
“Duh! Duh! Duh! ”

Robin didn’t know what was going on, her small chin was played up and down by Reno, and her teeth clashed and made a “gurgling” sound, but she didn’t react.

While Reno fiddled with Robin’s chin and had fun, Robin finally came to his senses.

Robin, who had just come to her senses, saw Reno who was fiddling with her chin, glared at Reno viciously, and then slapped someone’s salty pig hand away.

However, Robin did not mean to be angry except for glaring at Renaud, because the reason why she was so shocked just now was because she saw the big bear use the ability.

Robin also suspected that Renault was just trying to comfort her, so he made up a white lie, but now it seems that Reno did not lie to her, and there are really such people in other places!

This made her find a sense of belonging, so that she was no longer confused, no longer felt like a monster, so just now she was surprised and delighted, and she was so manipulated by Renault that her chin did not come to her senses.

After Robin slapped Renault’s salty pig hand, he looked at Reynolds with joy on his face and asked, “Is that little gas ghost just now, like me, a devil fruit ability?” ”

Reno heard Robin’s inquiry and thought of her appearance just now, and knew why she was like this just now.

It is estimated that this little daughter-in-law did not believe what he said before, until she saw the big bear using his ability just now, she completely believed what he said!

Thinking of this, Reno pretended to be unhappy and asked: “Your little daughter-in-law doesn’t believe my words, so why do you come to ask me?” ”

When Robin saw Reynolds like this, he immediately complained in his heart: It’s really a petty ghost, even this kind of thing has to be angry!

Although Robin thought so in his heart, he said coquettishly: “The husband’s family is because you have no knowledge, so don’t think like others!” ”

When Reno heard this delicate voice, he also took a bite of a person’s house, and immediately rolled his eyes, and secretly complained in his heart: When begging for yourself, a husband in a mouth, a family in a mouthful, a little breath when it’s okay, this little daughter-in-law is really nobody!

Thinking of Reynolds here, he didn’t want to kill a thousand enemies with her and self-damage eight hundred, so he could only begin to explain: “That person just now is called Big Bear, he is a meat ball man who eats the fruit of meat balls, and he has a meat ball in his palm that can bounce off attacks, and bounce people out like just now!” ”

When Leno said this, he secretly thought in his heart: This guy can even be injured by people in the future, I don’t know if he can use this trick now, it’s really a powerful batch of abilities!

After Robin heard Renaud’s explanation, his eyes were full of little stars: “His ability is so powerful!” 083 Robin sighed with emotion, and then said dejectedly: “Unlike my ability that can only conjure hands, it is not powerful at all, if only it were as powerful as him!” ”

Robin glanced at Reno when he said this, and thought to himself: Not only is that person powerful just now, but this petty ghost’s ability is also very powerful, even flying can be done, it is estimated that his ability has many powerful things, he doesn’t know!

Thinking of Robin here, he became even more depressed, and the whole thing was like a defeated hen, lowering his head and feeling sad.

When Reno saw her like this, not only was he not worried, but he was secretly happy, and having this kind of comparison means that her heart has accepted her ability and the mentality of wanting to become stronger.

Robin’s flower fruit is not weak, as long as she is willing to put a little effort into her ability, coupled with Renault’s help, it is not difficult to become a strong person.

So Reno is not worried about her frustration, what he is really worried about is Robin’s ability to resist himself, so that even if he has great skills, he can’t help her develop her abilities!

But fortunately, Robin’s crooked mentality has finally slowly returned to the right track, as long as her mentality is correct, with Renault hanging on the wall, she is not afraid that her ability cannot be developed, and she is not afraid that she will not become a strong person.

Thinking of Renault here, he felt the need to let her know that her ability was not weak, but very strong, so he said directly to Robin: “Little daughter-in-law, in fact, your ability is not weak, but you have never developed it with your heart, so it looks relatively weak!” ”

“I’ve heard a saying that there is no weakest devil fruit, only the weakest ability, I think this sentence is correct, so as long as you develop it with your heart, the future will definitely not be weaker than anyone!”

When Robin heard Renault’s words, he looked at Reno stunned, and said with a happy smile: “I know the petty, I will definitely be able to become a more powerful person than you in the future, and then bully you every day!” ”

When Reno heard Robin’s words, he just smiled and did not refute it, so as not to hit her confidence that was hard to mention, and secretly said in his heart: If you want to surpass others, little daughter-in-law, no matter who it is, it is possible.

But if you want to surpass your husband and me, then you probably have no hope in this life!

In this life, only I bully you, if you want to turn over and be the master, you little daughter-in-law should wait for the next life!

