palms, putting those guns out of the gray. Each gun couldn't hurt him at all, but he couldn't make half a step forward.

Breathing, Tuna...

Under such a degree of energy shock, Yankee still stood, and the whole human body burst out with sincerity that could accommodate everything, leaving many marshals and marshals on future world warships horrified to speak up.

“It turns out to be a function of the Civilized Disk Debris Energy Detection System, and I use the energy of artillery fire to blend in so that I can better absorb energy! Break down the energy from the ancient tombs. ”

Yankee has no counter-attack, but is leveraging each other's artillery power to understand the mystery and develop his potential while reaping more benefits. Of course, now the gunfire is so dense that there are almost two or three hundred powerful battleships united to bomb him. He cannot get close at all. Had these not been battleships, they would have been inflexible between operations, hundreds of living emperors, and he would have escaped from shock wounds.

If the power of hundreds of great emperors were held together, he would even have a difficult chance of escape.

After all, battleships are different from the flexibility of people, and the power of multiple people is different from focusing on one's body.

“Comfortable!” Yankee emitted a long sigh deep in her heart, absorbing intense gunfire while observing movement in her body, discovering deep in her body and gradually making incredible changes. All kinds of energy begin to break down and become the purest being.

After obtaining the fragments of the Civilization Disk Energy Detection System, Yang Qi not only applied his energy more precisely and finely, but also gained a clearer understanding of the various energies throughout the ancient tomb, he moved slightly, breathed a breath, and the ancient tomb energy was clearly distinguished, which were harmful energies, which were true spirituality, which were the energies of the divine realm, which were the killing intentions left behind by the gods...

Deep in the ancient tomb, all kinds of energy are stirred together, more chaotic than chaos, breathe freely, absorb energy is greatly rewarded.

So the average master enters, not breathing and swallowing energy at all, but condenses himself into one degree, blocking all energy outside.

Even the many characters of the future world support themselves with the enormous amount of energy in the battleship.

The energy in the tomb of God cannot breathe at will, otherwise only death will come. But Yankee is different now, with a slight movement, the various energy indices are clearly expressed, and which of these energy indices is useful and which can be utilized is almost clear.

Inhales the energy in the body, breaks down the energy detection system and distinguishes it one by one.


In the disk fragments of civilization, all kinds of energy converge to fill different void worlds. Yang Qi closed his eyes and saw deep in the disk fragments of civilization. Tens of thousands of small bits were born. These bits were born in nothingness, nothing, an empty leather bag, but constantly filled with energy.

Some are deep, filled with glassy, colorful airflow. But it is pure divine energy, and it can be condensed into a magic potion. Any Alchemist can achieve tremendous success as long as he gets this energy, so that Dan medicine can be transformed into a Divine Dan.

Some faces, filled with a purge air stream, brilliant color platinum gold, but in the divine realm, a divine gold innate five-line atmosphere, if the sword is cast, it will definitely be sharp, but sucking into the body, even the mythical realm of the seven, eight, nine heavens of the strong, will be killed all particles of the body, immediately annihilated.

Just a sigh of breath can kill.

In the secular world, this airflow is nowhere to be seen. Only in the airflow deep in the ancient tomb, there is this innate gold gas, and the general emperor cannot strip this thing from the messy energy. Only the disc energy detection system of Yang Qi's civilization can be decomposed.

Beyond that, Yankee sees that the most amazing, powerful and powerful energy entering deep into the surface actually turns into many roaring sounds, notes, these notes all congeal into the words of the divine realm, which is "kill!”. Strong slaughter is almost a little bit of a move, and deep in the human mind comes the golden iron horse, breathing a million miles, the river and mountains upside down, all over the wolf smoke.

This is the killing intent generated by the battles of the gods in the divine realm. The agglomeration in the depths of the ancient tombs also confounded into the energy. It was broken down by Yankee.

