Sage Emperor

Chapter 896: Trigger {437 month ticket plus change}

Ye Shao Ye Wudao actually came to kill.

He couldn't resist Yang Qi's verbal humiliation, trying to kill this person instantly. I don't know why, Ye Wudao is angry every time he faces Yang Qi, maybe because he has suffered too much.

In that year, the seventy-one ancestors he had painstakingly built, not knowing how many bloodlines were gathered together, had to be swallowed together later, but the result was that the seventy-one ancestors became Yang Qi's followers. He was still unconscious, and the Immortal King Fu was also taken away, even the origin of the Tu Tian Tian was taken away, and the whole world of Tu Tian Fairy was refined and disappeared into the depths of the universe.

All of his roots, all turned into fantasy bubbles, were extinguished. How can you not hate? How can you not be angry? And being a male pet is a humiliation deep in his heart, raised by his greatest enemies, and the killing machine sprays from deep into action, a blow.

Yankee doesn't move.

Faced with Ye Duoduo's killing, he smiled and looked at him with a smile, almost wanting to find himself dead.

However, just before Ye Shao Ye's senseless attack arrived, two lean fingers suddenly appeared, dotted in Ye Shao Ye's senseless palm.


In front of Yankee, a black suit appeared.

The man in black is an old eunuch, unlike the old eunuch Aoi, wrinkles on his face layer by layer, as if he was going to age at any time, there was a rotten smell on his body, countless corpses penetrated on it, weird Sensen.

But his martial arts, unlike the old eunuch Aoi Hua, moved his fingers and fought Ye Duoduo's palm. The two men impacted each other in the air, peeling and beeping.


The old man in black took three or four steps backwards in a row, and Ye Xiaodao shook his body.

It can be seen that Ye Shao Ye's ruthless qi kung fu is still on top of the old man in black, but it is not easy for him to clean up the old man in black.

“Old Black Heart, are you really going against me? In my capacity to clean up a little god and put a prisoner in your way? You know, you're just a servant. ”

Ye nowhere stood, looking at the old eunuch, Yang Qi fluttered, but reached not far beside the two great flower gods, watching coldly.

This old eunuch was obviously summoned by the Flower God.

Old Black Heart Superintendent.

He must also be a grand eunuch, Aoi Hua's old eunuch is famous, and his heart is black. The cultivation is a pure magic work, but this magic work implicitly has about a positive smell, from evil to deep, to positive qi, which is different from both right and evil, and is entirely cathodic.

“Ye Wudao, you are too rampant! How dare you do it directly in the Palace of the Flower God? Do you really think the palace master loves you and you can do whatever you want? ”

"You should know that the rules and hierarchy of our palace are the lowest of the prisoners' slaves, followed by the eunuchs and male pets, and we are in the same position. Women are high, even more noble men, when they meet women, they bow their heads, let alone Lord Hana? Now, you are here to provoke the Lord of Flower God and even to do it, which is the great sin of annihilating the Nine Nation and laying down its own blood pool. Got it? ”

“Whoever obeys me will turn against me and die!” Ye Dao screamed violently: “Old Black Heart, you stopped me today. What is the point here? Think about your consequences? I seized your chance to make a mistake, say a few words in front of the palace master, you are like the old man Hung, now it is better to live than die! ”

An archdeacon, Old Master Hung, was framed by Ye Daodao because he had offended him and had fallen into the deep of the blood pool. Every day, he was drilled with blood maggots, suffering was worse than dying.

Blood ponds are a form of torture.

In the blood pool, it's all stained blood, and there are maggots growing in the stained blood. These maggots go into the human body and drill all over the place, making people suffer so much that they can't die.

Old Master Blackheart shook his body twice, but then settled down: “Ye Wudao, you are so arrogant to travel, sooner or later you will be repaid. People like you, we at Yihua Palace have existed for billions of years, we have seen a lot of it. At first, it was also based on the patronage of the palace master, arrogant to travel, but at the end of the day, if you are not spoiled, why not die, why don't you plant Futian for yourself? ”

“What do I grow, Fukuda? ”

Ye Mu Dao roared: “This is what I'm going to do today to kill Yang Qi and capture him. If you stop him, he is my enemy. Like him, I will do everything I can to deal with you! Look for yourselves. You want the future, but I don't want it at all. I'm such a tough guy. I wish I could get a moment of pleasure. ”

Ye Nongdao said it so harshly that it smelled like a common denominator.

“Ha ha.” Yang Qi laughed, "Ye Wudao, your threat is useless. In fact, you are here today, just to come to Liwei, take me away, spread it out, the whole people of Yihua Palace will think that the Flower God is no good to you, so you can build your own power, grow again, and finally do whatever you want. If you don't take me today, your name will be lost! Become a male pet and never build prestige again. ”

This word reminds the old master of the black heart and the two great flower gods, so it is called the center nest, this time must not let Ye fail, otherwise in the future he will build prestige, is it not even more embarrassing?

