Sage Emperor

Chapter 846: Mastering the Ancient God Road

“Di Di Di, Di Di, Preliminary test, this human energy index fluctuates up and down forty. ”

The disk fragment of civilization makes a sound: “It seems that there is hidden energy in this human body, but it belongs to Pharaoh, not to himself, and the battle composite index should exceed forty. But it does not pose a threat to the master's life. If you can't talk about harm, it's impossible for the master to surrender to this person, and it belongs to the banner drum equivalent. ”

“The energy index is higher than mine, but if I don't have to, I won't be afraid of him. I can actually have someone who opposes me, listening to his tone, is a strong and horizontal presence that has long entered the ancient path of God...” Yankee turned around and saw the woman in front of her.

The woman, very cold, stood in the flame kingdom, the flames of the bear burned on her body, but could not invade half of her body, but rather made the atmosphere around her body cleaner, a circle of extremely cold breath emanating from her, these extremely cold gases swept the flame apart, condensed into a circle and a film of light, protecting her from being attacked by anyone.

“Are you the man of the ancient era who entered the ancient path of the gods? With the tomb, you finally returned to Immortal World?” Yang Qi asked: “How dare you ask your name? ”

“Yihua Holy Virgin.” This woman spit out four words, cold and cold, "but you won't know about me, I've been on the Ancient Passover Road for hundreds of millions of years. ”

Yang Qi knew that the people who entered the ancient road of Tongjin were outstanding characters. When the ancient heavenly court four emperors, the anger sky, Wanfa Tongtian, Xuan Huang Canghai, the Nine Poles Supreme did not dare to enter the ancient road. Many characters entered the ancient road before they dared to establish the ancient heavenly court.

This “Yihua Virgin" in front of her was definitely a figure before the ancient heavenly court. At that time, the four great emperors were nothing but small characters. In the distant times, after the disappearance of the gods, there was a time fault, after the time fault, a large number of masters emerged. After the distant times, these masters felt that they could not achieve the gods, so they entered the ancient path of connecting gods, searching for the distant divine realm.

And before the time faults, the ancient path of the gods disappeared in an era when the gods had just fallen.

That era is now the era of the space-time passage opened by the Dragon Nation, the era of Buddhist Changsheng.

Too ancient, used, present, future.

Big Brother B passed through the Tai Ancient Era, as did the Five Vajra. And in front of her, Yihua Holy Virgin, a strong man of the Middle Ages, entered the ancient road of the gods and practiced for hundreds of millions of years, cultivating it to reach the extreme.

“I don't know what you asked me to do. Are we going to take back the Great Goddess Bug?” Yankee caught the other party's Tai Ancient Bug Emperor, knowing that this man would definitely not give up, but the fat at the entrance made him spit out, but he was absolutely unwilling. If the other side starts a war, it's a big deal to run straight, and you're too lazy to waste your time with her.

“Though I am a little stronger than you are, your strength is extremely strong, but fighting is inevitably a double defeat. It is pointless, on the ancient path of God, there is no eternal enemy. I see you're good. How about working with you to explore the mysteries of this tomb? ”

Yihua Holy Virgin faintly said, her tone does not seem to be half emotional or fluctuating, even if Yang Qi captured the godworm emperor she fed, she seemed reluctant, although Yang Qi must know that the godworm emperor took a lot of thought.

“What's the mystery? I just heard that you've been in this tomb for 10,000 years, and as the tomb floats, you reach the beginning of the ancient path to God? So all these years of exploration, you must know a lot about the mystery of this tomb? Tell me, what are we working on? ”

Yang Qi was very curious, he never knew exactly why the tomb appeared, and he had no idea what the tomb was. He only knew the energy and divine power contained in the tomb, which transcended the ancient gods.

“What this tomb is, I don't know, because I have not been to the divine world, hundreds of millions of years on the ancient road of connecting God, constantly moving forward, unfortunately not enough repair, the ancient road of connecting God can only reach one stage, and cannot move forward.” Yet I know that this tomb contains immortal divinity. After the death of the gods, it is buried in the tomb, influenced by the power of the tomb, and the divinity will not dissipate. In addition to me, there are many masters on the ancient path of the Great Tomb who have entered it, explored the divine character, and once they have the true divine character, they will rapidly become the divine God, and then they will grasp the mystery of the Great Tomb, and we will all be like ants, smoke away. ”

“Deep in the tomb, many masters in the ancient path of the gods?” Yankee is in the dark.

