Sage Emperor

Chapter 917 Refining the Divine Spirit

Chapter 977 Refining the Divine Spirit

Yankee thinks things can't be dragged down.

At present, the changes are increasing. Even the seeds of divine power of the heirs of the tomb appear. In the future, the heavenly ways will change. I don't know what powerful existence will appear. If my strength is not quickly improved, I am afraid that people will bully me to death.

Though he's moving so fast, the plan can't keep pace with the change. Others have risen faster than him. This is the age of the heroes. It is really after the Nirvana of God, a new civilization was born. The vast immortal world has emerged since the tomb, and he no longer knows it.

“Well, it's time for me to push me to improve my career, to improve my career. We can't just drag it off anymore! Grid Piece, I'll let you in this instant, completely refined. ”

Yang Qi's true body stood up violently in the map of the kings of the universe, his Qi gong reached the limit, immediately opened a passage, provoked divine anger.

Of all the kings of the universe, I don't know how many flames of God's wrath came down.

These flames of divine wrath, suddenly burst into flames, turned into essence, penetrated, blown over Yankee's head and covered his entire body.

The immortal ladder, appearing behind him, he turned around and climbed the small steps, which he had built up for so long, he had finally started to raise his own, in fact he was now a prominent and powerful man, but his own realm was very low, the first small step of the immortal ladder, even far from the realm of the Great Emperor.

Now that he feels his savings have reached their peak, he needs a breath of promotion. The steps of the immortal ladder are divided into the first step of courage, the step of strength, the step of wisdom, the step of perseverance, the step of fearlessness, the step of enlightenment, the step of destiny, the step of oblivion, the step of vacuum.

Nine small steps, each with a strong mystery. Hole yourself thoroughly, wash your will, perfuse your body, and draw on the essence of the divine realm of the universe to create your own immortal matter.

Yankee is now striking the second small step, the step of strength.

The wrath of the divine realm kept falling, allowing him to cultivate, transform the wrath of the divine realm, impinge on the number of robberies, and reach directly to a sort of heavenly dome oscillation, and even he could peek deeper into the mysteries of the King of the Worlds map.

“Divinity, turn into energy, replenish me! ”

Yang Qi grabbed it out and suddenly the divine character melted under his palm. Once again, a hundred drops of liquid became the true qi in his body, which was directly refined and impacted the order of power.


Yankee shouted, crossing the second step of the immortal ladder, the step of power. Then he crossed the third small step again, infinite wisdom derived, the third small step, is the wisdom step, this small step crossed out, when the great firmness of his cultivation into the spiritual will, reached a point where even the mysterious King Kong Buddha Mother of the mystery of the divine realm's "insolence” could not be broken.

It is also a must for him to jump from shock level will to terror level will.

The difference between the will of the shock level and the will of the terror level is so great that it is hardly as simple as the difference between one level, but the difference between heaven and earth, the emperor and the beggar. Looking back at the battle between him and Xuan, he felt that the will of this person, though strong, was still not of horror level, otherwise, by simple and simple will shock, he could stay completely, even mindfully move, can control his own dignity.

That Xuan is nothing more than passing on seeds through the divine power of the tomb, strengthening his own will, and he is not yet able to reach the level of terror.

“Divine, refine again! ”

Yang Qi stepped onto the third small step, again, captured, wisdom emerged from the consciousness of the Lord. This wisdom is not general wisdom, it is true wisdom, great wisdom, unlike general wisdom, general wisdom, but small wisdom, conspiracy trick, and now wisdom, is the wisdom of enlightening the divine realm of heaven and earth, gods and righteousness, cosmic energy.

It was at this moment that he caved in the ranks of wisdom.

The order of wisdom brought his will of the Lord to another height, and the sense of the Lord Yuan God created all sorts of magic and oppression, oppressing once again to that "secret of all the fundamental laws of the world”.

The inscription conveys the sound of "arrogance” for a long time, but it cannot pose a threat to Yang Qi's main god. But Yankee couldn't refine the symbol either.

“Raise it again! ”

Yang Qi shouted, Qigong emitted violently, the winds around him rose and clouds surged, and various gods appeared everywhere. He refined the divinity of many artifacts, many Divine Arrays, the knowledge of each Divine Arrays. The Gods' experience was subjugated by him. Now he released them all. Thousands of gods revolved around him, each rising, falling, or muttering scriptures.

These gods, once manifested, came out of nowhere and suddenly united, so that Yankee's master consciousness was regrouped into a little golden man, exactly like the Gods' imprint, and this condensation led Yankee to take a new step again.

The fourth small step, the stairs of perseverance.

When Yang Qi stepped into the fourth small step, the steadfastness step, the character was all broken, unable to withstand the Yang Qi gods' imprint and the will of the Lord, turned into a thousand liquids, into Yang Qi's body, Yang Qi's whole body flame burned, such as the Fire God came, raised hands between the feet, there was an infinite and huge power.

dī dī dī dī, dī dī dī dī...