Thinking of this, Du Reno, looked at Robin, who was full of fighting spirit, and said perfunctorily with a smile: “Yes, yes, I hope that the future daughter-in-law can have mercy, and don’t break the husband!” ”

Robin’s face turned slightly red when he heard this, and then he pretended to be a fierce (dbaf) and threatened: “you! Who is your little daughter-in-law? If you dare to shout, see how I clean you up in the future!” ”

Reno heard Robin’s threat and said with a look of disdain: “I didn’t know it was someone just now, when I asked for someone, my husband and husband called so affectionately, but now he turns his face and doesn’t recognize people, heh!” Woman?! ”

Robin heard Renault’s meaningful words, and directly made a big red face, Robin knew that he couldn’t fight this petty ghost.

So Robin just glared viciously at Reynolds, and stopped taking care of Renault, a petty man.

“Bang… Bang! Bang! ”

“Boom – rumble!!”

Just when Reno and Robin were fighting wits here, the library gate ten meters high and five or six meters wide not far from them was suddenly smashed out of a big hole by something, and the big hole continued to appear, and after a while, the whole gate was smashed and collapsed.

Robin saw the smashed and collapsed gate, his face was full of shock, and he stammered towards Reno and asked, “What happened to the petty guy just now?” How can the library door suddenly collapse without warning? ”

Renault’s domineering is always on, so of course he knows what is smashing through the gate, and he knows very well that nothing that happens inside has escaped his domineering.

The agent who smashed through the gate just now was an agent of the world government, and when he was slapped by the big bear, he hit the gate and smashed the gate through.

Because the speed is too fast and invisible to the naked eye, it looks very strange, as if something invisible has smashed through the door.

Robin can’t use the domineering of sight, so I don’t know what’s going on, if she also has the domineering color, it is estimated that she can detect the agents of the world government flying out of it!

Thinking of this, Renault glanced at Robin, and then began to explain: “That big bear flew people out just now, but the speed is too fast for you to see!” ”

After Reno finished speaking, he walked to the library, and said to Robin as he walked: “The enemies inside have all been cleaned up, let’s go in and meet your irresponsible mother!” ”

Renault said this because in his eyes, a woman who left her two-year-old daughter behind and went to sea for several years and did not return home, no matter what reason she had, was an incompetent mother.

Robin heard Reno speak so much of her mother, although she wanted to refute it, but she thought about it but couldn’t find a reason to refute it, and finally she could only follow Renaud’s footsteps with a bleak face.

At this time, inside the library, there was a raging fire, which was set by the agents here just now, because their interrogation did not progress.

So use the books here and threaten them to say what they want to know, or burn them all.

But in the face of this threat, these scholars did not speak out, so the agents of the world government burned books in front of them while continuing to interrogate these scholars, burning until they said anything!

The world government wanted to know how much these people knew, whether they had passed them on, and the location of the historical stones, but before they could ask about something, Big Bear came in and interrupted their interrogation.

“Hurry up, hurry up… Go and put out the fire, these are precious history books, there is no room for mistake! ”

Dr. Clover saw that the others had been untied by the bear, and wanted to come over and untie him, and immediately interrupted them to let them go to save the books first.

Renault, who had just walked in, also saw this scene, although he hated the stubbornness of these people and their lack of self-awareness.

But he also had to admire these scholars in his heart, and he could not even live for the sake of history books. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although Renault admired their courage, he did not agree with their approach, after all, no one is important to history, and what is the use of no one asking for history?

“Hurry up, hurry up… How much can be saved, each of these books represents a piece of history, burning one is one less history! ”

A group of doctors of seventy and eighty, anxious to turn around, jumped up and down there to put out the fire, shouting while fighting the fire.

Reno saw the raging fire and secretly thought in his heart: Even if he has his own intervention, these books are still the same as the original, can’t escape the fate of being burned?

Just when Reno was thinking about it, he suddenly felt his cuffs sink, looked to the side suspiciously, and found that Robin was pulling his sleeves.

“Husband-kun… Can you help them? ”

Robin pulled Renaud’s sleeve with one small hand, and looked at Reno with a pleading face.

Reno heard Robin calling her husband again, and you don’t need to listen to it later, you don’t need to hear it later, this little daughter-in-law will only call a husband when she begs him, and she is usually a petty ghost when she is fine.

After listening to Robin’s words, Reno showed an expression that was really like this, he knew that this would be the case, glanced at Robin speechlessly and said: “You are really my good daughter-in-law, when you beg me, you know that you are called husband-kun, which will make me feel that your little daughter-in-law may run away with others at any time!” ”

Renault had just wondered whether to help them, after all, it was this group of self-aware scholars, not these burning books.

