Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1449: Youzan Mountains

After half a day, Chu Jingtian and his party were walking slowly on the dark and humid mountain road.

Although they have only been up the mountain for a few hours, they have already encountered several attacks by the great demon emperor.

These big demon emperors are all half-immortal.

The strength of each head is far stronger than that of the King of Snakes, and they are extremely addictive to kill, as if they are unreachable and want to put people to death!

"Is this the means of immortals?"

Along the way, everyone was shocked.

Being able to take so many Banxian-level demons imprisoned on this mountain, one can imagine the terror behind them.

Although Judge Cui and the ghost teacher were surprised, they were not as strange as Chu Xiu.

After all, some of the elders in the land government have not reached the realm of immortals. Their ability may not be as good as the owner of this tomb, but they are almost the same.

"This is the last mountain group, as long as you cross it, you can get there!"

Chu Jingtian carried his hands and looked forward.

For a while, everyone's eyes were all looking forward.

I saw that at the end of the valley, there was a mountain peak enough for everyone to look up. This mountain towered into the sky, I wonder how high it is. But in the face of this mountain, the ultimate feeling of greatness came to my heart again!

Divine thoughts have been rising upwards, but when they reach the top of the mountain, they will be isolated, as if there is anything to completely isolate the divine thoughts.

But even this last mountain.

It is not so easy to cross, because the powerful breath spreading in the mountains is more powerful and terrible than what they have encountered along the way, as if it is equivalent to a demon mountain!


"That's right there!"

In the eyes of Shui De Xingjun, the light of God bloomed, staring at the existence like a sacred mountain. "This feeling is exactly the same as when we entered Renxian Tomb. Renxian's treasure must be there!"

Kokaki also nodded slightly, "Yes, that's the ultimate feeling! But, this last mountain area is not so easy to cross!"

Everyone in Tiangong is looking at the mountains in front of them, and there is a little fear in their eyes.

But then.

Zhang Daoling laughed, and he glanced at Chu Jingtian and others not far away. "Is that not right? The harder this last mountain is, the better it is for us. At least, it can help us Eliminate some people in the land! "

When these people in Tiangong heard the words, they could not help but shine.


Under such a dangerous situation of the demon mountain, they can believe that the people in the land can leap safely.

"Haha, finally you can see the dungeon eating!"

Tiangong secretly thought.

Especially the Shui De Xing Jun, is even more resentful.


The demon mountain group.

The last mountain group of this mountain group.

This mountain group is composed of hundreds of high mountains, surrounded by layers of mountains.

In this mountain, there are towering trees everywhere. Each of the trees here is several meters in diameter and hundreds of meters high, soaring into the sky. Located in it, everyone just felt as if they had come to a giant country.

Below the trees, there are various vines entwined, and there is no trace of light covering the entire mountain. In the mountains, there are still many random rocks piled up in it, and in the vagueness, some kind of demon emperor's heavy breathing sound can be heard.

Today, Difu and Tiangong are going through this mountain to reach their final destination!


Almost as soon as everyone stepped into this mountain group, a sudden whistling came suddenly.

The sound of howling was extremely sharp.

I saw that infinite ripples in the void were spreading violently. Wherever I passed, the huge trees that towered into the sky around the crowd were directly twisted into powder by this sound wave!

"That is?"

While hearing this sound, everyone hurriedly looked around.

See you there.

The sound came from a sycamore tree standing on the top of a mountain.

With this roar, countless birds and beasts in this mountain seemed to have received orders and swept across the crowd's position.

"Quick defense!"

"An animal tide is coming!"

Fears of terror continued to come.

Everyone looked up, and there were densely packed birds and monsters in the field of vision. Each one had at least Nine Realms, wings spread up to hundreds of meters, and so vast and gushing like a black cloud covered the top.

"锵!" "锵!" "”! "

No matter Tiangong or Difu, at this moment they all pulled out their weapons and greeted this large group of monsters.


Judge Cui held the judge pen, used the pen to replace the sword, and used heaven and earth as drawing paper.


Those monsters were torn directly by the pen, and were crushed on the spot into a blood rain, which slammed.

Chu Jingtian was holding the void.

Each strike brought a dazzling sword rainbow, wherever it passed, the black sky swept away a blank space.

Seeing the attack on the side of the palace, the Tiangong side did not hesitate, it was a test heart ~ ~ Although it was in a mountainous area.

But every time Shui De Xingjun took a shot, he brought up a sky of water. These water columns suddenly exploded into the air and turned into hundreds of millions of raindrops. The power of the prairie rain array was quite strong. Those monsters that were hit were torn to pieces on the spot.

As for the horned wooden urn, it is a body-building warrior. Under the surge of blood and blood, the body surface was covered with a layer of scales like dragon scales. The power between the fists and feet is endless. Although there are only nine masters, but the strength is no less than the average half-immortal!

Kui Wolf also belongs to one of the 28 stars, and he uses a knife. The blade is anxious, the offensive is like a wolf hunter, fierce.

The crowd attacked, but for a moment, it was already killing most of the monsters in the sky.


at this time.

There was a terrible howling again from the huge tree that towered into the sky.

In the shriek, it suddenly turned into a ball of light, flapping his wings and attacking everyone. Wherever he went, he brought up a towering flame, like a sea of ​​fire spreading.

At the same time, he killed a master of the Nine Realms.

"Be careful!"

Chu Jingtian, Judge Cui and others hurriedly reminded.

The Jiujing Grandmaster is confronting another big demon emperor, and he is stalemate. Hearing the cry, the secret road is not good.


The flames of light swept directly, engulfing the opponent.


The Nine Realm screamed directly and burned directly to the ashes in the fire.

This unexpected emergence caused everyone to be stunned, and quickly looked towards the sky.

In the sky.

The flames shone, revealing a red body, a huge figure like a skull.

These are the three phoenixes that live on the top of the sycamore tree!

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