Sage Emperor

Chapter 974: Big Enemy Visits

Ruyi Heavenly Sect.

Fifty Mountain Peaks, the first main peak, on Tianzheng Peak.

Many experts gather for daily exercises. This is a daily compulsory lesson, killing each other, sharpening the skills and practical experience, then being evaluated by the chief disciple's emperor's heart, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of Qigong practice.

The same qigong, practiced by hundreds of people, because of physical differences, can produce hundreds of changes, the chief disciple is aimed at pros and cons, correcting the work for these people, so that they follow different methods of practicing to produce the most perfect effect. This is an absolutely vast project that requires a perfect understanding of each person's nature, physical fitness, and variations in qigong in order to achieve the highest degree of cultivation and fitness.

Tianzhuanfeng's talented people are inseparable from the dedication of Emperor's heart.

With the dedication of a chief disciple, the entire summit will flourish, so that thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of millions of years will accumulate, germinate and produce incredible power.

This work at Heavenly Venerable Peak has been going on for hundreds of millions of years without interruption.

At this moment, this practice is also taking place on Tianzhuang Peak, although many disciples are not assassinating each other, fighting, but watching a battle, a woman on the Peak of Memory, and one of Tianzhuang's disciples fighting.

The energy index of the two female disciples is similar, they are all about 256 appearances, should have been equivalent, even the female disciples of Tianzhengfeng should have been more aggressive, the understanding of Qigong should be more profound.

But now this disciple of the Peak of Memory is in full possession of the upper hand, holding a long sword, swordsmanship is sprinkled, and the “swordsmanship of love” by Yi Tianzong is carried out.

This set of swordsmanship is superior swordsmanship, empathy is the main principle, human path, qigong is great and profound, swordsmanship unfolds, and is invincible.

Between the two women and the spelling, this sword technique is carried out, depending on whose sword technique understanding is deeper.

Suddenly, the two disciples simultaneously put out a move, a thousand revolutions.

Suddenly, an individual circle of swordlight appeared between the two, impinging on each other, and large and small rings of sword gas were ejected from the tip of the sword, such as dragon puke beads.

Between the collisions, the female disciple on Tianzheng Peak, suddenly a shock, the light flashed out of her eyes, swordsmanship changed, sword fitted together, came out through waves, directly assassinated, found the burst of the female disciple of Memory Peak.

“Okay, sister, this is a wonderful move with a smile on your eyes. ”

“Amazing, smiling attack, perfect. ”

Everyone cheered thunderously.

However, this sword light assassination reached the body of the female disciple of Memory Peak, the female disciple suddenly changed swordsmanship, seemed to have expected to arrive at the other party, the long sword in his hand shocked, by the method of snatching Tiangong, concentrated on the sword technique of the female disciple of Tianzheng Peak, between the shocks, the other party's long sword inch broke.


Female disciple of Tianzhuanfeng was attacked by sword, face pale, even backwards.


The Emperor's Heart called immediately and came down. The disciple of Memory Peak rushed to collect the sword: “Brother Emperor, I was instructed to come to Tianzheng Peak to exchange swordsmanship. My elder brother Yang Qi said that the means on Tianzheng Peak were smart and that it was not deliberately provocative to come to more consultations. ”

“I know that.” Emperor's heart nods: “Brother Yang Qi is really powerful, on the side of the Blood River, against me, without falling down the wind, and stepping into the Blood River, into the temple, even though he did not take the divine character, but was able to escape from the death under the Lord of the Blood River and many demons of terror grade will, the means are strong, absolutely no ordinary man can compare, his preaching on the memory peak these months, even more shocking, heard a penetration of the heart, the word beads, the perfusion, to make people stand Buddha. I didn't believe it yet, but now it seems, but it's true. The hepatic and intestinal inches you just put out are in line with your own will, swordsmanship and emotional combination, the explosive power is astonishing, it is Brother Yang Qi pointed out. ”

“Brother Emperor has a good guess. ”

This disciple was dark, she had a boyfriend, she was happy, but she died outside, so her whole liver and intestines were broken, all day was melancholy, unpretentious, alive and dead, qigong greatly retreated, almost becoming a cripple.

But after hearing about it at the peak of his memory, Yankee pointed at her and practiced her sword, saying, "Only love can be more than sword.” One sentence made her mind clear.

Her qigong thus advanced, pushed the limits, and transformed her boyfriend's memory into a sword of love. Swordsmanship has reached its ultimate level and spiritual scales have increased extremely rapidly.

Her earlier "liver and intestine" technique was one of the swordsmanship of love. It was nothing, but when she put it out, she was motivated and invincible.

Thanks to Yankee.

Everyone has a story. Yang Qi is asking them to integrate their stories into their Qigong, rise and fall, and rob the Boyuan gods, and break the demons' shock.

