Sage Emperor

Chapter 973: One Word Penetrates the Heart

The whole pattern of Ruyi Tianzong, about Yang Qi now knows, is almost the type of country.

High above Ruyi Tenguo, is the center of a country, Jingcheng, Wenwu hundred officials all reside in it, some of the elders, Elder Wang, the elders, and the elders, as well as the owners of the palace, form a group of core interests, rule below.

And the Lord of the Fifty Peaks is the Great Seal of the Frontier.

As for the compounds below, these are the states and counties, or the barracks. Beyond that, there are many other gates under the compound, the outer gate disciples, which are now civilians.

This hierarchy continues, presenting the appearance of a pyramid, and Yankee is also in the ruling class. Although the memory peak is not in the "core of the capital city”, the power of the Fengjiang Grand Prix is mostly twice as strong as that of the ordinary little officials in the capital city.

So, he is the chief disciple of the Peak of Memory, and now his fame has grown, and some of the small elders in Heavenly Palace will be impressed with him, knowing that he is not a normal figure.

Now Yang Qi has a huge position in Ruyi Heavenly Palace, but he doesn't want to just leave. The next world is in turmoil. Ruyi Heavenly Palace is also a good hiding place. Without the will to reach the terror level one day, it is difficult to protect himself.

Moreover, the Gods' imprint on him, quadripartite rivalry, no use hiding alone anywhere, inevitably being pursued, it is impossible to practise in the Wangtu of the World for the rest of his life. You should know that the world has changed fundamentally now, luck has increased greatly, heavenly ways are intense, it is not in this mess to grasp the Kun, share the luck, it is difficult to achieve the Gods' imprint, especially he, grasp the Gods' imprint, should shoulder some responsibility, closed door car construction, can never cultivate successfully to reach the highest realm.

He decided to stay in Ruyi Heavenly Palace for a while. Anyway, this sect is a superior, huge and hegemonic character.

“By the way, what does Master think of the Lord of the Blood River? ”

Yang Qi asked, "He thinks that the little girl who owns the memory should have a sense of the Lord of the Blood River.

“Master has been shut down. When I came back, I asked her about you and wanted her to see how your culprit is. You are now a genius in our memory peak. Never lose anything. Our memory peak reputation because you will certainly grow with each other.” Anjiru is telling the truth: “But Master said that the lucky man only had the face of the heavens, so leave him alone. Looks like she's figured you're okay. ”

“Hmm...” Yang Qi nodded, finding the little girl's peak owner more and more unpredictable.

However, it is believed that the other party only knows their mystery and absolutely does not know that they have cultivated various qigongs, and now their strength has increased dramatically, even to the average terrorist expert, they will not lose their lives.

Normally, even if it is stronger, the energy index is even higher, the will is not good, against the top horror level master, three punches and two legs collapse, even the other party's mental attack can kill you directly. No pneumothorax can be performed at all. But Yankee's spiritual will was quite different, and none of the four masters had been able to break through his sea of knowledge.

“Well, brother, now you're practicing at the top of your memory, but I have some technical questions that I'd like to ask you.” As I recall, "you can tie hands with the Emperor's heart, and your strength actually far surpasses mine. ”

“Or...” Yang Qi felt that this memories were quite well repaired, and the famous school of birth, after many systematic cultivation, one step at a time, were firmly rooted, no more cultivated than by himself, all obtained through adventure, hard cultivation, absorption, and murder.

While the disciples of the prestigious Gate Sect have a solid foundation, they are fierce and fierce, have extensive field experience, and have unique strengths in fighting.

At the moment, Yang Qi and Anjin practiced on the dojo of Memory Peak. Many of the disciples of Memory Peak were beside each other, watching the two of them practise each other and learn from each other. This is also a formal sermon.

Anjing exerted his qigong, attacked Yang Qi, Yang Qi was unable to sit, waved between his fingers, cracked, and then said that the bloom between these qigong exercises, combed all of Anjing's qigong from beginning to end, and also understood the true practice of the whole Ruyi Tiangong Qigong.

Ruyi Tianzong's Qi Gong practice, in general, is inseparable from the Ruyi word, sprinkle freely, free, but just soft, but hard and soft, condense a little, layer breaking, such as spring wind and rain cultivation, wait until the fire arrives, suddenly a sound, fine gas and mud pills, achievements are proud, sprinkle like clouds.

After practice, the true qi changes infinitely, millions of phantoms, silk buckles, flexible as dragon snakes, vast as waves, is really amazing.

Against enemies, one breath is incredibly long, good at wrestling, wrapping, other gatekeepers and Ruyi Tianzong's disciples battle each other, often defeated each other's long atmosphere, and Ruyi Tianzong's disciples are good at looking for broken blossoms, once found, it is a thunderous blow.

