Sage Emperor

Chapter 959: Crossing the Blood River

Yang Qi and Emperor's heart really is a dragon battle, one is the first chief disciple of the Fifty Lord's Peaks, the leading young generation, the other is the strangeness that has received no inheritance, and also realized that dependence on demons to surrender in the heart, all invincible, empty.

Between the two sides of the struggle, there were numerous layers of tactics, the energy explosion, violently shook, the water in the blood river was swept up by waves, turned into some water columns, those caught ashore blood palms all collapsed, shocked by the two people were inches broken, unable to congeal into shape, those blood palms, all of the resentment in the blood river, belonging to the gods, very strong, but the blood river bled, the power greatly diminished, but it is not enough to worry, under the collision of the two great hands, nature is disintegrating, shapeless.

Emperor's face is in a state of nothingness, and his breath condenses into a sphere, spinning up, down, left, and right. Each move is polar, like a dome covering all fields.

Yang Qi, on the other hand, is a high mountain and great river, and the weather is immovable, and he has shown his majesty.

If you take the metaphor of two people, one is the earth, the vastness, that is the emperor's heart, one is the peak, suddenly it rises, that is Yang Qi.

Though the earth is fierce, the mountains rise above it.

Alpine mountains can catch Yunxia, but must be heeled into the earth, between the two sides, no one can do anything about it.

“Wang Tu Ba Ye! ”

All of a sudden, the Emperor showed his last move, his hands circled, suddenly suppressed, and the power of the heavens and the earth rolled over, like the Emperor of the Universe, sweeping the heavens and the earth, everywhere, all spiritual deterrence, the grand map industry has been built.

This is the most fierce killing technique of his immortal Imperial Dao boxing, Wang Tu Ba Ye, what climbed the peak before, unprecedented and unprecedented, all paved the way for this technique, with all kinds of paving the way before, finally this trick of Wang Tu Ba Ye can be established, the foundation for all eternity.

Huge and shaky, heavenly subjugation, Wang Tuba industry resumes grand daewoo.

Yang Qi finally couldn't resist, and was struck with a punch from the Emperor's heart and fell toward the river of blood.

Everyone shocked and lamented Yang Qi. Such a struggle came to such a conclusion, Yang Qi still lost a move and his life was in danger.

However, something strange happened between the moments, Yankee fell over the bloody river, not settling, but foot on the wave surface, no matter how fierce the bloody river swirl can make him sink. The whole man stood on the river of blood, and the blood hands pulled over his feet, but the tattoos could not pull him off, and then a golden light appeared beneath his feet, suppressing the qi of bloodshed and slowly walking towards the shore.

The Emperor's heart couldn't help but look at this scene, and then smile: “Great qigong, can actually tread the blood river, my immortal imperial boxing has been carried out, can't do anything about you, this battle is even, in the future, how about fight with you? ”

“The Emperor's heart honors his brothers' divine fist, it is indeed amazing.” Yang Qi was also secretly shocked, he was just shaken down by the blood river, and he had to be forced. Fortunately, between moments, he realized that a kind of yin and yang disappeared, nothing hung, and landed on the blood river. At once, he was as light as a feather, and the will of God grabbed a hint of the law of space in the underworld, enabling him to suspend his power and not be pulled down by the vortex of the blood river.

You know, on this blood river, it's very dangerous, even if you reach the bank of the blood river, you can feel the deep blood river, an extremely powerful pulling force, to pull people straight down, into a state of total annihilation, let alone reach the surface of the blood river?

Everyone here is shocked, step on the blood river without sinking. This is something that the strong man of terror level will can do. Yang Qi can actually do it, but he must not be the terror level will to fix it in front of him. Otherwise, the Emperor's heart will surely fail. The Emperor's heart, though strong, cannot be compared to the terror level will figure.

Some of them thought Yankee had a supreme artifact.

In fact, it was Yankee who grabbed a law of space in this place of God's extinction, infiltrated the body and countered the appeal of the Blood River.

When I heard the Emperor speak, Yang Qi also admired the man: “None of us lost today, none of us won. Since the brothers are willing to give me the character of God, I also thank you. ”

“Go!" the emperor nodded with dignity, waving his big sleeve, leading the disciples of Tianzhengfeng to leave immediately. Many of the peak disciples present at the moment also knew that Yang Qi was so powerful that he could never please and spread out.

Some of the chief disciples said: "Well, there is actually a world figure on the summit of memory, and when it is true, I will teach you high tricks in the future. This time God was born, we had no reason to get it. ”

Some of the disciples at the peak even came to show their good intentions. They knew that this character appeared on the peak of memory. In the future, they could flourish and flourish until they climbed the relationship.