The disk fragments of civilization in his body are ringing out, “The energy index, 800... Eight hundred and fifty… eight hundred and ninety….. nine hundred…….." Finally, it arrived at exactly one thousand and two to stay.

“Unfortunately..." Yang Qi is all comfortable, his dignity has reached its limit, the will is not afraid of the word madness at all, but it is still a little impossible to surrender this phrase, unless it is raised again, the path of the great emperor is completed, one by one breaks the step of fearlessness, the step of enlightenment, the step of destiny, the step of oblivion, the step of vacuum. That's possible.

At that time, I'm afraid, it was when he was promoted to the rank of terror.

In fact, from the ninth level of the mythological realm, peeping, refining, deification….. to the realm of the dry god, the god of the Dowager, and the god of the Hung, all raise the level of bitches of the Lord Yuan God, and then the path of the Great Emperor, the nine steps of the immortal ladder, courage, power, wisdom, perseverance, unnecessary, enlightenment, heavenly destiny, oblivion, vacuum is also an exercise of own will.

Reaching the end of the Great Path is pure power of upliftment.

At the end of the Great Emperor's journey, the energy index is generally "one”.

And the lowest god, the energy index is 10,000. From one to 10,000, it's a simple process of boosting energy. Mythical boundaries, immortal ladders and steps, are the process of refining minds.

In this process, the stronger the refining heart, the further away it will go. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

“Finally, I made my way up to the fourth small step, above the staircase of perseverance, but unfortunately the energy is gone. I must seize the divine character and powerful energy again before I can promote myself...” Yankee shook his head: “For me, I'm afraid it takes a lot of godliness to push my life to the limit, otherwise, the godliness of a lower god will not satisfy my god. ”

“Next, to improve his strength, the only way to kill Master Yihua Palace is to go back, find Ye Wudao, and force him to immediately start a plan against Yihua Palace. Otherwise, I would have killed him, and I'm sure he's not my opponent at all by now. ”

At this time, Yang Qi no longer uses the energy body, he refined the divine personality, the realm increased, and the will also increased. Even if he encountered Xuan Qi no taboo, he did not have to be afraid, he could totally fight the first war, 1,200 energy index, more weight than other people's 2,3,000 energy index.


His true body, directly out of Wangtu, rushed to Yihua Palace. At this time, entering the depths of Yihua Palace, his means were exquisite and shadowless, which turned into spring breeze and light rain, infiltrating the scent of flowers and reaching the depths of a palace.

He did not go to Jade Flower God and Xuelian Flower God, lazy to beat the grass snake, go directly to Ye Wudao, crush this person, force him to develop his own plan, and increase his “Heavenly God Prison Extinguishing Seed Demon Embryo” power.

Now Yang Qi, both strength and will far surpassed Ye Wudao, after refining and digesting the divine character, hands up, throwing foot, all have an infinite power and atmospheric power, sensing the breath of this Heavenly God Prison Extinguishing Seed Demon Fetus, he knows that Ye Wudao is in a deep palace, practicing.


He came silently into the palace, then waved his hand, the inside of the palace was covered by a silent force, but outside he could not see a tiny bit, with his current modification, unless the master of Yihua Palace broke out, otherwise, he could not break and see through the restraint he laid down, life and death illusion lightning form, gave him powerful means.

Ye Dao is breathing, and every time he swallows, he can draw into the divine realm. The mysterious energy of Buddha Gate, refining and digesting into the body, and cooperating with his "Tai Chi Non Disruptive Method of Surprising Xuan Gong” makes him a Buddhist congener.

All of a sudden, he opened his eyes, his palms splitting, spitting out two aircurrents, a pure Tai Chi Avenue, and a Vajra emptiness of Buddha Gate.

The two strands merge to complement each other, palm clapping between them, greatly increasing the power.

“Why is the palace master still shut down, saying that it has reached a critical juncture, I am not even there... damn, I was about to tell her about the presence of the seed heir of the tomb, and I don't know what happened to that Yankee boy? Don't be slaughtered by Xuan, but he is an energetic man, the most reckless car guard. It would be better to seriously weaken him so that he never had a chance to fight me again, and I would torture him to death.” Ye had no way of laughing.

However, a voice appeared in his secret chamber of practice.

“Ye Wudao, you hate me so much, can we still be allies?” Yankee appeared smiling and walked slowly. Yip Wan Dao stood up and all his sweat was upside down: “You... Yankee, how did you get in here? ”

“It's simple, I want to come in.” Yankee looked around, "your Qigong layout forbidden law, but it is also rare, there is nothing magical, there are too many loopholes, I will fix it for you, but if you want to go out, you have to learn from me, otherwise you will not be able to get out of this room. ”

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