Sage Emperor

Chapter 855: Shocking Thoughts

The young lord of the "Secret Demon Sect of the Heavens" began to be bombarded by the will of the Sword Dao as soon as the Sacrifice entered it, and the people saw him standing in the sword array, and countless swordsmanship came at him. The swordsmanship, the sword moves, all infiltrate his sea of knowledge, and fight with his will...

This has nothing to do with its own true Qi energy, it is purely a battle of Kendo will.

Nothing seems to happen, but the vicious is immensely dangerous. If it fails, it is the soul that dies and becomes an idiot. But this young master seems very determined in his will.


His mouth roared, and the whole man stood upright, as if he had an invincible sword, pierced the nothingness. In the depths of that space, countless intrinsics of nothingness were revealed. The secret sword of one way surrounded him, spinning constantly, flashing, these secret sword intentions, straightforward as skill, bursting as thunder, when the blast oscillated, the heavens and the earth were in his hand.

“The Secret Devil has no sword! ”

“Devil Davidson! ”

“Black Moon Rises! ”

“Demon on Earth! ”

“Demon King is dead! ”

“Think of it as a demon! ”

“The Secret Devil Sacrifices Heaven! ”

“The demonic sword! ” ……………………

Between the rise of the black gas, the powerful sword intent even broke out, Yang Qi saw the black gas, the sword intent condensed into sword moves, and the golden sword slaughtered each other, between the vibrations, the heavens and the earth were covered in a sword technology sword intent, but with the sword technology test, the Young Master of the Secret Demon, the whole person seemed insane, constantly dancing in the sword formation, epileptic, yelling, seems to be attacking an invisible enemy.

“Oops, he can't stop the sword, the fire is demonized. We will never allow this to happen!” Some of the elder masters of the Secret Demon Sect saw such a situation, each dramatically changing their colours.

“Golden Sword Divine Monarch, we have reduced our main withdrawal from inheritance.” An elder.

“Exit inheritance? Where there is such a cheap thing, Sword Dao will not be enough, only death, Sword Dao road, there is no retreat!” The King of the Golden Sword said fiercely: “There is no free inheritance in this world. If you want to be inherited, you will be aware of death. ”


“All Heavens Hidden Demon, Divine Thunder is Innumerable! ”

Many elders almost simultaneously erupted the strongest roar, suddenly, a single god thunder appeared, this thunder shook between the explosions, when the sky split, the demons danced, the demons came from the secret land, the entire sword room was blown up and swayed.


The Golden Sword God sent out a chilling hum, jumped, swordsmanship, a sword lane sprinkled down, instantly, each elder's face was stabbed with a sword, and then the sword power came towards them. Those mysterious demon thunder were immediately dissipated in the invisible as soon as the sword technology wrapped them, which killed demons, killed lives, killed anger, killed everything, and broke the world.

dang dang dang dang dang...

The sight of these elders is about to be stabbed to death, suddenly, a man took the shot, he took the shot, and for a while, the vast starlight of the river, the sword flashed out, the swordlight of the sword, gathered in the air into a single planet, the planet, inhabited by tens of millions of unsurpassed masters in the practice of swords, these masters seem to be fresh and hot people, each with his own soul, vibrant and vibrant, eager.

This sword is not a killing sword, but a saving sword.

Boom Lung!

Between successive swordplay versus spelling, the sword of the Golden Sword God was actually hardwired. Then the sword light disappeared. In front of the Golden Sword God, there was an additional teenager. It was the Star River Sword Sect, a young master of the Hongjin realm, a 15-16 year old teenager, who was inherited. His mother dreamed of the mass of swords. He was born for the sword, and died for the sword.


Yang Qi was shocked in his heart. Unexpectedly, this teenager was able to follow the blow of the Golden Sword God. If he put out a life-killing sword path, he would not be able to resist the sword. Unless he put out 72 emperors, plus all the qi of God's hand, to break the sword with a fist, he would be able to follow the sword of the Golden Sword God.

“Good sword technique.” The King of the Golden Sword retreated and looked at the 15-16 year old boy in front of him: “Your swordsmanship is enough to inherit my garment. ”

“I do not need to inherit the mortar of any man, and your sword, which is the sword that kills life, the sword that is broken, my sword, which is the sword that saves life, my sword, which saves more people, which kills less people, even if it kills people, is also saving people, and my sword, which is the way to save them. You are just an enemy of my swordsmanship. If you want to kill the people here, I will save them.” Young Master of the Star River Sword Sect: “My name is Star Swordsman. The sword is raw, the sword of creation, the sword of salvation. ”

This young man called Jinsheng Xingjiansheng said: "Golden Sword God, you are nominally choosing inheritance. In fact, you are killing the inheritor, absorbing luck, trying to paranoidly revive yourself, aren't you? ”

“Sword of creation, sword of salvation?” The King of the Golden Sword laughed: “You are a genius, but if you do not accept my inheritance, you will die! ”

“Ladies and gentlemen, together, we have suppressed the demons of the Golden Sword God. He is nothing but a soul in the tomb!” Suddenly, this galaxy sword zong young star Sword Sheng said: “Kill him before we can get away! ”

Between the words, his swordsmanship appeared, his swordsmanship fluttered, he evolved into the planet again, over the planet, countless sword practitioners were born, the civilization of the sword, the life of the sword, the principle of the sword, the law of the sword, the god of the sword, all emerged, and he actually launched an active attack against the Golden Sword God.

