Sage Emperor

Chapter 938: Killing and Saving People

One wants to kill, one wants to save, there's no difference between them.

Yang Qi's mind is resolute, unshakable and, like Xing Jiansheng, almost never destroyed by anything. No foreign will can block his unwavering determination to kill Xuan.

Same goes for Star Swordsman.

That depends on who's tougher.

Yang Qi was harsh, he finally inspired his biggest killing moves, the Gods imprint, from childhood to large accompanied by his Yuan Gods consciousness cultivation to what is now, this is called his life, can never leave the body, but now, he actually penetrated Xuan's unobtrusive brow heart.

Of course, Xuan Wuyi cannot surrender this thing.

Yang Qi did so with the desire to fight, with the strongest god, to throw, to suppress the tomb, and then with the strength of the mighty Goddess Town prison to repair, to break all, to seize Xuan's life.

He is trying to kill people, kill people in front of Star Swordsman, and break the boy's confidence.

At this moment, he and Xing Jiansheng are rivals.


With the golden lightning bolt, the Gods' imprint flashed out one world after another, all into Xuan's unobtrusive body, Xuan's body was stiff at the time, unable to speak, a golden light in front of his eyes, deep in the sea of the Yuan Gods, all of them rumbling golden, flooding his Lord Yuan Gods.

Not enough seeds of divine power of the tomb, immediately turned into the tomb of the heavenly circle, wrapped his sense of the master god, so as not to be harmed.

Unfortunately, the power of the Gods' imprint has been used by Yang Qi in pure green. Over the years, he has become completely familiar with the Gods' imprint. Even his sense of the Numen God is imitating the Gods' imprint, breathing between the toner. This imprint and his sense of life are connected, indistinguishable from each other, water milk. Melting.

“In my true self, I am transformed into gods, all gods are true, true self...” Yang Qi and even the whole human being, turned into a golden Numen god, forced and Xuan into one, in the art of usurpation, wandered in his Sutra.


Yang Qi roared furiously, "Xuan, didn't you know I had the mark of the gods? Let me show you the true power of the Gods' imprint, and let you know, what seeds of the tomb have been obtained is also futile! ”


Yang Qi's true body, transformed into will, came to Xuan's unmistakable sea of knowledge, the seals of the gods violently suppressed, and hit the Lord God's will in the seeds of the Great Tomb.

Suddenly, deep in the sea, the heavens collapsed and the earth split, and in between moments something did not know what had happened.


The whole person began to storm away. In the eyes of Jinsheng Xingjiansheng, Yang Qi suddenly became a golden light and drilled into Xuan's unobtrusive body. Suddenly Xuan had a dense golden light in his pores. His whole body was furious, forcing his sword strength out. Between his physical transformations, he actually had some resemblance to the Vajra Buddha.

Boom Lung!

Instead, Xuan punched the star swordsman and killed him. This punch was very fierce, focusing on Yang Qi's Gods imprint and Xuan's own tomb power. Once it erupted, almost no one could resist between heaven and earth.

Nor could Xing Jiansheng, he suddenly floated, the whole person like a willow in the wind, the film waved, not knowing where it was going. The fist bombardment was above him and did not pose any threat to him.

Instead, his swordsmanship shocked, suddenly seven swords of light, swimming silk, laser into Xuan's unmistakable seven know-how, gathered the sea of knowledge, and attacked Yang Qi's Numen god.

“Seven tricks are real! ”

His seven tricks are true swords. He specializes in the practice of swords into silk. His strength is fine, like spitting silk in the spring. He is invisible, but he is very sharp. He goes out with one sword, into the seven tricks, he drills into the sword qi, and specializes in breaking the Yuan God, so that Yuan God is imprisoned.

Yankeeton felt that the seven strands of strength rolled like rope.

“Motherfucker, this Star Swordsman is so difficult not to kill him, but I'm sorry for the cost. Anyway, it's useless for this person to keep it, and it's a lot worse for me.” Yang Qi's heart is very annoyed. Xing Jiansheng is a piece of brown sugar. How can he wrap it around you? He can't fight back, he can't kill back.

But now that he's thrown all alone, he won't give Star Swordsman any chance.

“The gods appear!” Yang Qi directly incarnated all the demons of knowledge that had surrendered, instantly in the depths of the sea of knowledge, all the demons of knowledge appeared, the shadows of the gods, tens of thousands, Buddha's Vajra appeared, arrogant, arrogant, arrogant... Such language shook everywhere, explosions caused chaos in the Sea of Awareness, and the seed of divine power in the tomb was struck and suddenly dispersed.

“Immortal King will! ”

Separate immortals seized the opportunity, and also took great will, and came into Xuan's unobtrusive body, Xuan unobtrusive the whole person began to erupt, hysteria, such as the mad demon tiger, beat everywhere, his sense of the Numen God had no control over the body.

