Sage Emperor

Chapter 857 Collect All

It is a very troubling thing to catch someone sneaking up on you, but encounter “kind” people, but the “Star Swordsman” in front of you is better than the fierce and spicy ones, there is no threat to your life, and Yang Qi is happy to compare swordsmanship with this person in the absence of a killing machine.

The other side's swordsmanship, vibrancy, slight movement, everywhere is restraint, but everywhere is opportunity, between heaven and earth, the first line of vibrancy changes into everywhere vibrancy, as if multiple heavenly lanes converged together.

“Even if I lose, I can't let my brother take these people away.” The star swordsmanship suddenly shook, swordsmanship more tangled, such as silk spring rain, spring silkworm spitting silk, where you can see the swordsmanship, the void deep into extremely fine silk threads, these silk threads between the remnants of the threads, the fine adhesive force poured up, so that all of Yankee swordsmanship collapsed into invisible, it can be seen that this technique is in the swordsmanship, has already been the culmination, to beat slowly.


Yang Qi's three swords in a row, the sword pointing directly to the core of that life, suddenly shouted: “The sword of life, the sword of salvation, good swordsmanship, unfortunately, went the wrong way, difficult to carry on, if you can turn the idea around, when you take it to the next level. ”

“Don't know what's wrong?” Xingjiansheng Lanlang: “Please also ask Brother Tai to point out. ”

“In that case, I'll tell you! Life is bitter! ”

Yang Qitong blossomed and thundered: “Life is both bitter and free from pain. There is nothing but life. The so-called life is silence. The killing of silence becomes indestructible. Unextinct is the only way to be king, beyond eternity, the only other shore. ”

He held tight to the core of Killing Wang Kendo, the essence of sword intent, sword intent avenue.

The sword king who killed the king did not “kill”, but “kill”. He believed that all things, as long as they were born, were bitter, a man's face, eyebrows, eyes, was “grasshead”, nose beams and mouth were ancient. Put it together, it's a bitter word. To relieve suffering, only to destroy life, kill life, kill life, no extinction, the world will not be born with pain, all to the point of origin, eternal only, heaven and earth still, no more evolution, the whole universe, always a small point, that is the truth of killing life, killing life, is immortality.

No bitterness.

This sword meaning is the core of the entire Sword Dow of the King of Life. It is completely different from naked killing. It is the great mercy and great sadness of destruction.

Yang Qi's swordsmanship, constant aerial tearing, writing a single bitter word, suddenly changed many people's faces, these people's faces are all frowned upon bitter faces, feel each other's swordsmanship, the more anguished, the greater the chance, the more sad.

This is the heavens and the earth, the sword technique of the gods of the crying ghosts.

Already separated from pure swordsmanship, it is a battle of ideas, the swordsmanship will of the two in the void, the swordsmanship gradually income intangible.

“No, between heaven and earth, full of life, is joy. Life is not bitter, life is joy. Any life that can come into this world is fortunate, and every human being comes by God's command. If you say there is suffering, why don't you enter the realm of immortality? ”

Strong will to fight back, coming from the idea of Star Swordsman, his whole person burst out a strong sincerity, strong question, directly into Yang Qi's belief, to defeat Yang Qi's swordsmanship concept.

Yang Qi did not move at all, the whole sword technology was carried out, tiger life and power, each sword carried the fierce force of carving out the universe, the sword technique of each other tangled, completely different.

“I should let all the spirits of the world live indestructibly before entering indestructible realm.” Yang Qi once again put out all the core of the killing Wang Kendo, suddenly striking, "Now, Xingjiansheng, your kendo core, collapse, your idea is wrong, the stronger the life, the more intense the hatred, the more intense the hatred, the deeper the river and the lake, you can't save, only to return to the origin, no longer be born and destroyed, is the real way out. ”

“Impossible! The stronger the life, the more joy, so the world, is the sadness of death, the joy of birth, whether it is the dust world, or the fairy world, or the divine world, the spiritual meteor, will bring sadness, life is born, will bring joy, this is the nature of birth, nature cannot be taken away.” Once again, the Star Sword fought, debating life and death with Yang Qi.

Between moments, two swords collide. Ka Ka!

Above Yang Qi's sword path, there were many cracks, and he was actually defeated by the Star Sword, then the Star Sword Sword, layered around him, surrounded Yang Qi: "Brother Tai, don't kill. Let go of the young lord of the secret magic sect, so that he may forgive others and forgive them. ”

“Haha! ”

Just as the swordsmanship wrapped around him, Yang Qi's body suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the power of the magic seal appeared behind the Star Swordsman. The heavenly seals hung over the head of the Star Swordsman, spinning constantly, emitting the greatest divine power of all. It directly blocked Xing Jiansheng's swordsmanship: “Brother Xing, you've fallen for it. ”

Turns out, when Yang Qi was competing with Xing Jiansheng for the sword, his heart was already skeptical, so the sword technique would fail, but the whole person got away, and the heavenly seals appeared behind him to attack and suppress.

