Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

125. Burning Giant Meteor And Meteor? Baki Shot To Shake The Audience!

Giant fists of lava.

Mixed with terror, it bounced into the air.

Red light lit up the square!

Akainu's robe of justice flapped behind him.


And the sound of fireworks resounded through the entire Marineford.

Fujitora is not far behind.

The stick knife is slightly drawn.

The purple circle of light also flickered upwards rapidly.

"Magma flew into the sky!"

"What... what happened. Disappeared in the sky?"

Ivankov turned his face to the sky, full of surprise.

Whitebeard in front of the Moby Dick was silently watching the sky.

I don't know what to think about.

"Boom, boom, boom—_


A muffled sound sounded.

Only in the dark clouds.

A series of magma fists pierced through the black clouds, and precisely blasted down towards the bay!

Seen from below.

The sky is full of dense red dots, and they are still growing rapidly!

Not only that.

It's scary.

above the red dot.

And a yellow-red giant disc!

The feeling of covering up the sky and the sun seemed to crush all the people in Neiwan to pieces!

The speed is fast.

It's even more tongue-in-cheek.

"what is this?"

A pirate with a hood tied on his forehead subconsciously took a step back.

execution stand.

Kong stared straight ahead: "You have nowhere to go."

"Burn off the ice so they have no place to stand! Then..."

Meteor is just the first wave.

on it.

There are even bigger ones!

"How will you respond?"

"Boom boom boom—_w

With the loud noise came.

There were big explosions in the bay!

Countless giant fists of magma had already hit the ice, Yan 04 made big pits one after another!

The ice is melting rapidly.

The unlucky pirates were smashed to pieces by the meteor fist on the spot.

And then...gradually merged with the sea water.

"Thuk Tuk!"

Akainu's fists are still erupting, never stopping for a moment!

"The ice is melting!"

"The water temperature is so hot! The sea water is bypassed by the lava!"

"Go ashore!"

The pirates held each other's hands.

But face them.

It will be the merciless bombardment on the steel barrier!


Roaring like a beast!

And at the exit of the inner bay.

It even blocked the dense numbers of Pacifism ships, and the raging laser blocked the final escape route.

for a while.

Whitebeard's pirates are dead!

Whitebeard, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, didn't look dry.

punch out,

The trend of rupture followed the vibration to the top of the steel barrier.


The surrounding pirates were blown tens of meters away by the strong waves.


Both Garp and Xianshi couldn't help raising their hands to shield themselves from the manic blast.


After a punch.

Apart from a giant dent in the wall, the ramparts are still in good shape.

"Old... Dad's tricks don't work either!"

"That's no ordinary wall!"

The pirates were taken aback.

Is it specially made?

Akainu raised his head, and the jet speed did not decrease: "Come and make a break!"

language fall.

Among them, a lava fist hit the whale ship.

The two black whalehead boats were directly smashed and sank.

Even the white main ship.

Another large lava pit appeared, and then it began to become precarious.

"The rear of the Moby Dick was directly hit by a magma bomb, put out the fire!"

"Hurry up, everyone! Hold on no matter what!"

"Don't let the ship sink! We're going on this ship with our mates and Ace!"

Pirates on the deck tried their best to put out the fire.

But too much fire.

Make their busyness pale.

on the square.

"Whitebeard, your time is over!"

Akainu's face was determined.

Keep activating the ability of Lava-Lava Fruit!

"Did the Rodin regiment make a move?"

"Nonsense, how do you do it in this situation!?"

"Wait, their boat seems to be okay? Seems to be blocked by a blue shield?"

"Don't worry, there is another big guy. They will definitely not be able to hold on to this, hahaha!"

"Are the pirates finally going to be wiped out?! What a big hit."

"The Admirals are indeed the strongest!"

"Passively take a beating, inside are the coffins of Whitebeard and Rodin!"

The Marines clenched their fists with excitement.

Although the marines couldn't see the situation in the bay, the lookouts could see it clearly.

Then pass it on below.

In the sea of ​​fire.

Behind Whitebeard.

The Moby Dick that had been with him for decades finally tore apart in the flames.

"Moby Dick!"

"Damn it, Marine bastards! They actually make us proud..."

"Damn it, our ship!"

The pirates were furious.