“Yankee, I won't let you go. Seeds of divine power in the Great Tomb, erupt again, suppress all evil, invincible, invincible, invincible in heaven and earth, sun and moon return, burial God seal the divine! ”

Again, the god sealing platform appeared.

But this time, Yang Qi's gods' imprint sat on it, causing the entire shrine table to collapse, collapse, and the one above the shrine table to disappear.

Yang Qi reached out and grabbed the tomb, ingested the divine power planting, vomited the truth, golden light a furious rage, and forced seven swords out.

Golden Light Collects All.

A few steps back, the Star Swordsman saw Yang Qi drill out of Xuan's body, holding the person, motionless, his whole body hidden in an infinite amount of gold light, Xuan Qianqiao Liancheng, unfortunately, the body was shut in by the gold light, pierced into the body, all the meridians, the walrus sealed.

Untaboo mouth, constant cursing, but no power. Yeung Qi, with one hand holding him, and the other hand holding a grave seed, trembling size, like stone beads, constantly spinning, seemed to fly out of the sky, but was repressed by his golden light, which is the identity and mark of the heir, which contains no martial arts qigong, can also break the limits, absorb the origin of the tomb from deep in the tomb.

It is also Xuan's own will, as well as his own cultivation as the greatest dependence to reach the limit, without this thing, Xuan Xuan is only a master who is similar to or even worse than the enemy.

Now Xuan Qigong all fades away, the inheritance power disappears, and is immediately beaten back to its original form. Not a rival to Yankee at all.

On Yankee's hand, a black hole appeared, and a little bit of circulation occurred, absorbing the seeds of the tomb, which was conveyed into the map of the kings of the universe, so that the seeds of the tomb could no longer fly out.

“The Seed of Divine Power in the Great Tomb….” The star swordsman said faintly: “I also got this inheritance, and the swordsman progressed rapidly, but I would not rely on it, but rather use it for myself with no will to subdue the energy in it. Yankee, now that you have this seed of divine power, you can let Xuan go. If you kill him again, it makes no sense. ”

“That's not gonna work.” Yankee smiled. "What do you say? Aren't you trying to save someone? This man almost killed me. I would never let him go, but to let him go, not impossible, you have to promise me a condition. ”

“On what terms? ”

The Star Sword was born immediately.

“Give me the Seed of the Great Tomb, too. How about I just let this guy live?” Yang Qi was so insidious that he actually said something like this, or attacked the shield with the spear of a child, to see how the Star Swordsman answered. If you don't want to, it's against your will to save people. It can destroy his swordplay cultivation.

“No! ”

Xingjiansheng answered directly, without a slight hesitation.

“Ha ha.” Yang Qi laughed: “So, power is still the most important thing for you. You always say to save people, but now you don't save people, aren't you a hypocrite? ”

“Though I save lives, I am not corrupt.” Starsword said: “In this age of bloody storm, no power can be done without power. With power, I can fulfill my wish to save more people, so that the times can return to peace. I will never give up my wish to save the times for someone. Whatever you say, my mind will not change at all. ”

He spoke hard, cut off the iron, threw the sound, even Yang Qi felt that this person's mind was truly more than King Kong's, unshakable, indestructible, irreversible, irreversible.

People like this are the scariest, the hardest to beat, because Yankee himself is one of them.

“In that case, I'm leaving, and this Xuan is not a taboo and his doorman, and I still have to collect.” Yang Qi faintly said: “Now, Xingjiansheng, you are not my opponent, but I can't clean you up. There's no point in fighting each other. I'm going to do my thing. If you get tangled up, don't blame me me for being mean. I will go to your Xinghe Sword Zong every day to sneak up on you, wash your door pie every day, and the chicken dog won't stay. How about that?”

He spoke between, ruthlessly.

“You!” a little anger appeared on Jinsheng's face: "You are the devil. ”

“If you're not in the way, if you're in the way, I'm in the way. If you don't stop me, I won't kill anybody.” Yankee shook her head: “Do you think I like killing people? What I'm going to do is concentrate heavenly luck, as well as salvation. ”

“You are forcing others to surrender to you. Unlike me, do not compare me. My salvation is to make everyone in the entire universe of heaven and earth feel free to develop themselves without interfering with others.” The Star Sword made a fierce statement: “You are the evil way, I am the right way. ”

“It's useless to say more.” Yankee waves, "I see you're a determined man, but do you think I'm a swinging man? In a word, are you leaving or not? If you don't leave, I'll really go to your Galactic Sword Zone every day to kill people. ”

“In that case, I came to see if you could kill someone.” The star sword grows with a sword upright, the sword sings loudly, the sword makes a buzzing sound, the momentum skyrocketed, such as the autumn water rainbow, pure and free.

Deep in his swordsmanship, the strongest intentions of war and blockade erupted: "I will come to seal the demons with a sword and leave behind the legends of antiquity. ”

A sword seals the demon.

This demon refers to Yankee.

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