Seeing this woman practise, Emperor's heart is also implicitly surprised. Knowing his knowledge of qigong, man's grasp is not as good as that of Yang Qi, he thought in his heart: “I confronted him on the side of the blood river. His qigong, though powerful, could not reach this level. Did he enter the Temple of the blood river and encounter? Or are you hiding your strength? But we were lucky to have someone like that, and I got to the top of my memory and taught him how to do it. ”

Emperor's heart respects this person's heart, but there is no competing heart. Moreover, he and Yang Qi fought each other. He knows that this person is not a person with small stomach and chicken intestines and can definitely support Ruyi Tianzong.

Now, the whole situation is chaotic, the devil is born, and ancient road law-enforcers have appeared in the tomb. They are the biggest enemies of many brothers and evil. Apart from that, the end of the ancient road of the divine realm does not know what to land. It is difficult to measure. Even if Yi Tianjing is a superior gateway, it may not be able to protect it in this wind wave.

So, talented people in the Gate, that's the best.

At the moment, he nodded: “Sister practiced well. With time, it would be a great instrument. Brother Yang Qi practiced as a tall man. He sent you this time, but he reminded me of a wake-up call. We are now disciples up and down on Tianzhenfeng, so I will go to see you. ”


By his command, all the disciples of God flew up and flew towards the summit of memory, causing controversy among many of the masters present.

“Could Heavenly King be in trouble for Memory Peak? ”

“Why is everyone from Tianzhengfeng on the move? ”

“What exactly does the Emperor want to take all of us to Heavenly Peak?”.............

A group of people came to the edge of the memory peak, Emperor Zhenhaha laughed: “Brother Yang Qi, I kind of taught you the means. I can't believe you still have the means to wear your heart and drink as a head stick, so that the disciples are making progress. I led the disciples to communicate this time, hoping to be able to progress with each other with the memory peak. ”

“The Emperor's heart honors the brothers just in time. Tianzheng Peak is our first main peak. The disciples are highly unpredictable. It is an honor for us to visit.” Between the earthquakes of Yang Qi, a golden avenue appeared in front of everyone, and many disciples from Tianzheng Peak came to Memory Peak.

Everyone only realizes that emperor pride is not coming to find a place, but a sincere and sincere exchange.

On the summit of memory, the square is huge, accommodating millions of people, and the disciples of the two peaks, though many, do not exceed 10,000. Because the disciples on the mountain peak are all elites, only the outstanding talents in the courtyard below can be directly chosen as the disciples on the mountain peak.

Among the compounds below, each one is invincible, and one country is contained in it, and the number reaches trillions.

Being able to choose to cultivate among the mountain peaks is definitely a step into the sky.

Like Yankee, entering the Sect directly becomes the chief disciple of the mountain peak, which is extremely rare, of course Yankee proves his worth with strength.

If a figure like the Great Sage Demon joins Ruyi Heavenly Sect, he is surely also a giant elder, and even a peak owner is possible. Directly the Fengjiang Grand Prix.

The disciple of Tianzhengfeng and the disciple of Memory Peak sat on the square, divided into two sides, and the emperor looked at Yang Qi with great respect. In his eyes, Yang Qi seemed to be embedded in the divine realm of the underworld, and he had to fly to God at any time. This is the feeling that the top expert in the horror level will be able to give him, and now Yang Qi has this feeling.

“Dear Brother Emperor, how about a consultation between the disciples of our two mountain peaks when you bring us here today? What's the problem, we all point out their mistakes?” Yankee knew that the emperor's pride was genuine and not deliberately provoked.

Now, he proposed to communicate, let the disciples interact with each other, and then point, enhance the cultivation, which is the quickest way to cultivate.

However, the 50 main peaks of vegetarian discord and strife with each other. Each main peak is practiced in closed doors and will never lead disciples to interact with each other. It is truly admirable that the Emperor now breaks this convention with dignity.

Yankee also felt that the Emperor's heart was broad and not as simple as it seemed.

Disciples on the two main summits, about to communicate.

Suddenly, the entire depth of Ruyi Heavenly Palace sounded countless voices. Immediately, a voice came out: “Each main peak, the chief disciple, brought three distinguished disciples to the Ruyi Heavenly Zone welcoming palace, formed interests, and welcomed the ancient road law-enforcement messenger to come. ”

Dang dang dang dang...

After the sound sounded, the emergency bell fluttered around and was in a hurry, obviously not to welcome the Guest, but to warn many disciples against invasion and the arrival of the great enemy.


Emperor Zheng stood up first, his face changed dramatically: “Something big happened, Ancient Road law-enforcers came to visit? This is not a simple matter, I'm afraid the exchange between our two peaks can no longer proceed, Brother Yang Qi, let's go together to the Ruyitian Palace to welcome the ancient road law-enforcers. ”

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