Sage Emperor

Chapter 895

“Two Lord Hana Gods, you have expelled Ye Shao's three dogs. But he probably came up against me himself. What do you think?” Just after the three emperors were driven away, Yang Qi sat down again, awfully idle.

He knew that Ye Shao Ye would never rest in peace.

Even what Young Master Ye was thinking, he knew in his heart that he must catch himself, obtain the Imprint of the Gods and the Imperial Immortal King, all kinds of treasures, greatly increase his strength, destroy Yihua Palace, avenge Snow Hate.

Therefore, the message that he possesses the imprint of the gods will never be conveyed by Ye Wudao, and he will even try to hide it, killing all those who know, and swallowing himself.

It is with this psychology that Yang Qi will make a big article from it. He comes this time to provoke the three emperors. Young Master Ye will definitely come. He can also take the opportunity to take a look. What level of promotion did this Young Master Ye make?

If the promotion reached the level of Zilin, it would be extremely scary, but Yang Qi still doesn't care, now Zilin is no longer his opponent, in Yihua Palace, the only thing he is afraid of is the palace master.

Unless it is a complete refinement of the divine character, it can be spelled out.

However, he is now an external body incarnation, energy body, ready to walk away, forever standing in an undefeated position, but can lose and play.

“If he came, he could have shattered his face.” The two great flower gods laughed: "This male pet, many people can't see right. If you dare to come with us, there is a cure for him. Does he really think his position is the same as Zilin's? In the thousands of years since the founding of our Yihua Palace, many people have been spoiled like Leaves, but in the long rivers of history, these people have died, perished, spoiled, spoiled, and some qigong has been abolished and put into the Cold Palace. Only Zilin is immortal. He has his reasons. I think Ye Dao is just a pet, and it won't be long before it gets warm. ”

“Yankee, I think you fixed it well. Why mess with the storm here? You, like Ye Dao, will go to our palace master to fight for petition. By your means, you will surely attract the pleasure of your palace master, so that you can blatantly destroy Ye Dao, it doesn't matter. Now, even if we destroy Ip Wan Dao, I'm afraid we'll have to bear the anger of the palace master. ”

The jade flowers faintly said, seemingly seducing Yankee.

“Two flower gods, who am I, Yankee? How can I rely on you to be a humble man's pet? Around in your eyes, men are despicable.” Yang Qi smiled: “Unfortunately, between the heavens and the earth, the top of the heavens and the earth is still a man, isn't the Immortal King a man? Isn't he a man? Almost 90% of the gods are men. Even the demons in the depths of hell are ninety-nine percent male demons. What does that mean? ”

“Humph! Sooner or later, we at Yihua Palace will turn this situation upside down so that the divine realm, the goddess, is the goddess.” The face of the Jade Flower God is like a cold frost.

“It's all just a delusion. Are you guys stronger than the Immortal King?” Yang Qi smiled, and now Yihua Palace is just a piece of dust in front of the Immortal King. After a little movement, the dust is blown out.

“These things, don't talk to you too much, one day you'll have to prove that this happened.” Sheryl Flower God: “Heaven and earth men, they are our slaves, and you don't know what kind of man a palace master is if you haven't seen him before. When you truly meet the palace master, you will understand that the male talent of the palace master is approximate and subdued by her, so that you can rely on her and use her. ”

“Oh? In that case, I'd be interested to see who your palace master really is.” Yang Qi moved slightly and was about to continue to talk, find a way to provoke the separation, see what means could be put in place, so that the flower gods and leaves could not fight, causing a civil unrest in Yihua Palace, and ask, what exactly has the palace master been doing lately?

Only by grasping the news of the palace master can Yang Qi enter the treasure trove to practice again, speed up the breaking of the Divine Formation, reach the tears of the Divine King, grow the Divine Engine, confuse the storm, dominate the world, finally defeat the future world, kill the arrogance, and advance to the divine realm.

“Ye Wudao has seen the Jade Flower God and the Snow Lotus Flower God. ”

At this time, the sound came out of nowhere. Ye Wudao's familiar voice impacted in. Yanchiton felt his whole body was shaken up. This person's sound wave was not a pleasure, but a shock, a demonstration.

“Ye Wudao, what are you doing? ”

When the anger of the two great flower gods flashed, they saw a man who had not been informed at all, entered the depths of the palace, and no one could stop him. Behind him, there were three people, the Great Emperor and others, who had just been dared to go out, and now relying on the unjust forces of Ye to enter again.

Ye Wudao reappears!

Full of white clothes like snow, with a Tai Chi towel over his head, no weapons all over his body, standing in his negative hands, naturally has a sense of dignity. The aura of arrogance, extreme arrogance, rampant, hegemonic, exalted breath came from him.

This character is completely different from Zilin.

Zi Linmei's man is a jade, the old eunuch is a needle, this leaf is a sharp dagger, or a bad dog with fangs!

