Saint Ancestor of Void Extreme

Vol 3 Chapter 1485: Get the baby's willow monster ahead of time

"Xin Yu is dead?"

"I've eliminated a human fairy so soon? And is he ridiculed by Chu Jingtian?"

Anyone who got the news was shocked.

To know.

For most people, the ancestral talent is the protagonist of this highlight, but now that the trial has just begun, one person has fallen, and you can imagine how shocking everyone is.

"You must avoid Chu Jingtian!"

"Yes, this is a killing god. The ancestor of the Xin family shot, and he did not stop it!"

Some half-immortals, some nine-state powerhouses, are terrifying.

Silently put Chu Jingtian in a terrifying position.

"It really lost the face of our ancestors and was defeated by Chu Jingtian for the first time out of the mountain. This time it actually died directly in the other's hands!"

On a mountain peak.

Su Heng stepped on a demon fairy who had been completely beheaded and couldn't help sneering.

"Xin's first-tier family was originally at the bottom of the rankings, and Xing's successors seem to be nothing more than bluffs!"

Wei Qiu stepped on the flame, and in front of him was an incinerated valley.

A fairy was struggling in the flames and kept screaming.


Wei Qiu snorted and looked suddenly.

At this moment, the flames in the valley seemed to have an autonomous consciousness. They turned into thousands of trains, and darted into the seven tricks of the fairy.

There was a loud scream.

This demon was directly burned to ashes, and even the spirits were completely annihilated.

"Oh, actually killed Xin Yu?"

Qin Yaner's clothes fluttered with acetylene, green silk fluttered, and a beautiful smile appeared on the beautiful face.

"It seems that Chu Chutian is still quite capable, but it is not so easy to want to be my husband!"


Just when outsiders are bothering.

Chu Jingtian had already left the valley.

The valley still belongs to the outer area of ​​the one million mountains, and the gods of the ancestors can still be explored. The inner wall of the million mountains, the group of demon immortals, and the space cracks left over from ancient times, the ancestors' gods cannot touch this place.

He leap over a mountain and into a black forest.

Over the forest, there are countless gaps shining with runes.

The whole forest is like a pond, and you can feel a lot of pressure when you step into it.

"Here it is, unless the ancestors came here in person, their projections could not be reached by projection alone!"

Sit cross-legged.

Chu Jingtian took out the gold paper previously obtained from Xin Yu, and then took out his own gold paper.

"Om ~"

Just like a magnet, two pieces of broken gold paper responded to each other and quickly merged into a larger piece of gold paper.


His eyes flickered.

Chu Jingtian looked at the golden paper in one, and was surprised.

The previous gap disappeared completely, as if the two were originally one.

At the same time, the swimming runes on the gold paper, like swimming fish, shuttled back and forth on the gold paper.

"I can feel that there is an endless force in this gold paper ... but because of the incompleteness of the gold paper, I am trapped in the gold paper."

"As long as I get the last piece of gold paper, I can perfect it completely. What will it look like then?"

"And, this gold paper looks like a book page ..."

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes.

If it really looks like he guessed, then the meaning and background behind this gold paper is really terrifying.

Has this gold paper ever been torn from a book?

And this gold paper that cannot even be damaged by immortals, can it be destroyed by a higher level of existence? What kind of existence owns this book?


Chu Jingtian didn't think deeply.

Because there are many secrets in the world, even he never knew and explored. In addition to this gold paper, the demon bones of his right arm belong to this category.

"The rest of this gold paper ..."

Chu Jingtian looked into the millions of mountains.

That piece of gold paper was originally owned by the Wei family ancestors. He did not cast into the millions of mountains like the ancestor of the Su family, but in the depths of the million mountains.

You want to get it, but you have to cross more than half of a million mountain.

"In addition to the gold paper, there are many ancestors' treasures along the way. Since that's the case, then I'll pick them up!"

Chu Jingtian smiled lightly, and under the control of Jin Zhi, he was already in a shape and flew away toward the depths of a million mountains.


Enormous divine thoughts swept away.

A large net that cannot be seen with the naked eye, swept across the sky, constantly sweeping every mountain under the millions of mountains. Every inch of land is left out.

He is now in a fairyland, and the range of divine thoughts is more than 100 times greater than before. It can cover thousands of kilometers in a single thought. It is a pity that the suppression within this million mountains has greatly compressed the space.

Therefore, he can only look for those ancestors' treasures by means of memory and reckoning.

"This second piece is a dead branch of the ancestors of the Su family. I'm only getting started now, ordinary Tianlingdibao has lost its effect to me ~ ~ Only that kind of heavenly treasure In order to allow me to increase cultivation. However, such a treasure, I am afraid that there are many people competing. "

Chu Jingtian's heart moved darkly.

It was more than half a day before he found the place.

"If you remember correctly, it should be here ..."

"that area is?"

Chu Jingtian's eyes stared.

In front of him is a huge forest.

But what's amazing is that this forest has all withered. In the middle of the forest, a horrible evil spirit could not stop spreading, even covering the sky above him.

And in the very center of that outbreak was a huge willow tree.

This willow tree is only a hundred meters high, not even the one he planted in Jiulongtianshan, Jiulong, but the outbreak of anger has already reached the level of immortals.

"I didn't expect that this branch was actually the first to be obtained by this willow demon."

"However, this willow tree demon obviously has no way to directly absorb all the aura in this branch, so he is in a rage ... even this forest is drained and it is still spreading!"

Chu Jingtian narrowed his eyes.

He found that the withered area was still swept across the forest. It was like a darkness spreading, wherever it was, all plants were forcibly robbed of Aura, and sucked into the body by the willow demon.

Obviously, this willow demon wants to use these powers to suppress the huge heaven and earth aura in that dead branch!


Still, there is a huge aura leaking from the willow tree's body.

These auras not only attracted the warriors who entered the million mountains, but also attracted some monsters in the million mountains!

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