The more you move, the more you move.

“Teacher Zefa is serious.”

“Not only does he have the ability to release the Armament Haki, he has also mastered the advanced Armament Haki technique of internal destruction.”

Gion’s pretty face changed slightly.

Although she used Armament Haki to harden her abdomen at the first time, it was useless.

In other words, she could defend against attacks from outside the body, but not from attacks from inside the body.

The moment Rosen’s Haki shock wave touched her abdomen, she felt a force penetrate her abdomen hardened by Armament Haki, and then entered her body to attack and destroy.


After being hit by a punch that combined the two Armament Haki techniques of flowing external release and internal destruction, Gion couldn’t help but groan, his feet immediately left the ground, and his body flew backwards dozens of meters away like an arrow from a bow.

“Damn it!”

“It’s all the Conqueror Haki just now.”

“If Rosen hadn’t interfered with him with Conqueror Haki for a moment, he wouldn’t have had the chance to release Haki to attack Gion.”

Kake couldn’t help cursing in his heart when he saw this scene, but he had no choice but to grit his teeth and smash his fist wrapped in Armament Haki on Rosen’s neck.

This punch was real, even if Rosen learned all three colors of Haki, all the techniques would definitely not be easy.

After all, as Zephyr said, Haki skills are not equal to Haki strength.

Everyone mastered Armament Haki on the first day, and there might be a huge gap in skills, but in terms of strength, he felt that there was absolutely no difference between him and Rosen.

He didn’t believe that Rosen had only attended two classes, and the time of the two classes was all spent on learning the skills of domineering. He still had time to improve the strength of domineering.

“What are you going to do?”

At this moment.

Standing at the edge of the square, Zefa also stared at Rosen with burning eyes.

Is it too late to defend, and can only passively take the beating.

Or use the devil fruit ability that has never been used.

Rosen directly answered Zefa’s speculation with action.

Facing Kaji’s right fist like a heavy artillery, Rosen did not dodge, nor did he use the weapon fruit, but stood in place, just twisted his neck, and then under Kaji’s stunned eyes, with his fragile neck in the human body, he took the iron fist hardened by his domineering.


Accompanied by the loud sound of the cannon, a circle of violent air waves burst out from the collision between Rosen’s neck and Kaji’s fist, rolling up waves of flying sand and rocks.


The ground beneath their feet could not bear the weight, and cracked into shocking cracks.


After bearing Kaji’s heavy punch, Rosen did not even shake his body, like a magic needle that stabilizes the sea, firmly rooted in the same place.


Kake’s pupils shrank when he saw this scene, but he immediately saw that the place where his fist hit, that is, Rosen’s neck, had lines of purple light.

“It’s not the hardening of Armament Haki, nor is it the flow of external release and internal destruction.”

“What is this?”

“By the way, this should be what Zefa teacher said, Rosen’s self-created fifth Armament Haki technique, but it’s not right, technique is technique, strength is strength.”

“Especially when he punched Gion just now, he also used most of his Haki. How could he mobilize so much Haki in a hurry and evolve such a defensive power?”

Very quickly.

Kaji reacted.

“Skin, muscles and bones, use the two techniques of entanglement and hardening to improve defense.”

“Inject Armament Haki into blood vessels, and use Static Blood Suit to evolve substantial defense.”

“Inside and outside are the same, and Haki is hard to hurt!”

Seeing this scene, Zefa was also surprised at the Static Blood Suit that Rosen had comprehended.

He knew very well that whether it was entanglement hardening or Static Blood Suit, if one was twisted out alone, it would definitely not be able to defend against Kaji’s punch.

Just as Kaji thought, Rosen had to use part of his Haki to attack Gion at the same time.

But the problem was that Rosen’s Haki skills were too far ahead.

Skin, muscles, and bones can be entangled and hardened with Armament Haki.

Blood vessels can be injected with Armament Haki to evolve defense.

Inside and outside are the same.

Push the body’s internal and external defense to the extreme.

If Kaji’s Haki was several times stronger than Rosen’s, he could use his absolute Haki to hurt Rosen and even break his defense, but the problem is that he doesn’t have Haki of this strength.

On the other hand, Rosen’s Haki is as strong as Kaji’s, and his Haki skills are far ahead of Kaji’s.


It is the combination of the three skills of Armament Haki, entanglement, hardening, and Stasis Blood Suit, which evolve the defense together and produce the effect of 1+1+1 greater than 3.

Skin, muscle, bone, blood vessel.

Three skills.

Four lines of defense.

What can Kaji use to break the defense?

Forget about breaking the defense.

He can’t even hurt Rosen.

“Unless Kaji’s Armament Haki strength is more than twice that of Rosen, and he masters the two Armament Haki skills of flowing external release and internal destruction, he can’t break the defense at all.”

Zefa observed from the side and came to the conclusion.

This is the lead brought by one more skill of Armament Haki.

This is also the reason why the admirals are generally inferior to the Four Emperors.

The Four Emperors not only have one more skill called Conqueror Haki entanglement than the admirals, but also have one more Conqueror Haki than the admirals.

“Sure enough.”

“The Static Blood Suit, combined with the two techniques of entanglement and hardening, evolves defense together.”

“The Armament Haki of the same strength can’t break my defense at all.”

Rosen was hit by Kaji’s punch on his neck, which is so vulnerable. Not only did he stand still, but he didn’t feel any pain at the place where he was hit.

“Entanglement, hardening, external release, internal destruction, and Static Blood Suit.”

“I have tried the five techniques of Armament Haki and Observation Haki.”

“The only thing missing is Domination Haki.”

Rosen’s mind turned, and the Domination Haki in his body surged out like a hidden dragon emerging from the abyss, turning into black and red lightning that entangled his right foot, and then he stepped on his left foot and his right foot rose from the ground.


The right foot wrapped with Domination Haki, like a black dragon with fangs and claws, surrounded by the majestic pressure that distorted the atmosphere, went straight to Kaji.

“This is definitely not Armament Haki.”

When Kaji saw Rosen’s right foot wrapped in Domineering Haki, he got goose bumps all over his body.

Without waiting for Rosen to move his legs, he kicked the ground with both feet one after another like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and retreated like a monkey, trying to distance himself.


The distance was finally pulled away.

Rosen’s right foot wrapped in Domineering Haki, even if it was completely kicked out, the height difference between two meters and three meters, plus Kaji’s retreat speed was not slow at all, made his kick always about half a meter away from Kaji.


Kaki saw this, and just as this thought came to his mind, he saw that Rosen’s right foot wrapped in black and red lightning suddenly burst out with terrifying power, and the suffocatingly strong pressure directly crossed the gap between the two people and reached his chest.


Kaji’s facial features twisted, he looked down in disbelief, and found that his chest, clothes and skin, were visibly twisted.

Not only that.

Black lightning dancing like a flying dragon had swept from Rosen’s right foot to his body before bursting out with a devastating impact.

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