Sage Emperor

Chapter 949: Joining Sect III

The doorman that Yankee sees is pulling the knife against each other without a word, letting you lean on it. If you do not lean on it, you will die immediately and capture it as a slave.

Even many fairy worlds are basically like this.

This is the law of the jungle in the Immortal World, always a weak predator, a naked beast. Though it cannot be said to be a complete magic, it is definitely not the style of famous and decent, so far, Yankee has not seen the true famous and decent, gentle and moderate.

After all, in this terrible age of storm, it is not aggressive and has long been eliminated.

Relatively speaking, this is a little better, behave, not the kind of particularly barbaric sect, if you can't directly solicit, shout and kill.

For example, the Yihua Palace was actually directly deceived, received the Escort Alliance, and sent Yang Qi to become a prisoner god general, even a eunuch, sooner or later Yang Qi wanted revenge, and wiped out the entire Yihua Palace.

As such, Yang Qi followed Anjing into the depths of Ruyi Tianzong, similar to the virtual divine kingdom, most of his power was confined. As soon as he entered, Yang Qi felt the depths of the void, constantly floating out many spiritual fluctuations, even a tiny amount of dust was fired, he was completely invisible.

However, there are memories that, like being around, do not trigger any prohibited fluctuations, and safety has reached the depths.

Deep down, a crystal mountain peak of a seat, rising from the ground, shining bright, more horrible hands, many dragon tribes, phoenix, kirin Some of the beasts fly up and down, the divine realm's magic medicine is planted on it, Yunxia spits out, the fog vapor everywhere shows an incredible miracle.

“These mountain peaks, there are fifty, representing fifty branches of Ruyi Tianzong, and I am one of them, the chief disciple of Memory Hall, the entire Ruyi Tianzong, there are only fifty chief disciples, you can imagine how powerful I am.” With a faint memory, there is a hint of pride in the tone.

“The power is indeed great.” Yang Qi nodded, undeniably, which is much bigger than any other gatekeeper he saw, and the power of the chief disciple can mobilize a lot of resources.


Suddenly, a strong sword, coming out of another mountain peak, to the sky, like a long rainbow, seemed to fly out, but seemed to see an memory, like, immediately turned into a sword light, landed, flashed, the sky was all sword, a young man came to the remembrance.

This young man, with a strong aura and an energy index of at least 3,000 or more, although Yankee now has no energy detection system, all sealed in the King of the Worlds map, his own repair is sufficient to feel an approximation.

“Am I remembering that you're back? Must have succeeded in obtaining the treasure in the Princess Vajra's Buddha Cave? Can you show it to me? ”

The young man put away his sword light and smiled on his face.

“Nice, I'm getting the baby.” A deep grin appears on Amnesty's face: “But what does this have to do with you? Got it, baby. I'm gonna practice success, and then I'm gonna overwhelm you. You got a problem with that? ”

“No comment, no comment at all.” The man didn't seem angry at all, "she said faintly:" If you want to beat us to the peak of spirituality, next time, I'll just let the water go. ”

“It was a joke.” The anger of memory flashed, "so you determined that our memory peak is less than your spiritual peak, and you deliberately let the water out all said. ”

Young men with their hands: “Is it possible that Sister Fei thinks she can beat me with a magic treasure? Sister, your spiritual scale is only four tenths, and for my brother and I, the spiritual scale has reached the level of 67, soon to break through a little bit of the threshold, achieve the spiritual will of the horror level to cultivate, like the gods. ”

“Then we'll see. ”

Anjin turned to Yang Qi and said: "Let's go! ”

“Wait...” This young man suddenly drinks: “Who is he? It's the people outside, dare to enter our Ruyi Heavenly Sect? ”

“What's wrong? I'm the one who brought him to worship. Do I have to ask you to take care of him?” Amnesty remembers.

“A worshiper? You pulled the genius back outside?” The young man smiled softly: “Looks like he's stockpiling talent for your memory summit? ”


Just between these words, his last word "ah” spit out, between moments, a sword light rushed in, dead silent, silent, blinking, came in front of Yang Qi, this was actually a deep sneak attack, direct attack, fast and stunning, a must kill, no one expected, this person actually did a killing trick between the good end of the speech.

This sword, a sword that must be killed, with unparalleled spiritual will, can penetrate the soul of man into the depths of the sea and destroy the Lord's Numen.

Yang Qi's body flashed and tried to hide from the past, but this sword was as shadowy as a shadow. When his head fell, the maggots of his bones, he bit and couldn't let go. If he didn't kill Yang Qi, he would never let go.

This series of changes, completed between lightning, cannot be stopped without memory.

