Sage Emperor

Chapter 918: The Dark Palace Lord

Hearing Yang Qi's voice, Ye Daoduo's face panicked. It seemed as if he was watching a demon move closer and closer. He suddenly flushed his torso. His left hand struck out “Tai Chi Non Disruptive Law Surprising Xuan Gong”. His right hand struck out “Hidden all the fundamentals of the world". Two aircurrents hit the past towards the air. He seemed to break through the seal and get away directly.

But late.

Yankee read a spell.

A brilliant cloud of Xia flashed out on the roof, leaving his attack on it with little effect, as if it had been penetrated into a cotton bag, soft and powerless.

Ye Daoduo was weak and wandered again, as if he were a fly in a crystal bottle, a mindless diamond, every time he drilled, he bombarded in all directions, but every time he attacked, he was forbidden to absorb, and now he is completely imprisoned.


Suddenly, he stopped, looked at Yang Qi, fierce light shooting, rushing like a tiger out of a cave, five fingers into claws, harshly hooked.

Yang Qi didn't even look at it, he just hit out with a straight hand, the other party's qi kung fu was ambitious, had two invincible scholarships, but in Yang Qi's eyes, it was nothing, the hand cohesion of the heroic God, the Qi Kung morphology changed fundamentally, between the palms of random, above the holy light appeared, the light shined, the divine light flowed, condensed into a symbol of and hidden all the fundamental laws of the world.

This is the result of a high concentration of energy.

Simple, single palm, has the power to turn rotten into magic, when empty, collides with the leaves without a path, leaves without a path all the way back, wow a bite of blood sprayed out.

Yang Qi also did not have the chance to chase after him. He wanted to kill Ye Qiaodao, but Ye Qiaodao had something left behind by Yihua Palace Master. Once killed, Yihua Palace Master would appear, and there is nothing of value on Ye Qiaodao's body right now. Not to mention, Yang Qi's angels to exterminate the cultivation of evil tires have all been planted in Ye Qiaodao's body. Just now, one hand, it triggered the smell of the evil tire, making Ye Qiao unconscious and several times controlled by the evil tire.

Yang Qi did not dare to do this openly until there was no refining and chemical character and Qi Gong advanced greatly. Otherwise, the tire would be eliminated by the leaves without a trace, but now it is different. He exerted Qi Gong of the tire, and the leaves without a trace would not be discovered at all.

“You….” Ye Dao mouthless spit blood, full of no strength, how can you not lift Qi Gong, just now, Yang Qi shocked the true yuan, unable to cohede, it will take at least two or three days to recover, “Why did your Qi Gong grow so much? Didn't you lose in the hands of Xuan? ”

“Oh? I fought Xuan without taboos, and you watched too?” Yankee laughed, "I knew you weren't up to it, didn't you? ”

“No, I definitely want to work with you against Master Yihua.” Ye Nongdao stood up barely: “Yang Qi, your qigong broke so fast. Whenever I can suppress you, you rush forward and dump me far behind. Why? Why does the sky do this to me? Can't I have any qualifications? No luck? This is the death of me too, not the sin of war. ”

“Well, don't sigh.” Yang Qi faintly said: “I have only gained a divine character. After refining and refining it, it is only a huge increase. If you cooperate with me, I will not kill you. As long as no one dies, there are endless possibilities for development. ”

“Yankee, what do you want me to do?” Ye Noodle heard this saying, his eyes were tamed, seemed completely obsessed by Yang Qi, honestly answered, but when he heard Yang Qi got a divine refined language, there was still a slight discomfort and resentment on his body, hidden well.

Yet Yankee found out.

The tire grows and can even be seized in the future. Take the whole body qigong essence of Ye Duodao as your own, and Yang Qi can even carry out the tire when Ye Duodao and Yihua Palace master double repair, steal the essence in secret, if you have the chance, can produce the tire in the body of Yihua Palace master.

However, this is unlikely, however, Yihua Palace Master will definitely discover the tyre.

“Naturally, it's a quick double repair with Master Yihua Palace, and I can't wait to kill her.” Yang Qi said: “Once this goddess is done, it must be very scary and difficult to conquer. ”

“But I can't reach her right now, she's in a life-and-death phase… seemingly sitting dead.” Ye Nongdao sighed: “I also wanted to contact her, tell her what happened to the heirs of the tomb, let her go ahead and kill them, but now I can't reach her at all. ”

“Oh? In that case, I have some ideas...” Yang Qi thought about it and felt it was time to dive back into the Treasury of the Palace of Eyflowers and break the Divine Formation.

Now his Qi Gong is progressing fast, breaking the PF much faster than before. Must be able to get his own will and concentrate again, perhaps to surrender the vote of "Hidden all the fundamentals of the world" as a demon of knowledge.

