Sage Emperor

Chapter 989: Do What You Can

“Last Sect? Haven't there been such a Buddhist sect before, have they been flourishing recently?” The little leader asks strangely, "How dare Buddha confront our ancient road law-enforcers? Although that little Ning King is my enemy, it is also the Buddhist sect that challenges the majesty of my ancient road law-enforcers and must be exterminated. ”

“Little leader, it's not that simple.” The housekeeper prostrated again: “In fact, it was the last one very strong, come to the door, let us ancient road law-enforcers turn to him, the last of which was a noble man, very scary, to fight with the king of our ancient road law-enforcers, enough to send out the nine kings, so that the king of our ancient road law-enforcers would not dare to attack the last. ”

“What?” The little leader was shocked: “What else is there to know about the unsuccessful? Nine kings to be deported? It's not surrender, it's not killing, it's just deportation. How far does that man go? Is it arrogant? ”

“Nor was he so fierce.” An ancient road law-enforcer said: “Forget it, little leader, ask these slaves can't ask anything, now the tomb appears, all kinds of characters rise, our ancient road law-enforcers, although they get a lot of benefits in the tomb, none of the heirs of the tomb came out, it seems the heirs of the tomb, in the future the rise of those heirs of the tomb will pose the most serious threat to us Yan law-enforcers. ”

“Not bad, but we, the ancient road enforcers, are still the most powerful force.” Little leaders said: “It is up to me to inherit the greatest emperor, to bring the entire ancient road law-enforcers back to their peak, to slaughter all disgruntled beings, to rule the heavens and the earth, and to break the tradition that ancient road law-enforcers cannot become gods. ”

It turns out that the ancient road law-enforcers, though powerful, have a fatal disadvantage, which is that they cannot become gods, because the ancient road law-enforcers are inherently the gods left on the ancient road law enforcement, how can they become gods? The greatest regret is that a generation of ancient road law-enforcers are stuck at the crossroads of God, unable to break through.

Though they cannot be gods, the gods have given ancient road law-enforcers the strongest ability. No immortal is their opponent. If they are not gods, they will be suppressed by ancient road law-enforcers.

That is why ancient road law-enforcers can sweep ancient roads unrivalled.

“Not bad, we ancient road law-enforcers want to find all the ways to break this junction, maybe the tomb will appear, it will affect us, our king has explored some secrets deep in the tomb, they went to the thousands of levels of fairy world, the ruins deep in the tomb of the magic, otherwise, come back long ago, destroy the last Buddha gate.” An ancient road law-enforcer harshly said: “Little leader, we crush this boy, we must squeeze out the mystery of his body. His true demon will not destroy his body. It is a concentration of heaven and earth wisdom, hell sage. I will not enter hell, who enters the great spirit of hell and creates a physique against the gods. If the little leader succeeds in cultivation, he will not necessarily be able to break the prohibitions placed on us ancient road law-enforcers, achieve the great gods, reach the divine realm. ”

“This is what I thought, too, so I looked for everything I had ever practiced against the Gods.” Little leader said faintly: “However, the harvest is negligible, and the great black flame of the evil gods, while giving me powerful energy, is unable to refine the genetic shackles that the gods leave behind in our genetic instincts of life. ”

“True Demon Robbery is sure to break the body.” An Ancient Road Enforcement Nod: “Little Leader, I'm going to go out and listen to the news, and don't spread the word about catching this kid, otherwise you have a lot of competitors, if you steal this kid and want to get what's on him, then give up. ”

“Naturally this one knows, you go! Three people stayed, and at the same time found me" ghosts "," children "," swallows back "," fierce moments ". Four of them, under my father, were the most powerful law-enforcers, stronger than all of you, and my father went to explore a thousand levels of fairy kingdom. The four of them are now the most powerful guardian gods in my palace. ”

“They're knowledgeable, they might be able to find out the secret about this kid, blow it apart," the little leader said. ”


Now, an ancient road law-enforcer went, and the three ancient road law-enforcers and small leaders sealed Yang Qi, entering the depths of the palace, shortly after, came into a huge Dan house, deep in this Dan pharmaceutical house, not knowing what materials were built, underground, the flame of the bear erupted, there was a dinghuo on it, many of which were boiled like flowers.

As soon as I came in, it was fierce.

Even small leaders wear a turquoise silk coat to prevent heat waves.

“Get the shackles! ”


Immediately afterwards, the little leader commanded that the ancient road law-enforcers remove the huge shackles and seal Yankee's hands and feet with all the shackles.