Yang Qi was about to be shot under the sword, the young man instantly showed a proud look on his face, but Yang Qi's face also showed a sarcastic smile, his hands moved, a sword with great swing, full of life, released, it was with his own qi, the simulated star sword born long sword, this sword came out, sword technology defense ability is amazing, the long sword directly penetrated to resist the killing.

Between moments, the swordsmanship of the two men staggered, and dozens of moves were made. Young men could not even defeat Yang Qi's swordsmanship defense with their hands.

“Die!” Amnesty strikes at this time, the long whip in his hand shook, suddenly threw out, wrapped around the young man, the young man laughed, a flip, many illusions appeared in the air, avoided the long whip, then stood tall.

“Amnesty like a sister-in-law, you're angry? I'm just trying to figure out how to fix this guy you asked for. Why do you have to do this?” The young man laughed.

Anxious memory is sharp: “You were just assassinating me. ”

“Nice, is the assassination, weak strength, can not be our disciple of Yi Tianzong at all.” But now this man has passed my test, "said the young man." But it's not over yet. I'll test him again when I have time. What, does Anne have to blame me like a sister? You know, I did not offend the rules of the door. According to the rules of the door, he is not a disciple of Tianzong as I like. Kill him and kill him. ”

“Fine.” Ann remembers almost being angry, but suppressed: “Xie Lingbi, I hope you don't fall into my hands. ”

“Of course, I can't help but fall into the hands of my sisters.” The young man laughed and suddenly turned into a swordsmanship rainbow. He left immediately and vanished into thin air.

“No wonder his swordsmanship won't hurt me.” Yang Qi received the sword, as if nothing had happened. The clouds were faint and the wind was so calm that even his memory felt that this person was really immobile.

“Go see your master, you have now passed the test. Xie Lingbi is the chief disciple of Lingbi Peak, very powerful, swordsmanship superb, actually attacked you, but you resisted, obviously your strength, not under him, enough as a disciple. ”

She and Yang Qi then flew over the mountain peak.

At this moment, in the distance, Xie Lingbi stopped, killing Machine Sen, frowning wrinkles, even the attack did not kill people, it really shocked his heart.

Several figures appeared beside him, revealing the same men, one of whom was headed by a tall, powerful man, and laughed haha as soon as he appeared: "Xie Lingbi, what's wrong? Your swordsmanship at Lingbi Peak doesn't seem to work. Sneaking up on an outsider hasn't killed him yet? ”

“Chi Wei, don't be proud of me. If I sneak up on people who can't be killed, you won't necessarily be able to kill them. The good days of Da Wei Peak will only come to an end. If this memory doesn't know where to pull such a young master to join the memory peak, aren't we going to be crushed in the future?” Xie Lingbi's shadowy path.

“I don't care.” The tall young man said, "Anyway, I'm going to break through the will to reach the horror level, and I stood up for a great deal of credit last time I dealt with Ancient Road law-enforcers. The gatekeepers decided, three months later, to use the power of twenty gods to activate the system of spiritual scales of civilization, to help me elevate the will, between moments, to reach the horror level of cultivation. That's when you weren't a hierarchy anymore. ”

“Humph! The power of the twenty gods is a great deal. Although my Sect can consume it, it is a waste on you. And the Spiritual Scaling System of Civilization's Disk Fragmentation was at that moment, and it was the most exciting. Ninety-nine percent will collapse, and you will perish carefully. ”

Xie Lingbi said jealously.

“Will I perish? It was a joke.” Qi Wei laughed and shocked heaven: “After all these years, even the ancient road law-enforcers successfully attacked me. My destiny was to become a great god. ”

“Then wish you success, but the ancient road law-enforcer, who fought with another superior existence, dying and seriously injured, was picked up by you a big cheap dead fish, if the ancient road law-enforcer at full height, will kill you instantly between the fingers!” Xie Lingbi shook his head: “You killed an ancient road law enforcement officer and brought his body into our sect. It is unclear whether it will be a blessing or a scourge in the future. ”

“Humph!" Qi Wei said: "Ancient road law-enforcers are terrible, but they are not necessarily invincible. Of the ancient road connections, they are the most terrifying, but the tomb appeared, adding a lot of strength to our gatekeepers, and the heirs of the tomb appeared. In the future, they must be the biggest enemies of ancient road law-enforcers. What are we afraid of? Among our gatekeepers, we have also recruited several heirs of the tomb, which will become stronger and stronger in the future, not to mention that no lord and some ancient antique kings have begun to crack the secrets of ancient road law-enforcers, once cracked, it will be my great credit again. ”

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