How clever it is to run, Yankee is a big opener, as Yi Tianzong is a superior gatekeeper, passed down for billions of years, even billions of years, a thousand hammers of refinement, all essence, any breathing toner, infiltrates the Divine Way essence, simulates his space into the divine realm, every move, and cooperates with the divine people of the divine realm.

His cultivation of Qigong is the ultimate treasure of the godless, the legacy of the superior demons. Although none of them have reached the extreme point of Deng Feng, it is nevertheless a gaze, which has opened the Gate of the Divine Demons, enlightening the secret of the Divine Demons, and so on, the cultivation continues, feeling that much progress has been made.

And the disciples above and below the memory peak, seeing him and Anjing as practicing the Dao technique, describing qigong, all benefited greatly, in fact, among the various mountain peaks, those chief disciples, are responsible for teaching other disciples, that is, that is, but no chief disciple is as powerful as Yang Qi.

Although the Emperor and Yang Qi tied hands, he encountered the current Yang Qi, fearing that only three moves were defeated.

And his insight, the understanding of Taoist qigong, is far less profound than that of Yang Qi now, after looking at the sheepskin roll, the true demon Wan robbed no bad body of the Xuan Gong, Yang Qi saw any practice as an individual robbery number, practice is to break. Under this ideology, it is really touching the essence of Taoism, it can be said that under three words and two words, it is tantamount to giving people a taste as a stick, pointing directly to the heart, making people enlightened, enlightened, standing God.

Even if the little girl came to explain, it would not have been possible to do so.

So, after several months, the whole memory peak came to hear more and more disciples to explain, he and Anemo practiced each other, once only a few months, which seemed to be a long time in the world, but for the people in the fairy path, the top hand is the finger for a moment, many top hand is millions of years, tens of millions of years, even billions of years.

Rumor has it that some top expert, a billion-year old, has run out of Shou Yuan, has not yet broken through, and it is common to sit dead directly.

The disciples on and off the summit of memory, in these months, everyone cheered thunderboldly, often heard Yang Qi a few words, just momentarily seemed to overwhelm, the whole person enlightened, Qi Gong cultivated great progress, broke through the gate.

In fact, as a disciple of Tianzong, savings are very ambitious. It's just that you can't find a breakthrough, like some big demon heads, they're all over the world themselves, but once they drink it as a stick, they immediately enlighten Buddha. Yang Qi is the master of the head stick drinking, heartfelt, printed and printed, one sentence into the heart of others, so that others burst out.

At the same time, his own practice is very beneficial, helping others to break the word, and it is also equivalent to replacing others' robberies, making his qi more profound.

Especially his gradual enlightenment reached the essence of "the true demon will not destroy the body”. Between practice, Qigong precipitated. In order to avoid the consequences of being swallowed by it, the power of the god township automatically opposes each other, and automatically begins to cultivate it. The true demon will not destroy the body by one point. This power of the god township also increases by one.

Both sides create a bullish smell, making the cultivation of Yang Qi's body thicker and thicker.

He felt that his own energy index had reached 4,000, but under repression, it was still around 3,000, because it could not be too appalling.

For several months, because of his teaching, the disciples of the Peak of Memory are all excellent, the overall level of strength has raised a realm, if it is taught in the virtual divine realm, but they do not get this level, because the disciples of the Gatekeepers of Yang Qi, it is far from possible to make savings comparable to such non-Gatekeepers as Yi Tianzong.

A rumor spreads from top to bottom in Ruyi Tianzong.

“Have you heard? Yang Qi, the disciple of the memory peak, preached on the memory peak, practiced qigong, every sentence directly pointed to the heart, can make people open up, for our understanding of the qigong of Ruyi Tianzong, combined with the disciple's physique, often just one sentence to talk about the human heart. ”

“Of course I know, a while ago, such as the disciple of Yi Tianzong, Qiu Muhua, was far from my opponent, but the other day we met, we fought again, her qi kung fu actually reached an unimaginable and delicate realm, a little movement, running our ‘Luo Tian36 Spinning Divine Line of Qi Kung’ of Yi Tianzong, actually made me breathless, and this progress was really too fast, it seemed to suddenly become a Buddha overnight. ”

“Me, too, encountered the disciple of the Peak of Memory, which was almost the same, now the three moves are defeated. ” ………..

“Who the hell is Yankee from Memory Peak? Even their peak owners could not have done so with a penetration of their hearts and minds and enlightenment. ”

“Unfortunately, we can't get to the top of our memory, otherwise we can see them practicing and our qi will increase dramatically. ”

“There is no way, Memory Peak preaches, according to the rules, only the person of Memory Peak himself can listen. ”

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