Ann remembered that she was overjoyed, even Connector, and sent these disciples away, walking up to her: “Yang Qi, I didn't think you were hiding deeply, this time it was famous. ”

“It doesn't matter if you're famous or not, I was wondering, how do you get across the bloodstream and get divine character?” Yankee is now urgently needed for the divine character, but the blood river is very wide, and although he has caught a glimmer of space law in the underworld, he is confident to tread the blood river past, but who knows what will appear in the center of the blood river? What I just stepped on was just next to a river of blood, dozens of feet above it, and the whole river was dozens of miles wide.

“Yeah, the Emperor left, I'm afraid, and we couldn't cross the Blood River, so it was a big deal.” It's hard to remember, "let's go back and inform the master. ”

“This matter is inappropriate, clearly it is a struggle between the younger generations, and it startles the senior generations, and those antiques will go on and on.” Yang Qi shook his head: “It's a diving rule, we can't break it, we can only find a way to cross the bloodstream ourselves, I can try, I just realized some gains, just see how Qi Gong is? ”

“Are you going to step on the waves and cross this bloody river?” Amnesty remembers.

“Nice try.” Yankee looked at the wide river and wasn't sure of himself, but even if he tried it, it would be considered a challenge. He didn't think of Wangtu, because he had surrendered to the demons of knowledge, and no danger would use it.

In fact, this place of extinction, though powerful, is not as sturdy as the Princess Vajra's Buddha's cave. It is nothing to open a black hole for a single person, and it can fully support his shuttle. But first, he doesn't want to do it here, and this is kind of a heavenly place, where every move is likely to be watched by others, and second, not to become dependent again.

“Then be careful.” An memory nods like a nod, knowing that Yang Qi is unpredictable, will never put himself in a dangerous situation, and tie hands with Emperor Honor. The prestige on the peak of memory has surpassed itself. The Immortal cultivation sect is such a privilege. All strength is paramount, as long as you show sufficient strength, anyone is unjust, run, pull gangs are unjust, a mountain peak needs to stand out, the only option is to come out a world expert.

“Okay, I'm on my way. ”

Yang Qi's body moved, under the astonishment of many disciples at the peak of his memory, he stepped on the waves again, reached the top of the blood river, the whole body drifted, shook many blood hands, and walked one step to the center of the blood river.

All of a sudden, the fog was spreading, and there was a bloody fog above the blood river, reaching out without a finger, and Yang Qi was covered in bloody fog.

“Many disciples, rapidly expanding their strength, join forces to resist the blood fog, this blood river is so varied, the blood fog contains the magic of the divine realm, once it invades the body, it will fire into the demon.” As an immediate reminder, many of the disciples of the memory peak joined forces and Qi Kung was perfused together, suddenly forming a huge mask, the blood fog could not invade the body.

But the blood fog is getting bigger and bigger, some of it actually penetrates outside the mask, and condensation on the mask becomes blood, corrosion penetration, making the mask click, seems to be about to collapse.

“Yankee, are you all right?” Amnesty beats like a heartbeat, agitates qigong again, the mask shrinks, only an acre in size, crowds are crowded in, the mask flames out, refining the blood fog.

“I'm fine, you guys be careful.” Yankee's voice came from the bloody fog on the river, which reassured me a little: “Many disciples back away from the fog! ”

On the spot, the crowd retreated for several decades, the fog was only slightly smaller, but the Temple of the Blood River was completely invisible, and I didn't know where Yang Qi was. It seemed that Yang Qi had stepped on the surface, causing fluctuations deep in the Blood River, and the fog had evaporated.

“What a bloody mist!” Yang Qi stepped on the river, using the power of the water wave to advance, he could not fly at all, because there was no place to borrow power, more up the river in the unknown depths, transmitted reckless force, pulled himself down, if not for his own spirit to tighten, grasp the land of the gods, a slight law of emptiness, sinking into the river of blood, nothing can be done again.

He has a sense of crossing the sea of bitterness.

At this moment, he is like a man hanging from a cliff, grabbing a hair in his hand, breaking at any moment, and then falling.

Blood fog together, this feeling is even stronger, suddenly a swirl at the bottom of the river spins violently, causing his body to hit several circles in a row, instantly in the blood fog, unable to distinguish between southeast and northwest, which is horrible. It is difficult to go back, the temple in front also disappears, there is a big blood fog all around, something seems to be creeping deep in the blood fog, the blood fog needs to penetrate into its own body, causing corrosion on the body, the real qi is not pure, the breath cannot be lifted up, and fall into the blood river.

In such a vicious environment, Yankee finally began to unleash his potential, but rather became more serene in his mind, knowing that it was a practice.

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