Sage Emperor

Chapter 847 Flaming Soul

Chapter 847: Flaming Divine Soul

Listen, Yankee keeps turning his energy into an exact index, and the analysis goes on and on, and this "Virgin of Yihua" face in front of him shows a horrible color: “Your energy analysis, some of it is similar to that of ancient tech civilization, the energy testing system in the disk debris of civilization! Is it on you? ”

“Yes, I've just captured the Civilization Disk Energy Testing System from the people of the future World Fleet.” In Yang Qi's eyes, the wavelight flows: “This debris is very powerful. After I activate it, I can extract the energy from the ancient tomb, analyze it, automatically identify it, and store it in various void positions. I am curious that the energy in this ancient tomb is chaotic and fierce, and that just one sip can cause tremendous damage in the body. How did you survive? ”

He also saw the “Blessed Virgin" breathing between her breaths, slowly absorbing the energy in the tomb, seemingly refining in her body, allowing her to survive and practice.

It's not uncommon to be able to refine yourself, but the other party is terrified to be able to refine it.

“What? Civilization Disk Piece And This Function?” Yihua Holy Virgin shocked: “Although I can refine the energy here, it consumes so much that every breath I take removes all impurities from my furnace that I can slowly inhale the energy of the Divine Realm! Very inefficient! ”

Yankee heard the Lady of Eyflower explain this, and knew that she was moving.

Because it's like two of the same miners, one is digging for sand, and one is digging for gold, and it's impossible to compare. Yankee breathing, between moments, all kinds of metabolic qi are organized, some harmful to the body, can also be refined into a magic treasure, this is not normal breathing toner exercises can be compared.

As you can see, the Virgin of Eyflower is in the tomb and is unable to breathe. Every breath of energy wastes a great deal of real power, so that progress is difficult, and if you work with Yankee, progress is fast.

“I can build you a simulated system that can hold onto your body so that your breathing toner can quickly distinguish energy. How about that? Since I'm working with you, I have to show some sincerity.” As soon as Yang Qi moved and the countless glows gathered in her palms, the Virgin of Yihua saw a disk gradually condensed into a shape, which was made of many laws and data, and was the auspicious of the gods.

After the disc condensed into shape, she delivered it to the hand of the Virgin of Yihua, her eyes slightly moved, and she entered it, suddenly feeling between her breaths, countless elements passed through the disc, automatically separating, the pure energy of the divine origin in the tomb, and the breath of the divine realm began to shake.

The countless breaths of the divine realm, pure and pure, make the body of the Virgin of Yihua, a great deal of energy constantly creeping. The whole person seemed to relieve the burden, revealing a glimmer of youth. It was indeed to relieve the burden of the Virgin of Yihua. Without her breathing every breath, she had to work hard to refine her energy.

“Okay, great. ”

"This has reduced a lot of pressure on me," said Yihua Holy Virgin. Next, we can deal well with the great god's soul in this flame tomb. What I'm most worried about is that in this flame kingdom, the flame divine energy can melt everything. We absorb a little bit into the flame divine energy, and it burns through the veins of the body. Now we have this thing, which not only opens up everything we can to absorb energy, but also converts the flame divine energy for our own use. ”

“So you must have the power of God in this flaming kingdom?” Yang Qi frowned: “The flaming spirit is too powerful to refine even if we can suppress it? There are many benefits to be gained after refining, but is it too dangerous? ”

“About what you see me practicing is a cold qi kung fu, called the Great Cold Xuan to Yin Divine Qi, which is left over from the ancient to Yin God. I have cultivated to the peak, want to break through again, greatly improve my strength, only refine this flaming spirit! ”

"And I won't let you lose," said the Virgin of Yihua. “After we get the Fire Spirit, how about we refine it together? You will also get the Great Cold Xuan on me to the Yin Dynasty and the Neutralizing Dynasty of the Fire Ghost. By your logic, you and I will grow to hundreds of exponents of energy data! ”

“This is very beneficial for us to take the divine character in the future. In fact, I tell you, this tomb is infinitely vast, the passageway strip, it is not easy to find the burial place of the divine character, but I now know where a strong man at the top of the lower divine peak buries the bone, his divine burial place cannot enter at all. My power is so weak... take the flaming spirit, we will have the opportunity to enter it, use no divine fire, break down obstacles? ”

Yang Qi thought about it and felt it was good. The character of the next god was also very important to him. Once obtained, his realm would rise again, climbing on the steps of the immortal ladder. Other antiques were hundreds of millions of times easier than his own. Every time he climbed to a realm, the energy consumed could not be counted. Only the divine character can be elevated, otherwise there is no energy in the world that can bring him to the realm of the Great Emperor.