Now the little daughter-in-law begged him for help again, and it didn’t matter if they helped, he had nothing to lose anyway.

The reason why he said this to Robin was just to tease the little daughter-in-law, who let this little daughter-in-law know that she was called husband-jun when she had something to do, and called him a petty ghost if she was fine.

So you have to treat her, or her little tail won’t be able to rise to the sky in the future?

Robin saw that Reno was still indifferent, so he could only shake Renaud’s arm vigorously and coquettishly: “Husband, I beg you!” In the future, I will be obedient and obedient, will I call you husband in the future? ”

Robin saw his mother who was fighting the fire in the fire, completely disregarding his own safety, and rushed to the fire, she was looking at the pain in her eyes, so she could only use all her strength to ask Reno to help.

Reno saw Robin’s anxious look, and knew that now was not the time to joke, so he didn’t embarrass her, and said directly: “You said it yourself, your husband and I didn’t force you!” ”

Robin heard this again, wordlessly rolled her eyes, but she immediately echoed anxiously: “Yes, yes, my husband is not forcing me, everything is of my own free will, husband, you go to put out the fire!” ”

After getting Robin’s reply, Reno walked directly inside, and then a cloud of green energy appeared on his body.

After Renault came inside, he waved his hand directly, and a cloud of green energy flew out directly, forming an airtight energy shield that directly covered the burning fire.

Immediately afterwards, the energy shield began to shrink slowly, the space of the energy shield became smaller and smaller, the air inside became less and less, and the fire began to slowly extinguish because there was no air.

“These books, finally… Saved! ”

“Great, the fire finally… Finally extinguished! ”

The group of doctors in the library, seeing that the fire had finally died down, were as happy as a two-hundred-pound fat man, shouting there, and some even shed tears of joy.

After Dr. Clover followed everyone for a while, he was the first to react, came to Reynolds and thanked him: “Little friend, thank you very much for saving us, if it weren’t for you, these precious books would have disappeared into the long river of history!” ”


Renault didn’t lose his good feelings in the face of this doctor, so he just snorted, and then stopped dealing with this old stubborn.

Dr. Clover was a little overwhelmed when he saw that Reno didn’t want to take care of him, wondering if he had offended Renault somewhere, but he thought about it and felt that it was unlikely, because this was the first time they had met.

Dr. Clover, who couldn’t figure it out, thanked Renault again, and went to pack up the scattered books, no longer thinking about Renault.

Robin saw that Reno had put out the fire, and also walked to the library, and after coming to Renault’s side, he looked at Reno with adoration and said: “Wow! Husband, your ability is so powerful? ”

Seeing this little fox’s expression, Reno knew that she had something to ask for herself, so he asked directly: “What is there to ask me for, don’t beat around the bush, just say it!” ”

Robin saw that his little trick was debunked by Renault, and he didn’t feel embarrassed, and said with a grin: “Husband, your ability development is so powerful, then can you teach me how to develop my ability?” ”

Reno did not answer her question, but pointed in the direction of her mother and said: “You were still clamoring to come to your mother just now, and now your mother is there, don’t you want to go and meet her?” ”

When Robin heard Renaud’s inquiry, his face instantly darkened, and then he lowered his head and said: “She only has those books in her eyes, only her dreams, I have stood here for so long and she has not found it, I don’t know how to face her!” ”

When Robin lowered his head and spoke, tears flowed down his eyes, and the small figure seemed lonely and helpless.


Seeing Robin like this, Reno could only shake his head and sigh, he didn’t know how to persuade him about this kind of thing.

In the original book, her mother really missed her very much, but she was able to leave two-year-old Robin behind for her dreams and go to sea for several years without returning.

Reno really can’t understand the brain circuit of Robin’s mother, it may be the brain circuit of the pirate world, which is different from the human brain circuit that he has traveled through other worlds!

Not only Robin’s mother is like this, but many people in the pirate world are like this, Jesus Bu, who abandoned his wife and son to go to sea to pursue his dreams, and even his own son does not know his dragon.

When Reynolds was reading the original, he once said such a sentence; It is simply a miracle that a baby born in this world can grow into an adult!

Although Reno hated Nicole Orbia as a woman, he didn’t want Robin to leave regrets, so he still persuaded: “How to say that she is your mother, how can there be a mother who does not love her children, maybe she has some bitterness?” ”

After listening to Renault’s persuasion, Robin also felt that what he said made sense, wiped his tears and said: “You are right, I can’t escape this kind of thing, even if it’s not the answer I want, I should ask clearly!” ”

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