Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1448: Later on

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Rain is falling down.

The weak cicada-winged lotus petals seemed to be broken and extremely delicate, but when the rain fell, they made a sound of metal slamming.

"Let's go!"

Chu Jingtian smiled slightly.

Was already a right-handed wave.

The huge lotus platform directly lifted the crowd and swarmed towards the deep grassland.

In Liantai, everyone just felt that the ubiquitous coercion seemed to be offset. Standing in it, you can clearly see the vast scene of the outside world.

As you can see, on this grassland, it turned out to be a place of heavy rain.

The rain that filled the sky came down, almost reaching a level of imperviousness. The rainwater is not only composed of the essence of water, but also contains the power of horrible heavens and earth. Countless drops of smashing, just like let everyone have the general feeling of facing a tidal tsunami.

Fortune Jinliantai, it looks like this is a flat boat above the tide.

"Too strong!"

"Is this the formation method set by Renxian?"

"Even if Master Jiujing Xiuwei stepped into this grassland, it was extremely dangerous!"

Everyone who felt the heavy rain outside and felt its power couldn't help but look dumbfounded.

Especially when they thought that the mysterious tomb master couldn't help it.

Just when everyone imagined it.

I saw that the power of the French formation suddenly increased.

Countless black brilliance poured directly from the sky. Immediately after countless lightnings smashed insanely, each lightning fell, making the ground tremble suddenly, showing its power.


Face these crazy thunder.

Chu Jingtian's eyes narrowed, and the Shenguang skyrocketed, and he suddenly drank.


The fierce sound of the sword even suppressed the thunder.

The astounding Jian Hong swept away suddenly, directly dispersing the rain curtain that was falling, and tearing down the violent thunder that had fallen down, splitting a channel hundreds of feet long.

But this grassland does not know how deep it is, and it is even larger than the magmatic sea area. The passage of hundreds of feet is far from the end. These rain curtains not only have super lethality, but also can isolate the gods.

"Everyone shot together!"

Seeing this scene, Judge Cui sang aloud.

He held up the judge's pen and stroked it like a dragon and snake, tearing the sky directly.

When others saw this, they did not reserve it.

Shot quickly.

The ghost teacher swings with long sleeves, and every dance brings out a fierce dragon. These mad dragons do not let go much more than Shui De Xing Jun's Kowloon-bound skylock. They emerge from the void, tearing the rain curtain, and devouring lightning.

The bull's head uses a halberd, and the horse's face uses a giant knife. The Thousand-Eyed Ghost King also takes out an iron rod. Coupled with three half-immortals, and a dozen masters of the Nine Realms, this was one blow after another, cutting off the rain curtain in succession, and finally spawned a huge channel in this grassland.

Chu Jingtian also urged Jinliantai, who was chasing Tiangong people.

"It seems we are going out of this grassland first!"

Looking at the edge of the large array getting closer.

The Tiangong people couldn't help getting proud.

Especially Shui De Xing Jun, who had previously lost face in Chu Jingtian's hands, now they have left each other far behind. He couldn't help thinking about the way those people were chasing behind them.


Zhang Daoling nodded.

You know, these attacks are illusions of formations, and the more powerful they go, the more powerful they become. Even if so many of them resisted, it was very troublesome. After all, so much rain is endless like the sea of ​​arrows, and the pressure is naturally great.

"That's it?" Just then, someone suddenly called, "Someone's coming!"


Everyone was shocked, and they turned around and looked.

Then they saw a shocking scene.

I saw a Guanghua approaching frantically at an extreme speed. Even the rain and the mad thunder could not stop half a minute.


Seeing the light emerging from the rain curtain, the crowd had already passed through the grassland under the package of Liantai, disappeared into their vision, and left them far behind.

"They actually surpassed us!"

Kui wood wolf, horned wood **** and others almost didn't bite their teeth.

I originally thought that the winning ticket was in my hands, but I did not expect that at the last moment, I was actually overtaken, especially the Shui De Xing Jun, who was even more aware of this feeling. He had thought that this kind of thing would never happen again, but he did not expect the other party to shred their fantasies so relentlessly!

Zhang Dao's face changed dramatically.

He borrowed the Heavenly Master's seal, and so many people joined forces, plus a step ahead, this is worthy of reaching here. I just feel that this large array is simply fantastical, and it is impossible to break through with personal strength alone.

But Chu Jingtian and others were not slow at all, followed closely, which made the people in Tiangong look gloomy for a moment.

"Tianshi, that is an innate magic weapon!"

When someone glanced over the Good Fortune Jinliantai ~ ~, the eyes flashed.

"So it is!"

Zhang Daoling's haze suddenly recovered a lot, but at the same time, looking at Chu Jingtian's eyes became hot.

The innate magic weapon is very rare in the first place. It is rare to be able to reach this level, and its power is much higher than that of ordinary weapons of the same level.

Even he couldn't help it.


As soon as Chu Jingtian and others rode into the dust, it was like a purple thunder light, and they rushed out of the grassland in a blast.

Almost at the same time, the overcast rain and mad thunder disappeared when the cavitation turned into numerous foams and restored to its original appearance. And in front of them was a huge valley!

Everyone had time to look into the valley before they heard a whistling sound behind them.


Everyone looked back.

When I saw Zhang Daoling and others driving a glorious landscape, they flew from the depths of the grassland, and fell heavily outside the grassland.

Seeing Chu Jingtian again, everyone in Tiangong apparently looked a little embarrassed.

At the beginning, they also laughed at each other and being left behind by themselves, but now the other party broke out of the grassland before them, this scene is like slap in the face.

However, those present were mentally different from ordinary people, and soon these thoughts were suppressed and placed behind the grassland.

When they looked forward, everyone couldn't help shining.

Appearing in front of everyone was a diffuse mountain group full of strange flowers and weeds, overflowing with aura, and the spiritual rain formed by the blue spiritual fog in the air falling with the wind, which was obviously a blessed place.

However, the breath hidden in that mountain group made everyone's heart linger.

Obviously, this mountain group is not as simple as they imagined!

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