The sky was full of smoke, and the sky was full of dust.


Kaji screamed, and in mid-air, he spurted out a stream of scarlet blood before landing. Then his body flew backwards like a cannonball, carrying a circle of spiral air waves, and finally fell on the ground of the square.



Accompanied by the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, with Kaji’s landing as the center, cracks extended around like pythons. The square was like a dry riverbed, cracking into spider web cracks, and bursts of smoke and dust rose from the ground along the cracks, turning into dust pillars and rushing straight into the sky.

“Is this the domineering color entanglement?”

Kaji was lying in a deep pit, and he felt his eyelids were extremely heavy and it was difficult to open his eyes.

The brain was like being hit by a mountain, with a splitting headache and a spinning head.

This feeling was very similar to being shocked by Rosen’s Conqueror Haki before, but the power was very different.

If the power of simply releasing Conqueror Haki was only 10, then using Conqueror Haki Entanglement would be more than 100.

Fully releasing the power of Conqueror Haki.

It was no longer the qualification of a king, nor was it a skill to clear small soldiers.

It was a symbol of becoming a king.

“Can’t get up?”

On the other side.

Gion, who got up from the ground with a knife as a crutch, saw Kaji lying dead on the ground after being hit by Rosen’s Conqueror Haki Entanglement, as if his health bar was emptied in an instant and it was difficult to get up. She couldn’t help but feel a chill in her heart.

Although she had only known Kaji for one day, she had the same height as a general, and they both learned the hardening of Armament Haki Entanglement in just one day, so she had a very clear understanding of Kaji’s strength.

That is not weaker than me.

But what about now?

She was just kicked and died.

In other words.

If she was in Kaji’s position and was entangled by Rosen’s domineering color, her fate would definitely not be much better than Kaji.

“Is this Rosen’s strength?”

“Teacher Zefa.”

“You are wrong. Even if it is two to one, it is still the biggest injustice for us!”

Gion looked at Rosen standing proudly in the center of the square.

For the first time, she felt what absolute oppression was.

Even if she joined forces with Kaji, she was still crushed and defeated by Rosen with a crushing force.

“Let me see.”

“How much does fighting improve domineering?”

“No, it should be said that how much does the source of Qi work.”

After punching Gion and kicking Kaji, Rosen retracted his legs and stood up. He did not continue to attack the two, but poured his consciousness into the domineering in his body.

At this glance, he found that the three-color domineering aura that was originally like three balls of light, respectively entrenched in his upper, middle, and lower dantian, had undergone visible changes.

After actual combat, whether it was the color of observation, the color of armed, or the color of overlord, the surface of the three air masses had become three different colors of Qi infants, respectively entrenched in the upper, middle, and lower dantian.

By pouring his consciousness into the Qi infants, Rosen could clearly feel that the three Qi infants were making movements similar to breathing.

After each breath, he found that his three-color domineering aura would be slightly improved.

Not only that, after the three-color domineering aura turned into the three-color Qi infant, in addition to self-cultivation, which can gradually improve the strength of domineering aura, the effect of improving the strength of domineering aura through combat has also been greatly enhanced.

Just like now.

[Your comprehension is against the sky. Through the first battle, combined with the cultivation of the source of Qi, the strength of the three-color domineering aura has been improved. ]

[The strength of the domineering aura of armed color has increased by 30%. 】

【Intensity of Observation Haki increased by 20%. 】

【Intensity of Conqueror Haki increased by 20%. 】

A series of information appeared in Rosen’s mind.

He was thoughtful.

Is it because Armament Haki is used the most times in battle?

So among the three colors of Haki, Armament Haki has the greatest increase in strength.

After experiencing the effect of Qi Body Origin Flow, Rosen was extremely satisfied with the Haki cultivation method he created.

It was just one battle.

All three colors of Haki have been improved visible to the naked eye.

What if it happens a few more times?

Moreover, he also found that it is not only battles that can make the three colors of Haki have an immediate improvement effect, but the self-cultivation of Qi Infants can actually do it.

