Sage Emperor

Chapter 972: Complementarity

Yang Qi finally cultivated the two sets of kung fu to complement each other, waving freely and converting to each other. He can mobilize the true qi, the left hand exerted the "True Demon One Hundred Robbery No Bad Body” This, the right hand exerted the hand of God, even concentrated the real qi arms behind the head, exerted the 72 kings out of school.

In addition to this, he can also convert between the right hand to the hand of God, and the left hand to the immortality of the holocaust.

Of course, these two true qis cannot be completely melted, evolved into a kind, and the Seventy-Two Kings will not be able to reach the point of trinity.

Three-point Qi, spiral state, deep in the Dantian Qi Hai, changes the physique, but does not fuse.

Yankee knew that if it was fused, it would be horrible to fix itself. Almost able to defeat the gods, 72 grand emperors are out of school, true demons do not rob the body, god township power is trivial, united, this is not acceptable to man, if it is now reluctantly merged, there will be a big explosion.

Even now, the three points remain in the body, wandering with each other, not interwoven, Yang Qi has consumed enormous power, enlightened the trilateral division, three minds without polarity, cultivated successfully with the help of many Fabao. Powerful, random conversion, left and right fighting each other, mutually reinforcing, two sets of boxing methods unfolded, not to mention invincible, but under the will of the terror level, is definitely invincible.

Even if you encounter the master of terror level will, Yang Qi feels that you can fight the war, you will never be afraid of your feet as before, you can't even open the map of the kingdom of the universe, and you directly flee the tragic end.

Nor can ordinary terror-grade will do anything about him.

However, he practiced these two qigongs, and the disadvantage was enormous, namely, that his body was again strong, the Yuan Jinhui Hai was incredibly strong, and the will of the terror level was difficult to destroy, which led to his savings being too ambitious and it was impossible to reach the will of the terror level at all.

Difficult, difficult to climb the sky.

However, he now possesses nearly thirty gods, the essence of the Lord who suppresses the Blood River, and if he can get a system of spiritual scales, integrate them into the engine of God, carry out the energy of these gods, refine them, stimulate the spiritual system, it is not necessarily possible to break through.

You know, the individual spiritual scaling systems are incredible, and with the spiritual scaling systems of God's engines, how far would that go?

The disk fragments of civilization, like the King of the Swallow, increase in power in geometric numbers for each extra piece, and increase markedly. Once the psychic scaling system is obtained, the maternal manufacturing system, the biogenetic system, the energy detection system will all increase dramatically, the powerful divine system, the Emperor's Infinity System, much more power, less energy consumed and more power exerted.

If it's all in place, it's amazing and much better to use than the current map of the kings of the universe. Though more powerful than the disc of civilization, Wangtu needs to improve its own state of affairs, and the disc of civilization can be used by those with no power to bind chickens, which is the gap.

“Vulcan, let me see what this repressive Lord of the Blood River Vulcan is. ”

Taking stock of the harvest on his body, Yang Qi went into the air, feeling that he would continue to practice, there would be no breakthrough progress, so he stopped practicing, reached out and grabbed, a large screen, something that seemed to be piloting flew over, unfolded in the air, he looked closely up, awesome.

This is the master of Ancient Road law-enforcers, who seal the Lord of the Blood River and leave behind an unsealed symbol. Rumor is also one of the strongest babies, Yankee is analyzing it in detail.

Thoughts infiltrate it, and the inscriptions above flow, a breath of “law," flowing everywhere, this breath of “law," and is “spell," “power," “law," but a kind of "law," “law," used to forbid the Numen, destroy shapes, ablate spirits.

“True Demon Myriad Tribulations Unbreakable! ”

Yang Qi's breath penetrated into it. First, he used the magic gate without Qi Gong. Once he entered it, he tried to refine the symbol, and the rune immediately trembled violently. The razor-like fabric shook constantly, and countless Mars lasered out, and the building reached space, and the crackling exploded.

Some Mars splattered onto Yankee's arm, and suddenly he felt a fiery pain. This was a small surprise, you know, he now practiced the true demon, the immortality of the body, and the bottom of the power of Goddess Town, the body has evolved countless particles, the particles are both robbery and hell, and cannot be destroyed at all.

The power of Mars is absolutely extraordinary.

“Imprisonment! ”

He circled his hands, a real breath radiated out, locked up a few points of Mars, Mars in his real breath circle, exploded, and made contact with the real breath, intertwined twice, then suddenly flashed, even Yankee's real breath circle flushed open. A little bit of Mars landed on Yankee wrists, above the beads, a bang exploded, one of the beads emitted a sharp scream, and a demon with an energy index of 2,500 was completely extinct.

Just a little bit of Mars, the end of such a monster.

Yankee was secretly surprised.

Knowing the power of Mars, a little splash out, enough to destroy the 50th level fairy kingdom, beyond any magic treasure, no wonder it will cause his arm pain, he is also happy with his body strength nod, now this body strength, standing in one place, letting others bombard, it doesn't matter.