This killing intent of the gods battle the true truth of slaughter, man breathe into it, the Great Emperor must be deeply victimized, but collect, refine the magic treasure, can obtain extremely powerful fighting artifact, depends on how to use it. After Yankee now has the energy detection system, he discovers that the entire crystal wall of the tomb channel is a magic potion in various positions. Although the treasure is useful, the energy in the entire tomb is the treasure, collected, differentiated, and brought into the Guardian Alliance, so that the overall strength of the Alliance will be raised to a new level.

“Grand Marshal, our guns are dense, but we can't do anything about this man. What should we do? How could this man dissolve our gunfire energy?” That's when a marshal came forward to report.

“Humph! It's nothing, use a stronger artillery formation, Jail Plan!” A grand marshal in the sky grinned and his eyes flashed: “I don't believe it, I can't kill him! ”


At the moment he issued the order, the entire fleet roared again, as if it were a bunch of savage giants, the energy shell on it changed continuously, collapsed, and a huge magnetic field appeared, buzzed...

Yet another more dense artillery, coming towards Yankee, Yankee saw, this time the artillery, not the light column, but the energy sphere, a respected energy sphere, big as the planet, suddenly appeared, locked itself, above those energy spheres, also revealed a face with distinct angles, abnormal horror, these people face planet energy sphere full of hundreds of thousands, between the whistles, blocked all space, squeezed against Yankee.

“Nebula chains, the earth explodes! ”

A huge explosion was created, and the energy surged wildly. Between them, destroy one part of Yankee, and Yankee disappears completely.

“Hmm? Where did this guy get to?” Some of the marshals roared, "Didn't our artillery line, the inmate plan, hurt him? Impossible, no reason. ”

“He's hurt. Hide it, let's search again!” A grand marshal sensed something sharply, as if Yankee had been injured, his eyes moved and he shot around.

“He appeared on the cocoon of the Great Divine Worm! ”

The crowd then saw a giant ancient snake swallowing heaven, appearing on the cocoon of the great godworm, opening its mouth and devouring it in a flash, swallowing it all.

Swallow Heavenly King Fu Lu, once again revealed the function. This function can swallow everything, and of course, like snakes, swallowing is one thing, and being able to digest is another.

“Hahaha… what a great battleship!” Yankee swallowed the cocoon of the Great Goddess Bug, and the King of Heaven snake entered the body and made a huge voice: “Marshals of the future world, together, I can't help you, but in this ancient tomb, I will become stronger and stronger! And you're going to get weaker and weaker, and I'm going to bury you completely in here and see if your proud leader shows up or not. ”

Between the words, his body flashed and the people present were entwined, moving forward into the rolling mist.

“Chase!” the battleship chased it, unfortunately people have disappeared, because the deeper the tomb, the bigger the space, the more energetic, these chaotic energies are heavier than chaos, and finally like liquid, the oppression of the sinterdam on the shield of the battleship, so that the warship travels slowly, and people have to be careful when they see this environment.

“It's dangerous! ”

At this moment, Yang Qi disengaged from the restraint, the whole person crawled on the crystal wall of a channel, this face is huge, dark, deep contains many precious ore, are materials of the divine world, these materials were collected by Yang Qi, the whole face is empty, he lurked in one of the motions, running the injuries just caused to himself by the other party's "Sky Jail plan artillery array”, he wants to recover.

The energy around the planet just now exploded heavily around him, which actually caused his protection to be blown away after a moment. His whole person seemed to encounter a heavy blow from the ancient hammer, almost spitting blood in his mouth, and the meridians in the whole human body broke many roots. These meridians had to be repaired slowly in order to recover.

From this point on, he also knows the horrors of the battleships united, and by his own means, against the entire battleships of the future world, which is simply impossible, unless it is renewed strength that will make it possible to destroy all of them here.

Between the tongues, the wounds gradually recovered.

His whole body bounced off, absorbing the energy of the divine realm contained in the energy of ancient tombs. The whole man raised his hand and threw his foot, and his broken meridians not only recovered, but also reached an unprecedented degree of resilience. This battle was of great benefit to him, so that he could understand what the future world's high civilization looked like.

“Take a look at the Great Emperor Bug. What does it look like?” Yankee looked at the cocoon in the pure land of the gods at this time.

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