Though these heavenly seals can only hold the Star Sword for a moment, it is enough.


Yankee whole people, turned into a storm, swept through this stone room, everything in the stone room, objects, gold holy sword, all swept into it.

Of course, there are still a few people left, some elders of the Galactic Sword Sect.

As soon as his body jumped into a black hole, then disappeared. At the moment of his jump, he heard only one scream. The seals of the angels were blown up by the sword. Then a sword burst into the depths of Wangtu, wrapped around him. Still, there was no killing machine, but the power of life.

But reaching the Wang Wang diagram, even if the sword strength is powerful, it has no use. Once Yang Qi reached out and grabbed it, the sword strength was transformed into a soft finger, into his body, Xu Xu Qihua, instantly mastered the swordplay of Xingjiansheng, but the words of Xingjiansheng were also sounded in his ear: “Brother Tai, you actually have such a magical treasure, don't know where it came from? I hope you don't kill me. We'll have a chance to meet someday. ”

“Naturally, I will not kill, I will make these people live better, more pure and less sad than they do.” Yankee passed on his mind and shut down Wangtu.

The Star Sword was born on the ancient road of the gods, naturally not knowing the map of the kings of the universe.

“Congratulations, Congratulations. ”

Just moments after the closure of the Wangtu of the Universe, the Lady of Yihua said: “This time, you have won all the victories, you have obtained the soul of the Golden Sword God, and you have obtained the Mysterious Sword Sect of the Young Lord's Secret Heaven, refining these people, Qigong will definitely advance rapidly, and reach a new realm. ”

“Of course.” Yang Qi smiled: “Blessed Virgin Yihua, I can't refine the soul of the Golden Sword God right now, but if I surrender the dozens of masters repressed in the map of the King of Ten Thousand Realms, it can be arranged into a great array to refine the soul of the Golden Sword God. ”

Between the words, Yankee glanced at the dozens of “corpses” floating in the map of the kings of the universe.

These “corpses” are still alive, but suppressed into their minds by the sword of the Golden Sword Divine Soul, leaving them dying, but as long as the sword spirit is eliminated, they will live again.

Some of these masters are gamma gods, falling to England, Tao Sky Mountain, Cloud Sea Palace, Black Wood Hole... The masters, all of them beyond the existence of the Emperor, especially the masters of the Secret Demon Sect of Heaven, are even more powerful and powerful. One of them has reached eighty degrees of energy.

Yang Qi counted the presence, there were 49 people, and the total number of people in the sacred sky was 50. It was a coincidence that the numbers were satisfactory.

Nor did he heal these people present, but he grabbed the mystery heaven again, and in the map of the kingdom of the universe, the already restrained mystery heaven did not react at all. After Yankee grabbed him, he looked at him and bit his teeth: “Is this the map of the kingdom of the universe? You actually got the Immortal King Fu Lu, the Star Sword born kid can't recognize it, but I know exactly what it is. The King of the Worlds Tu was born. Our master on the ancient path of God knows that it will definitely come around like a fly with blood, so just wait for death! ”

“Who can enter the King of the Worlds map? ”

Yankee grabbed the secret heavens, and a real breath entered his body, crushing him. Makes him scream continuously, almost hysterical, Yankee now fix, has reached hundreds of energy index, fix not under the mysterious heaven, more the land advantage of Wangzhu Wang map, grasping the mystery can turn this person into immobile, can only be slaughtered by people.

Thereafter, Hell's Whip appeared in his hand, beat him hard, beat him to the ground and rolled, Yang Qi didn't say much, this man attacked himself secretly, there was nothing left to die for.

Ah..... the scream of the mysterious goddamn pig, he can't stand it, Yang Qi now has a lot of strength, and the whip of hell begins to truly understand the infinity of Hell, a little whip down, even God can't bear it.

He now feels the urgency of things and must quickly improve his strength. Otherwise, the longer it takes for the master of ancient divine roads to emerge from the tomb, the change of heaven and earth into a new pattern, and the Ecclesiastical Alliance will become a third-rate gatekeeper. He was enslaved, but he didn't want to see it.

Originally integrating the Ecclesiastical Alliance, Yang Qi was about to destroy the future world, too ancient era masters, but did not expect the tomb to descend in the sky, the emergence of a wave of the mighty on the ancient path of the gods, disrupted his plan, so that he could only survive in adversity, once again bravely improve, no less means.

“Release your heart and be enslaved by me, to dispel pain, to believe in me, to believe in me...” Yang Qi's voice was very loud. During the constant punching of the sacred heavens, the noise pervaded his head, while believing in the flames of the spirit, penetrating into his sea of knowledge and forcibly believing.

As long as the other person's mind fails slightly, the light of faith enters, completely different from what it used to be to let the other person go.

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