Ye Wudao such a person, once willing, the consequences are unimaginable.

“Well, Ye Wudao, there's no use in you roaring here any more!” “Today you roar the Palace of Flowers," said Old Master Blackheart. “I will join many elders to impeach you. Yihua Palace is a dynasty with strict rules and sound rule of law. Do you really think you can rely on the patronage of the palace master to do whatever you want? ”

When he heard the words impeachment, Ye no dao frowned. He was indeed difficult to grasp the heart of the palace master. If the palace master suddenly did not spoil himself and was impeached, he would die soon rather than live.

But if you lose now, everything you can't do, you have to catch Yankee.

His eyes flowed, like a wolf, not knowing what to think, and everyone could feel an incredibly spooky aura from his body.


Suddenly, he disappeared and attacked Yankee again. This lower body method is very fast, the Ethereal Truth, wandering between nothingness and reality, almost flashed to reach the front of Yankee, as soon as he grabbed it, the five fingers unfolded, the Tai Chi map appeared, wrapped down.

Yankee knew this leaf had a fight. For Ye Dao's character, he was too familiar, moving all over himself, jumping, slapping out.

His palm contains many forces combined, soft, dao, rigid, reactive, tensile...

A gentle palm collided with Ye Dao, and then the whole person flew away, such as Zero Falling Leaves, completely dissolved the palm power of Ye Dao, so that Ye Dao could not capture himself.


Ye Dao snorted coldly, his hands pulled out a huge Tai Chi map again, when the sky covered, “Tai Chi cloth, empty grasp! ”

Yankee as a whole, like a swimmer, caught him in the net, then Ye did not collect, the whole person retreated, and attacked the old Black Heart Superintendent on the palm, shook him back, and immediately retreated, and retreated.

“Ha ha ha, what happened today, offended, I caught this Yankee. It won't be long before I get to King's Landing. You wait, old Black Heart! You will die as well as old Master Hong. Anyone who opposes me will die completely and completely. ”

Between the words, Ye Dao has vanished from sight.

“Damn.” Old Master Blackheart was about to catch up, but he listened to two great flowers: “Okay, stop chasing. He didn't take advantage of it either. ”

“But he obviously took him away.” Old Blackheart doesn't understand.

“How could he have taken me here?” Yankee walked out of the depths of the palace and a mysterious smile appeared on her face.

“You…” Old Master Blackheart seemed to see an incredible thing: “You are an energy body! ”

Finally, he figured it out, Yankee. It's energy.

“So you are a tall man, come to my Palace of Eyflowers, what exactly do you want?” After all, the old Black Heart Superintendent was not an ordinary man, and immediately converged his mind. Eyes pricked at Yankee.

“came for the lack of leaves.” Yang Qi bluntly said, “Old Master Blackheart, you are a big man too, let's just sit down and talk again, this matter is not small, that leaves no way to hide a big secret...”

Suddenly, many gossip and malicious plots came out of Yang Qi's mouth, causing old Black Heart eunuchs and others to nod their heads and shock.

At this moment, Ye Wudao has returned to his palace.

He laughed and looked at Yang Qi wrapped in his Tai Chi diagram: “Yang Qi, you probably didn't expect me to practice the magic of restraining the Wang diagram of the universe. Tai Chi will not destroy the law of the world. Xuan Gong, Tai Chi Dao, the indestructible will, the degree of the law of disorder, the fist of the world, my Qi Gong, can disrupt all laws and rules between moments. You're in there, there's no way you can pull the trigger, open the map of the kings of the universe, and let me kill them all now. And I'm ten times more powerful than you. ”

This tai chi diagram opens slowly.

Yang Qi appeared in it. Tai Chi was blockaded on all sides, and the void was as strong as steel. Although it was an energy body, Yang Qi also felt that it was very difficult to open the Wang Tu of the World. Although it was possible, it took a long time to read the spell, and it was not possible to open the black hole at any time. In this way, there was no use at all.

In his heart he was secretly shocked: “It seems that in this world, there are a lot of magic tricks, one thing at a time, never absolutely powerful, everything is one another. Fortunately, I was very polite, knowing that Master Yihua Palace may have had a way to prevent me from opening the Wangdu, so it was long gone from the treasure trove, and sometimes the Wangdu could not cross. ”

Though invincible, the Wan Wang map is also unjust if it cannot be opened.

Yang Qi himself is too low-level. If he encounters energy levels far higher than his presence, between moments, he can't open Wang Tu and can only be slaughtered by anyone.

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