"Heavens..." The soldiers of the main army of the Northern Continent couldn't help but be dumbfounded, looking at the line of gigantic walls that the Eastern Continent had prepared. This caused them a distraction and a blank stare at the moment they were about to approach the coastline of the continent. Just as the Regional Council went out of the room with TCH, they angrily shouted at them.

"What are you doing? Are they worried about their walls? Are you crazily out of your minds?"

Their roars shook the systems of all of the soldiers. On the other ships, they were warned by their generals to not be taken aback by the taunt of the walls. Some of the generals had already thought that the walls might be only a show for their lack of defense.

"What a play. They do really like playing the defenders. They couldn't even play it right."

"The Eastern Continent might have been the house of mystical arts a thousand years ago, but they were much more complacent even after surviving the Great World War. Do they think that their walls were enough to stop us?"

"Enough! Everyone! The Cannibal Hero had ordered us to destroy that annoying wall! Let's go!"

The Cannibal Hero, intently looking at the walls from his ship with a smug face, as well as feeling the stomp of his excited heart. He ordered his men to destroy the walls, so he could have a proper view of his men trampling over them.

At his side, the Regional Council had stiff expressions, waiting for the other commanders to commence the order of the general. And just as they arrived at the coastline, they immediately climbed down from their ships.

On top of the walls, soldiers on the Eastern Continent's side emerged with victorious smiles on their faces. They demonstrated that they would not be swayed by their numbers by filling the entire coastlines with people.

The tension between them continued, as the soldiers below started to pack up and reinforce their swords with their Qi. And following the lead of the commanders of each battalion, they started rushing to the walls.

The soldier at the top had suddenly stiffened their expressions, preparing for a possible clash. But, as the soldiers had attacked the walls at the same time, their swords broke for some unknown reason.

This incident left them bewildered, looking at their broken swords and gripping their hilts. They made a loud noise, devastated by what had just happened.

"Our swords... they are broken!"

"What happened? The wall was strong?"

Just when the Regional Council noticed it, they shouted their new order. "Prepare for the group formation! Use the catapult formation!"

The soldiers looked at their backs, just where the council was. And as the idea reached them, they immediately formed into a formation that seemed to be a wall, and behind it were soldiers.

They moved in unison, and an image of a catapult emerged. In total, 38 catapults were created from the formation of mystical arts. As they continued, a huge rock appeared.


As they moved into a different form again, the rocks that were created from their mystical arts flew up high, targeting the soldiers on the wall. The soldiers above were surprised. With eyes wide, terror spread.

The rocks flew with a violent sound. And just as they were about to hit, the rocks bounced back at them. And as this happened, they were baffled that the rocks went back to them. They didn't expect a protective array protecting the walls.


"Aaahhh!!! Aaahhh!!!! Aaahhh!!!" The cries of the soldiers below filled the coastline, making TCH and the other officials hiss from disappointment at their actions. And just as the Eastern Continent successfully defended themselves, they were prepared to attack.

TCH's eyes widened as the soldiers above had prepared bows and arrows, with fire lit on the arrowheads. The soldiers released it, making a hail of arrows rain down.

"What are you doing?! Protect yourselves! Fuck!"

The Cannibal Hero's roar spread as he couldn't contain his anger anymore. Deep in his eyes, he could see his men dying, helplessly from the attacks of his enemies. And as this continued, there was no other method he could use.

"Fly! Fly! Fly!"

The Regional Council couldn't handle it well enough that they launched their own control of the elite soldiers in the main army. And just as they moved them, they reinforced them with their own Qi.

The elite soldiers started flying. They wore thick armor and numbered 300 in total. They had the ability to destroy a protective array, as all of them were in the Master Spirit Realm and could create an attack equivalent of a General Spirit Realm cultivator together.

The elite soldiers smirked and floated in a formation, dodging every arrow and then executing a martial art that they had practiced since their service.

"Mortal Heavenly Combat! Giant Torpedo!"

A huge stick of metal, equivalent to the size of a pagoda, was created in the sky, falling straight to the top of the walls. And seeing that, the soldiers above couldn't help but fret about its presence. They vacated the top of the walls, climbing down and regrouping with the main force of the Elite Army of the Eastern Continent.

The giant torpedo in the skies fell down onto the protective array, destroying it into pieces as well as creating a path on the walls. Everyone saw this with awe in their eyes, and noticing that they had a path to infiltrate the continent, everyone shouted with their war cries.




The Cannibal Hero let out a sigh of relief when he saw the huge hole in the wall that was the result of their formation. He then ordered the soldiers to enter the walls and execute the soldiers they would see. Just a few seconds later, another group of ships appeared, making the whole number of their army a total of 300,000.

As he looked at the blood splattering in all directions inside the walls, he smiled. His army slowly moved to trample the people inside. But for some reason, what he was watching brought him a nostalgic memory from the past. 

He was looking at the war, but his ears were as if deaf. He could not hear any of the shouts from the battlefield. He was still smiling.

Meanwhile, inside the walls were the Elite Army of the Eastern Continent. They were behind some huge machines that looked like catapults, but their ammo was some kind of huge rock with an odd appearance. It looked like a green slime ball.

"What the heck is that?"

The soldiers of the Northern Continent were taken aback, looking at the ammo of their catapults. From their perspective, the soldiers of the Eastern Continent were not that numerous compared to them, but they were dumbfounded by the bizarre weapons that were being used by their enemies.

"Release!" An order came from the enemy troops, instantly discharging the slime balls and releasing them to throw at the soldiers of the Northern Continent, and as they hit a huge part of them, as if acid, they melted from it.

Their eyes showed an obvious shock. They moved to the side, evading the effects of the slime balls. And just as they were about to retaliate, a huge presence appeared in the skies.

"If you have an elite soldier with a formation, then we have the Elite Army that has the best sword technique!"

A number of 50 elite soldiers flew in the skies above the soldiers of the Northern Continent. And as their swords moved at a calculated angle and injection of their spiritual energy, and azure blue flame coated their swords.

They were in the Master Spirit Realm, comparable to the cultivation bases of the elite soldiers that had destroyed a protective array that could endure a General Spirit Realm attack. However, there was a difference between them, and it was the usage of their Qi.

Inside the tent, where Adam Xim was sitting down with Lukros beside him, he couldn't hide that joy on his lips. They were curling up while sipping from the cup of wine he had.

He gave Lukros a gaze and then lowered his head. "I truly thank you for what you did, Senior Brother Lukros. That was incredible. We had no idea you had a mystical art capable of erecting a permanent long line of tall walls."

Lukros had his eyes closed while shaking his head. "That is nothing. Walls are just walls, but what matters is that we transformed the port into a fort capable of repelling enemies. Being able to defend our land even if we are not able to catch them was enough."

"Right, that is what I think, Senior Brother. Catching them will be difficult, but hurting their numbers from a failure invasion would do great damage to their plans and allocation of energy.. That, for sure, will be our advantage."

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