The longer we pass through the ancient path of God, the deeper we go, the wider it is. Rumor has it that we reach the end of this ancient road, we can enter the divine realm, and those who pass through the ancient path of God and practice will become the realm of the gods.

Needless to say, the strong people who came out on the ancient path of the gods were invincible and supreme figures. The Angry Great Emperor and others in front of them were children who had just learned to walk.

This Eyflower Virgin in front of me is an example. I don't know how to refine it. It actually surpasses Yang Qi.

Of course, if Yankee realm reaches the Emperor, it will be a distant repression of this woman.

“I see your strength, very good, and together with me, there is greater hope of survival in this tomb, of immortality.” But if you don't cooperate with me, I can tell you, there are many dangers in this tomb, my strength is not the strongest, but it is only medium, of which the most powerful is ten times my strength. Moreover, deep in this ancient tomb, there are also very dangerous ghosts of God, which are transformed by the idea of immortality after the falling of the gods. These souls can destroy us. To obtain immortality, it is possible only if they are united. The two of us are not enough. We need to unite more people. ”

“Unity is union, it doesn't matter.” Yang Qi cares nothing. Although he is very dangerous with strangers, and when he encounters a situation, he is attacked by the other party and even killed by refinery, but he now has the map of the kingdom of the world and is ready to hide. And he has spent his entire life exploring treasures in teams with many people, and he doesn't know how many times he has experienced it. He is the only one who reckons with others, and no one else can reckon with him.

“You've been exploring the tomb for 10,000 years, and I'm sure you know a lot about it?” Yang Qi: “Why don't you explain it to me? And behind me, there's a bunch of people who are coming into the future, and they have a huge battleship, and the two of us are working together, and there's a chance that we could crush them. ”

“As I saw in the future, you and those warships are all in my mind.” The people of the future world are not so good to deal with, I have no grievances with them, and killing them will lead to revenge from their leaders. Those leaders are highly unpredictable and all very powerful. I am far from being an opponent, and sooner or later I will come to this era and take the divine character into the tomb. The future world is your enemy, not mine, and let's be clear about that, and work with me, and I'll tell you all about the grave I've explored, and not all of it can tell you right now. Like this flaming kingdom! It is the place where the bones of a flaming god are buried in the divine kingdom. ”

“Flame God's Burial Place? ”

Yang Qi shocked, the eyes of the Lord looked at the past, and found that this flame kingdom is indeed a huge position, deep in this position, the flame boils, melts everything, the emperor enters, all die at once, fly ashes extinguished, the strength is strong, there is no way to resist.

“Is there immortal divinity in it? ”

“That's impossible.” Yihua Holy Virgin: “This god of flame is the lowest rank of the inferior god, but it is only a presence of accompanying burial, belongs to the burial. Although death is in the tomb, the god is weak and impossible to preserve, but in the center of this flame kingdom, there is an immortal god soul, the flame god lives in it, so long as it can be obtained, surrendered, refined into an incarnation, its strength will multiply, this flame god soul is more powerful than we are. ”


Yang Qi hastily activated the energy detection system again. Soon after that, a hidden roar came out, causing the energy on the detection system to fluctuate dramatically.

“DiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDiDi Dangerous, extremely dangerous, unknown creatures inside, ghosts of God, energy index 105..."

“Amazing, that mighty flame god soul, the index is so powerful to the degree of 105, it is counterheavenly, the equivalent of 105 godless kings.” Yankee immediately had a deep twitch in her heart and didn't go into the tomb, she didn't even know what a master was.

Though the entire future world and the warships of the Shinto clan have joined forces to reach hundreds of energy indices, this does not count.

It's like an army of 10,000 men, compared to a superman with 10,000 men. The latter is perfectly capable of massacring 10,000 troops without blowing ashes.

The concentration of power on a person's body is a completely different concept than the convergence of many. If this mighty flaming spirit comes out in front of us, it will be impossible to slaughter Yankee and Yihua Holy Virgin in front of us, as well as the fleet of the future world.

“The energy index of this god is over a hundred, and we are not his opponents, how can we surrender?” Yankee shook his head: “This is too risky. ”

“What energy index exceeds a hundred?” The Virgin of Yihua asks, she doesn't understand what Yankee is talking about.

“An immortal ladder, nine steps, the emperor of the vacuum steps, is one! Your energy index is forty, and there are hidden powers in your body, but it cannot be counted on your body, that is, your true power is a complex of forty emperors, and there are more than a hundred gods in this kingdom of fire in front of you.” Yankee clearly explains strength.

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