Sage Emperor

Chapter 960: Bloody Mist

The more dangerous the situation, the more tranquil Yang Qi's heart was. He was not impatient. Xu slowly unfolded the pure soil of the gods and excluded the fog from the body.

But as soon as the pure earth of the gods unfolded, the body began to sink, the ankle joint of both legs penetrated into the blood river, the pulling force grew, his eyes suddenly opened, his will strengthened, suddenly and deep in the void, the law in the underworld, tightened, the body began to float a little.

This is a good way to exercise one's own will, and once the will is not firm, it will not be repeated.

Something deep in the blood river, Yankee himself doesn't know, but you can feel it, it's very scary, if you infiltrate the blood river, nothing can save you, even one of the Wang Wang maps can't open, the pressure in the blood river is more than outside, beyond Wang Wang Buddha cave, trying to open Wang Wang maps in it, that is delusional mind.

At this moment, Yang Qi doesn't think about Wangtu at all.

He grabbed his hands, slowly improved his spiritual strength, and in the deep of his knowledge of the sea, the sense of the Lord Yuan God suddenly stretched, pulled up and down, and made various actions. These actions were not martial arts, but grasping some of the instinctive reactions of the law. He wanted to break the limits and exercise his limits. In this dangerous environment, he made the sense of the Numen God pure again, evolved into various kinds of impenetrable ideas.

At this moment, the deep divinity of the temple is irrelevant. It is only right not to be immersed at the bottom of the river that lives are preserved in the blood stream.

Spiritual will was greatly exercised. There was a feeling of weakness and exhaustion of oil between Yang Qi's moments, but he instantly put himself in a state of emptiness, and he was greatly cleansed, completely relaxed, and had a wonderful use of the royal cloud wind.

The energy is slowly recovering again.

He keeps moving and locks in one direction.

Though the blood fog is spreading and the blood river spins, causing anyone to lose their way, Yankee knows where the other side of the blood river is by psychic inspiration.

The blood fog became intense again, it seemed to have a smell that turned into thick blood, a blood wind blew over, the dense and numb stains on the Gods' pure soil were sticky, not flowing downward, and the blood of the blood fog seemed to be creeping, like a strip of worm, to go into the Gods' pure soil and eat Yang Qi's blood.

“Clean fire. ”

Yankee hands shook, the flame sprayed out of her body pores, burning the blood, all to ashes.

He walked slowly one step at a time.

Boom Lung!

Suddenly in front of the blood river, a huge swirl sounded, the battle drums thundered, the blood river rose waves, how high one wave was, beating toward Yang Qi.

Yang Qi's mind moves, his body floats with the waves up and down. No matter how fierce the waves are, he is a tidal man. He always stands at the tide. This is no longer Qigong, but a state of no mind. He stands on the tide of the times and does that.

Blood river frenzy became fiercer and more sophisticated in his moisture tricks.

Boom! Another wave head of dozens of feet, this wave head with heavenly blood magic, but Yankee body jumped slightly, still standing on the wave head, spinning constantly, the whole person like a falling leaf, lightly floating, butterfly, spinning change, lightly comfortable.

Finally, the wavehead calmed down and after a few hours, Yankee constantly changed, not knowing how many difficult and dangerous obstacles had been experienced. He has stood in the middle of the bloodstream and the blood fog is still intense, but he can feel the smell of distant temples.

In these days of cultivation, he almost felt like he was about to collapse, but he finally supported himself with a strong will, completely forgetting that the Gods had stamped the King of the Worlds, all by virtue of his strength, striving for change, spiritual strength was once again promoted and understood.

wu wu wu...

Though the wind wave calmed down, the blood river landscape fluctuated, a vortex appeared, then in the vortex, a bloody demon, wearing a bloody mask, full of blood armor, with a spear in his hand, riding a bloody horse beneath him, two people high enough to strike at Yankee.

“Hmm? Brahma deep in the bloodstream, a new change?” Yang Qi was stunned. If it was waves, blood fog and other natural things, he was not afraid, but he actually evolved such things as the Blood Demon Knight, and attacked him, then he had to make himself unsinkable and deal with each other's attacks, which would be difficult.

But he didn't care that he needed stronger ways to stimulate himself and make himself harder in the midst of hardship.


Yang Qi burst out the unpredictable majesty of the ghost, the Blood Sea Knight under his punch bombardment, the inches broke, but this time, Yang Qi's own was immersed in the Blood Sea, and his knees didn't go deep into the water.

Suddenly, he felt his legs were gone, melted into the blood, unparalleled pulling force, to make himself invincible.

