The 8th generation era was the era of my emergence. In the same generation, I became the Immortal Sage, but was it worth it? My family died, my friends died, and for what? They had died because I was eager to protect the knowledge that only the Genius Bloodline could learn. And that was why I was not willing to protect the whole world anymore.

However, it felt like I was still bound to it. That was me... A stupid one who still continued to reach the pinnacle of magic. But, the ending was that I failed. I didn't pursue it anymore and wanted death.

I already had revenge on my family and friends, and the world was peaceful. For what purpose should I continue to live? I became eccentric and wanted a company that could understand me. But, I was so blinded by it that I killed myself, and here I am, in the Four Heavens, bound to a legacy I must finish.

I am not angry about it and I am willing to finish it. But there was one thing I wanted after I died: I wanted to die peacefully, not knowing the state of my soul. That was the only thing I wanted for now.

Living with the immortals was a joke. That wasn't my real goal. Perhaps, my clouded personality at that time thought that I wanted to live happily with immortals that could company me. The change was that I didn't feel the same way by now.

What I wanted most now was to die. But, I won't die if I don't finish the legacy. I know for sure. Hence, I should wake up by now and continue the legacy. In this world, this life had no meaning anymore. I just want to die. Cultivation became a joke for me. I wanted to die.

Ignoring things would be best for me.


[Army of the Northern Continent]

"My Lord, we are expecting the Eastern Continent to have a weak defense." 

"Good. Let us continue and stop bothering me. I am containing my bloody hell-boiling thirst for blood. I can't wait until I see those people die by my hands." The Cannibal Hero grinned.

The Regional Council ignored it and didn't bother TCH anymore. And as they looked at the direction of their voyage, some generals from the other ships were talking, as if celebrating a predicted victory.

"What would you do if you were given a piece of land on the Eastern Continent?" One general asked another general, who had an innocent young face. He was tall and slightly well-built. His aura was calm, but deep inside, it was so dark that anyone would doubt their judgment.

"I will take women, of course. You know how much I love a woman." Another general answered, who had a thin body yet a dark aura around him. He wore ragged robes and also had dirty skin. He wore a straw hat and a sword on his waist that didn't have any scabbard.

"Oh, come on, Min Lao. That is boring. Don't you think drinking blood will be okay?" The innocent-looking general asked again. He was sitting on the ropes of the sail of the ship, making his weight light as a feather.

"Bi Nam, you are still a disgusting species. We don't drink blood!" Min Lao hissed, teasingly with a grin on his face, viciously creating a disgusted expression.

Hearing it gasp and retract slightly, Bi Nam looked around with his still surprised eyes and then hushed Min Lao. "Hey... don't say that. The Cannibal Hero enjoys eating the flesh and drinking the blood of those who have beaten him with swords and fists. Don't ever say that."

Min Lao, hearing it, and noticing how hysterical Bi Nam's face was, couldn't help but snicker. He suppressed his laughter and wiped away the tears that had emerged in his eyes. 

"What? I am not joking." Bi Nam calmly stated, trying to hush Min Lao.

"I know. But, isn't that just a myth? Who would believe that kind of crap? Even if the general was that strong, who would like to eat flesh and drink blood? That is disgusting." Min Lao insisted.

Bi Nam could only slap his palm onto his clear forehead while saying, "If you don't believe my warnings, you are seeking death, Min Lao. I already told you to stop that."

"Hmmm... Then tell me, why do you like drinking blood? Are there benefits you could get from blood?" Min Lao asked, curious, showing an intrigued expression.

Bi Nam only shrugged and then said, "I just felt good when I drank the blood. Perhaps I have a vampiric nature. I don't know."

Min Lao snorted again, just hearing it. "What are you, a Vampiric Bat?"

Bi Nam stared at Min Lao while having a deep thought and then shook his head afterward. "I don't know." Then, he stood up and said, "Anyways, I will be going back to my ship. Take a bath, will you?"

Bi Nam started flying and went back to a ship that was just beside Min Lao's. Min Lao only shook his head and went back to lying on the floor of his ship. He ignored everyone and continued to fill his lungs with the wind of their voyage. 

He then closed his eyes and listened to the clash of the water as it reached their ships. He indulged himself in the anger of the water and smiled until he totally fell asleep. 

Meanwhile, some of his people were talking about their prediction of how the war would go.

"I am excited to fight. Since decades ago, I haven't fought. I wanted to kill people again."

"Are you stupid? Why would you expect a war? There could be a fort in their port that could kill you before you even reach the walls." Someone said, but the majority of the soldiers ignored it and laughed at the absurd words they had heard.

"Why would you expect much from them? They are weak. And because of the benevolence of our continent, they won't be alive till now."

"That is right. No one can defeat the great Northern Continent. We are strong."

The same soldier who was being reasonable didn't jump into their idea. Instead, he had a rational idea that he shared with everyone. "Stop underestimating people. You could get nothing from underestimating but only put yourself in danger. Putting your guard down is a stupid thing."

Everyone became silent and only stared at this soldier. They thought of what he said, but later on, they laughed out loud, teasing the soldier that shared that notion.

"You should have pursued a career as a scholar, not as a soldier. What are you even blabbering about?"

"I just wanted to say that. Why are you even taking my words into foolishness." The mindful soldier said and turned his back on the rest. "If you want to continue to live as a stupid person, then I have nothing against it. But remember that I had already warned you."

"Hmph! What could a weak continent do to our continent? You are just questioning the capabilities of our army."


The soldier went out of the ship, and as he arrived, he tried to erase the frustrating argument he had with his fellow soldiers. He thought that they were stupid and didn't have any idea of what they were talking about. It was as if their narrow minds were already closed.

However, it was understandable for them to act in this manner, as common soldier training included looking down on their enemies. Being cruel to their enemies was the purpose of their training, as well as being patriotic. 

However, this soldier was different as he came from a sect, unlike others. "If only I wasn't separated from my brothers, then I wouldn't feel irritated being surrounded by fools."

The soldier had his eyes on the voyage, but, as slowly as they were arriving on the Eastern Continent, his eyes could only widen as he saw what was on the other side of the waters. 

There were tall walls that almost surrounded the whole island on this continent. And as he looked at the port on the coastline, he couldn't help but feel nervous. 

"Oh no... What is this?"

The navigators that had been watching their tracks sent an alarm to the Regional Council. The councilors then formed a group and fell in line in front of TCH. Then, as he looked at them, his eyebrows could only furrow from irritation.

"What of it, now?" He uttered in a raucous voice.

Everyone lowered their heads immediately and made a report. "My Lord, we are afraid that we should reduce our speed. The navigators just noticed that the Eastern Continent successfully created a wall."

They continued to share their worries, but TCH only cleaned his ears, gesturing that it was not necessary to be bothered with it. He then stated, "Are you really smart? Don't be fret about those walls. They created it in a short time, so the strength of it should be low."

And as TCH said it, everyone became silent. They looked at him with amusement and also admire. "My Lord, you are indeed the best fighter!"

It was an absurd reaction from them, but, TCH was used to it as sometimes, even though he had them as his brain, he still had to use his mind to think and help with the strategies.

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