Even if the True Demon Tribulation does not destroy the body and strikes back, the attack will be instantly shaken to death.

Now, Yang Qi transformed his body and again entered the power of Goddess Township. This time, the Fu Qi no longer sputtered out of Mars, but trembled violently, and then began to shrink. Finally, the change became a little puppet two fingers wide, seven inches long, and turned into a yellow light, into Yang Qi's body.


A roar, in the air sea of Yang Qidan Tian, the power of the god township deep in the real Qi Qi, Fu Li seemed a small fish, got the ocean moisture, in which flowed happily, seemed to merge with the power of the god township real Qi.

Yang Qi carefully analyzed, running, found that this Fu Qi is actually a treasure similar to the cultivation of the real energy of Goddess Town, blended into the real energy of Goddess Town, not only can it moisturize its true qi, but the real qi can also activate Fu Qi.

“And don't you know what it is? But the legacy of the ancient road law-enforcers must be quite small.” Yang Qi thought to himself, "Now that my cultivation of the god's prison has been accomplished, it is possible to join the essence blood of the god's god's elephant clan during the cultivation of this charm...”

Yang Qi also left this Fu Qi in his true Qi group, just let it wander. Anyway, the strength of Goddess Town and prison complement each other, cultivate each other, and do not conflict with each other. If you hold indifferent attitude, you will not create any dependence on demons.

As for God's engines, these things are left to seal in the map of kings of the universe. Avoid prolonged use and create dependency again.


After everything was ready, Yang Qigong's body moved and flew out. The next moment, he arrived outside of Ruyi Heavenly Sect. By virtue of his identity, he soon entered the heavenly sect with high security.

Some of the disciples of the heavenly sect did not dare to stop him at all, and even showed an enviable look at him.

“You see, that is Brother Yang Qi of the Peak of Memory, rumor has it that this man was cultivated to be highly unpredictable. In the land of God's annihilation, in the battlefield of iron blood, he fought for the divine character, and defeated Naluo Peak, the master of Behring Peak, even the chief disciple of Tianzheng Peak, the Emperor's heart and esteem, and the Emperor Rain was also defeated by him. ”

“And Dawei Peak, the inexhaustible Chi Wei, was also defeated by him. Qi Wei, this person, is about to be baptized. Rumor has it that he can break through the will of the horror level. This failure is only to fear that the baptism will be difficult to succeed. ”

“Dawei up and down, hates this person to the bone, even the unsurpassed master sent out a message, to find an opportunity to teach this person a harsh lesson. ”

“The Lord of the Mountain of Memory is also vegetarian. The struggle between our disciples has always been acquiesced in. If the Lord of the Mountain of Elders intervenes, it will be different. ”

“Yes, but I don't think Yankee is necessarily afraid either. This man entered the Temple of the Blood River, and a massive magic burst erupted deep into the Temple of the Blood River, even some of the ancient antiques deep in the Palace of Heaven of Ruyi were shocked... ”

“Yeah, why is he all right? Hiding from the demons? ”

“It's amazing...”

Some disciples talked about watching him, but did not dare to go forward to salute him, because Yang Qi's fame rose too fast, which inevitably led to a high level of awe.

Yankee didn't care either, flying straight to that memory peak.

On the summit of memory, it turns out that Anjin waited there and saw Yang Qi appear. He was overjoyed: “Yang Qi, are you back? Is everything all right? Something big happened in the temple. How did you get divine character? ”

“No, there was a demonic gathering with a horrible mindset.” Yankee naturally won't say that he took the divine character. In fact, he said it, and no one else would believe it. Instead, he would reveal his secret: “Those people, who are actually about to release the Lord of the Blood River, fought on both sides, and the Lord of the Blood River appeared. I ran away in battle, or else I would surely fall into it, and I don't know where the divine character is going, hey, but it was a busy and lively scene. ”

“Such a state of affairs is indeed horrible….” As Am also believed, she also heard from some places. It is natural that Yang Qi did not capture the divine character. It is a miracle that there is a horror level will master present to capture the divine character. It is a luxury. Yang Qi is able to save his life and return, it is already a miracle.

“Though you did not capture the divine character this time, your battle by the Blood River has spread to the whole Gate Pie, the masters of the Gate Pie's fifty main peaks, as well as the disciples of thousands of other courtyards outside such as the" Commandment Court "," Martial Arts Court "," True Air Court ", and" Sky Light Academy ", also know your fame, even if you have reached the heavenly temple, not long after, the Elders will even summon you. ”

Amnesty is like memory.

The yards he refers to are the forces that are second only to the Lord of the Peaks.

Below the master of the Fifty Peaks, there are 8,000 courtyards, each equivalent to a first-class sect, in which the master of the courtyard, although not a fearless master of terror class will, has at least an energy index of more than 3,000.

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