“In that case, let us begin to surrender this flame kingdom," said the Lady of Eyflower. “Deep in this flame kingdom is the spirit of the flame god, centered on him, and these flame energies were left behind when the god fell! Flame energy has given birth to a number of Flame Giant Spirit armies, and the power of these armies is not so small that they cannot be taken lightly. ”

“It's all good. ”

Yankee suddenly waved, a chaotic ancient snake hunted and fought behind her back, "I came to suck these flame essences, you reached in front of me, to resist the flame soul, as long as I had absorbed these flame essences, the power of the flame soul would be much weaker. ”


The Virgin of Yihua was surprised when she saw the King of the Swallow on Yang Qi's body: “King of the Swallow, you actually got 3,000 pieces? Together, 3,000 sheets can be transformed into the true shape of the Upper Ancient Swallow King, but the great will of the Swallow King will also be resurrected. In fact, in ancient times, many people have had to swallow the Swallow King, but for each additional sheet, the power certainly increases by one point, and the resentment poison is also increased by one point. The great will of the Swallow King will gradually control the human mind, making man a monster that can only swallow. It's a magic charm. Aren't you afraid to swallow your will too? ”

Yankee didn't speak, and he knew in his heart that if he hadn't stamped the gods to suppress the will of King Tung Tian, he would probably have been demonized and then completely destroyed. The great will of the King of Heaven can devour everything and then resurrect.

“Naturally I have a way, don't worry about it, let me absorb this flame kingdom!” His mind moved and suddenly the body of the ancient chaotic snake swelled up and sucked violently.

Suddenly, the thick fire columns came out of the flame kingdom, those flame elements rolled, all inhaled by the chaotic ancient snake into the abdomen, deep in the flame kingdom, the Wind Fire Anger, many flame giant spirits felt damaged, attacked, flame giant spirits' armies shouted to kill, shook the loud noise of the heavens and the earth, Yang Qi at this time, infused all the true breath into the swallowing king's charm, began to devour, any flame giant spirits reached the airflow vor, and were swallowed down by the chaotic ancient snake.

Soon after, the belly of this ancient chaotic serpent was no longer the color of chaos, but began to turn red because it swallowed too much flame energy to dissolve, causing the interior of the ancient chaotic serpent to become hot.

Chaos Ancient Snake, is a large array arranged by the King of Swallow, the higher the user is cultivated, the more powerful the array is, the more powerful the King of Swallow is exerted, unless the user himself is cultivated to exceed the King of Swallow, there can be no limit.

However, if repair is not enough, and the power of the swallowing king, the ancient chaotic serpent will be shattered and scattered, but each one will not destroy at all.

Now, Yang Qi absorbs too much flame power, swallowing King Fu Lu will still be blown up, chaos ancient snake can not bear.

But he saw the ancient snake's abdomen red, his face moving, and deep in his eyebrows, a tremendous airflow that was his own prime of life, the blood of God, injected into the great array of chaotic ancient snakes.


A power that shook the whole body of Daihua Virgin burst out, and King Zhang Tuntian Fuyu burst out a high roar, coming from the deepest, most powerful, devouring all the great ideas of the gods, suddenly burst out, the whole chaos ancient snake swelled a hundred times, the huge body slightly moved, Toothless, Shinko swept, the black hole in the mouth swept out, tornado like swallowing the sky storm, into the divine realm divine hole, wildly swallowed everything.

Qi swallowing the gods!

Swallow King's voice is roaring, roaring, hysterical.

Between moments, that enormous swallowing of innocence formed the most intense storm to evolve. Yang Qi developed another feature in Tung Tian Wang Fu Lu, which is Tung Tian Storm.

The first stage is to make the Tung Tian Wang Xuan produce the Tung Tian Qi Weather, the second is that the Tung Tian Qi Weather is transformed into the Tung Tian Sheli, the third stage is that the Tung Tian Sheli is crushed again, and the great divine power erupts, that is, the place where the Tung Tian Storm and the Tung Tian Storm arrive, everything is broken down, which is tantamount to the great robbery of the gods.

In the divine realm, the Upper Tung Heavenly King did not know how many kingdoms to cross, and once the heavenly storm was swallowed up, what inferior god, median god, superior god, full god, great complete god, all must be killed together, only the Supreme God can resist.

Storm Tung Tian was excited by Yang Qi and immediately caused a devastating disaster in Flame Kingdom. Where the storm reached, the flame was extinguished, turned into a flame line and inhaled Yang Qi's body.

Shortly afterwards, the Virgin of Yihua saw that Yang Qi's fingers, the lane of fire wrapped around them, condensed together, seemed to want to condense into a artifact, a flame ring.

This flame ring is very powerful.

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