At this moment, did the whole world realize that this was the second key figure? She was the first official admiral of the new navy in the future!

Whitebeard was in a bad mood at this time, but it was not because of the sky curtain, but because of a major event that only the pirates knew about a few days before the sky curtain was broadcast.

“Dad, that guy Teach!”

“How dare he kill Thatch just because of a broken devil fruit? He was his last friend!”

“Dad, Ace didn’t listen to our dissuasion and insisted on going out to sea to capture Teach.”

“This is the end……”

Although Whitebeard’s face was ugly, and this matter had always made him very angry, his eyes never left the picture in the sky.

Picking up the giant wine glass beside him, Whitebeard took a big sip and smashed it to the ground!

“This son of Teach! He made the most untouchable taboo mistake, which is not to hurt or even kill his brothers on the ship!”

“He really disappoints me.……”Whitebeard’s eyes were red. How could an old man not be sad when his beloved son died?”Even if, even if he had a little bit of the same qualities as the blonde girl in the sky, I, old man, would not be so miserable.””


Whitebeard actually knew the identity of Buggy the Clown’s adopted daughter. Even though he couldn’t believe it, the order to find his own brother and escape was so obvious.

He’s not stupid.

“Ace, please don’t get into trouble.”

No one knew that the Whitebeard Pirates had undergone such a huge change, and people all over the world were still waiting for the follow-up content in the sky.

The name Altria has appeared in everyone’s mind.

She can face a man as powerful as Monkey D. Garp and question him, something that ordinary people dare not do. She is also a victim who has experienced the same thing… She still cares about the future of others. Can she really change this tragedy?

【Facing the blade pointed at him by Altria, Garp remained silent. For a moment, he didn’t even know what to say to the girl, or what he could say? Garp must be in pain, which can be seen from the constantly changing expression of the old man in the picture.

Garp looked at Law, who was also expecting him to answer, and at the curious eyes of other marines and pirates, and he could not help but sigh.

【”The original queen of Britain, Artoria Pendragon.”How could Garp forget the country he personally led to destroy last time? He always remembered the girl’s name.”I have no way to stop this now.”】

Altria in the picture seemed to tremble, and her eyes revealed an unimaginable disappointment.

【The girl’s hands were shaking as she held the sword. She still couldn’t accept this result, couldn’t accept the answer given to her by Garp, the legendary navy. 】

Altria slowly lowered her head, her hand was held by Lola. The warmth in her palm seemed to be the warmth and comfort that the boy wanted to pass on to her.

But, but…

【Silence for a long time】

【Altria’s sword, which had been slowly lowered, suddenly rose again, and changed from pointing at Garp’s chest to pointing at Garp’s face without hesitation! 】

Everyone at the scene was shocked, this was an absolute declaration of war!

【Altria said to Garp without hesitation:”Even if it’s you, even if it’s…`…”】

Maybe it’s the word benefactor? But how can Garp, who personally led the team to destroy his own country, be called a benefactor? But he certainly saved me.

This emotion is too complicated, too complicated to be described in words.

【””That’s the case.” Altria took a deep breath and stopped hesitating.”I will never let such a tragedy happen again in front of me. I will stop you, even if it means becoming an enemy of the current navy! Mr. Garp”】

Luo let go of her hand at this time, not because he didn’t care about the girl anymore, but because he had to speak.


【Looking at this man she had just met, a man who shared the same sense of justice as her own, Altria knew that he had good intentions and understood what he wanted to say, but there were some things that she could never give up.】

【”Luo, I know you want to say that if I continue to be so willful, I will become a person who is not tolerated by the world government like Buggy the Clown.”】 but!

【Altria yelled,”But if we don’t do this! Luo, answer me, how can the true justice you have always insisted on be passed on? How can those subordinates in the new navy you are going to create in the future understand what true justice is?!”】


【Altria listened to Kizaru’s words of feeling and discovering something important. She was annoyed by such words that sounded like they were doing nothing. Did the other party have any sympathy at all?…Or do you have no conscience at all?】

【”Mr. Karp, I must let you know my determination. I sincerely hope that you can change your decision. That is not your original intention.”】

【”Excuse me!”]

The next moment, an unusual development appeared on the screen.

【Whether Garp was forced to do so or had no other choice, at least in his eyes, the girl’s strength at this moment was far greater than what he had ever seen before.】

【With the momentum of holding the knife in one hand, he took a step forward at a speed faster than one can cover one’s ears, and attacked him with all his strength. 】

The glowing blade in Garp’s pupils became bigger and bigger!

【”You are too impulsive……”Garp said these words helplessly, and the next moment his right hand was covered with a strange black color. He suddenly took a step back, and then he actually blocked Altria’s sword attack with his hand.