Arrogant, overbearing, satisfied, rampant..... the character is concentrated in one place, making people despise, yet feel horrible, anxious, afraid of getting bitten by a bad dog, so they don't dare to mess with him, they dare not fight him.

“Yankee, you're really here. ”

As soon as he stepped into the hall, Ye Weiduo's eyes placed on Yang Qi's body, his face appeared to smile, and at the same time waved his hand. Suddenly a Tai Chi map covered the entire hall, blocking time and space, lest Yang Qi escape.

This arrogance does not see the two great flower gods in the eye at all. It's to clear the horses, naked to capture Yankee.

“Ye Wudao, you are so arrogant, you dare to strike here, this is the Hana Temple, not your rear palace, your identity is a male spouse, dare to spread wild here! ”

Jade suddenly shot, a sword chi cut up, trying to cut the Tai Chi diagram, but when the sword chi touched the Tai Chi diagram, a huge force burst out above the Tai Chi diagram, causing the sword chi to crush between the moments.

Jade shook all over his body, and his Qi and blood floated. He was not the opponent of Ye Du.

“Save it, Jade Flower God, you're not my opponent.” Ye Mudu's tone is getting more arrogant, "I have practiced Tai Chi nondestructive law to shock Xuan Gong. Even that Zilin can fight! Even though he's no longer my opponent, I'll kill him sooner or later. And you, even if you put it together, are not my opponents. ”

“What, did the palace master teach you all the excellence of this shaft? Tai Chi is indestructible! This set of Xuan Gong is the secret to treasure obtained by our Yihua Palace on the ancient path to the gods, not knowing how many difficult and dangerous obstacles have been experienced and how many people have died! You... Why would the palace master teach you such a despicable slave?” The Jade Flower God almost bit his teeth.

“Bitch!” Ye Shao nearly jumped like a thunder, the killing machine flashed, but he was born and patient, knowing his current identity, he could not do anything. Now entering the Hall of the Flower God, has already crossed the rails, will encounter a strong impeachment. If he strikes the Flower God again, he will probably be caught by the words of heartbreak. At that time, he will launch an attack, and the palace master will not be able to maintain it. Now his roots are not solid, wait for the stabilisation before referring to the deer as a horse.

“Well, the two great flower gods, I don't want to argue with you about today, the only thing is, Yang Qi, I have to take it back, he is the enemy of this world that doesn't share heaven!” Ye Wudao sobered up and a cruel smile appeared on his face: "When I solved Yang Qi, I would make amends to the two flower gods. How about that? Aren't you asking me to ask so little in my face? Naturally, I will compensate you two flower gods enough, and the other day the palace lord gave me a bottle of the Avenue Uranus Divine Dan before closing. ”

“Avenue Uranus Divine Dan?” The two great flower gods looked at it and there were some moves, but at this time Yang Qi coughed: “The two flower gods, Shendan is good, but some things are a trillion times more important than Shendan. ”

“Stamp of the gods!” The eyes of the two great flowers flashed for a moment, then drank against Ye Wudao: “Ye Wudao, you are a male spouse, today's unauthorized exit from the rear palace is already a great sin, if you do it with us again, I'm afraid sin is unforgivable, quickly go back to the palace, closed the door to think, we can blame what happened today. This Yankee cannot be taken away from you. We will dedicate him to the palace master. He has shown miracles, and the palace master will surely be very interested. ”


When he heard this, Ye Nongdao was astonished. He never thought that the two great flower gods were going to dedicate Yang Qi to the palace master. For Yang Qi, Ye Nongdao hated and feared, because even Yang Qi lost money in his hands, there was a special fear. He now saw Yang Qi talking, and even more felt that this person was just committing a big conspiracy.

If it is truly introduced to the palace master, by the means of this person, he will surely be spoiled, and when he dies without a burial site, it is possible.

In terms of conspiracy tricks and all kinds of means, Ye Xiao felt that he was still no better than Yang Qi. Spoil, I'm afraid, will fail altogether, and he will never give himself an extra competitor.

“Yankee, you come out! ”

Ye Dao shouted, “If you have the ability, don't hide behind the woman. When you fought me three times and five times, how can you now be a pathetic insect, hide behind the woman, and dare not come out to fight me? ”

“Ha ha!” Yang Qi laughed: “Ye Wushu, you really have no shame, you actually became the man spouse of Yihua Palace, becoming a male and female thing! And I'm actually saying that I'm here today, not as a male pet, but as a guest of the two great flower gods, you think I joined Yihua Palace? Big mistake. Big mistake. She gained momentum under the woman's crotch and came to avenge me. It seems that you have lost that sharp energy of the year and changed into a mad dog. ”


Ye Dao Qi was trembling, but his power was gathering in darkness, suddenly shouting and pounding.

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