The two of them were so busy that they had to fight.


Seeing that Rosen had just finished beating the World Destroyer and couldn’t wait to start the second round of the battle, Zefa immediately stepped forward to stop.

“What’s wrong?”

“Teacher Zefa.”

Rosen was a little puzzled.

Didn’t you ask me to come to the Infinite Hell for a practical class?

Didn’t you ask me to break through the Infinite Hell?

I just started dancing, why did you suddenly stop?

“Domino, clean up Waldo’s body.”

Zeff didn’t explain, but asked Domino to collect Bondi Waldo’s body, and then turned and walked towards the fifth layer of the extremely cold hell.

Seeing this, Rosen didn’t ask any more questions, but followed him.

As the first master of the navy, the only one who can be compared with teacher Kai, he believes that Zefa must have a deep meaning for doing this.

Borsalino shrugged and followed closely.

Xiliu took another look at the body of Bondi Waldo on the ground, and left the infinite hell without saying a word, leaving only the prisoners on the sixth floor to discuss the death of Bondi Waldo and Rosen’s strength in surprise.

After leaving the infinite hell, Zefa did not stop, but returned to the original way and came to an empty office that he had asked Domino to prepare before.

However, he did not let Xiliu and Domino follow him in, but asked the two to wait outside.

“Miss Domino, please prepare some meat.”

“Starting from 300 kilograms, it must be the meat of the sea king.”

“As for the warden Xiliu, you can do whatever you want, but if there is nothing important, please don’t disturb us.”

After Zefa explained to Domino, he closed the door directly and refused to let Xiliu out.


After witnessing Xiluo’s behavior of abandoning his companions in the extremely cold hell, he had a resistance to this warden.

Seeing this.

Xiluo did not intend to put his warm face on Zefa’s cold butt, but he did not leave, but walked not far away, and then recalled the whole process of Rosen and Bondi Waldo’s fight just now in his mind.

The domineering color entanglement of the just-exploded Momo fruit.

The static blood suit and dynamic blood suit that surpassed the four techniques of armed color.

And the weapon fruit that was not obvious from beginning to end.

These scenes, like a horse-drawn show, flashed repeatedly in front of Xiluo’s eyes.

Every time it was played back, the shock in his heart became stronger.

This was the first time.

For the first time in Xiluo’s life, he felt an emotion called fear towards someone who was not as strong as himself.


It was fear.

“I’m not mistaken.”

“During the battle with Bondi Waldo, the man’s domineering power is constantly increasing.”

“The experience of using various domineering powers, the combination of various skills, the combination of fruit power and domineering power, everything, he is making crazy progress at an incredible speed.”

Shiryu took a deep breath.

After witnessing the battle between Rosen and Bondi Waldo, he realized that Rosen’s horror was not in his current strength and ability, but in the incredible and beyond-common-sense progress speed.

If the current Rosen fights the World Destroyer again, there will be no fierce battle at all.

There will only be a one-sided beating, or rather, a massacre.

On the other side.

After closing the door of the office, Zefa looked at Borsalino, who was already sitting on the sofa and brewing tea with Rosen around the stove:

“Ask if you want to ask anything.”

He was a little surprised.

Borsalino seems to be approachable, like Kuzan, and easy to get along with, but in fact he is unfathomable and always gives people an ambiguous feeling.

In the Navy Headquarters, although he is not as feared by everyone as Sakaski, no one dares to offend him.

It is very rare to get along with Rosen in such a harmonious way as now.

At least, he has only seen Borsalino like this when he is with Sakaski, Kuzan, Garp, Sengoku and a few others.

And compared with these people.

Borsalino seems to be more intimate and casual when he is with Rosen.

It seems to be the mode of getting along between seniors and juniors.

“Did Bondi Waldo really fight with you, Mr. Zefa, Vice Admiral Garp, and Mr. Sengoku before?”

“To be honest.”

“With his level, it is a question whether he can take a slap from Mr. Sengoku.”

Rosen saw Borsalino pouring tea for him. He knocked on the table politely, then took a sip of the teacup and said to Zefa.

He had seen the hegemony of Sengoku, and he had also seen the Buddha form of Sengoku.

With that kind of domineering attitude, even if three world destroyers were tied together, they would be beaten half to death with one slap.

“Naval battles are different from land battles. Some fruit ability users can exert extremely terrible combat power in specific environments.”