But Yang Qi struggled hard, and the whole person jumped out of the water again, and his life or death was at stake.

However, more blood demon knights emerged from deep into the river, slamming at Yankee, and Yankee rushed to run on the river, dodging, spurting, jumping. Flexible to the extreme, avoiding the pursuit of these Blooddemon knights, Blooddemon knights are extremely fast, but Yang Qi's speed is not slow. In the process of just getting tidy, his cultivation depth increased again, and he understood some of the most sophisticated things in the laws of space. Although he still can't fly over the bloodstream, it is easier to step on the wave surface and make various actions.

His whole person is like a sea swallow, walking through waves, running, jumping fast, going towards the other bank, even more blood demon knights can sweep away once they reach shore.

However, more and more Blooddemon knights end up dense and numb.

Yankee runs into a bunch of people no matter how she dodges.


Countless long guns were thrown at Yankee, all of which were thrown by the Blood Demon Knight. Blood was melted, extremely concentrated, and thrown down, revealing great penetration.

Yang Qi's torso spinning, the pure soil of the gods unfolding, produced a wonderful change, those shooting laser reaching his torso, it was actually dissolved and opened, then as he spinned, the momentum of the counterattack was more sharp, where to reach, where the blood sea knight was shot to death, instantly a large chunk of blood river came out, Yang Qihaha long tsunami, his body was faster, his whole body condensed, actually broke directly into more blood sea knights, shock explosion, those blood sea knights beneath his temper spin, split apart, the direction was gloomy.

After a long journey, he broke a blood path, which was real blood, the blood mist in front of him began to thin, you can see the temple, Yang Qi was relieved.

However, an explosion came out of the center of the river, Yang Qi's mind was fiercely nervous, and he felt extremely dangerous oil. On the sea of blood, all the knights sank, and instead, he was a huge blood hand. He rose and rose, up to a hundred feet, and all the blood nails on his five fingers were ten lengths long, and he grabbed them hard. When the sky created a huge black hole, he sucked Yang Qi almost into the center of that big hand of blood.

“Bad, the presence of invincible deep blood rivers emerged.” Yang Qi roared and immediately started running, running to the bank of the river before the blood hand grabbed him, but the blood hand grew faster and faster, between the arrests, was almost overwhelming.

Yankee jumped a little.


Blood grabbed down, crushed many of the blood water in the river, and grabbed it again, actually blocking it in front of Yang Qi and surrounding it.

Yankee hurried through her torso, and the carp penetrated the waves, escaping between the fingers of her blood hand.

Blood hands became more angry, launched empty-handed, spinning heavenly, waves burst, blood river surface erected, actually turned into thick blood wall, blocked in front of Yang Qi.

Yankee five fingers, surrounded by sword, the whole person turned into a flying sword, drilled into the blood wall, an explosion, a large hole appeared on the blood wall.

He drilled right through this big hole, rolled over, glided his body, and put it on the shore.

Finally, when he reached shore, Yankee felt a feeling of exhaustion, but in the bloody sea, the blood hands kept on, a jump, the whole arm caught ashore.


Yankee snorted coldly: "Am I afraid of you when you get ashore?” He sank his feet down, lived vigorously, his body really rolled, continuously lasered out the slaughter swordsmanship to kill, to kill, to kill blood.

Ka Cha

Sword qi slaughtered over the big blood hand, actually cut off one finger, finger fell ashore, wow scattered, turned into a large beach of blood, eventually flowed into the blood river.

Blood hands disperse.

A violent thought shocked me: “When you come back and cross the river, I'll find you..." Bloody knows that Yankee is ashore and can no longer be chased.

But Yankee always had to cross the river again.

In front of you, this temple is actually an island in a river of blood.

“If I cross the river again, this demon will kill me, I can't be careless, but after such a long period of grinding, spiritual surge, I am not afraid to cross the river again, maybe I will understand the law of space, and not necessarily kill the existence of the bottom of this blood river. ”

Yang Qi muscle exhausted, the disc knee sat on the ground, began to adjust, not long later, the breath gradually evened up, the main consciousness in the depths of the Yuan Goddess sparkled, the moment changed, such as sunny sky proud, illuminating a million miles, mental strength reached a new peak, Yang Qi stood up, feeling that he could handle almost anything, this step across the blood river, his repair increased a lot, the spiritual scales were satisfactory, the harvest was simply much greater than obtaining the divine character.

“Deep in this temple, don't you know how many? Did I take it all for myself, or did I give it to the doorman?” Yankee stood up and measured the temple in front of him.

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