“This young man is amazing, but since he is going to kill the Golden Sword God, I will not show weakness!” Yang Qi knew immediately that this teenager, though powerful, may not be the other side of the Golden Sword God, and that no genius can pass through the gods. Any god, even a corrupt god, can erase all geniuses. Yang Qi had long realized that this Golden Sword God was upset.

“Come out! Seventy Two Kings! ”

Yang Qi's body moved, suddenly went around behind the Golden Sword God, a punch came out, suddenly behind him, 72 king appeared, great will, instantly shook the whole Sword Qi stone room, at the same time, his left and right fighting each other, every punch out, almost can break the universe, the punch to support the universe surge, left hand is the 72nd Journal King is out of school, right hand is the hand of God, heaven God punch, two punches out, more use the great energy of God's engine, the martial arts punch of the Gods imprint.

“Little god, how dare you resist my mark of gods, not to seek death? On his knees!” Yang Qi couldn't do it, but as soon as he did it, he was shocked, and a strong glow erupted, and his god's imprint was silently degenerate into an idea, and he stabbed the Golden Sword God deep in his soul.

The divine soul of the Golden Sword God, wrapped in the sword of the Xinghe Sword Sect Junior Star Swordsman, more to cope with the presence, many master fights, he didn't care, can swim blade surplus, a swordsmanship out, to resist the people, then put out the swordsmanship of the Divine Dragon to see the head missing the tail, swimming in the sky. Kill the enemy.

These men, though powerful, were scattered, and no one could withstand the power of his sword while he was wandering.

But he never expected it, and he hid a Yankee master. Between Yang Qi's fierce hands, reached behind his back, his hands punched, the yin and yang converged, completely natural, even an idea stabbed hard into his mind, he suddenly felt the heart shock, the will of the shock level declined, actually reached the supernormal, fell to a full grade, this is the intangible severe oppression, as long as it is God, there is irresistible trembling chestnut, especially soul, for the imprints of the gods. It is a gathering of will, much less resistance to the seals of the gods.

Boom Lung!

Yankee double-fisted, heavily bombarded the back of the Golden Sword God.

The fierce force, bombardment into his body, meanwhile, Xinghe Sword Sect Juvenile, Xingjiansheng's sword power also swung, while attacking the body of the Golden Sword God, the Qigong of the major masters, when the air exploded, all bombarded.


The Golden Sword God sent out a scream, roaring continuously, but he didn't die. All of a sudden, the whole man turned into a giant gold sphere. The gold sphere swelled outward: “Mixed Yuan Golden Sword, extinct the world! ”

Phew Phew... Golden globalisation for countless little swords, assassination on all sides, sudden screaming sounds successive. Many were hit by the golden sword and fell to the ground.

Their bodies were invaded by sword gas into their nerve veins and severely injured.

“You despicable beings! ”

Suddenly, the Golden Sword God changed again for a bite of the Golden Holy Sword, gathered in the air, not aimed at the Star River Young Master, but at Yang Qi, who knew that there was something on Yang Qi's body that he dreamed of, and Yang Qi had just punched him, severely injured him.


The Golden Holy Sword, at an incredible rate of speed, shook continuously, broke the sky, reached the front of Yankee, and directly inserted Yankee's heart.

“Careful!” When the star died, it flew in, and a sword arrived, but it was a step too late.

However, just as he landed on the ground, thinking Yankee was dead, he heard a scream. It seemed that the Golden Sword God had been imprisoned, and Yankee moved slightly, dissipating his true qi, and the crackling of his body. A kind of sword was shaking everywhere, and the sword that had left the Golden Sword God in his body began to melt.

In other words, the man in front of you actually sealed the Golden Sword God.

He was astonished: “Between the moves, seal the Golden Sword God, so powerful, but it seems that this man's cultivation is not very strong? ”

He didn't know, it was the Golden Sword God who threw himself into the net. Yang Qi was extremely dangerous. After attacking the Golden Sword God, he knew that, with the character of the other party, he would definitely come to kill himself, so he couldn't stand still, immediately deep in his chest, and opened the entrance to the map of the kingdom. The other party definitely got into the depths of the Wang Wang map, under the anger of attack, and could not come out.

However, if the other party is slightly more alert, stop while entering the Wangtu of the World, and the sword technology spreads outward, Yang Qi will immediately be struck by the sword, not dead and seriously injured. “Ha ha!” Yankee laughed, "good swordsmanship!” All of a sudden he threw his hand away and suddenly a black hole appeared, and the secret heaven was sealed in layers and thrown into the map of the kings of the universe.

Later, his hands tore, his energy bombarded the sword net, and he tried to tear it apart, but the sword net did not move, seemingly with a hint of elasticity, bouncing back his energy.

The sword technique of the other party, although not killing, is really powerful, such as a giant python wrapped around it, making it impossible to move.

“I'll teach you your swordsmanship.” Yang Qi's body shrunk and the slaughter swordplay appeared in his palm to kill the pair of living beings, suddenly drawing out a circular arc, becoming a perfect cut in heaven and earth.

“Perfect cut! ”

The arc of Kendo, when the sky breaks down, clap... That Tai Chi tangled the silk thread of the sword path, it was cut apart by everything, Yang Qi jumped up, the sword path was sharp, slaughtered to the star sword life.

“Good swordsmanship, killer, but killing power is no match for the raw power, so that I fight Brother Tai Sword, if Brother Tai loses, how about letting go of the secret heavens?” Xingjianshengdao.

“Well, if you lose, I'm going to kill everyone in the place!” Yankee whistled and fiercely attacked.

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