The sword was broken, and the sword was broken.

A flash of purple light.

With Rosen as the center, a semicircular shield opened in all directions, surrounded by black and red lightning, like a black dragon, facing Bondi Wald’s 100 times slash with an indestructible posture.


Bondi Wald’s angry kick hit the outer shell of the static blood suit, and immediately exploded with waves of overwhelming air waves, even the Impel Prison on the sea under his feet shook violently.


After receiving this blow head-on, although Rosen’s outer shell Static Blood Suit trembled violently, the surface was not damaged at all. Instead, it was directly shaken by Bondi Wald’s right foot that was hardened by Armament Color, and its domineering aura dissipated and returned to its original state.

Not only that.

On the surface of the outer shell Static Blood Suit, purple streams of light appeared like spirit snakes and took the opportunity to climb onto his right foot.

Some purple streams of light directly eroded his skin and flesh, turning into tattoo-like lines and covering the surface of his body.

Some purple streams of light followed his right foot, soaring straight up, invading the deep wound on his chest that could be seen to the bone, and reaching the inside.


Bondi Wald wanted to raise his foot again, use Armament Color to wrap and harden, and chop down his left leg like a battle axe, completely chopping Rosen’s outer shell Static Blood Suit into pieces, but suddenly found an uncontrollable swelling feeling coming from his body, followed by a heart-wrenching pain.


Instantly, his skin became red and swollen, and then his nostrils, eyes, ears, and mouth began to bleed wildly.

Especially the wound on his chest that Rosen had cut before. It was like a large amount of tomatoes were crushed inside. Streams of scarlet blood spurted out from the wound like a fountain, and fell on Rosen’s outer shell static blood suit, staining the semicircular shield with scarlet.


Bondi Wald’s eyes rolled back, and his body, which had swelled into a giant, quickly shrank back to its original shape, and then fell from mid-air and fell at Rosen’s feet.

Blood flowed out of his pores, quickly leaving a pool of scarlet and sticky blood on the ground.

“What’s going on?”

Seeing Bondi Wald suddenly spurting blood and falling to the ground, the one who reacted the most was not someone else, but Domino.

Outer shell static blood suit.

She had not forgotten that Rosen had used this move to help him resist the severe cold and freezing air when he was in the fifth layer of the extremely cold hell.

But now.

The World Destroyer actually died directly from this move.

“I see.”

“Use the Static Blood Suit on the enemy?”

“Combining the flow release, internal destruction, and the Static Blood Suit to form the outer shell Static Blood Suit. Once the body touches the semicircular shield formed by Rosen’s Armament Haki, his Armament Haki will flow to the opponent, eroding the body, and even penetrating the surface, entering the body, and injecting into the blood vessels.”

Zefa’s eyes flashed with a hint of realization.

As Rosen’s teacher and the person who knows his abilities best, he saw the cause of Bondi Waldo’s death at a glance.

This made him sigh at Rosen’s meticulous control of Haki.

If it were anyone else, even himself or Garp, they could only inject the Armament Haki into Bondi Waldo’s body and directly attack the internal organs.

But where to attack is not up to them.

To be like Rosen, while defending, let the Haki flow into Bondi Waldo’s body, and further control it in detail, inject the Haki into the blood vessels, and carry out devastating internal damage.

Such a thing, whether it is him, Zephyr, or the hero Garp, can’t do it.

“In the control of Haki, no, in the skills of Armament Haki, he has completely surpassed me, no, surpassed everyone in the Navy Headquarters.”

Zeff looked at Rosen’s back, with a gratified smile on his face.

He has retired and spent the rest of his life cultivating the buds of the Navy.

As a famous teacher, there is nothing more gratifying than seeing students surpassing their teachers.

“How did he do it?”

Shiryu was horrified and puzzled.


“You are really as scary as a monster.”

Borusalino shook his head.

In the fight between Rosen and Bondi Waldo just now, he almost couldn’t help but attack several times.

After all, Rosen’s exposure to domineering was too short.

At most, it was only three days. Even if Bondi Waldo’s strength was not strong, he could still be called a world destroyer.

, all due to the danger of the Momo Fruit itself.

The result made him unexpected. Rosen not only defeated Bondi Waldo neatly, but also firmly controlled the overall rhythm throughout the battle.

The only damage was that his clothes were slightly dirty.


“Bondi Waldo was beaten to death.”

“That navy kid, he can use the Conqueror’s Haki entanglement!”

“What the hell.”

“It’s okay that there is a king with Conqueror’s Haki in the navy, but he can also use the Conqueror’s Haki entanglement technique.”

The prisoners on the sixth floor who witnessed Rosen killing Bondi Waldo were all stunned.

Not only because of Rosen’s strength, but also because of the various skills he showed in the battle.

Not to mention the Armament Haki skills that have reached the pinnacle and are beyond the scope of understanding.

And the Conqueror’s Haki entanglement.

That’s the symbol of becoming a king!

It actually appeared on a student who has not yet graduated from the Naval Academy.

“World Destroyer?”

Rosen removed his outer shell and blood-stasis suit, ignoring the exclamations from the prisoners, and glanced at Bondi Waldo, who was lying at his feet, with his blood vessels bursting and his lifeless breath gone.

“Carry him away.”

“Next one.”

He asked Domino to carry Bondi Waldo’s body away, and then invited the next prisoner.

No wonder Rosen was so active.

In fact, in the battle with Bondi Waldo, except that the weapon fruit was not fully opened, he directly opened the three-color domineering and used all the skills he created and learned.

Not only did he fight heartily, but he also made the strength of the three-color domineering go a step further.

[Your comprehension is against the sky. Through the battle with Bondi Waldo, combined with the cultivation of the source of Qi, the three-color domineering has been broken through. ]

[The strength of the armed color domineering has increased by 225%. ]

[The strength of the sight color Batti has increased by 183%. 】

【The strength of the Conqueror’s Haki increased by 110%. 】

Even the least enhanced Conqueror’s Haki of the three colors has been enhanced by more than double.

The Observation Haki has been enhanced by more than double, almost double.

Of course, the biggest increase is the Armed Haki that has been used frequently since the beginning of the battle until Bondi Wald was killed.

It has been enhanced by more than double.

In addition to the substantial gains, there are also hidden gains.

That is the enhancement of Haki, which makes the three-color Qi infant bigger, and the speed of practicing the three-color Haki has also increased a lot.

“The stronger the Haki of the person who fights, the greater the improvement?”

Rosen thought of the previous collision of Conqueror’s Haki with Douglas Barrett.

Although there was no direct fight, the strength of the Conqueror’s Haki was too high. Even if it was just a violent conflict for a while, it still increased his Conqueror’s Haki by more than two times.

Unlike Bondi Waldo, who fought with real swords and guns, even the biggest increase in Armament Haki was not as good as the improvement brought by the conflict with Douglas Barrett using Haki.

Rosen was not surprised by this.

The more powerful the person, the greater the risk.

If the difference in Haki is too big, the person will be killed by the opponent before his own Haki is improved.

Why didn’t Douglas Barrett have the strength of a general before he was 20 years old?

Outstanding talent is a necessary condition, but there are many people in this sea who are as talented as Barrett, or even better than him.

The core reason is that he is fighting with Roger, Rayleigh, Jabba and others day and night.

Anyway, these people will only hang Douglas Barrett up and beat him up at most, and they will not really kill him.

As time went by and the number of fights increased, even if Douglas Barrett did not know the origin of Qi Body and the Six Stories Immortal Thief, he could still reach the strength of a general emperor under the training of the three kings of Roger’s group.

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