【Girl���Without any surprise, he calmly used his forearm as the center of strength, and quickly made the sword spin along Garp’s arm, and then hit Garp’s face at an even faster speed.】


Karp was obviously surprised by this change of tactics that was done in an instant. He seemed to recall some past experience in the picture.

He. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【”Very good growth, just like Roger who could fight with me back then, good strength”】

Altria turned a deaf ear to him. She just wanted to prove herself.

【Garp might have felt guilty, so his ability was enough to counterattack synchronously, but he just crossed his hands in front of his face.

At that moment, the swords collided and the wave of armed color domineering swept around instantly!

【Buggy the Clown had to stop his fight and looked back at this scene with interest.】[]

Kizaru’s eyes became strange.

What was he going to do?

That’s it!

【Altria’s sword was surprisingly swift, and in an instant, she increased her force. Garp, who had already been holding back, took several steps back, and the force of his feet was so strong that the ground cracked.

At the same time, Garp unexpectedly used the girl’s strength to cross his arms, leaving a brief white mark after being stabbed. He seemed to be completely unable to withstand this force, and he grinned bitterly while bearing the pain, and he was already at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

But the battle could obviously continue, but Kizaru made his move in the picture.

【A golden flash passed through everyone’s eyes, and a slender foot emitting golden light appeared in front of Altria and kicked towards the girl fiercely!】

【”Have you ever experienced a light speed kick?”】

Kizaru in the picture didn’t seem surprised at all by the strength shown in the battle between Altria and Garp. He just looked at her casually and said this offensive statement which had become his catchphrase with a frivolous look between his eyebrows.

【Because of this sudden attack, Altria’s pretty face was illuminated by the golden light. 】

Can she dodge?


It was Garp and another admiral who attacked her country. This was the first time she faced Kizaru’s power.

【Just when Artoria was about to be kicked away, a black long sword suddenly stabbed from the side and collided tightly with Kizaru’s foot, easily blocking the opponent’s attack. 】

Another powerful wave appeared, and the weak navy and pirates around were all blown away.

【”.?”Altria was very grateful to Law, but she hated Kizaru’s sneak attack,”Is the navy only capable of sneak attacks?”】

【”Oh huh?” However, Kizaru Borsalino ignored Altria and looked at Law who stopped his attack in surprise,”What a scary young man, you actually have the strength to stop my attack?”】

Logan said nothing. He felt uncomfortable facing this admiral who suddenly made trouble. He thought that a guy who attacked others for a disagreement was totally unrespectable.

【Kizaru suddenly stopped his fight, turned his head and looked at Garp, he said in a frivolous tone:”Such a terrifying young man is really amazing, but Vice Admiral Garp……”】

The prolonged tone of voice proves that Kizaru immediately revealed the real purpose of his action

【”Our target is not these two innocent young people. Buggy the Clown is in front of you, and you have no reaction?”】

Yellow Monkey’s eyes cannot be seen clearly under the black sunglasses, but the black light at this moment makes it obvious that Borsalino, who is slacking off, is expressing this sentence seriously.

【”……I understand.”After a few seconds of silence, Garp ignored Altria.】

【”Hello! Mr. Capp”】

【When Artoria was about to attack, Law immediately stopped her and said,”It’s time to calm down. Even if you beat Mr. Garp, can you change the outcome of the Navy’s actions now? Artoria!”】


However, Buggy the Clown and the others immediately started fighting together

【”Humph, we’ve finished warming up with the young man, you better be careful with the red-nosed kid.” After hearing Garp’s words, Buggy the Clown just smiled and said,”Old man, I like to hear you brag. You were like this when you faced Captain Roger. Are you only like this now?”】

【”Give it a try”】

As the three of them started fighting, the admirals and vice admirals who were arranged by Sengoku to help with the encirclement also arrived here.

Smoker and his group also realized their own weakness. Rengoku Kyojuro had to admit that there was a huge gap in strength between him and Law and Altria.

Moreover, the courage of the blonde girl and the strength she showed in facing Mr. Garp were enough to prove that she was really determined to prevent the tragedy from happening.


【”Humph, it’s just a stupid idea of a kid after all.” Buggy the Clown looked down on Altria. In his opinion, this was a stupid determination of her ideal. During the battle, he had time to say to the girl,”Give up your stupid idea. You can’t do anything. Why don’t you just watch from the side? You weakling!””】

This is a mockery… It was not until this moment that a large-scale navy appeared, and an operation to eliminate Buggy the Clown with the purpose of beating him up began.

The justice of the navy?

In reality, many people sneered. Since they knew what the Demon Killing Order was, the navy in the sky had long lost the name of justice.

They were more concerned about what the blonde girl could do next. Her expression clearly showed that she had not given up yet..

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