“This is a lockdown shackle, built by my ancient road law-enforcers to deal with the horror-class master of will. Once you're sealed with the shackles, you won't have any resistance, you know?” The little leader said to Yang Qi fiercely: “Now, I will do everything I can to torture you, I don't believe that your robbery is not so bad. ”

“I didn't move, I went through a lot of robberies, and then I made it.” Yang Qi opened his eyes faintly: “Little leader, everything you do for me is wasted effort. The more pain you put on me is the number of robberies, the more robberies I have, the more refined my qi kung fu is. You are only accomplishing me. I advise you not to waste your time, release me and let me go back to Ruyi Tianzong. ”

Yang Qi knows the character of the small leader, the more excited this person is, the more uncomfortable this person is, the more he will use various means to deal with himself, and then he can cultivate himself into the strongest means.

Lock the shackles on his hands and feet, and Yankee doesn't care because he feels that if he does all his strength, he can break it at any time, because these people don't know what his real strength is, his real strength, hidden deep in the King of the Worlds map.

Ka-cha, ka-cha...

At this moment, the sound of footsteps was transmitted, Yang Qi shocked all over his body and immediately heard. He was the four unsuccessful masters. Their footsteps were hidden in the heavens and the earth seemed to spin between them, listening to him in his ears. Apart from their voices, there were no more sounds.

“The four mighty ancient road law-enforcers came and wondered if I could handle it? However, it is also a number of robberies, the more I cannot cope with the number of robberies. If I cope with the past, my repair and body will progress. Anyway, this time I reached the depths of the ancient road law-enforcers' nest, saying that nothing can return empty-handed. ”

At the moment, he looked at the people.

Indeed, four other ancient road law-enforcers came to the Dan house, and together, the flame of the entire Dan house was extremely suppressed and cooled for a while.

“Little leader.” Four great experts came and paid a visit to the little leader.

“Four uncles, don't be polite, according to the logic, I should be worshipping four uncles, but because the thief in front of me, many tricks, one bad, is going to show up, I want to suppress him fully.” Between the voices of a small leader, he was very polite to the four powerful terror figures who came, apparently the strongest of his father's men.

His father, who should be the king of ancient road law-enforcers, unfortunately Yang Qi did not peek at the whole of the ancient road law-enforcers' nest when he arrived. It is a pity that he will have the opportunity to peek at it in the future.

“I've heard. ”

One of the tall, wearing black armor, many snake-shaped ancient road law-enforcers on the armor said: “Congratulations, young leaders, capture the practitioner of the true demon, I already know that this Qigong sheepskin roll was in the hands of a great sage demon, I don't know how to reach this person? ”

“Unfortunately, the whereabouts of the parchment have not yet been forced out.” The Little Leader said: "None of our methods can destroy his body. Instead, we help him to build divine merit. Isn't the True Demon Magic Robbery so powerful? ”

“Impossible.” This mighty law-enforcer said: "In the ancient road, some people practiced this Xuan Gong. Although he died of fire, he should be stronger than this. How can he exhaust the methods and not die? ”


The law-enforcement man was fierce: "Little leader, I'm going to try to see if this man can stand my Xuantian Ghost Dao Gong? ”

“Okay, Uncle Ghost, whatever you do, but be aware that this son uses your attack as a robbery count and practises his own magic.” Little leader said.

“I would also like to see, with such skill, how can I absorb some of the attacks and turn them into robberies when I have seen the demons who practiced this Xuan Gong and fought against the kings of our law-enforcers? Unless it is a great achievement, but a great achievement, at least among the gods, the kingdom of the Supreme God. A little character, practicing to this point, is delusional. ”


The ghosts slapped Yankee on the top of his head, forcing him to break through the sea.

The crowd saw a strong black and purple airflow pouring into his palm. This purple and black airflow showed the strongest attack power. It shook into Yang Qi's body. Everyone heard Yang Qi's body inside. It produced a sound that broke like porcelain. Bang Bang... Burned porcelain.

“Such a great power…” Yang Qi was also astonished. This clap was enough to cause him damage, but he quickly entered into a state of meditation. The Numen disappeared in the sea of knowledge, and by virtue of how his body fluctuated, he did not move at all. The hijacking wave was derived and began to absorb this person's energy.

“How much can you absorb? ”

A long rainbow of purple and black, from which the ghost rushed to the sky.

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