
There are two small figures on the beach, a little boy sits there like a grandpa, while another little girl jumps up and down, pinching her shoulders and beating her legs, waiting for a stingy ghost.

Robin squeezed Renaud’s shoulder with a smile on his face, and scolded viciously in his heart: This petty ghost knows to call me every day, and when I see my mother, see if I bite you stingy!

Reno didn’t know the little Jiujiu in Robin’s heart, and he was now squinting comfortably, enjoying the service from his little daughter-in-law.

Time passed minute by minute, I don’t know how long passed, Reno slowly opened his eyes and said to Robin, who was beating his legs hard: “Your mother has come to this island, but she seems to have been caught!” ”

When Robin heard Renault’s words, his hand froze, raised his head and looked at Reno with a pleading face and said: “Petty… Oh no, husband, can you go and save my mother? ”

Reynolds really felt speechless and a little crying and laughing about this little daughter-in-law’s commotion, if there is something, he will call his husband, and if he has nothing to do, he will be called a petty ghost?

Thinking of this, Renault did not say yes or no, but directly stood up and walked in the direction of the town.

Robin saw Reno walking in the direction of town and guessed that her mother was there, because she knew that Reno was always soft on her, and although he didn’t say yes, he would definitely help him, so she immediately followed Renault’s footsteps.

For a husband like Renaud, although she didn’t admit it in her mouth, she said in her heart, such a husband, please give me a dozen!

【Near O’Hara – a few kilometers away in the sea】

The “Devil Slaughter Order”, composed of ten warships led by several vice admirals, was slowly moving towards O’Hara.

On top of the five warships, standing at the front were the five vice admirals who executed the demon slaughter order.

Two of the lieutenant generals stand out, one is the languid Kuzan and the ruthless Sakaski, while the other three are unremarkable.

The naval soldiers on the warship were carrying boxes of shells inside the warship and placing them next to the casemates.

The Demon Slayer Order requires countless batteries, so now there are many batteries inside not only warships.

Battery after battery was also erected on the splint of the warship, except for the place where people were left to move around, the rest were boxes of shells and battery 31.

“Whew… Call…… Phew…”

Just when the navy on the warship was making preliminary preparations for the demon slaughter order, a gust of wind suddenly blew around them, and the fierce wind blew the navy’s warship backwards.

The naval soldiers on the warship were also blown upside down, and boxes of shells were poured on the splints, and many shells fell out, and one by one the black shells were scattered all over the place.

Fortunately, these shells are relatively strong, plus the impact is not too big, otherwise these shells explode on the warship, then the fun will be great!

If that were the case, tomorrow’s newspaper headlines would probably read: Shock! The ten warships of the navy were actually blown up by their own “demon slaughter order”, and there were no bones left!

This is the end of the joke

The navy on the warship was blown upside down, only some strong people were not affected, and when others were still confused, the first to react was Sakaski.

Sakarski looked at the guns scattered around him, as well as the naval soldiers who fell together, and directly ordered the adjutant on the side: “Pass the order down, put away all the canvases!” ”

“Yes, Lieutenant General Sakaski!”

The adjutant received Sakaski’s order and directly turned around and went to arrange the collection of canvases, without even a word of superfluous nonsense, from which it can be seen that Sakaski is strict with his subordinates.

Several other warships followed suit, all put away their canvases, and after a while their warships were no longer blown back, and all the warships stopped at the same sea level.

Although the warships have all stopped, the fierce wind is still blowing, and the naval soldiers on the warships cannot stand steadily, let alone carry out the task of slaughtering the devil.

The five lieutenant generals saw that the warship was blown by the fierce wind, and the soldiers were also blown upside down, and knew that they could not continue like this, otherwise the demon slaughter order would not be able to be carried out at all.

Therefore, after several lieutenant generals got in touch with the telephone worm, they all unanimously decided to gather on a warship to discuss strategies.

“Search! Search! Search! ”

After a while, the other four vice admirals all gathered on Sakaski’s warship, and then began an ad hoc meeting to discuss.

Sakaski saw that everyone was ugly, but few people spoke, so he could only take the lead in guessing: “I think this fierce wind is not like a natural disaster, but like the work of an able person, what do you think?” ”

Kuzan, who was still lazily listening, immediately asked with a serious look after hearing Sakaski’s analysis: “Do you mean that guy who left the navy not long ago did it?” ”

They are both a new generation of monsters in the navy, and they have some understanding of each other’s abilities, and now that Sakaski says this, Kuzan also feels that it is very likely to be a dragon, after all, he often follows Karp, and he knows more about dragons than others!

