Sage Emperor

Chapter 856: Philosophy

“At last, this terrible Golden Sword God is imprisoned, but he is still looting in the map of the kingdom. Even if I enter the map of the kingdom, I cannot surrender him, let alone refine it."

Slowly exhale.

Yang Qi's thoughts entered the depths of the Wang Dynasty, saw a golden sword light, swam around, tear apart the layers of space, issued a powerful battle idea: “Who, who imprisoned me, boy, I fell for you, you dare to imprison me, Wang Dynasty, this is the Wang Dynasty of the Immortal King, but how can you succeed me? ”

“Boy, come out, I'll kill you! ”

“Damn it, I've fallen for it, I've been locked up in anger, but you can't do anything about it. I am also invincible in this map of kings of the universe. ”

Yang Qi did not ignore the divine soul of the Golden Sword Divine Monarch and did not dare to suddenly enter the Wangtu of the Universe to surrender, because the power of this person was too strong, and although he could enter the Wangtu, he was still unable to restrain this person.

He was trying to figure out how to obtain immediate benefits.

Many people were assassinated by the sword of the Golden Sword! In the spirits of the nerves, they are all swords, they are immobile, there are about fifty or sixty people.

Among them, there is also a mysterious demonic lord, cultivated into high depth. Some of these fifty-six people have an energy index of 20, and the lowest rank is also 18. The mysterious demonic lord of the highest rank has reached more than 100, and is now immobile and dying. If they are all acquired, so that they believe in themselves, there are countless more masters in the whole Ecclesiaste Alliance! Immediately boost your strength by a hundred times.

Now, all but one of the best in the Ecclesiastical Alliance are loose and normal, like ants for those on the ancient path to God.

To be able to protect oneself, one must do everything possible to enhance one's strength.

“Brother Tai, are you okay?” Xing Jiansheng walked up and glanced at Yang Qi and asked: “You sealed the Golden Sword God with a tremendous treasure? But still be careful, this ancient spiritual god is a spiritual sword lane, specializing in destroying the magic artifact, no one can resist destruction. ”

“It is no wonder that I have used a secret weapon that can be totally confined to repression.” Yankee waved his hand and looked around: “These people were struck by the sword of the Golden Snake Divine Monarch and could not escape, but I took it away and could save their sword. ”

“Help me, help me! ”

At this moment, in the Sword Array, the Young Master of the Mysterious Devil Sword Sect shouted violently, “If I am struck by the sword, I want to realize the demise of the sea, help me quickly! ”


Xing Jiansheng hurriedly flew over and looked at the body of the Young Master of the Mystic Sword Sect. Suddenly, an invincible sword injected into the sea of knowledge of the Young Master. Soon, he forced a group of golden mands out. The golden mands were swords, not swords, and were forced out by the Young Master of the Mysterious Sword Sect as soon as he was forced out. In time, the Young Master of the Mysterious Sword Sect regained his ability to act. He was not actually injured, which amounted to the soul being stopped by the sword intent, which amounted to being tied up with his hands and feet. Once the rope was cut off, his work would be restored and he would move freely.

Psst... As soon as the Young Master of Mystic Sword Sect recovered, suddenly the whole person turned into a ghost and attacked Yang Qi, no one thought that this Young Master was actually being rescued and attacked the person who rescued him. If Yang Qi hadn't imprisoned the Golden Sword God, he would be dead now.

However, he did not hesitate to do so, killing directly to Yankee, turning into a sophisticated sword net, when his head fell.

“Kid, your qi kung fu is powerful, but it is not possible to defeat the Golden Sword God. What kind of magic treasure did you use to make him fall into it and seal it? Hand over the pharaoh! ”

Young Master of the Mystic Sword Sect, the mysterious heaven suddenly strikes! It was an absolute blow. The star sword shouted, “No!” However, he was unable to do so, and his own swordplay was suppressing the swordplay idea of the Golden Sword God.

Yang Qi's pupils contracted, the whole man flew up, turned into a blue light, constantly wandering in the air, avoiding the blow of the Young Master of the Mysterious Sword Sect, then he sprayed his mouth, killed the sword, appeared to resist the sword man, his hands beat continuously, left and right fighting each other, a powerful qi kung fu, it is the 72nd king qi kung and the hand of God, alternating exertion, mighty, one hand scattered the other's sword earthquake!

“Wangu swallows heaven! ”

A chaotic ancient serpent appeared implicitly, Yang Qi swallowed the sword qi, cultivated it to increase again, deep in his eyes, he embodied the immortality of the universe. Meanwhile, there was an invincible idea of supremacy on his fist, and just now he and the Golden Sword God had won a lot of benefits.


With one punch on the sword, Young Master Jianzheng's secret secretary Tianlian shaken continuously, Yang Qi immediately realized that this person's will was not condensed, but it was also supernormal, but now he has fallen to the ordinary level, that is, he cannot play super level, it seems that he was seriously injured by the sword will of the Golden Sword God, and has not yet recovered. This breakdown was seen by Yankee, and he seized the opportunity.