The flag of the Whitebeard Pirates also burned in the flames.

Huge whale white ship.

It was silent.

Whitebeard turned slowly, taking one last look at his old companion.

"I'm sorry."

at this time.

A stronger sense of oppression suddenly came from the sky, and the strong air wave even bent people down.

"Damn, what is that?!"

"Meteorite, it's a meteorite!!"

"How did you get it down?"

"There is nowhere to run, why is there such a thing?!"


The sound of despair filled the air.

Whitebeard clenched his right hand just as he was about to shake the market with all his might.

Things seem to have taken a sharp turn.

on the ark.

Baji who put the video phone bug in the right place early.

Move your body.

He came to the sky above the inner bay with an elegant posture.

"Meteor shatter!"

Under the gaze of everyone who doesn't know why.

She drew out the Kimpira.

Flying upwards, he swung a blue slash dozens of meters long!

"Could that figure be..."

"It's the Rodin Pirates, they've made a move!"

"Wait, stop joking, she is trying to chop the meteorite? Isn't this ants shaking the tree?"

"That slash is huge."

"That can't be, do you think everyone is the world's number one swordsman?!"

"Even if it's Hawkeye... No, it won't work if the Hawkgirl comes, right?"


Marko, Joz, Bista and others all stopped.

Some pirates clenched their fists.

Although they didn't put their hopes on her, they still had a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

Whitebeard squinted slightly.

The tight right arm is ready to release at any moment.


Zhan Lang encountered a meteorite, and the result seemed to be no exception.

The moment of contact, it shattered!

Then disappear.

It was as if it had been burnt to death.

But soon.

An eye-popping thing happened.

I saw that the super meteorite suddenly cracked when it was the last 100 meters away from Marineford... and spread at an extremely fast speed.

100 meters.

fifty meters.

Thirty meters!

at this time.

Whitebeard's clenched fists snapped loose.

Because of the cracked meteorite, it has already turned into fine powder.

It floated over the inner bay like a haze.

Madara Madara point

The mouths of the pirates were as big as pigeon eggs.

"I... am I right?"

"The's over! Didn't the slash not cut in? It was broken!"

"The women in Rodin's regiment, as expected, none of them are simple."

"Don't be dazed, rush now!"


The pirates near the wall breathed a sigh of relief standing on the only remaining circle of ice.

Then Luffy yelled.

He rushed up first.

See here.

Several captains and team members were unwilling to lag behind, and rushed forward with one breath.

"Captain Buggy, your sister can do this weight!"

"You are indeed the man who stayed on the Roger Pirates! Your family is so strong!"

"Yes, she still denies it. I guess she doesn't want to involve you!"


All the prisoners were thinking frantically.


Buggy rubbed his head.

Inside is a mess.

He saw her split ankle in the air!

what is that?

That is clearly his ability to split into pieces!

Reminiscent of the meteorite split into pieces.

Could it be...


When can the ability be released through slashing?!

The development of the fruit ability, Buggy has naturally dreamed.

But without exception.

It is too difficult to achieve!

At present, he can only split himself, and if he actively splits...

There is also a size limit.


That is even more a fantasy!

High in the square.

"Is that, my Jinpira?"

Momousagi's beautiful eyes slightly opened.

The Marine executives frowned.

It stands to reason as long as it falls.

Even split.

Split into several pieces, that is also a small meteor bomb burning with flames!

The disaster facing the pirates is still great... It can even be said that Meteor Volcano is coming again!

But it was cut into powder.


It was so shocking, too outrageous.


They simply can't imagine who can do this step.

execution stand.

"Is this a fruit capable person?"

"What kind of fruit can do this? There is no precedent for Chop-Chop Fruit, right?"

Kong became serious.

Seeing Luffy breaking out from the front, he quickly issued an order: "Punish Ace!"

The voice just fell.

His eyelids suddenly twitched.

I saw that the protective net on the ark in the distance had been cancelled.

Among the three.

A beautiful figure in a blood-red suit and a light red cloak.

He took two steps towards the bow alone.

In the sea of ​​fire.

Her arms are like blooming lotus flowers, gushing out pale black magma that is completely different from Akainu.

Then raise your arms.

Slowly aimed at the dark sky!

Kong's thick eyebrows twitched, and his tone was unstable: "What does she want to do?!".

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