Sage Emperor

Chapter 975: Strong Enemy Descent

Ancient Road Enforcer finally arrived.

After Yang Qi entered Ruyi Tianzong, he learned that there were ancient road law-enforcers who said that every one of these law-enforcers is a master, terror-grade will, kill people like hemp, establish order, follow me and turn against me and die. Whether they are true or evil, or demons and monsters, they fear flood beasts and want to destroy the confrontation, but they have not been able to succeed.

Long ago, however, the ancient road law-enforcers, fighting against the resistance, died a large part of their lives and gradually disappeared into legend. It was unexpected that this was a recurrence.

Yankee wants to see what the ancient road law-enforcers look like. Three heads and six arms or what? How dare you?

What law do they hold?

“What I hated most in my life was flying the flag, law enforcement everywhere, punishing this, punishing that person, just the three names of the law-enforcers, which had left me disgusted.” He thinks, and hears legends, that law-enforcers are inferior, killing people everywhere, more disturbing than the devil, and repressing them harshly, otherwise they will not make countless masters rise up in the ancient roads.

Perhaps he will enter the ancient God Road himself, go to the Divine Realm, and pass the ancient Road Law Enforcer.

“You disciples, guard the mountain peak strictly and take your positions in accordance with the state of emergency.” The Emperor's face is cold and he commands, “In ancient legends, ancient road law-enforcers are safe from climbing the Sanbao Palace. Once they visit the door, the door will be directly extinguished. Visiting me today is not an easy thing. Prepare yourselves for the most brutal battle! ”


Many disciples swung, swordsmanship, pride, bloodthirsty: “Any ancient road law-enforcer will kill, dare to break into our Ruyi heavenly sect, die one way, defend the interests of Ruyi heavenly sect, even if he lives and forgets to die. ”

“Kill all these law-enforcers and clear the ancient path of the gods. ”

These disciples flew neatly between the long tsunamis, and many people on Tianzheng Peak flew back, while the people on the Peak of Memory took up their positions, mastering the great array on the peak, and a ray of light swept up into the sky.

The entire peak of memory is itself a combination of many magic treasures.

After many billions of years of condensation, these pharaohs have been transformed into giant formations that, once activated, can multiply energy hundreds of times to resist the outside world.


Yang Qi looked at the past, the whole of Ruyi Tianzong, under the long sound of the alarm, all of them shook up, a lot of light rushed to the sky, the big battle prompted, Xia Guangwandao, Rui Qi Qianqi, illuminated the future, killing Machine Sen, especially deep in Ruyi Tiangong, an extremely powerful fluctuation of magic transmitted out.

The laws of space are so tight, as if in that Buddha Cave, many disciples could not fly.

But now all the disciples are in position, and they don't care about the laws of space. Each disciple has a fixed position, usually sitting and practicing, infusing part of his true qi into the Great Battle, and now the foreign enemies invade. They don't need to move at all, so they can evolve into great magic.

However, the Principal Disciple on each Peak will bring three distinguished disciples to the Visitors.

The peak of memory is naturally Yang Qi, Anjie, like, there is also a female disciple recently advanced in qigong, called Mo Yunling, cultivated is a very difficult qigong on the entire peak of memory, “Ruthless Book of Heaven," under Yang Qi's fingertips, qigong quickly became the third person in the peak of memory.

On Tianzheng Peak, nature is Emperor's Heart, there is also Emperor Rain who has dealt with Yang Qi, the other person is called Tiyan Wang, this person is repaired by Xuan Tianjiu Yuyi Giant Spiritual Divinity, the strength is infinite, the body is indestructible, although compared to Yang Qi's ten thousand robberies is not bad body, it is a little witch witch, but outside, it is also the absolute top, randomly kill dozens of first-class doors, which is as simple as eating and drinking water.

Now, these men flew up and headed towards Ruyi Heavenly Palace.


Yang Qi stepped on the ground and reached the Ruyi Palace. The steps shrugged into the clouds. At least there were tens of thousands of steps into it, which was the welcoming hall, where people had long gathered.

One by one, arrange seats.

On the first throne, sitting with a tall crown man, his body was fierce, his white face was unnecessary, his eyes exploded, he held a post in his hand, his body fluctuated spiritually, making Yang Qi feel very horrible, which is obviously the master of Ruyi Tianzong.

Next to the Lord Ruyi Catholic, those who sit with more than a dozen mighty men are terror-grade will. Rumor has it that they are members of the Presbyterian Legion, antiques.

Below is the Lord of the Fifty Peaks.

One of the little girls is Heran.

This little girl, who is sitting on a throne with her eyes closed, is indifferent to anything. But between breaths, it also appears to have a mind.

