Sage Emperor

Chapter 950: Ancient Road Law Enforcers

Yang Qi and Anjin entered the depths of the mountain, called the Peak of Memory, and once they entered it, it was a new heaven and earth. It's a completely new world, full of energy, a little breath, a lot of liquid deep, not as concentrated as the shard shards, but also typical of divine power.

Along the way, this disciple in the peak of memory, saw the memory, like, all bowed their heads and greeted, unobstructed.

Coming to the top of the mountain, in a large hall, the divinity grew stronger and stronger, it seemed that there was a god practicing in it, suddenly a strong will, laser reached Yang Qi's body, turned into a vast dome of will, covering down.

Yankee discovered that it was completely horror level will, covered down, made himself depressed and immobile, all in a state of suffocation, which penetrated into the body, searched deep in the Dantian Qi sea, and an inch of probing finally went deep into the knowledge sea.

“Master! ”

Ann Ruth also felt this horrible will and couldn't help but be surprised: “This is the one I brought back, ready to turn to our memory peak, don't hurt him. ”

“Rest assured, I'm just checking to see if there's anything special about him.” This will suddenly collects, there are many divine voices in the air: “Yes, you brought back a talent, the cultivation is very special, the spiritual scale reaches eight tenths, it is much more advanced than you, just now he and Xie Lingbi's sword, I have seen, very brilliant to compete for the peak of my memory to reach the glory, good, now you take him into the hall, come and see my true self. ”


Knowing the coming of this horror level will, is to detect Yang Qi's whole body, so the detection is complete, Anxiety knows that Yang Qi is not a person with other intentions.

Because under the will of the terror class, everything is invisible.

Yang Qi's heart is a dark shock. Fortunately, everything has been sent into the Wang map of the universe, breaking his own connection. Otherwise, everything will be discovered. The will of this person is too horrible. It is completely horror level will. How many times stronger than the false horror level of Lord Yihua Palace is.

This spiritual scale, horrible.

Yang Qi was not prepared long ago, he almost revealed the secret of his god's prison strength. Good thing he practiced a lot of kung fu, any simulation can be mixed up. Of course, to reach his level, he has gradually begun to create his own system, to be congealed together, the ghost is unpredictable, a little movement, the whole body is almost a special will to congeal, this is his way, different from any other way.

In the depths of his Numen's Awareness, many of the inscriptions form shapes.

Own way, in condensation.

That horrible will, seeing is his own way, naturally does not doubt.

The door was wide open, and he and Anjin entered the hall, but he wanted to see how powerful the terror level will was. So far, besides the Brahma God, it was the strongest and most powerful existence he had ever seen.

Sanskrit does not count, it is a true God.

Thinking about Sanskrit, Yang Qi thought it was time to go see him. He promised to go to the future world and see for himself. Until now, he hasn't even gone, but I'm sure he won't blame himself, because the series of changes is so weird that Yang Qi doesn't have any time to go to the future world.

Besides, the release of the Sanskrit is not necessarily a good thing in the present circumstances.

Yang Qi doesn't have much trust in the Sanskrit either, what he trusts is himself.

Deep in the palace, dark and sunken, there was a peaceful atmosphere everywhere, suddenly a sound sounded out, very juvenile, “Peace be upon you, have you acquired the treasure this time? ”

A gleam of bright light flashed through the entire palace. It was a crystalline palace, directly in front of the palace, on a throne, with a little girl sitting at the edge. This little girl, like seven or eight years old, had a wrist knot, tender white and white, inches by inch, but she had a majestic smell on her face, especially her eyes, that could perforate almost everything.

“Is this the Master of Amnesty? ”

Yang Qi was surprised. He never expected it. The girl who had just searched her soul was this little girl, but maybe this invincible master practiced some kind of kung fu, which has been turned into a holy baby may not be necessarily.

Indeed, Amnesty remembered seeing this little girl of seventy-eight years of age, immediately saluted, “Master on, after the help of this person, I successfully obtained the stone box, but this stone box has a seal on it and cannot be opened, I also asked Master for help. ”

“Bring it here! ”

Little girl Weiwei.

“Yes!” The memory was presented respectfully.

The stone box fell on her hand, her lozenge little hand gently touched, seemed powerless, but Yankee had goosebumps all up, this woman's hand had terrible power, at least more than 5,000 energy index, horror level will, together, is a real invincible giant!

This giant, it's hard to relate to her appearance.

Ka Cha

Right in the touch of the little girl, suddenly the stone box rang out, in which the bones appeared Buddha light, sealed and ripped off by the little girl.