And at this time, the initiator “dragon”, looking at the situation here from a thousand meters away, can only see a few small black dots from here, if you don’t use a telescope to see, you can’t find that it is a warship.

Now the position of the two is very interesting, most of Sauro’s body is sunk in the sea, leaving only the chest above exposed to the water.

The dragon, on the other hand, stood directly on his shoulder to use the ability, and a gust of wind blew towards the navy’s warship, in addition to the fierce wind, it also set off waves towards the warship, so that even if they put away the canvas, the warship would be washed farther and farther away from the “O’Hara” by the waves.

Seeing the results of the cooperation between the two, Sauro raised his head and praised Xiang Long: “Dragon, your ability is really convenient, so that that group of navies can’t get close to O’Hara in a short time!” ”

When the dragon heard Sauro’s praise, he still said expressionlessly: “My people have landed on the island from the other direction just now, we have to buy them enough time here, you have to hold on!” ”

“Oh hee…”

When Sauro heard the dragon’s words, he immediately let out his unique laughter, and then assured: “Just swim, don’t worry, even if I swim for three days and three nights, it’s no problem!” ”

The dragon’s ability can only be vacated for a while, and in order to buy enough time here, he must have a foothold, so he asked Sauro to come with him.

Just now, he said that he was afraid that Sauro would not be able to hold out for too long, resulting in him having no foothold on the sea, and now hearing Sauro’s assurance, the dragon was also relieved.

Although the navy knew that someone was doing ghosts, they did not have any way, not even where the enemy was, let alone crack the current situation.

Here with Dragon and Sauro, they only need to use their ability to let the wind go, as long as their physical strength is enough, the navy will not want to move forward.

Unless they were exhausted and unable to sustain their abilities, the Navy would not have a chance to get close to O’Hara.

【Library – The Tree of Omniscience】

Here is surrounded by a group of world government people, not only there are world government people outside, but now there are world government people in the library, and Robin’s mother is in the library at this time.

At this time, on the street not far from the library, two children were slowly walking towards this side.

They are Reno and Robin, who just rushed from the beach, Reno slowly walked in front, and Robin pushed Reno viciously behind him, wanting him to hurry up and save his mother.

Robin saw that no matter how he pushed, Reynolds was at this speed, and his face was immediately flushed with anger, and after secretly taking a deep breath, he coquettishly said: “Husband, can you go and save my mother?” ”

Reno turned his head and glanced at Robin, and saw that she was angry into a bun face, but she still had to coquette with herself, he thought it was very funny, the reason why he walked so slowly was just to tease Robin.

He had been observing the situation in the library, so her mother would not be in danger at all, if there was danger, he would have passed long ago, where would Robin be needed!

Although Reno is very disgusted with Robin’s mother, but this is her mother after all, even if she is disgusted and hateful, she has to save that woman!

Robin didn’t know what Reno was thinking, so he urged Renault to save people, and the little figure would push Renault in the back, and then run to the front to pull Renault, directly drenching the eight-year-old loli with tired sweat.

Reno looked at Robin, who was pulling him in front, tired and sweaty, and didn’t want to continue to tease her, so he explained: “It’s not that I’m not going to save your mother, but I’m waiting for the person who saved your mother to arrive, after all, I’m not suitable to come forward to do this, now that the person waiting has arrived, your mother is okay now, don’t worry!” ”

Robin finally let go of her heart when she heard Renaud’s explanation, and then she asked with a puzzled look: “Petty, you seem to be deliberately avoiding these people and not clashing with them head-on, are you afraid of something?” ”

Reno glanced at Robin a little unexpectedly, but I didn’t expect that this little daughter-in-law was quite smart, and she observed it very carefully, and even these could be observed, and she really deserved to be the wise royal sister in the future!

Thinking of Renault here, he did not mean to hide it, and directly explained: “I need to go to the Navy headquarters after a while, some things must be done at the Navy headquarters, if there is a conflict with them now, I estimate that I will be wanted by them, and the wanted person wants to go to the Navy headquarters, unless it is caught, otherwise there is no other way!” ”

After Robin heard Renaud’s explanation, he nodded thoughtfully, no wonder the invitation of the two people just now Renault would refuse, even he begged him to save people, it turned out that there was this reason!

Thinking of this, Robin no longer dwelled on this question, but asked again: “Petty, you just said that the people who came to save my mother, where are they now?” ”

Reno heard Robin’s inquiry and pointed to a bear in the crowd who was approaching the library and said, “I’m talking about the bear, he is the man on the beach just now, he is responsible for transferring the books on the island, and the group of old stubborn people!” ”

Originally, Reno came over just now to save people, and he was ready to kill all the people of the world government and prepare to extinguish them.