The master disciple of the Fifty Peaks entered the palace in turn, Yangchitung felt that many eyes came towards him, especially the eyes of the Italian Catholic Father, landed on his body, but did not penetrate, just to see how his temperament was.

“Hmm? This Lord is unusual. In my opinion, this Lord should see me up and down.” Yang Qi moved in his heart.

The lord had retracted his eyes and did not inquire into Yankee's secrets.

Yet there are several other people, staring dead at Yang Qi, Yang Qi doesn't need to look to know, it must be the Lord of Dawei Peak, the Lord of Lingpi Peak, the Lord of Naluo Peak.

But the ranked heavenly peak lord did not move, even his eyes open.

“Be careful in the future, the peak owners of those three peaks, because I beat their chief disciple, must have hatred in my heart, and will be against me in the future.” Yang Qi had a dark vigilance in his heart, and the three peak masters were the most powerful and could not be underestimated. Among them, the Lord of Dawei Peak was not even the most powerful of the will of the terror level.

This is the welcoming hall of Ruyi Tianzong, the interior is unpredictable, Yang Qi first arrived, the foreign official went up to the dynasty, over the palace. He wanted to go into the Ruyi Palace and explore where the mental scaling system was. Because of its tight defense, he didn't dare to do it, and now he is in it. All sides are surrounded by masters, and there can be no small movements.

Fortunately, his Qigong has advanced, his energy index has reached 4,000, and Yeti Gao is bold and fearless at all.

Everybody's here.

Yang Qi, Anjie, and the disciple Mo Yunliang, all stood behind the little girl, Yang Qitun felt all eyes were blocked, the little girl's memory beside the master, there was a spiritual force field that could block everything, so that he was protected and indestructible, which was also a gesture.


Ruyi Tianzong's lord opened his mouth, his voice was fierce, like Hong Zhong Dalu, inspiring reflection, everyone heard in his ear, all spiritually exhilarating, worthy of no lord, Yang Qi all felt that the sound penetrated into his sea of knowledge, turned into a warm current, moisturizing Yuan God, so that his Yuan God reached a limit.

This is a spiritual mystery, which is tantamount to too ancient a divine technique, strengthening the human spirit.

Yang Qi recognized that there is also a halo in his eternal Heaven Song, called “Light of Wisdom”. Once implemented, people's spiritual strength is held up and soared immediately.

However, he could not do so, and the boundaries were not sufficient, by speaking directly and invisibly, as in the case of the Patriarch Ruyi.

“For me, I haven't performed my Eternal Heaven Song magic for a long time. I wonder where this magic has reached? Enlightened by the robbery wave of the immortal body, this qi kung fu also rises with the water, and it is only when the limit is reached that it is repaired. ”

He was thinking that the Lord had interrupted his thinking: “Today's important meeting, as we all know, just three hours ago, where I closed down, a post suddenly appeared silently. This post is a frightening law enforcement sticker on the ancient road, billions of trillions of gates. It was left behind by ancient road law-enforcers trying to extinguish door law enforcement. In ancient times, all the pieces of law enforcement stickers left behind on the ancient road of the gods were to be extinguished, basically no survivors, what do you think? ”


A peak lord opened his eyes: “Brother, this matter is not necessarily that simple. Ancient road law-enforcers are not law enforcers of Tai Ancient times. If you want to cover the sky with one hand, it may not be possible. If you destroy us, you will surely have to pay the cost of bleeding.” This Lord of the Peaks is the Lord of the Heavenly Peaks. He opens his mouth and many of the Lord of the Peaks want to stop. He is the only one looking.

“Of course that's what I said.” The Patriarch said: "But this law enforcement sticker can be sent silently to my closed place without being developed by anyone. The strength of the law enforcement personnel is shocking. ”

“Yeah...” An elder senator of the Senate sighed: “Where the Patriarch shut down, at the heart of our Heavenly Sect, where you all know what this place is, and can send the posts in silently, it is really worrying, the ancient road law-enforcers have always been ghostly, shall we fight them hard or not? ”

“This time the ancient road law-enforcers must have come to claim the bodies of their companions.” Another senator said, "We'll give him back the body of our companion. Is he really going to destroy us? ”

“Never!” Lord Tianzhengfeng hastily said: "In this way, have they caught the handle? Even more excuses can be made for us to die. I think we should deny the matter and not admit it. ”

“Hmm……..” the Patriarch nodded: “Death or non-admission is necessary, otherwise the excuse given to ancient road law-enforcers is even more unscrupulous. ”

This patriarch, the voice has just fallen, suddenly there is a voice coming from afar: “Shut up, Shut up........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ”

When I heard that voice, everyone in the room changed color.

Unexpectedly, in this welcoming hall, the conversation about secrets, the seals around, were spread out. What other secrets does Ruyi Heavenly Sect have for ancient road law-enforcers?

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