The premise is that something is needed.

That is nutrition.

Huge amounts of nutrition.

Thinking of this, Rosen suddenly had an impulse.

No class, go to the cafeteria first

Let’s go.

“Let’s stop here.”

“Let’s go to the cafeteria to eat something first.”

“I have asked someone to prepare meat made from sea kings for you…”

Seeing that Gion was ready to fight again with his sword, Zefa spoke up to end the sparring.

Kaji was already lying dead, and Gion was not in good condition. Continuing the sparring would have no effect at all, and would only hurt the body.

It would be better to rest, replenish nutrition, and then continue to practice domineering skills in the afternoon.

Of course.

This is the arrangement for Gion and Kaji, but Rosen is different.

As Zefa said at the beginning, this class is the last class that Gion and Kaji can take with Rosen.

“Meat made from sea kings.”

Rosen was moved when he heard this.

Sea kings.

It can be said to be a major feature of the pirate world, and it is also the strongest race in this sea in the true sense.

Even the most ordinary sea kings are more than 100 meters long.

Some super-large sea kings can only be measured in kilometers, and the giants are just pocket toys in front of them.

The sea king meat that Zefa mentioned cannot be super-large sea kings, but even ordinary sea kings are definitely nutritious beyond imagination.

Most suitable for the cultivation of Qi body source flow.

“Are you still alive?”


Zef walked in front of Kaji, looked down at him, and did not forget to tease him.

“Teacher Zefa.”

“You are wrong.”

“Even if Gion and I fight against Brother Rosen alone, it is the greatest injustice to us.”

Kaji supported himself with his hands, stood up, shook his dizzy head, and then had a sad expression on his face.

“Speaking of which, it’s all my fault for misjudging.”

“I didn’t expect it.”

“Your strength as a master is far less than what you said.”

Zef was still thinking about Kaji’s claim to be a master before.

Hearing this, Kaji could only smile bitterly.

I will never pretend again.

Especially when Rosen is around.

“Let’s go.”

“Let’s go eat.”

Although Zefa teased Kaji, he still checked his body seriously.

After confirming that Kaji had no major problems, he took Rosen and the other two to the cafeteria.

In the Navy cafeteria.

Whether it was the teachers who were eating or the staff who were distributing the food, they all stared at the pile of plates on the table not far away.

To be precise, it was the black-haired boy in front of the two mountains of plates.

“10 minutes! He ate a full 100 kilograms of meat.”

“He’s still eating.”

“Is his stomach connected to the sea?”

“Although Mr. Sakaski, Mr. Borsalino, and Mr. Kuzan also had big appetites when they were in the military academy, they were not as exaggerated as him!”

The people present were more and more shocked when they saw Rosen eating 100 kilograms of sea king meat in ten minutes, and he was still eating, no, it should be said that he was mopping up.

“Eat slowly.”

“There’s plenty of meat.”

Seeing that Rosen’s mopping speed did not slow down at all, Zefa could only add one sentence.

After hearing that there was plenty of meat, Rosen’s mopping speed slowed down, and he also had time to pay attention to Gion and Kake beside him.

“Why don’t you eat?”

Seeing that both of them were holding cutlery, but there was nothing in front of them, he couldn’t help but ask curiously.

“I want to eat too!”

“But every time the dish is served, I don’t know why the dish of meat has already entered your stomach.”

Veins popped out on Kaji’s forehead.

After being kicked by Rosen with his domineering color, he still wanted to come to the cafeteria to replenish his food.

As a result, he sat there for a full 10 minutes. Apart from being able to see the meat with his eyes, he couldn’t eat it with his mouth at all.

“Call a few more chefs.”

Seeing this, Zefa could only use his authority as the chief instructor and principal to call a few chefs.

With the addition of new forces, the speed of serving food in the cafeteria has been immediately improved.

After Rosen ate about 150 kilograms of food, Gion and Kaji finally had their first bite of meat.

“Eat until you are 70% full!”

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