But after he noticed the arrival of the big bear, he immediately changed his mind and secretly observed and waited for the arrival of the big bear. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As long as those people don’t do it, wait for Big Bear to solve it, and if those people do, he will solve it, so there is the scene where Robin urges at the beginning and Reno delays.

Robin looked in the direction Reynolds was pointing, and sure enough, he saw a large bear, slowly walking towards the library.

Robin saw Reynolds who suddenly stopped on the side, and asked suspiciously: “Petty, why did you stop suddenly?” ”



Reno looked at Robin, who looked puzzled and asked, and directly gave her a brain collapse, and reminded her angrily: “The first twenty meters is the library, if we continue to walk, where will we go?” Into the library? ”

Robin covered his forehead and looked at Reno with tears, revealing a look of grievance, if Reno said more, it is estimated that tears would flow down!

Seeing that she looked like she was about to cry, Reno could only touch her nose awkwardly, and then looked to the side to pretend not to see her.

If others see his approach, it is estimated that they will shout at him: straight male cancer is in the twilight stage, there is no salvation!

Robin saw Renault’s ugly appearance and immediately showed a sly smile, Reno liked to tease her.

She didn’t want to make Reno play, and every time she saw Renault’s ugly appearance, Robin found it very interesting.

The reason why Robin finds such Renault interesting is because usually Renault looks like he is in control no matter what happens.

But as long as she shows an expression that she wants to cry, Renault will become hectic and her expression will show a hint of panic.

And to be able to let Renault show this ugliness, Robin felt very accomplished, and also found it very interesting to tease Renault in this way.

The reason why Renault is like this is because he was single in his previous life, and he understood all kinds of theories, but he had no opportunity to practice.

So Renault has a bunch of girly routines and theories, but he is a real straight man, who only knows how to dig a pit, not how to bury a pit.

In short, just two sentences.

Theory 907 master, practical rookie.

Just as Reno and Robin were fighting their wits, Big Bear finally walked to the door of the library, raised his head to look at the all-knowing tree that could not see the top straight into the clouds, and then walked directly inside.

“Stop! Who are you? ”

“This place is not open today, get out of here quickly!”

As soon as Big Bear approached the gate of the library and wanted to go inside, he was directly blocked by the people surrounding him.

Big Bear looked down at the person in front of him, and then his face was expressionless, and he asked non-existently: “If you want to travel, where do you want to go?” ”

“Hurry up and get out of here, who’s going to travel!”

“Don’t leave here, we’re going to do it!”

“This man is a neurotic, right?!”

Several World Government agents who intercepted Big Bear immediately cursed loudly when they heard Big Bear’s answer.

However, although they scolded vigorously, they saw the big bear’s strong cow-like physique, but they did not dare to make a move easily, just wanted to retreat the big bear.

But the purpose of the big bear coming here is to save people, how can it be so possible to leave and slowly remove the gloves on his hands.


The speed of the big bear was as fast as lightning, as if moving instantly, and it instantly appeared next to several agents, and then slapped it directly.

“Oh! Kiss! Kiss! ”

The agents of several world governments did not have time to make any reaction, so they were directly photographed and disappeared in place.

“There are enemies!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang! ”

The remaining agents around, seeing the disappeared companions without a trace, immediately opened fire in the direction of the big bear.

When the big bear shot them, the bullet had not yet come to him, and it disappeared in an instant, and when it appeared again, it was already behind several other agents, and several slaps in a row.

“Oh! Kiss! Kiss! ”

The remaining agents were all slapped away by him one after another, and because the speed of flying out was too fast, it was as if they disappeared in an instant.

After doing this, the big bear continued to walk towards the library with an expressionless face, as if he had just slapped a few flies, without letting him show the slightest expression.

Reno watched this scene quietly not far away, and secretly sighed in his heart: Big Bear’s ability is really Laipi, if he doesn’t want to die, if he is alone, it is estimated that no one can catch him!

Unless that kind of endless wheel war directly consumes his physical strength alive, or if you want to find someone who can’t be touched by a big bear, it is estimated that there is no existence in this world!

And as long as it is touched by a big bear, no matter how strong or weak, it will only be slapped off, so a single person can’t catch this guy at all.

Robin next to Renault was not as calm as him, his eyes wide open and his mouth wide, looking shocked beyond belief.

Reno turned his head just in time to see this scene, directly stretched out his sinful hand, pinched her chin, raised it upwards and quipped: “Robin’s daughter-in-law, your mouth is so open, are you hungry again?” ”

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