The ship was in the middle of a storm, and the ship was in the middle of a storm.

"Colonel Rosen."

"Do we want to set sail now?"

Seeing Rosen's trust in him, Dor remained calm and steady.

There was no sign of drifting at all.

"Since the warships, personnel, and supplies are all in place."

"Then let's set off."

"North Sea."

Rosen withdrew his thoughts and looked towards the distant sea, which was the direction of the North Sea.


"Lieutenant Colonel Rosen."

Hearing this, Dor saluted first, then turned around to execute the order and went to command the navigator and helmsman on the warship.

After a moment.

At the dock of the Navy Headquarters, a warship with a sword-shaped logo on its bow slowly set sail, creating waves on the sea, and then cutting through the waves, like a divine weapon unsheathed, pointing at the vast sea.

"Let's go!"

"It's really worrying!"

On the top floor of the Navy Building, Sengoku stood at the window of the Marshal's office, looking into the distance.

As a user of the Animal-type, Mythical Beast-type, Buddha-form fruit ability, even if he doesn't transform, his eyesight is extremely strong.

Looking far from a high place, his eyes are accurately fixed on a warship that is setting sail and leaving the dock.

"What's there to worry about."


"He is the strongest sword in the Navy."

Zeffa stood by the window, holding a bottle of ice wine in his hand. He said this, but his eyes were always focused on the warship where Rosen was.


"Just like you said."

"The strongest sword in the Navy is about to be unsheathed, I'm not worried at all."

Zeffa shook his head.

"Then what did you just say that is really worrying?"

Zefa was a little confused.

"What I mean by worrying is that the Seven Warlords are too weak to withstand his torture, not that I am worried about Rosen's personal safety."

"After all, I asked Rosen to go to the North Sea to serve as the admiral, not to let him kill all the Seven Warlords, but to let him gradually transform from a general to a commander through the process of training the Seven Warlords like dogs."

"If the Seven Warlords don't like him, he will be in a bad mood and directly open the full form of Susanoo and slap them all to death. That would be a headache."

Zhan Guo was a little worried:

"Let's not talk about the Five Elders."

"My headache is that if the Seven Warlords are really slapped to death by Rosen, then I have to re-select new pirates to be the Seven Warlords one by one."

"The most troublesome thing is that after the pirates see the Seven Warlords being slapped to death by Rosen one by one, I guess no one will want to be the Seven Warlords anymore."

He spread his hands and spoke with a worried tone.

The reason why pirates flock to the Seven Warlords of the Sea is that they will not be wanted by the Navy and captured.

How many pirates can withstand the test of legally buying for free?

After all, in the Great Pirate Era, the ultimate dream of pirates is definitely the Pirate King, followed by the Four Emperors, and then the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Except for a very small number of pirates who have the ability and ambition to challenge the Four Emperors, the Seven Warlords of the Sea are the best way out for pirates.

Especially after going to the New World and experiencing the beatings in that sea, the pirates who survived understand this truth even more deeply.

But once the Seven Warlords of the Sea are captured by the Navy, and not just one or two, but collectively beaten to death, the value and attractiveness of the Seven Warlords of the Sea will immediately drop by several levels.

The Five Elders, who took great pains to establish the Seven Warlords of the Sea system, naturally do not want to see this situation happen.

This is also one of the reasons that gave Sengoku a headache.

"Isn't that great?"

"Let the ridiculous system of the Seven Warlords of the Sea become a complete joke."

"Solve the fundamental problem directly."

Zeffer's eyes lit up when he heard this.

After all, he was once a navy admiral. Even though he has retired for many years, he still devotes the rest of his life to the navy's education.

He also hates the system of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Don't you understand, Zephyr?"

"In my opinion, the value of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system is not only to balance the situation in the sea, but also to give Rosen training and learn how to become a navy marshal."

"If he slaps all the Seven Warlords to death with one slap, will it still be effective in training?"

"I'm not afraid of the Five Elders' accountability, I just don't want to see Rosen's feathers soiled by the Seven Warlords of the Sea."

Zengoku sighed lightly.

To be honest, this is what he is most worried about.

Among the current Shichibukai, few can be called human beings, let alone good people.

"That's true."

Zeffar heard this, not only did he understand Sengoku's good intentions, but he was also a little worried that his students would have bad tempers and treat the Shichibukai like flies and swat them all to death.

"I can only hope that those Shichibukai will not be so ungrateful."

"It's not bad to be Rosen's lackey, it's better than being slapped to death like a fly!"

Sengoku and Zephyr looked at each other, and then sighed at the same time.

It's interesting to say.

They have always hated the Shichibukai system and every pirate who became Shichibukai, but now the Navy Admiral and the Navy Chief Instructor are actually worried about the Shichibukai for the first time.


Grand Line.

G-5 Branch.


After Vergo hung up the phone, his face suddenly became gloomy.

Since he went undercover in the navy, he has always been amiable, elegant and approachable, but now he exudes a violent and murderous aura that keeps strangers away.

He has been paying attention to the movements of the Navy Headquarters, especially the movements of the Don Quixote Pirates, and just got a message from the Navy Headquarters.

The strongest student in the history of the Navy School.


The most important thing is that the man who was called a general by the headquarters before graduation went to sea, and he was on the mission to deal with Don Quixote Doflamingo and went to the North Sea.

This made Vergo unable to pretend.

The longer he was undercover in the navy, the more he knew the strength of the Navy Headquarters.

The real overlord of the Grand Line is not the Four Emperors, the Seven Warlords of the Sea, or the Revolutionary Army, but the Navy Headquarters.

And the admirals of the navy are the strongest fighting force standing at the top of the headquarters.

It goes without saying that a monster who has been crowned with the strength of an admiral before graduating must be so terrifying.

It is definitely no more difficult to swat Donquixote Doflamingo to death than to swat a fly to death.


"It is a good move to rob the Heavenly Gold in exchange for the title of Shichibukai."

"If nothing unexpected happens, you will become Shichibukai, and the Donquixote Pirates will be able to break out of the four seas and expand their influence to the Grand Line and even the whole world."

"But your luck is really bad. You actually met the strongest opponent in history at this critical moment. No, it should be said that the Navy Headquarters is too lucky to have a monster like Rosen at this time."

Virgo took a deep breath, then forced himself to calm down, thinking quickly in his heart, what should he do to let the Donquixote Pirates avoid this disaster.


In his opinion, Rosen is the strongest opponent Donquixote Doflamingo has ever encountered.

Far superior to the crane that made the Donquixote Pirates retreat.


He also didn't think that the Donquixote Pirates had any chance of winning, because he had been paying attention to the movements of the Navy Headquarters and was fortunate enough to witness the live video of the battle between Rosen and Redfield, as well as Douglas Barrett.

Even if it was not the whole process, but only a part of the video clip, it was enough for Vergo to understand.

The king he had been loyal to for half his life.

Donquixote Doflamingo.

Once they met Rosen, they would have no chance of winning.

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