Sailing: Girly System, Summon Female Laosha At The Beginning

126. Terrifying Hell Black Lotus! Empty Encirclement And Suppression Order!

Rodin stood on the bow.

He glanced at the two pieces of "four-and-a-half-star characters" that he had just obtained through the replacer.


Now I have collected nine yuan.

Only the last piece is needed to summon a four-star half-girl character!

There will be one more top...even more powerful combat power!

It will change the tide of battle in no time!

So he's waiting for Marineford's check-in.

Even if not.

And kill the last Shichibukai ‘Blackbeard’ to complete the task and get a super ten-draw reward!


Are you stuck on the last piece?

I wish I had better luck.


on the ark.

Old Sha, Bucky and Dover.

They all stood on the deck after the bow.

"Hey hey hey hey, Whitebeard seems to be about to launch a last-ditch effort."

Dover leaned on the railing, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up: "I was worthy of being called the strongest in the world before, even though I was seriously injured... I can still walk to the present with my broken body.

"Whitebeard would have been stronger if she had been a woman... more deserving of decapitation."

Crocodile also came up: "The next action..."


Rodin looked at Kong from a distance, and smiled slightly: "Speaking of...the meteors and meteorites just now were very beautiful."


He glanced at Sakaski: "It's not rude to come here."

"The power is indeed a little bit worse."

Sakaski walked forward alone, and pulled out his hand in his pocket: "The incompetent Marine and the corrupt World government should indeed be cleared."

finished speaking.

A layer of blood rock ignited on her sleeve.

After the red and black color appeared.

Aim directly at the sky with both arms.


A dark light suddenly lit up!

her hands.

Like turning into two blooming black and red lotuses, Ultimate's high temperature keeps rising!

Even the surrounding air is distorted!

"Hell Black Lotus!!!"

With the sound of hooting, it fell.

The black-red lotus that has been fully compressed is suddenly released!

"Hoo hoo---"

The sound is like a roaring black giant fist.

Even more manic than Akainu's Meteor Volcano, rushing into the night sky, burning with black luster and full of energy!

"What a horrible fellow."

The heat dissipated in it.

It made even Glass Salino feel hot.


The dark night sky occupied countless black fists.

Before the execution stand.

The back of Little Oz lying down.

The squadron members who were charging heard a sharper eruption than cannon fire.

"This voice..."

"Could it be Akainu's attack again?"

"It's not the same! This is the Rodin regiment launching an offensive against the Marine! Let's not enter the square yet!"

"Are you kidding me, why does it feel colder than Admiral's offensive?!"

"Run, don't get involved!"


The charging pirates immediately dispersed.

Immediately afterwards.

A similar scene appeared.

In the dim sky.

The dense lava black fists broke through the clouds and smashed down with an extremely powerful offensive.

on the square.

The elite Marines holding weapons were dripping with cold sweat.

Outside the black fist.

The looming red veins.

Like bursting blood vessels, just looking at it makes one's heart tremble.


General crawled out of hell!

"Is this also the ability of Logia... Lava-Lava Fruit?"

"Could it be that the ability of Akainu Admiral has been copied, but why does this power seem even more terrifying?"

"No Promise! With Admirals here, what's the point!"

When everyone swallowed their saliva.

A Vice Admiral interrupts them.

The sky is falling and there is a tall man on top!


He was also a little flustered.

After all, the square is different from the inner bay.

Now tens of thousands of Marines are gathered here, so dense that... every two steps, they can bump into people.

Once hit on a large scale...

The consequences could be disastrous!

"She actually uses magma like this?"

Akainu raised his head slightly.

After forming such a state, the explosive power and impact of Magma Fist will undoubtedly be stronger.

He can do it too.

But the degree of micromanagement and physical exertion required.

It would be a scary number!

"Hmm... Fujitora, can you use gravity to bounce back?"

The green bull touched the people around him.

Fujitora didn't talk nonsense.

The stick knife turned.

The huge purple circle spread upwards with the largest range.

Almost half of the square is covered.

But his face.

But there was no relaxation at all.

"Restricted in range, she appears to be targeting the entire rear of Marineford."

He just blocked some.

Can't do it all!

"Ah la la, it's coming soon."

