Sage Emperor

Chapter 988: Law Enforcer's Nest

As such, Yang Qi was dragged away by the small leader, the further away he gradually reached the deep end of the tomb, the deeper he went into the tomb, the wider the tunnel was, the bigger and bigger the position attached to the fairy realm above, began to be more than 100 level fairy realm, after about a few hours of flight, more than 100 level fairy realm disappeared, replaced by 200 level fairy realm, then a few days and nights later, 300 level fairy realm appeared.

At the same time, the law in the tunnel is becoming more oppressive.

Yankee feels like he is back in the Buddha cave again, even more powerful than the oppression in the Buddha cave, good that he is now able to fly with great power, almost as good as the horror level will of the master. And he didn't have to fly himself, and the Ancient Road Enforcement took him.

Among the fairy worlds on the walls of the tunnel, countless countries, civilizations, monks have developed, but because of the power of the tunnel, these monks can only live in their own fairy worlds and cannot come out to explore the outside world, even those with an energy index of more than 2,000 monks, cannot break through the suppression of the tunnel and reach outside to explore everything.

That's weird.

Yang Qi always felt that the tomb had a sense of pig rearing, 300 level fairy realm, according to the logic, can be born the strongest, all the horror level masters can be born, but Yang Qi saw it all the way but didn't show up. Those fairy worlds seem to be suppressed by enormous forces.

Only by spraying it out can it flourish.

“Perhaps it is the Great Tomb Law that suppresses the development of the Immortal Realm and cannot create the strongest realm. This tomb is really much more powerful than Wangtu Wangjie. The 300 level fairy world has been born. I used to think that the 33 level fairy world was big enough. Now looking at the tomb, it's like the countryman went into the city, and the sample is rare.” Yankee came deep into the tomb, twitching and wondering.

Deep in the tomb, it is also very dangerous, the energy surge sometimes surges, the fog rises, the hours of flight are all covered in mist, the fog deep winds rise, clouds sweep the heavens and the earth, sometimes thunder lightning, sometimes heavy rain pours, this heavy rain is not just ordinary rain, but the strongest rain, once it falls, melts everything, with unparalleled penetration, several horror level law enforcement personnel have to sacrifice the artifact treasure, jingle knock knock knock, some artifacts are instantly punched through, cannot be maintained.

Eventually, they can only develop their Qi Kung and resist the rain.

“Damn, these rains are chaotic, draining our true qi, coming and going.” The law-enforcers stopped and watched as the rain poured all over them. They raved down, provoked the real air shield themselves to protect their bodies, but the lady fell down and struck the shield even shaking, and there was a shock all over their bodies.

They can only keep pushing the Qi, traveling in the rain, and every drop of rain clicking down is equivalent to a world in shock, falling. It's not fun, even if the energy level reaches 3,000 monks, coming to the rain point, it's hard to resist, can only die one way.

“By the way, this rainstorm is the most violent force deep in the tomb, we delay this boy...” A law enforcement officer said to the little leader.

“Well, look at his body and see if he can withstand the baptism of the rain!” Little leaders nod their heads, too.

Deep in the tomb, more and more heavenly elephants are very violent, intense, and have evolved the signs of the divine realm. This divine rain is actually in the divine realm. It is not the will of the terror level. It is completely irresistible. When a heavy rain falls, man becomes ashes. In front of the heavy rain, any expert and artifact below the terror level is like a mud man.


Yang Qi's body was thrown out, suddenly the pouring rain impacted his body, the sound of ticking and answering, then turned into a sword symphony, the fierce killing made his body flash out sparks, as if striking iron, those rains impacted his body, causing great destructive force, these destructive forces penetrated his body, causing huge number of robberies.

“What a rain! ”

In the map of the kings of the universe, the giant Divine Array is in motion. You can see that the power of impact is turned into a flash of ordinary energy into the Divine Array. The Divine Array is all squeaking and squeaking, almost breaking. Yang Qi's own will, entering the state of meditation.

This rain is too heavy.

It is not at all comparable to ordinary monks, even Yang Qi seems to be unable to resist, but entering the state of meditation, exerting the power of Wangtu of the universe, can melt the impact of the number of energy robberies.

“Mighty! ”

The immortal split up and flew out, presiding over the Divine Array, his hands struck out all kinds of energy, erupted invincible majesty, every shock, then the Divine Array stabilized part.

At the same time, his fingers bounced, and suddenly a rainstorm arrived on his fingers, and suddenly very heavy on his fingers, seemed to be about to be broken, oppressing a world.