“Thus, Ye Wudao, I will cultivate you and teach you a great Qi Gong. After you practice, you will definitely have great benefit in the dual cultivation of Yihua Palace master. I think that there is a ban on Yihua Palace master in your body. If you practice my Qi Gong, she will feel your magic through restraint, and she will definitely double cultivate with you again.” Yankee pondered for a moment and set his mind to it.

With this opportunity, he can decipher the Divine Array. Once the Divine Array has been deciphered, he can absorb the tear character of the Dark Lord and replenish the energy of the Divine Engine to a certain degree. No one is afraid. The heirs of the Great Tomb will kill one at a time.

Though not capable of being absorbed by himself, the tear character of the Immaculate God is more than a hundred times more powerful than the character in the exquisite temple contested by Yang Qi.

After God's engine absorbed, systems developed, empowering Yankee that was absolutely fierce, fierce, crushing everything.

“You taught me a great deal?” Ye Mudao was surprised. "Could it be the power of God's Town? ”

“Nice, is the power of the gods' prison, but let me be honest with you, you can't practise this qigong yourself, because without the mark of the gods, you can't practise at all. Once practiced, you will fire into demons, explode all over your body, and die of fate.” Yang Qi said: “I will breathe into your body the true spirit of an elephant prison, you run yourself, pretend to cultivate, attract the attention of Lord Yihua Palace...”

“Yes!” Ye Daoduo lowered his head deeply, but his eyes flashed out a cold light: “Yang Qi, you dared to teach me even the power of the god Zhenzhen in order to deal with Master Yihua Palace, hum, here to frighten me, saying that after cultivation without the mark of the gods, it would be exorcism, I think it is illusory, I am born without Daoduo eternal, the maker, practicing any qigong can be captured, the god Zhenzhen called the first magic kung, teach me, can I reason not cultivate? ”

At the moment, Yang Qi taught Yip Wudao a method of cultivation of the power of the Goddess Township. Then, in his body, he slowly conceived it. Suddenly, Yang Qi's mind moved and again admonished: “If the palace master asks about you, you say that you followed a man who learned it, and that man looked like this... ”

Yankee speaks of the arrogance of the world seen by the Imperial College.

Ye Wudao naturally promised.

After all this was resolved, Yang Qi's body disappeared. He came to the depths of the treasure trove again. It turns out that nothing was found in the depths of the treasure trove. These days, the treasure trove did not open, even the master of Yihua Palace did not open due to cultivation, or fear of meditation.

Yankee wanted to open it and see what it said.

But he withstood, deep in the treasure trove, and began to infiltrate the Divine Array directly, breaking the array. Turns out he cracked 20 million arrays of Divine Arrays. These arrays of material, all of which were sent into the virtual divine realm. The ethnic disciples practiced in the virtual divine realm were all arraymaster. Many people were promoted in succession. As soon as they went out, they were the most powerful and horizontal force. Now the Sendao era has changed dramatically. Yang Qi went out to occupy a plot of land again, and soon it can grow.

crackle and rattle!

He stood in the Divine Array, and now he didn't need to break it with a big sleeve. Instead, he carried the divine power in his eyes. Where he saw it, the big array disappeared completely, turned into a dust, and entered the eyes of the Lord of his eyebrows. With the depths of his other eyes, the illuminated virtual light rebuilt the exact same great array.

Less than half an hour later, tens of millions of battles were deciphered by him, and then in his mind, tens of millions of knowledge demons appeared, but as soon as he surrendered, between flashes, knowledge demons wrapped around his Lord God, turned into the spirit of origin, and strengthened the consciousness of the Lord.

Hey, hey!

Every time Yankee went further, tens of thousands of Divine Arrays were dissolved, broken, divine knowledge absorbed, his speed grew faster, and finally, a few days later, a total of 560 million Divine Arrays were dissolved by him. In the map of kings of the universe, huge changes were made, countless divine arrays rose. Each time these arrays moved, a huge storm was scratched deep in Wang Tu, deep in the storm, some disciples practiced faster, Yankee even taught them how to overcome the practice of knowledge magic.


After the rear formation became harder and harder, after defeating the 560 million intellectual demons, Yang Qi's cracking speed slowed down. He deeply admired the King of Love. He actually arranged so many Divine Arrays, don't know what to do?

Fortunately, closer and closer to the center of the Divine Array, Yankee felt a sad divine breath penetrating from the depths of the Divine Array, inhaling into the Divine Engine, slowly increasing the energy of the Engine.

Powerful Shenzhen system, developed many subtleties, all manifested, and Yang Qi's whole body, surrounded by a great power.

His Lord's consciousness sounded as loud as the Imprint of the Gods.

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