“The environment of Impel Prison, and Bondi Waldo just broke the ice and had no weapons in his hands, which actually limited the ability of the Momo Fruit.”

“Imagine that you are on a warship, in the vast ocean, and Bondi Waldo is shooting at you and firing at you from a distance of several kilometers or even farther away.”

Zeffer seemed to have guessed that Rosen would ask this question, and answered immediately:

“A bullet, a 100-fold increase in volume and speed, even giants, no, large sea kings will be shot through with one shot. ”

“A cannonball, with a 100-fold increase in volume and speed, can flatten even a mountain, no, an island.”

“With bullets 100 times more powerful and cannonballs 100 times more powerful like this, Waldo can continuously fire hundreds of rounds at you from several kilometers away.”

“When you carry a hundred times more bullets and cannonballs and want to catch him, you find that Bondi Waldo’s pirate ship can also increase its speed 100 times on the sea.”

“What do you think?”

He looked at Rosen.

“Very scary.”

Rosen simulated what Zefa said in his mind.

The most common pistols and rifle bullets on the Grand Line can fly at speeds exceeding the speed of sound.

After being amplified by the Momo Fruit, the volume and speed directly doubled 100 times. If used on a large battlefield, it is simply a humanoid self-propelled missile.

Especially in naval battles, regardless of whether you are a capable person or not, the ship under your feet is extremely important.

Especially in dangerous waters like the New World, losing the ship is not far from death for most people.

Not to mention that Bondi Waldo can also use the multiplication of the Momo fruit to own a pirate ship that can multiply its speed 100 times at any time.

“Fortunately, that guy relies too much on the power of the fruit, his physical skills are not good, and his domineering is even worse. Otherwise, he can use the armed color to wrap and harden a 100-fold bullet, or a 100-fold cannonball, which would be incredible.”

“If Waldo can have the level of domineering of the vice-captain, it would be even more terrifying. If he can go one step further on this basis and have the domineering color domineering, then he is a monster like Shiki.”

“Even if there is no such domineering, if he masters the Momo fruit and awakens it, then this multiplication ability can act on others. Just think about it, Kaido’s speed is multiplied 100 times, and his size is multiplied 100 times, what will happen?”

Zeff shook his head.

In his opinion, the Momo Fruit is the same as the Float-Float Fruit and the Tremor-Tremor Fruit, and is also a top-level superhuman devil fruit.

It’s just that as a capable person, Bondi Waldo has seriously lowered the upper limit of the Momo Fruit.

He can’t be as powerful as Shiki and Whitebeard.

“That’s true.”

Upon hearing this, Rosende realized the horror of the Momo Fruit even more.

No wonder Bondi Waldo, who is not very strong, can break out of the name of the world destroyer.

No wonder Bondi Waldo, who is far less powerful than the General Emperor, can be designed and harmed by the World Government.

The Filial Son Sword Backstab has always been an exclusive treatment for the Four Emperors-level monsters.

For example, Whitebeard.

“As for why Waldo was able to fight against me, Garp, and Sengoku, it’s not that simple. Garp, Sengoku, and I who fought against Waldo were not the heroes, marshals, and black arms later.”

“We were just like you now, just the buds in the Navy Headquarters.”

“No, you are much stronger than we were back then.”

Zeff shook his head:

“In my time, the Navy School did not teach Haki, not even the Six Styles. You can only learn it after graduation. By capturing pirates, accumulating military merits, exchanging them for rewards, and then practicing on your own.”

“That is, after I retired and became an instructor at the Naval Academy, I carried out a series of reforms to the school’s system, which led to the current situation where even students in ordinary classes can be exposed to domineering.”

“So, we all started to emerge after the age of 30. Just look at Garp and you will know that he became famous in the true sense when he destroyed the Rocks Pirates when he was 40 years old.”

Hearing this.

Whether it was Rosen or Borsalino who seemed calm on the surface, they were all in their hearts about this Navy’s No. 1.

A teacher was filled with gratitude and admiration.

It is no exaggeration to say that.

Zefa really created a golden era for the navy with his own efforts.

“Okay, let’s stop talking about the old times and talk about the internship class.”

“You must be very puzzled.”

“After the battle with Waldo, your three-color domineering has improved immediately, but I have to stop you at this time.”

Zefer did not say much about the old times, but focused on cultivating new buds like Rosen.

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