Sage Emperor

Chapter 939: Soldiers

At this moment, in this 100-class fairy world, there is chaos.

This immortal realm, inhabited by countless people and “civilians” with fractured realms, made up various nations, has long developed into a vast civilizational history, and the actual rulers of those countries are the Daoists of Xuan.

As a first-class gatekeeper on the ancient road to the gods, Xuan Ji Daozong has undoubtedly accumulated a very powerful power. Together, these strengths can withstand more than 10,000 Ecclesiastical Alliances.

Unfortunately, it's all Yankee's wedding dress now.

When Yang Qi and Xuan fought without taboo, space fluctuations shocked a large number of masters of Xuan Daozong, then Yang Qi surrendered to Xuan without taboo, and fought with Xing Jiansheng. Between the two rabbits, any masters could only feel the depth of the void, many fluctuations wave by wave, and could not get in.

At this time, the Immortal Split went out and quietly spread out the Great Divine Spirit, blocking all around Xuan Daozhong.

Then he appeared in it, constantly plundering, devouring, subjugating some of the masters, catching them into the Wangtu of the Universe. None of the masters of Xuan Jiaozong could resist him, and of course, the two masters of Taihong Immortal Gate assisted him. Think about it, the messenger of Taihong Immortal Gate, Hung Yan Ling, is already invincible in the Gate of Qi Xuan, let alone Xuan kill Daozong?

Both masters reached the boundaries of the cultivation of more than 2,500 strong men, one punch bombarded out, anyone had to vomit blood injuries or even die, did all they could, and some of the higher levels were captured.

When Yang Qi defeated Xing Jiansheng, he saw Xuan kill the main altar of Daozhong, and it was already broken. Many disciples knelt on the ground, awaiting trial.

The first is the name of the Taihong Immortal Gate, which suppressed all people. The powerful presence on the ancient path of God knows basically how powerful the Taihong Immortal Gate is and dares not resist.

The second is the Wangjie Wangtu blockade the surrounding area, some fleeing powerful presence, all into it. There is no road to heaven, no door into the earth.

Yang Qi saw the mountain gate of Xuan Daozong, built in this hundred level fairy realm a feng shui is very good, hidden dragon lying tiger. The spiritual energy converges, full of cranes, phoenix, celestial dragon, kirin and other forms of natural gas flexibly emerge, forming a divine beast, running around. A hundred classes of fairy kingdom.

As soon as he grabbed it, the mountain gate of the whole Xuan Dynasty sect burst out of nowhere. It was like a killer. The cultivated palace temple was very atmospheric. There were many artifacts, and in series, it could show tremendous power. Unfortunately, now the monarchs have been surrendered, and some powerful figures have been suppressed. The whole Xuan Dynasty sect will not be climate.

Yang Qi showed great moves and moved the mountain gate of this Xuan Dao sect into the Wang Wang map, along with many elite disciples, were also surrendered.

As for the rest of the civilian population, Yankee let them reproduce in this hundred-level fairy kingdom, automatically, without disturbing their tranquillity. While this is also a great deal of luck, it is not yet time to build the foundations.

When Yang Qi founded the sect and founded the ground, it was a matter of no loss, at least the will to reach the level of terror in order to be able to cope with everything. There are still some shortcomings in strength, even Star Swordsman cannot be killed. Between this heaven and earth, the master of the ancient path of God returns. How many strong men like Star Swordsman?

Needless to say, deep within the immortal gate of Taihong, there is an ancient antique of horror grade will. If these antiques are killed, Yang Qi will never be an opponent. It is difficult for Wangtu of all worlds to protect his life unless he can hide in it for life.

Soon, the entire main altar of Xuan Daozhong, many disciples were plundered clean, Yang Qi was like a legendary thief, breaking the door instantly.

In fact, if he wants to do it, arrange it for a long time, after a few years of operation, he can even move this hundred levels of fairy world into the map of the kingdom of the universe to get the real foundation, but it takes too long.

The Hundred Levels Immortal Realm is not so well moved, it is huge.

Much bigger than the whole of the Ecclesiastical Alliance, moving the Ecclesiastical Alliance by his current means was not a difficult thing, but he did not move for the time being, leaving the Ecclesiastical Alliance to grow and expand.

In the eyes of his Lord, you can always notice the change in the Guardian Alliance. Now that the Guardian Alliance is a third-rate force, it has added a lot of masters. The people of Yihua Palace are vigorously cultivated, and a pig is slowly fattening, but it is not yet time to slaughter.

Now the fairy realm has changed dramatically. The weather in this era is increasing, and we are competing for the great momentum, unifying the entire era, subjugating trillions of giant gatekeepers and the invincible and powerful on the ancient path of Tongjin. Luck has gathered together, only through various cultivation methods can we achieve the realm of the gods together.

Yihua Palace owners will definitely spend a lot of effort cultivating.

Kill Master Yihua yourself and accept the victory fruit.