His dark surprise, his observation of the rain of God, was that it had a strong impact, the world was extinct, and divine ferocity. A drop of rain falls, which equates to a world in ruin and a fairy world exploding.

“Sheepskin! ”

The rainstorm impacted the force more and more fiercely, the formation was almost destroyed, the sheepskin roll was quickly sacrificed, the sheepskin roll was placed in the center, the town pressure, these forces impacted on the sheepskin roll, one font emitted a very strong and great atmosphere.

Strength tamed down and became very soft.

Yankee is outside of the body, floating in the air, baptized by the rain, sparks are getting bigger and bigger, but the dark running qigong in the body, another word of robbery will congeal to form, the fifteenth font cultivation reaches half.

“No, this man is so strong. With the help of the rain, he can't practise again. He can't be baptized anymore. Can't even do anything about the rain?” An ancient road law-enforcer was astonished and rushed to use his real Qi to capture Yang Qi back, but just between the moments of his real Qi capture, in the rain, a thunderbolt burst, violently split down, so that he rushed to hide, scared the big jump, this thunderbolt in the rain, that is, the thunderbolt of divine punishment, slaughtered on his body, suffered a lot of harm.

When he retracted his hand, he saw Yankee's body being struck by thunder, the current flashing on his body, the current of nourishment penetrated into his body pores, a squeaky sound inside his body, seemed to be collapsing, and seemed to be condensing some kind of strong and horizontal physique, not long later, his body burst out with the strongest breath.


Once the four ancient road law-enforcers grabbed Yang Qi's body again, they saw the essence continuously ejected from each other's body, and seemed to have cultivated it again into an incredibly powerful and invincible magic.

“Damn, he used the power of the rain to cultivate a robbery digital body again! ”

The little leader scolded: “I am helping him this time, but he will continue to practice and be suppressed by us. As long as we do not break the will of the horror level one day, we can suppress him. His body is so strong, even Shen Yu Shen Thunder can resist, I don't believe it! ”

“Let's go, little leader, never let him practice again. We'll get to the nest and fix him up again.” At present, several ancient road law-enforcers learned a lesson, stopped staying, went deep into the tomb, and flew for about a few days. The fairy world in front of them is getting bigger and bigger. There is actually a 500-class fairy world. Each fairy world has a booming atmosphere. The weather is thousands of years old, and the master layer is infinite, but it is suppressed by the law of the tomb, and it has become impossible for those who want to break through its own fairy world.

However, the Five Hundred Levels of Immortal Realm is a huge world in itself. Even 3,000 energy index masters can't fully explore it, but don't worry about sitting in a well and watching the sky. The world is too small to be suppressed. Yankee is suspicious that the best of these 500-class fairy worlds, who have no idea how wonderful the world is outside, is living in a tomb. It is even possible that the masters thought that the tomb was the divine realm and were able to break the law and reach the divine realm.

Sometimes, some robberies such as divine rain, divine thunder and divine wind penetrate the crystal wall system, causing disaster in the fairy world, is divine robbery.

Looking at these fairy realms in the tomb, Yang Qi shook his head in the dark, feeling that they were living in a game and could not jump to reality.

Finally, the breath shook, and there was an extremely glorious country ahead, like a mirage in the city, as if the nest had arrived, the nest of ancient road law-enforcers.

But Yankee didn't seem to react yet, the whole person was transferred, spinning, seemed to step into a transmission array, couldn't even peek at the whole nest, and was transferred to a palace. When he was captured from the transmission array by the law-enforcers, some outside could not be seen, he didn't know where he had reached?

This is a huge palace with brilliant crystal walls, quaint atmosphere, and artifacts everywhere. These artifacts converge to form huge divine energies, Divine Doors, all over the place, much stronger than Italian heavens do not know.

“The master is back. ”

Some people knelt on the ground and watched the little leaders and others step out of the transmission array. These people Yang Qi felt that they were all monks with an energy level above 3,000. Apparently, they were first-class patriarchs, all of whom could see the untamed smell from them, but now they are completely ambushed and enslaved.


The little leader kicked open a slave servant and said, "I've been away for a while now, what happened? ”

“There are..." a big housekeeper even kowtowed: “I heard that Ning Xiaowang's side destroyed several superb doorman pieces, caught many slaves back, and fought Buddhist master, but was defeated by that master, and several horror-level willed masters around him, all wounded, this affair shook many kings. ”

“What, Buddhist masters are so powerful?” The little leader asks, "What Buddhist sect is it? ”

“One of the newest Buddhist sects, in the Immortal World, has developed a tremendous power, seems to have the taste of annexing the world, and luck has gathered a lot.” The housekeeper said: "It's called the Last Sect. ”

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