Aokiji's figure flashed.

It flickered over the square in an instant, and the cold air suddenly diffused out.

Then stretch out your hands.

Layers of ice rapidly condensed around it.

A few blinks.

It covers the square and important buildings.

It's like being covered with a thick turtle shell of crystal ice.

"Boom boom boom——"

An earth-shattering chisel sounded.

The ice surface began to crack, and the cracks spread extremely fast!

Aokiji above said nothing.

Constantly increasing the output of ice.

But the next scene.

It made him frown.

The black fist that fell on the ice only stopped for a moment.

It successfully drilled through the several meters thick ice!

Immediately afterwards.

The fist opened strangely.

Like a blooming red lotus, it is palm-shaped and slapped down with a larger area!


Just the first wave.

The follow-up black lotus is even more countless.

"Aokiji Admiral is unblocked!"

"Is such a thick ice shield unstoppable?"

"Nonsense, this is the impact of falling from a height of thousands of meters!"

"Damn it, it's coming down!"

There was a riot among the Marines.

For them.

In the face of such power and influence.

Escaping is the best choice, and resisting is a waste of energy.

A heat wave is coming.

Seeing the black and red palm getting bigger and bigger in sight.

Kebi and Bellumebo collapsed on the ground.

Good luck tricks people.

The last minute was still being discussed by spectators.

Now it's their turn to experience it for themselves.

"Tree cage!"

With a thick sound.

When it was about to fall.

Several giant vines drilled out from all directions, quickly forming a giant green net.

Strictly block these bright giant palms!

"Green Bull Admiral is on the move!"

"Are... saved?"

"Scared me to death, the pirates outside must be desperate?"

"You sympathize with pirates?"

"Wait, it seems that the vines have been burned through!!"

"It's still on fire! Damn, is the impact so big?!"

"Don't be afraid, after waiting...the motivation will definitely be insufficient!"

The crowd panicked completely, but there were also some who were calm.


The black and red seals are pressed.

Although most of the impact force has been consumed, it is still heavy.

Killing people is easy.

Immediately afterwards.

Several pieces followed and fell down.

Even the other Admirals shot in time to block the falling black punches.

But there were still quite a few casualties!

Even the execution platform was affected, thus delaying the execution of Ace.

for a while.

The screams continued.


After the tree vines and thick ice were strengthened later, the black lava also stopped slowly.

Everyone has not yet breathed a sigh of relief.

There was movement again in the middle of the barrier.


Oates struggled to get up from the barrier, and stretched his right hand to the execution platform: "Ace...I want to protect Ace!"


Ace widened her beautiful eyes.

inner bay.

Seeing that Ozzy was not dead, the team members couldn't help cheering.


Oz was also targeted.

The Marines who escaped the crisis immediately set up their long guns and fired at them!

Oz fell to his knees.

Kizaru pursed his lips and watched: "It's really tenacious."

"Even if you can stand up, you are dying! Keep shooting!"

"It's okay, leave it to me."

Kizaru stepped forward with his white leather shoes and raised his fingertips: "The execution must be completed quickly!"

"At times like this...the best way is to shoot...through the head."

(had it) talking.

A dazzling beam of light appeared on his index finger.

After slowly condensing for a few seconds.

The light flourished.

"It's over."

"Ocean Flow Over Shoulder!!!"

As the voice sounded.

A wave of water swirled in from outside the barrier.


The water sprayed down.

A young man with one hand on the ground and holding a pillar was revealed.


He roared, determined.

Garp see here.

Really going crazy.

"This is your grandson? It's really troublesome."

Xianshi snorted coldly.

Then his expression changed, and he pointed forward: "Commander Kong, the Rodin regiment is in action!"

"Ok, I know."

Kong picked up the phone bug, his eyes condensed: "Fujitora Green Bull, you two bypass Whitebeard. Attack the Rodin regiment alone!"

"Even if you delay, hold on and don't let them in!"

"Sengoku, is your fighting power alright?"

"no problem!"

Xianshi nodded.

There is a shortage of combat power.

It's coming to an end.

Kong can only choose to believe it once: "Then you go too, if you lose the match, withdraw in time.


He took another meaningful look at Garp: "You guy, you don't want to face your grandson, do you?".

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