Yankee is very clear about his practice plan, a few steps, there will never be a point of difference, he is always planning to move backwards, calculating everything that can happen, even if there are things that exceed his expectations, but can also be solved.

The first step of the cultivation plan is to capture the seeds of the heirs of the tomb. The next step is to conduct an in-depth study and consolidate the magic of the tomb into one, preferably surrender. Even if it cannot be surrendered, it is necessary to refine the chemistry, Qigong goes under, enter the deep of the tomb, in that mysterious Mother King Kong Buddha Cave, look for the other seventeen seeds of all the fundamental laws of the world, together to build this fundamental art, and enhance the cultivation of the sense of the Numen God, and it is possible to break through to the horror level.

His present will of the Numen God, though at the peak of the shock level, is impossible to reach the terror level, and there is a heavenly divide in the middle that cannot be overcome.

Unless you get some kind of adventure, some kind of life-and-death exercise, it's possible to cross.

The seed of secret burial of all the fundamental laws of the world is the great adventure.

Watching Xuan Killing Daozong was collected, Yang Qi nodded and entered the Wang Wang map, luck changed again, the number of Xuan Killing Daozong was not under the Qi Xuan door at all, but the treatment was completely different, Qi Xuan door was a guest, while Xuan Killing Daozong's people were slaves, Yang Qi sent people unpolitely divided them into ranks, even became soldiers, specially trained, used to preach merit to the disciples under his command.

These soldiers were the original creation on the ancient road to the gods, and they were caught like pigs. But pigs are bred to get the flesh and blood of pigs, and soldiers are bred to get their Qigong Genuine essence.

A gatekeeper, cultivating soldiers, takes the same nature of Dan medicine through complex procedures, then cultivates the same nature of Qigong, and finally makes them climb the knot, pass it on to the outstanding disciples in the gatekeeper, saving those disciples the time to cultivate painfully, and at the same time harvest the medulla, improve the strength by a thousand times.

However, this set of procedures is not difficult. Yang Qi made a little extrapolation and gave it to Xianxian to complete. Anyway, all the luck was gathered on his body and helped him to improve it. There was nothing to worry about.

After devaluing all the people of Xuan Daozong into soldiers, Yang Qi knew that his Yang family would grow bigger and bigger in the middle of the year. Once he went out, it would be the tigers down the mountain and out of order.

He looked in the map of the kings of all worlds, happily prosperous construction, luck like fire, dark nodding, but came to Xuan without taboo.

At this moment, Xuan, like Ye, is bound in a secret time and space deep in the map of the kings of the universe. The law of order permeates all their bodies.

Xuan has no objection to the energy on his body, it is drawn from every drop, gradually lost, into Yang Qi's body, Yang Qi took out the seeds of the great tomb divine power heir, no objection to Xuan: “Xuan has no objection, have you thought about today? Both of you want to get my gods' mark. Unfortunately, they are all tied up here by me now and slaughtered by anyone. If you could have known this result, you would have knelt down and automatically offered the magic treasure. You would not have fought me. ”

“Phew!” Xuan drank unquestionably: “Yang Qi, why humiliate me if you want to kill me? ”

Yankee waved: “Say, how did you get the seeds of the Great Sepulchre heir? ”

“Why would I tell you? I have a great opportunity, a great deal of adventure, and I get the seed of divine power, you can't refine it, can you? In fact, this sub is constant and can only be refined between heirs. Even if you get it, it doesn't help.” Xuan laughed.

“Not necessarily.” Yang Qi grabbed the divine power seed and entered the power of the god township. The bears burned in flames, making the divine power seed crackle and bang. Unfortunately, the divine power seed did not melt at all, nor did it transfer power from it, causing him to frown.

“What do you mean? Told you you couldn't refine it. If you could truly refine the seeds of divine power, wouldn't your will have transcended the tomb? Seeds of divine power don't belong to you.” Xuan smiled again so that he could unleash the resentment and violence in his heart.

After Yang Qi obtained the seed of divine power, in this period of time, it was constantly researching, unfortunately, not a single idea was researched. The seed of divine power on Xuan's unobtrusive body could be used with infinite strength, but in his hands, the power could not be used at all, which amounted to a small stone.


Yankee again exerted tremendous power, bombarding down. The Little Stone Divine Power seed emitted a glimmer of light to protect itself, but did not give Yang Qi any divine power.

After half a day of luck, Yang Qi felt that this thing was truly indestructible and could not open its secrets. He had to shake his head and hear Xuan's unmistakable voice. He had to look in front of him: “Soldier, by the way, is soldier! Grand Tomb divine power, extremely strong horizontal coagulation, I cannot refine the Divine Power inheritance seed, but it is able to refine the Divine Power of the Grand Tomb. Although the nature of this divine power is not comparable to that of pure divinity, it can also provide me with superior energy, and God's engine will be developed again! It is only a matter of time before I surrender the will of one of the great tombs. As long as I surrender, the seeds of divine power will surely be refined by me. ”

He suddenly turned his back and once again put the seed of divine power into Xuan's unmistakable body.

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