“Life and Death Disillusioned!” Yang Qi's hands moved, the crowd of thunder exploded, the life and death disillusioned thunder erupted, and then the whole human hand appeared the spear of the underworld god, slightly shaking between them, the spear changed, the shadow of the mountain, the Jedi counterattack.

dang dang dang dang..............

The mysterious sword sect of the young master's secrets showed no weakness, black light appeared over his head, the mysterious sword magic was fully extended, the whole slender black sword, like a vicious black dragon, emitted a smell of grievance.

But Yang Qihaha laughed laughingly, his spear shocked, exploded suddenly, and struck hard on the black thin sword, causing the mystery to retreat continuously.

Yang Qi disappeared at will, appeared on top of the head of the mysterious heavens, exploded for a while, the seals of the gods appeared, repressed the mysterious heavens and paralyzed them for a moment.


He hit the back of the secret heaven, grabbed it hard, suddenly five fingers penetrated his back vest, penetrated it, paralyzed the whole body of the secret heaven, was about to do it, destroyed each other's meridians system, and then refined it.

“Stop! ”

At this point, Xing Jiansheng directly crushed the remnants of the Golden Sword God, and then said: “This brother, stop, forgive people, don't kill people. ”

“What?” Yang Qi glanced cold: “Didn't you see that earlier, this mystery attacked me in secret, to complain to De, if it wasn't for me, wouldn't it have been killed? Now I've got him? Just in time for revenge. Why did you stop me? ”

“Brother Tai misunderstood.” "I'm saving lives," said Xingjiansheng. Though this mystery just now implied that you were wrong, after all, it didn't hurt you. It would be wrong if you grabbed him and killed him again. Why don't you let him go, let him make it up to you and apologize for the dowry? ”

“How is that possible?” Xingjiansheng, I know what you are practicing is a kind of saving sword, nature saving people, but this has nothing to do with you, don't forget, your life was also saved by Yang Qi, if he didn't risk sealing the Golden Sword God, is your sword an opponent of the Golden Sword God? ”

“That's why I'm so grateful.” Xingjiansheng said: “I felt the joy of life, so I advised this brother, Brother Yang Qi, right? Do not kill, you will also feel the joy of life, less killing, more saving, you will feel the great fortune of heaven and earth come to your body. ”

When Yang Qi heard this, he immediately knew that the concept of Sword Dao of Xing Jiansheng was completely different from his own. This man was an alternative: “Why didn't you stop the Golden Sword God from killing so many people just now? ”

Hearing this, Xing Jiansheng's face revealed a lamentable divine color, “His swordsmanship is too fast, I can't stop it at all! But now, I say nothing will let you kill the Young Master of Mystic Sword Sect. ”

“This young master of the Mystic Sword Sect, born of evil, didn't you know that he had just attacked me? If you let him go, more people would die in his hands.” Yang Qiduo.

“It is because he is an evil man that he must be saved and made aware of the true nature of his life that he will change his evil afterwards.” Star Extinction Path.

“Well, our ideas don't match, and I won't argue with you. I'm leaving.” Yang Qi grabbed the secret heaven and rushed up, but between moments, a soft sword light, when his head pressed down, it was actually the star swordsman. Between the swords, the sword light was not lethal, but it condensed into a layer of law in the air, seemed to be the spider silk network, the tighter it became, the more people couldn't move, contact with each other's sword light, Yang Qi felt that his body was a lot heavier, the other's sword light did not have a slight intention of killing, even if it landed on his body, nothing would happen, it would just stop his actions.

“I'm sorry, Brother Tai, you saved me, and I'm going to save this man in your hand.” Xingjiansheng said: “This is Tai Chi silk swordsmanship, it will not harm you, but you have to break through the sword net, but it is very difficult! ”

“Ha ha!” Yankee smiled, "good swordsmanship!” All of a sudden he threw his hand away and suddenly a black hole appeared, and the secret heaven was sealed in layers and thrown into the map of the kings of the universe.

Later, his hands tore, his energy bombarded the sword net, and he tried to tear it apart, but the sword net did not move, seemingly with a hint of elasticity, bouncing back his energy.

The sword technique of the other party, although not killing, is really powerful, such as the giant python wrapped around it, making it impossible to move.

“I'll teach you your swordsmanship.” Yang Qi's body shrunk and the slaughter swordplay appeared in his palm to kill the pair of living beings, suddenly drawing out a circular arc, becoming a perfect cut in heaven and earth.

“Perfect cut! ”

The arc of Kendo, when the sky breaks down, clap... That Tai Chi tangled the silk thread of the sword path, it was cut apart by everything, Yang Qi jumped up, the sword path was sharp, slaughtered to the star sword life.

“Good swordsmanship, killer, but killing power is no match for the raw power, so that I fight Brother Tai Sword, if Brother Tai loses, how about letting go of the secret heavens?” Xingjianshengdao.

“Well, if you lose, I'm going to kill everyone in the place!” Yankee whistled and fiercely attacked.

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