When the seal was ripped off, it blew up and turned into a giant Buddhist god, seemingly angry.

But the little girl grabbed it gently, and the Buddha collapsed, turning into a sherry, falling into her hands, burning and then turning to ashes.

The box is open.

Suddenly, Yankee saw that there were nine groups of soft light in the foot, floating, this light was like a cotton flock, fluttering up and down, which was the seed of the "secret fundamental law of the world”.

“Unfortunately, the seeds of all the fundamental laws of hidden time, a total of eighteen regiments, obtained all, cultivated into this extremely powerful gate, there has been tremendous progress for your cultivation and spiritual scale, but it seems that in the Buddha cave, the seal opened, the remaining nine seeds flew out and fell into the hands of others, it will be difficult to collect them in the future. ”

The little girl sighed and sounded naive, but her mind was very old, as if she had been through hundreds of millions of years of ancient robbery: “This is not necessarily a good thing for you to cultivate, so I stayed. ”

“Yes, Master.” Hearing the little girl leave the seeds behind, there is no grievance in her eyes as she remembers, she knows that the master is good for her, practicing is not good, it is really not good.

“However, this time you have the seeds, thanks a lot, you are my chief disciple again, the memory peak will depend on you to inherit, to compete for the door, I will take these nine seeds to the seniors, in exchange for the Dan medicine made by ancient road law-enforcers, to improve your spiritual scale. Chi Wei of Dawei Peak, with luck, actually met the dying ancient road law-enforcer, killed him, brought him back. This credit, makes the Gate Pie spend 20 divine characters to improve his spiritual scale. If he succeeds, he is the will of the terror class. By then, our memory summit will be pressed by him, but he can't breathe. You have to work hard, you know? ”

Little Girl Way.


Amnesty salutes again.

“Young man, you're fine. Want to be my disciple?” The little girl looked over and stared at Yankee.

Yang Qi hastily said humbly: “Being a senior disciple is my pride and joy. ”

“Well, then you're my disciple today!” "After that," said the little girl, "you will be the person of our memory peak. I don't need you to swear allegiance. The oath is useless, and you don't need your loyalty. As long as you preserve the interests of the memory peak, of course, you must also defend the interests of the entire Gateway of Ruyi Tianzong. Joining the Gateway is a mutually reinforcing thing. You enter the Gateway to get Gateway shelter, get Gateway resources, and also contribute to Gateway. This is the token of our memory peak, take it. And I immediately taught you the Qigong of the Peak of Memory, called the Fugitive Forgetfulness Act. ”

Between the words, a trick was born into Yang Qi's mind, so that Yang Qi's whole body was in a state of peak, because this trick contained extremely strong and horizontal spiritual power, which penetrated into the body, causing Yang Qi's own will to grow slightly.

“Ambush?” Yang Qi delicately tastes and finds this art, purely cultivating the spirit, in a wild environment, the moment of consciousness is in a floating state, such as sinking in the clouds, the clouds ride the wind, forget the troubles.

This is a qigong to cultivate the spiritual will, but compared to Yang Qi himself to crush the will of the tomb to subdue the knowledge magic cultivation spirit, it is too weak to cultivate this spiritual qigong, even billions of years can not reach the realm of terror level.

However, it can be used as a reference.

“Well, you are now Amnesty's brother, and everything on this memory summit can be left to her.” “I'm closed all year," said the little girl. "If nothing happens, don't come to this hall. Besides, the whole thing on the Peak of Memory, you have the right to execute. Remember, the glory of the Peak of Memory, it's up to you to run the business, okay? You are the chief disciple. ”

“Yes, I will definitely make the entire memory summit the number one of the fifty mountains.” Amnesty hurried.

Later, she said to Yang Qi: "Brother, let's go out, I will explain to you some of our fifty peaks and the whole Ruyi heavenly thing, you arrive at first sight, do not know the situation, in case something happens, go into any Jedi, I will not be able to rescue you. ”


Even if Yang Qi formally joined Ruyi Tianzong, it was simple and frightening. The little girl seemed to ignore everything. She only cared about cultivation. Everything was left to Anjing Ruyi to take care of. But Yang Qi knew that things were not that simple. The little girl seemed to have accepted herself as a disciple. In fact, she saw herself cultivated to be powerful. She just sent an assistant to Anjing Ruyi to fight.

But it's good that I'm not really a part of this sect, I'm just trying to find a mental scale system to take away.

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